Dominated (5 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Dominated
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It amazed her how aroused she was. She’d never experienced this level of need. Never even realized how intense it would be.

As she plucked the tips with more and more force, her legs fell open. She gasped into the cool air and kicked the sheet off her body. Thank God she’d locked the door.

In moments, she’d wiggled free of her panties and lay naked on the sheet. She trailed her fingers down her body until both hands met at the juncture of her legs. Moisture pooled at the entrance to her sex. She swirled her pointer in the wetness, dragging it out and around her lower lips until she grazed the nub at the apex of her sex. She bucked into her hand and flicked the tip of her finger over her swollen clit.

. It felt so good. She wanted more. Wanted the elusive feeling she’d heard so much about. She needed to come so bad her legs shook. She planted her feet wide apart on the bed and dug her heels into the mattress to support herself as she lifted her torso up into her hand.

As she got the rhythm, she held the hood of her pulsing nub with two fingers and let her middle finder flutter over her clit rapidly. With her free hand, she reached between her legs and pushed her pointer into her opening.

She moaned. So good. It wasn’t enough. Not nearly what she expected it would feel like to be filled with Gabriel’s cock, but it would have to do for now. Hell, forever if the crazy man didn’t come to his senses and claim her.

She fucked herself harder, pushing two fingers into her vagina while she kept up the torment on her tight nub. Finally, she exploded. The walls of her sex contracted and squeezed around her fingers over and over, gripping her as she grazed the front wall of her sex. It lasted less than a minute before she had to stop touching her clit when her skin grew too sensitive to tolerate the pressure.

She wanted more. She wanted to do it again. Hell, it would never be enough. She would have to purchase a vibrator soon. Her sex ached for something larger. For the first time in her life, she realized what all the hype was about.

Visions of Gabriel hovering over her body, pushing his penis deep into her and dragging it back out only to slam it in again made her moan.

She curled up on her side and pulled the sheet over her body, not bothering to put her panties back on. She was sated, not permanently, but enough to let her droopy eyes close and just pretend she was next to her mate. It was too chilly in the room to get the full effect, but at least naked she could pretend he was wrapped around her, cocooning her body with his warmth and enormous size.

Chapter Three

Gabe woke up to the scent of coffee. He’d slept hard for the first time in so many years, he couldn’t even count them. Years of college, medical school, and residency had trained him to sleep light and expect it to be short. He didn’t need to do that anymore. He was now sharing a practice with two other doctors and finally kept normal hours, except for the occasional emergency.

Nevertheless, his body hadn’t gotten the memo yet, and he tended to wake in the middle of the night with a start, unable to get back to sleep.

Well-rested, he finally lifted himself out of bed and pulled on shorts and a T-shirt. He grabbed his running shoes on the way out of the bedroom. It was early. He’d escaped the party before anyone had left last night and been asleep before ten o’clock. Now, the sun was barely up.

He tiptoed down the back stairs, avoiding the third one from the bottom, hoping not to disturb his parents if they were sleeping.

The scent of coffee filled his nostrils. Someone might be up, but just as easily the machine may have just percolated on its own at a set time.

As he rounded the corner, he stopped. His father leaned against the counter staring in his direction, a steaming mug in his hands and a grin on his face.

Did the man have a sixth sense? Gabe was sure he hadn’t made a single noise.

“Morning. Hope I didn’t wake you,” Gabe commented. Of course his dad had beaten him out of bed though.

“Going somewhere?” the imposing man asked as Gabe sat down to tie his shoes.

“A run. Figured I’d get a few human miles in and several wolf miles when I hit the trees.” And it was going to feel so good.

His father still stared at him. Gabe could actually feel the man’s gaze penetrating the top of his head as he tied his laces. He twitched, memories of the same sort of look from his father delving into his brain on many a morning when he’d been in high school and had come home past curfew. Somehow the man always knew what Gabe was up to.

Not this time. Surely.

“Care to tell me anything?” he asked.

Gabe paused, froze. He waited a beat and then lifted his face.

His father’s voice sounded eerily like it had when he’d been in trouble, but his face was filled with mirth. His eyes twinkled with laughter. What did he know?

“What?” He swallowed around the word. He wasn’t about to give up any information on his own. If the man knew something, he’d have to spit it out. But, how the hell . . . ?

“Seriously? Is that the way you want this to go? How long were you planning to keep it a secret?”

“Keep . . . what . . . a secret?” Fuck. Visions of a garden party flitted through his mind, making him flinch. He had to stifle a groan.

“Come on. I’m your father. Why the pretense? And what are you even doing here alone? I’m surprised you bothered to come home.” He chuckled. “I wouldn’t have.”

“Did I miss something?”

His Dad tipped his head to one side and lifted a brow. “Did
?” He paused a moment, his gaze roaming over Gabe from head to toe, scrutinizing him. “No. I think not. Gabriel Albertson, I saw the way you were looking at Kathleen Davis. Don’t try to play stupid. You stood for many long minutes half-listening to her father and his friends while your attention was focused on nothing but the man’s daughter. I watched your reaction to her and saw her squirming beneath your gaze. When she bolted from the room, you took off after her like she might escape the planet if you didn’t hurry.

“I remember that feeling. That look. That drive to follow at all costs. Your mother did that to me.”

Gabe gulped for air. “Does anyone else know?”

His father furrowed his brow. “I’m sure they do, but I didn’t discuss it with anyone except your mother. I didn’t expect to find you in the house when we got home. I was surprised you were here. Why?”

