Dragons' Bond (5 page)

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Authors: Berengaria Brown

BOOK: Dragons' Bond
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“Did you two find the trunk of paperwork and the clothes we’d stored here?” asked William.

“Yes, they were in the storeroom on this floor, exactly as we’d left them, just as we’d hoped. But I think only one of us should go to the bank and activate our accounts, so we can start buying the things we need. The suits are outdated, and even the jeans and sweatshirts don’t look quite right for current fashions. It’s amazing how fast colors and styles change,” said Mark.

“Let’s go look at the clothing and see if we can assemble an outfit that won’t look too bad. At least the shoes will fit.”

“The shoes will likely look even more old-fashioned than the suits,” said William.

They put the trunks in the living room, so they could keep watch over Mallory, who was still sound asleep and looked like she wouldn’t wake up before morning, then sorted through the clothing. “It’ll have to be Mark,” said Angus. “His black suit looks normal, and his shoes look more ‘today’ than yours or mine.”

“Yes, and your necktie’s the right width and style, so if he wears that he won’t look too bad,” added William, delving into the small trunk looking for the oak dragons’ paperwork. “Ah here it is.” He sighed with relief, holding up a sheaf of old papers stapled together. “Likely we should read through these ourselves to see if it gives us some ideas on how to deal with them, and whether they’re Teivel’s willing helpers or simply under his power.”

“I think we should read everything in that trunk. After all, it was hidden away, not with the other papers, so likely old Mr. Tanner had these papers here for a reason,” said Angus.

“And here I thought I was going to spend the rest of the night cuddled on the bed with Mallory,” Mark pouted.

Oh yes, that’s what I’d like to do, too
I really want to just be with her, to watch her as she sleeps, to know that she’s safe, to lie there and hold her.
William suddenly knew this was the absolute truth.

“If we’re going to defeat Teivel, I don’t think sleeping will be on our agenda any time soon, although fucking may be. As Mark said earlier, we still have two condoms left,” said Angus.

* * * *

It was almost dawn by the time they’d finished planning how to retrieve their possessions, the steps they needed to take to protect Mallory, and laid out some guidelines as to how they might thwart Teivel. “It’s not going to be easy doing it without anyone knowing we can shape-shift once again,” sighed Mark.

“At least you get to go to the bank, and shop, so don’t complain. I’ll be standing around in statue form while you’re out in the world enjoying yourself,” answered William.

“Covering us with dust sheets should help disguise the fact only two of us are there at any given time, though. We’ll make sure the wrappings look like there’s still three of us, and if anyone ever asks, Mallory can say it’s because we’re so big, cleaning us is very difficult, or something like that,” Angus said.

Mark sighed again. It was good that he was the one chosen to go to the bank and reactivate their accounts. But it was also a huge responsibility. Who knew how far Teivel’s tentacles extended into the business world? Although it was unlikely Teivel knew his real name. It certainly wasn’t the name on his dragon statue provenance. Even going to the store for food and condoms was dangerous. They’d been held inside the museum for over two years, and Mr. Tanner hadn’t been much of an authority on the real world. Even Mallory seldom spoke about what was happening outside. She was focused on the museum and its artwork. He was likely to say something stupid and everyone would notice him. He planned to go to the busiest store in the neighborhood and hope to be inconspicuous.

Finally, he was lying in bed again beside Mallory. She was so beautiful. To have found the perfect woman for the three of them was the best thing that had ever happened to him, that would ever happen to him. Dragons mated for life, but the dragon population was so small there was no guarantee anyone would ever find their soul mate, or even someone they could be relatively happy with. Yet Mallory had been brought into their lives, and now they had the joy and delight of getting to know her, as well as the excruciating worry of caring for her.

He’d meant every word he’d said when he’d promised her his protection and his life if it was needed. Keeping her safe from Teivel and his wicked plans was worth all his energy and effort. “I love you, beautiful one,” he whispered softly.

Just before seven o’clock, Mark noticed Mallory seemed to be sleeping more lightly, and then she began to stir.
Aha, soon she’ll wake, and I can talk to her and kiss her. Listen to me, wanting to talk to her, I must be going crazy. Well, yes, I guess I am, I’m crazy in love with her, and I don’t even really know her. But I’ve watched her for three months now, and never once seen her speak or act in a manner I couldn’t be proud of.

Mark leaned up on one elbow, the better to watch her wake up. She wiggled a little, her body moving in sexily delicious ways that made him long to strip off the jeans and T-shirt she was still wearing. Her little nose wrinkled and wiggled, too. Finally, she mumbled incoherently and swept her hair off her face with her left arm, the arm that was closest to him.

At that, he figured she was close enough to awake not to be frightened, so he leaned over and kissed her lips. They were warm and soft and pliant beneath his mouth, so he licked along the seam, encouraging her to open up and let him inside. She mumbled again, opening her mouth, so he slid his tongue deep inside, trailing it over her teeth, along the insides of her cheeks, across the roof of her mouth. As soon as he stopped moving, she sucked on his tongue, making his dick harder than a spike and his balls draw up tight against his body.

Reluctantly, he pulled his mouth away from hers. “Wow! Any more of that and I’ll be coming right now before the party has even started,” he gasped.

“Well, perhaps you’d better get the party going then. Today’s just a regular work day for me, and I can’t lie around in bed all morning you know,” she teased.

“We have two condoms left. How do you feel about double penetration?” he asked, watching her face carefully. A hot blush crossed her features, and her eyes became heavy lidded and filled with lust. Oh yeah, she liked that idea.

“Yes,” she said simply.

Mark rolled to the side of the bed, grabbing the little tube of lube and his condom. “Turn onto your front, sweetheart.”

