Dreams of a Virgin (4 page)

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Authors: John Foltin

BOOK: Dreams of a Virgin
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I looked out the window. I had never seen a
more beautiful sight in my life. Blonde hair, shoulder length. Baby
blue eyes. Perfect figure. Finger-lickin’-good drumsticks. Wearing
a red miniskirt and a midriff bearing T-shirt. I had to wipe the
drool from my mouth before opening the door.

“Hello, Jeff.”

“Uhh. Ahh.”

“Jeff? You okay?”

“Yeah. I can’t get over how beautiful you

“C’mon. Let’s go.”

We hopped into her convertible and went to
the movies. During the whole movie, she is draped all over me. I
can’t believe she wanted to be seen in public with me.

After the movie, she took me up to Lookout
Point. I’d heard stories about this place, but I never thought I’d
ever be here.

“The movie was for helping me get the C. Now
for the rest of the grade.”

She kissed me hard on the lips. Meanwhile,
she started working on the zipper on my pants. She took off my
glasses. Good thing. They were all steamed up.

“You know, you look much better without

“Well, I have to wear them.”

“Ever try contacts?”

“Yeah. Bothered my eyes too much.”

She took off my shirt and started kissing
softly down my chest. I didn’t know how to take this.

She took off her shirt. She was not wearing a
bra. Her firm teenage breasts were milky white.

“Go ahead. Touch them.”

I was scared to touch them. She took my hands
and placed them on her ample bosom. They were as soft as a baby’s

She whispered in my ear, “I’m not wearing
panties under my skirt.” I freaked.

She laid me down on the back seat and
proceeded to remove my pants and undergarment. She straddled me. I
could feel my rock-hard enter her pleasure zone. For the next few
minutes, I felt happiness like I’d never felt before.

“Oh, Jeff. You’re so great.”

“Oh, Lindsay. I love you.”

“Jeff, I ...”

Then, the phone rang and woke me up. This had
better be important.




Every one of us has had a fantasy of dating a
superstar or someone famous. Well, here’s Jeff’s.


Ever since I heard her voice on the radio, I
was in love with Jordan. She was the lead singer of the group
Unbridled. They had the number one song in the country “I’m Your
Girl”. Their self-titled album was also number one.

That’s why I was so excited to hear that
their tour was coming to our town. I vowed that, no matter the
cost, I would be at that concert. I got there an hour before the
box office opened. Unfortunately, there was a long line waiting
before me. The box office opened and the mob crowded the window. A
half hour later, I got there in time to see the SOLD OUT sign. I
was both disappointed and angry.

Jordan’s number one fan and I was going to
miss out on possibly her only appearance in my town. I heard my
favorite radio station WALT, all alternative, was giving away
tickets with the grand prize being two front row seats with
backstage passes. The grand prize would be chosen from all the
previous winners.

Every time they offered, I called again and
again and never got through. On Thursday, I got through. I was
caller twelve. They wanted caller thirteen.

On Friday, the day before the concert, I
tried one last time, praying to God with all my heart. I heard
ringing. I started to get excited.


“Am I caller thirteen?”

“You are. Congratulations.”

“Wow! This is great! I can’t believe it!”

I won! I was going to see Jordan! Now I
waited until five o’clock to see if I had won the grand prize.
Again, I prayed to God.

I was hanging by the phone waiting for the

“Now it’s time to call our Grand Prize winner
of front row seats with backstage passes. I’m pulling the name out
of the fishbowl. Okay. Let’s call.”

RING! I rushed to pick up the phone.


“Hello. Is this Jeff?”

“Yes. Did I win? Did I win?”

“You won! You won! You’re getting front row
seats and backstage passes to see Unbridled.”

“Yes! Yes!”

Not only was I going to see Jordan, I was
going to meet Jordan. Every man’s dream. Now who to take? I called
some of my friends. They said they were going out of town. I had no
girlfriend. Then, I got a call.

“Hi, Jeff.” It was my friend Gwen.

“Hi, Gwen.”

“Listen. I hear you won tickets to the
Unbridled concert. Found anyone to go with yet?”

“Not yet. Let me guess. You want to go?”

“Let’s just say,” in a seductive voice, “I’d
do anything to go to that concert. Anything.”

“Well, since you’re the first person to call
me, okay. You can go. Just meet me here around six o’clock.”

“Great. See ya then.”

5:30 Saturday, Gwen came over. She was
wearing a tight short, revealing red outfit. Normally, this would
turn me on, but my mind was focused on Jordan.

7:00. The opening act came on. 7:05. I wanted
them to get off the stage. They sucked. It was a local band. Now I
knew why they were still local.

7:45. They finally ended their session. For
the first time tonight, the crowd cheered. They chanted, “We want
Jordan! We want Jordan!”

8:30. Unbridled took the stage. Jordan was
wearing a purple skin-tight jump suit, accentuating all her assets.
Her bleach blond hair was done up in pigtails. She overdid the
lipstick. I didn’t care. I was mesmerized by her.

They played for an hour and a half. They
mixed stuff from the new album coming out next month with stuff
from their debut album. They finished with “I’m Your Girl”. Of
course, we demanded an encore. For an encore, they played their
current hit “All Wound Up”.

As the crowd filed out, Gwen and I made our
way backstage. I was fighting through the crowd. That’s how excited
I was to meet Jordan.

We got backstage. Gwen left to schmooze with
the band, leaving me alone with Jordan. I was sweating like a

“Hi, nice to meet you. What’s your name?”

“Uhh! Uhh!”

“You do have a name, don’t you?”


“Well, what is it?”

“Oh, Jeff.”

“Hi, Jeff.” She shook my hand.