Now it was Gabe’s turn to be shocked.
Why? Because I value my freedom, that’s why. People go to jail for such things
. He stood and paced the kitchen, wishing he’d had two cups of that coffee behind his father before engaging in this conversation. “What the hell would you have had me do, Dad? Molest her? Because if I spent even one more second in the vicinity of that girl, that’s what would have happened. I’d have taken her on the spot, maybe not even given her the courtesy of finding a private place to claim her.”

Edward tipped his head even farther to one side. “I’m missing something. What’s the problem?”

“Don’t you think she’s a little young, Dad? Did that ever occur to you?”

“Kathleen? Sure, she’s young, but she’s older than your mother was when I met her. Why are you so worried about her age? You aren’t that old.” He snickered.

Gabe froze in his steps. Had he misjudged her age by that much? “How old is she, Dad?”

“She must be about twenty-one, I suppose. She graduated from college this month. How old did you think she was?”

“Oh fuck. I mean, oh my fucking God. Are you shitting me?” Gabe ran both hands through his hair and stared dumbfounded at his father. How the hell had he so underestimated her age?

When his dad started laughing, Gabe ignored him. “I guess she did look fairly young last night in that sundress, but I assure you she’s legal. What did you say to her?”

“Not enough.”
Oh God
. He pondered the various lines he’d used. He’d treated her like a child. She must have been fuming mad. No wonder she left in tears. He’d dismissed her without any explanation, assuming it was clear to her they couldn’t mate until she was older. Except she
older. Significantly older than he’d assumed.

Gabe turned toward the door. He needed that run more than he needed the coffee now. He needed to clear his head, and then he needed to find Kathleen and fix the mess he’d made. If she’d even speak to him after the way he treated her last night . . .

Kathleen had to return to the gathering with her parents today. She had no choice. She’d personally arranged with her older sister’s intended for everyone to be scarce so the man could come to the house, surprise Kenzie, and woo the shit out of her until she saw reason. Everyone had to vacate the premises. Herself included.

That left her with little option but to return to the Albertson’s.
. Good times. Maybe someone could go ahead and slam her hand in a car door too. It would hurt less.

By ten o’clock she was standing outside the meeting hall kicking the dirt with the toe of her sandal. It was another warm day. Her family had already gone inside, but she’d lingered, hoping to somehow vanish into thin air rather than run the risk of encountering Mr. Cocky himself, who was somehow too good to mate her.

She turned away from the building and headed toward the tree line. A run would be better. She could leave her clothes on the edge of the trees and take a long run without anyone being the wiser.

Except, just as she reached the edge of the grass, she was intercepted by a long shadow. “Going somewhere?”

It was him. She sucked in a breath and glanced down at the ground. “I was. Did you want to order me around a bit more and tell me what’s good for me?” she retorted.

“I deserve that.” He stepped right into her personal space. “And I owe you an apology for last night.”

“An apology? You mean like—sorry I was such a condescending ass and I’m really not like that and I promise I won’t treat you like the dirt under my shoe for the rest of our lives. That kind of apology?” She was angry. She had a right to be.
Fuck him

After spending the night tossing and turning, wishing things had gone differently last night, she just wanted some peace and quiet this morning. The last thing she needed was more of his shit.

“I deserve that too,” he whispered. “I’m sorry, Kathleen.”

She angled her face up to his.

The sincere look in his eyes made her thaw just a little. “And?”

“And, please forgive me and spend the day with me.”

“Just like that? How do I know you won’t go all bipolar on me and decide to talk to me like I’m about thirteen years old again?”

He swallowed. “I thought you were,” he muttered. “I had no idea you were in your twenties. I knew the minute I touched you and smelled you when you slipped into that room last night that you were mine. I was trying so hard not to claim you until you were older. But, I honestly thought you were like fifteen. You look so young.” He smiled. His teeth shone white and straight when he grinned like that.

She melted a little more. “Fifteen? Seriously? Do I look that young?”

“You did. In that dress and . . . well, I’m just gonna shut up before I dig myself a deeper hole. But, yes. Although, now that I take a moment to really look at you, I can see you’re not a teenager. My dad said you already graduated from college. What’s your degree in?”

“Education. I just graduated. I start my first teaching position this fall.”
Small talk?

He stepped closer. Took her hand. “Can we start over? Come back to the house with me.”

She hesitated. Could she trust him? With her heart? Did she have a choice really?

His hand was warm as he wrapped hers into his much larger palm. He entwined their fingers and tugged her back in the direction she’d come.

“I’m still way older than you,” he said as they walked. “Does that bother you?”

“Not as much as it apparently bothers you,” she mocked. “Though I will warn you, I have little experience with men—or wolf shifters for that matter.”

He squeezed her hand and stopped walking, forcing her to turn toward him. “I love that. It makes everything all the more special that all your firsts are mine.”

Their arms brushed against each other. His heat made her tingle all over. And his deep voice was full of promises.

They snuck into the back of the house like teenagers without another word. Though Gabe was anything but a youngster. He
old. There was little doubt about that. The fact made her nervous. He surely had dated plenty of women—all of whom would have been more experienced and worldly compared to her. His size alone made her nervous.

Today he wore jeans and a polo shirt, but even dressed down he looked designer. His jeans fit him like a glove. She didn’t recognize the label, but knew they had to be expensive. Once again she felt underdressed next to him. Hell, even the nicest thing in her closet would pale in comparison to his grungiest clothes.

Nerves made her palms sweaty and she tugged her hand to release it from his grip as they entered the kitchen. He didn’t let her go, firmly holding her fingers with his own.

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