“Don’t you want to undress me first?”

“We’ll take care of that,” said Angus, his hands already on the zipper of her jeans.

“I’ve got the T-shirt,” said William, his hands on the hem of the cotton top.

In a moment she was naked, and Mark was grateful she’d never bothered to put on underwear to go downstairs. He rolled her over, and her ass was lush and round, causing his dick to harden even more. He couldn’t resist stroking his hands over it, touching the base of her spine and cupping the globes of her ass. Truly, she had the body of a goddess, and he was the luckiest man on Earth.

Gently, Mark teased around the ring of sphincter muscles to see how tight she was. Very, very tight. She was going to grip his cock so hard he’d need every ounce of control he could get not to come the moment he entered her. Next he eased one slippery finger inside her, stroking over her walls and loosening the entry muscles.

As he softened and opened her for his dick, Angus and William were distracting her, kissing her, playing with her breasts, and equally preparing her for them.

She was a joy and a delight, so warm and willing, entering into the fun of the preparation, teasing right back with them, making it harder and harder for him to go slowly and prepare her properly. Finally, he had three fingers inside her, and she was gripping them tightly. Mallory was also wiggling around on the bed, so he knew she was highly aroused. His goddamn dick was aching and bursting with the need to enter her, and a glance at his friends showed them as ready as him.

“Any lube left?” Angus asked him.

Mark shivered with anticipation. Was Angus going to fuck him while he fucked Mallory? Without answering, he handed Angus the tube. There was very little remaining. It was one of the many items on his shopping list for later today, but there was enough for Angus to lube his cock so he could enter him.

William lay on his back, rolled on his condom, and the others moved away from Mallory. “Action time. Climb aboard,” William said, holding his arms out to Mallory.

Mark’s eyes nearly crossed as he tried to watch Mallory sliding down on William’s shaft and also watch Angus lubing his cock. He had to keep turning his head, missing bits of the action in both places. All too soon, Mallory was sitting on William, her pussy nestled hard against his pelvis, William’s shaft inside her. From the looks on both their faces, it felt pretty good.

Mark wanted to be inside her, wanted to know just exactly how hot she was, how tight. He was also really looking forward to the touch of William’s cock rubbing against the thin membrane that would be all that separated their two dicks deep inside her. Before he could think about it anymore, two fingers penetrated his ass and slathered lube around his walls. His dick grew another inch. He wouldn’t have believed it possible if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes. His erection had never been this long before, and it was all due to Mallory. He couldn’t wait to slide into her ass.

William nodded, at Mark, and Mark kneeled behind Mallory. He rested his hands on her hips, widening her ass cheeks. Mark leaned forward and kissed the round globes, then nipped them lightly with his teeth, loving the way she hissed at his touch.

Carefully he lined his aching dick up with her tiny hole and pushed at the entry. He popped through the tight ring of muscle easily, and with almost no effort, he penetrated deep into her. “So hot, so tight, so absolutely perfect,” he murmured.

When he was seated balls-deep, he held still so Angus could get into position. Angus was quick and rough, pushing past the muscles of Mark’s ass with a hearty thrust then slamming deep. All three men waited for several heartbeats then began to move in time, with the slow, steady beat that came naturally to them.

Mark remained kneeling up a little to avoid squashing Mallory, but he only had a certain amount of leeway, because he needed to stay on an angle that Angus could use to enter him, and the three had to keep their bodies aligned to make the penetration unified and more pleasurable for everyone.

But even with the logistics to consider, this was the best sex Mark had ever participated in. Mallory was hot, wet, and willing, offering all of herself in such a sensual, erotic way that Mark’s balls were ready to burst. Of their own volition, his hands cupped and caressed her ass, her back, her hips, as he drove in and out of her. His knees rested against her thighs, and his chest was pressed to her back. He was connected to her in so many places, and every one of them was overwhelmingly good.

Behind him, Angus’s chest rested on his back, their bodies stuck together with sweat. The final link in the union was William’s cock, which he could feel in every stroke as they drove in and withdrew together, he in Mallory’s ass and William in her cunt.

With the four of them working together, and two sets of double penetration, it was inevitable that none of them would last long. They were all too aroused, too consumed with the lust that the four of them together generated. No words were spoken, but with instinctual understanding, the three men began to move faster, to plunge deeper and harder.

Mallory gripped Mark’s hip, her nails digging into him, urging him to move still faster again, and they did, maintaining a steady, driving, demanding pace, but one that couldn’t possibly last long.

Mallory screamed, a keening wail, with her head thrown back. Her cunt and ass clenched hard, grabbing his dick so tightly he thought it might break, and in a manner of speaking it did, as his cum blasted out of it with no hope of him controlling it anymore. Through the paper-thin membrane, he felt the heat of William’s release, too, and then his own ass was filled with a burst of hot cum.

Mallory’s climax had freed them all, and they slowed their pace to a final few strokes, gentling her and petting her as they eased her down from her orgasm. Mark leaned forward and pressed his mouth to her shoulder. He loved her so much, and he would remember this special time forever.

Chapter Four

Mallory disappeared into the bathroom and locked the door. It was not a big room, and she needed some time and space to herself. A lot had happened in the last twelve hours. Less than twelve hours, in fact. The men could all just wait until she was finished.

She groaned when she glanced in the mirror and saw how wild her hair looked, so she began by shampooing it and conditioning it twice before moving on to wash the rest of herself. Some of her muscles felt stiff and overused in the most carnal way imaginable. Standing under the hot water helped soothe them, too. But finally she knew she needed to get out, get dried, and get to work. She had to make it look as if it were an ordinary day.

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