Dragon Rider (DragonMage Saga) (11 page)

BOOK: Dragon Rider (DragonMage Saga)
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They were about to say something
when in their minds, came greetings. They stood there looking all around but
could see nothing then just out of the corner of their eyes they caught a
movement from the cave. To their utter surprise out comes a black dragon.

Angel walked up to her and gave
her a big hug like he has never done before. ‘I missed not being able to be
near you and give you a scratch behind the ears.’

Angel turned looking at the
others and could see they were just standing there with their mouths open.
‘Come on over and say hello to NightAura, she won’t hurt you come on.’

Shylyn was the first to move. ‘Is
this your dragon Angel, she’s so beautiful and the eyes are so intelligent.
Please forgive me NightAura I’m Shylyn, I’m pleased to meet you.’

‘Pleased to meet you and thank
you for your complement come closer and touch me if you want, that goes for you
to Medwin and Maive, come I won’t bite?’ She sat down as she spoke those last

Medwin walked over with Maive
coming behind him just not as sure as Medwin was. ‘I glad to meet you and how
long have you been with Angel?’

‘I have not long been with Angel
but it is as if I needed to find him for I had been drawn to the area where
Angel was climbing. I think we were meant to be together, as I don’t normally
go this far from home.’ Medwin was taken back with the way she spoke to his

Maive looked at her and spoke. ‘I
have always liked dragons and to finely be able to stand beside one and not be
scared of getting hurt. It is a dream come true for me, thank you. If I died
now I would die the most, happiest person of all.’

Angel was standing to the side as
his friends touched and talked to Aura, when he got a sudden feeling of intense
wanting. There is something in the cave no some things in the cave. ‘Aura, who
have you brought with you, I wander.’

‘Medwin, Shylyn, Maive, look
there now, Aura has brought you a gift and what a wondrous gift it is. Angel
looked deep into the cave as he spoke this.

The others looked at Angel with a
quizzical look on their faces when they suddenly turned towards the cave, they looked
then started walking. As they did so out of the cave come three dragons all the
same size as Aura. In their minds they were greeted. ‘Hello we have come to be
your dragons would you like that, for we would?’

The three just stood there
looking then out of there mouths come. ‘Dragons for YES.’




The Spell Weakens


They stood there looking, mouths
open and eyes gleaming. Angel stood looking as well’ for this indeed was a
surprise and a shock. ‘You never told me there were others like you, just your
grandfather.’ Looking closer at the other dragons.

‘I did not know how you would
react and I didn’t really have time to tell you. They are my brothers and
sister. When I told grandfather what had happened they told grandfather they
wanted riders as well. She turned to look at the faces of Angel’s friends and
her brothers and sister.

Angel could see the wanting on
the faces of dragons and his new friends. That must be how I looked when I meet
Aura for the first time. They have so much joy on their faces knowing they are
going to be with each other. I wander how they will pear off.

All three are pure white; it’s
going to be hard to tell them apart. Medwin looks to be first to go to his
dragon. Looking at the one he is going for I can start to see the differences,
in the eyes that’s were you can really tell. I can feel him probing the dragon
and she can feel the wanting in his mind. They were made for each other.

‘Aura can you feel it between the
two, they were meant to be together. Look there your brothers are the same with
Shylyn and Maive. You can feel deep down they will be one like you and me.’
There was real surprise on Angels face as he could see what was happening.

‘It is like I said we were meant
to be and they are meant to be. There was no getting to know each other before
they chose; they went straight to each other. There is something strange going
on and it has to do with grandfather.’ There was a far away look in her eyes as
she spoke.

‘I think we are going to need to
speak to him and soon. Once we get settled in getting to know each other. We
must get your magic channels clear like ours as we are seeing magic in a new
way. Learning that will let us all get to know each other.’ Joining the others,
as they began to find out more about their dragons.

Medwin looked up as Angel come
over. ‘I would never have believed this would be possible. Me with a dragon,
thank you Angel and you Aura, thank you.’

‘Come Medwin you must introduce me
to your dragon?’ Smiling as he spoke.

‘This is WhiteMoon, meaning Moon
Princess. WhiteMoon please meet Angel?’ Stroking her under the chin as he
introduced her.

‘I’m pleased to meet you
WhiteMoon.’ She looked him in the eyes as he spoke.

Their in his mind was WhiteMoon.
‘Angel NightAura has told me a lot about you and how you saved her. Thank you
for doing that and letting this happen.’

‘That’s alright but I’m thinking
we might not have had a choice in the matter, but thank you.’ He turned to
Maive as she was coming over to him with her dragon.

‘Angel this is WhiteFire.’ He
could see the smile on her face as she introduced him.

Angel looked into WhiteFires eyes
and he could see why he was called that. His eyes where a bright red the colour
of fire. ‘I am pleased to meet you WhiteFire.’

‘Hello Angel you helped our Aura,
thank you. She is our centre and if we had lost her it would have been bad for
us, thank you.’ Lowering his head to Angel.

Angel went over to Shylyn who was
still scratching her dragon. ‘Are you happy Shylyn you are so quite? Is
everything ok?’

Looking at Angel the tears came
to her eyes.’ Thank you for bringing me the most precious gift in the world,
Angel this is WhiteStar.’

‘Hello WhiteStar I hope you will
be happy here with all of us. I can see you have made Shylyns day.’ He was
holding Shylyn as she was still crying.’ There was a tear in Angel’s eye as he
held her.

‘Angel Aura has told us of your
bond with her, this made us think about what that would be like. I thought it
would be good to try and now that I have meet Shylyn, Aura was right in doing
this. I am pleased you found Aura for if you hadn’t we would not have found
your friends. Thank you.’ WhiteStar put his head done and gave Shylyn a nudge.
Shylyns dragon being white like the others means I will have to look at other
ways of telling them apart. Let’s see WhiteStar is pure white exactly like
WhiteFire and WhiteMoon. With WhiteFire It is the eyes that tell as his are red
like fire. He is strong like Maive, they are our guardians. They will protect
the rest of us with there lives if they can.

Now WhiteMoon, her eyes are
silver like a full moon at night. They tend to make you feel as if she can see
into your soul. To see that you are well inside and out. Medwin and WhiteMoon
are our careers and will see to our health so we are fit for battle.

Now WhiteStar his eyes twinkle
like a star, in his eyes I can see a thinker. Shylyn and he are the thinkers
and will think through a situation to insure we all came out in one peace.

Witch leaves me and NightAura,
but what are we in this little group. There are Medwin and WhiteMoon who are
the ones who will care for us. Then Maive and WhiteFire, who are our guardians
who will protect us,. Shylyn and WhiteStar are the thinkers and will think
through a situation.

Now NightAura and me we would
have to be the centre in the group. We will hold us all together and direct our
energies in what ever direction it is needed. But what will that be, we’ll just
have to wait and see, for the moment we need to be with our dragons and learn
about each other.

Spending the afternoon learning
and showing what we learned in the magic studies with Gavrie. Showing our
dragons how to clear their magic paths was good. It felt right as we showed
them how you had to go down inside yourself to the deepest you can to clear the
paths. The next time we meet we will go into each other magic flow to make sure
it is clear and we have not missed anything.

It was getting late in the day
when they decided they would have to go before they get missed. They each held
their dragons before fare welling them goodbye.

They were a happy group that
headed back to the school for having their own dragons had changed them all.
There was joy in their lives now, joy of a kind they would never have thought
existed. They headed through half the decks before they come to that one spot
in the magic that was different from the rest.

Angel stopped and looked at the
spot. There’s something not right about the spot; I just can’t think what it
is. ‘Can any of you see what’s wrong around this spot in the spell?’

The others where looking at it’
when Shylyn spoke. ‘The spell looks weaker than the rest of it. You can see how
the pattern is stronger around that spot; it is darker than the rest. I think
it has been weakened somehow.’

Angel had a closer look and
seeing what Shylyn could see agreed. ‘The pattern has been weakened but how.
The wizard who could see the pattern in the spell would have to be great to
even affect it at all. This spell holding the school is one of incredible

Medwin looking closer to see what
he could; looking with their magic to see the spell was really very hard
focusing on the spell in that one spot. ‘This is hard looking this long at the
spell but I think I can tell that it's not natural the spell weakening, if that
were the case there would be other spots. We haven’t come across any others.’

‘Come on we’ll have to try and
see if Gavrie will let us look in the library. We might be able to find
something on the spell there.’ Moving off as he finished.

They got to the gate leading into
the school and so were now going to have make sure nobody can see them get back
in. Angel went to the gate and opened it just a peep and looked through the gap
to see who was there.

Finding it clear he called the
others through. ‘Come on quickly there is hardly anybody here so we should be
able to get through unseen.’

‘Angel lets find the library now
before having tea, then we’ll know where to go after?’ Shylyn headed off at a
quicker pace.

They hurried off to find the
library. Running into the hall they bumped into Gavrie. ‘Where are you four off
to in such a hurry, may I ask?’ A stern look on his face.

‘Sir we wanted to look at the
library if we can. We wanted to see if there was anything on Nirvana?’ Angel
looking worried as he asked.

‘Well being so young I am not
sure if you are ready for that just yet. Why do you want to know about the
school?’ Now the look on his face was more questioning.

‘It’s how Nirvana is stuck to the
rock face that we want to know about, do you know how it is stuck there sir?’
Gesturing at the school and the rock face outside.

‘Ok I will tell you what I know
so come along to the meal hall and we’ll eat as I tell you what I know.’
Walking into the hall knowing they will be following.

Angel and the others quickly
followed suit and soon where settled and eating as the head started to tell
what he knew. ‘I have not looked at every book in the library so there could be
more I don’t know. There are legends of how Nirvana came to be stuck on the
rock face but some of those are a bit far fetched.’ Taking a bite of some bread
as he spoke.

‘All I know is that Nirvana has
been here for over a thousand years and at one time dragons lived in the caves
on the dragon decks. For how long no one knows, then the wizard school moved
here and the dragons moved over to the far end of the great valley. I have come
across no records of why they moved or when they moved.’ Standing up he moved
to go but stopped and looked at them.

‘One of the legends that are
around, talk about powerful wizards or what ever they were. It is said there
were great Wizards who were supposed to live here in the Dragon Decks. It is
said there was a great battle and they were all destroyed and so the Dragon
Decks were abandoned but years after wizards decided to make it the Wizard
School.’ Turning and moving off as he finished talking.

They sat there and finished there
meal before looking for the library. They were told it is housed in the top
most floor of the school. As they headed along the halls leading to the
library, they talked of what Gavrie told them.

‘Do you believe what he told us,
as that sounds a bit far fetched?’ Medwin eyes looking everywhere as they

‘I’m not sure something in the way
he told us makes me think he believes it, and for him to believe it there has
got to be some kind of proof around.’ Angel looking at Medwin.

‘What do you think girls, deep
down using the feelings in your magic, do you think it is true?’ Medwin wanting
to get the girls feelings on what Gavrie told them.

Shylyn spoke before any of the
others; she had a feeling about it. ‘He fully believes what he told us of the
legend. There was or were powerful wizards. He has seen something somewhere
that has made him believe, and we need to find that information. I’m just not
sure it’s in the library.’

‘Well lets find the library first
and make sure there’s nothing in there about it. If there is nothing then we
will have to try other places to find it.’ There was determination in her voice
as she told them.

Now that she had a dragon, there
was a new strength in her, in all of them. They would find out about the legend
there was no doubt in her mind.

It took them a while to find the
library with all the stairs and halls to follow. They had reached the top floor
and at the door was a wizard who stopped them and asked what they wanted in the
library. They could see he was just asking so as to point them in the direction
of where that information could be found.

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