“Wow! This is such an honor. I’m your biggest
fan. You are so beautiful.”

“Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself. Is
that your girlfriend over there?”, pointing to Gwen.

“No, just a friend.”

“Well then, come with me.”

She took my hand and led me back to their
trailer. She invited me inside.

“So, you’re my biggest fan?”

“Yeah. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for



“Bark like a dog.”


“Slap yourself in the face.” I did it.

She walked in the bathroom. I heard water
running. I looked around the trailer at all the souvenirs and
pictures. Suddenly, she called out to me.

“Jeff, could you come here for a minute?”

“Sure. What do you want?”

I walked into the bathroom. She was taking a

“Could you scrub my back?”

“Your back?”

“You said you’d do anything for me,” in a
sexy voice.

“I did, didn’t I? Okay.” I hurried up and
undressed. I opened the shower door. There was Jordan, shimmering
and naked. My wildest fantasy come true. I reached for the sponge
and gently rubbed it along her spine. She turned around and kissed
me. We got out of the shower. I dried her off, then I dried myself

“Jeff, my shoulders are tense. Could you
massage them?”


We sat on the bed, me behind her. Gently, I
rubbed her shoulders. Her head cocked back from the relief of
tension. I worked my way down her back. Now, her back arched.

“You’ve done so much for me. Let me do
something for you.”

She lay me down on the bed and removed my
towel. Then, she removed her towel. Her body was still damp. Her
breasts glistened.

“Just lie there and let me do the work.”

She mounted me. My sprout entered her
foliage. I grabbed onto her hips. She wiggled around like a fish
out of water. I screamed out in ecstasy. She was moaning like
crazy. My hands slid to her rear and gripped tightly.

“Oooh, Jeff. Thanks for being my number one
fan.” She tenderly kissed my lips.

“I’ll always be your number one fan. But how
will my friends believe what happened here tonight?”

She reached under the bed and grabbed a

“This is how.”

She set the timer to take one of her mounted
on me. She took one of us kissing. She took one of us, arms around
each other. She also autographed a poster for me. I gave her my
phone number.

“Here’s my number. Give me a call next time
you’re in town.”

“I promise. Maybe I’ll call you before

We got dressed, and she walked me back. She
kissed me gently on the cheek and grabbed my can before leaving.
Here came Gwen.

“So, Jeff, what happened?”

“Nothing, we just talked. She showed me
pictures. That’s all. How ‘bout you?”

“Oh, nothing. Those guys were jerks. I just
stood around waiting for you.”

We headed back to the car.

“I had a great time tonight, Jeff. But it’s
not over yet.”

She rubbed her hand up my leg. After Jordan,
nothing could turn me on. Or could it?

We got home. She invited herself inside. She
planted a hard, long kiss square on the lips. She started to undo
my fly.

“Wait a minute. I don’t want to.”

“I said I’d do anything to go to this

“Yeah. But not this.”

“Why not?”, as she nibbled my ear.

“Because we’re friends.”

“So, can’t friends do this?”, as she
unbuckled my pants.

“No. I mean, I don’t think so.” She stroked
my schlong. “I mean, oh why not?”

“That’s better.” She dropped to her knees,
stroking harder and faster.

She took off her pants and panties. She lay
me on the floor and slipped it in. She started bouncing up and

“Oh, Jeff.”

“Oh, Jordan.”

“Jordan?” She pulled out, slapped my face,
and left.

Just then, I woke up. I turned on the radio
and what was playing? You guessed it. “I’m Your Girl”.




They say most good relationships start out as
friendships. Well, what if that one special friendship turned into
more than that? Let’s see.


I remembered the first time I met April. She
had been dating one of my best friends for a few months. We became
the best of friends. Even after they broke up, we kept in

There were times when I wanted to go out with
her, but I thought of her more as a sister than a friend. I didn’t
want to ruin our friendship.

She was very promiscuous. She was the type
who liked to flirt, but she never did with me.

I would go to see her on occasion. We would
catch up on what was going on with our lives. She would tell me
about the guys she was seeing. Of course, I couldn’t return the

One day, I went to talk to her.

“Hey, Honey.” We were friends, but we called
each other affectionate nicknames.

“Hey, Sweetie. How you doin’?”

“Okay. I guess. I’ve been doing some

“About what?”

“I think I’m going to stop going out with a
different man every week. I want someone who’s interested in the
real me. Someone who’s not interested in a quick fix.”

“Well, I hope you find him. I hope you have
better luck than me. I can’t even find a quick fix. Not that I’m
looking for that. You know what I want. Someone to appreciate me
for me. Someone to start off as friends first and work our way

“Sounds like what I want.”

We talked for a while longer, and I left.

I figured the next time I went over to see
her, it would be like normal. Wrong.

“Hey, Honey.”

“Hey, Sweetie.”

“I’ve been thinking about what we talked
about last time.”

“Uh-huh. And?”

“I found someone. He’s sweet, attractive, and
one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met. He thinks just like me.”

“Great. Do I know him?”

“I think so.” She inches closer to me.

“Well, who is he?”

She put her arm around me, looked into my
eyes, and smiled. “It’s you, Jeff.”


“Yeah. And it works out for you too. We’re
already past the first stage. We’re already friends. I’m not
looking for the quick fix.” She wraps a leg around mine. “I’m
looking for the long run.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t say anything,” kissing me on the
cheek. “Just sit back and relax.”

She repeatedly kissed around my face,
finishing on the lips. She started to take off her shirt.

“Wait a minute. Something doesn’t feel right.
I think of you as a sister.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll make it feel all right,”
finishing taking off her shirt. She was wearing a black lacy bra.
She took my shirt off.

“Oh, I just love a man with a hairy chest,”
rubbing her fingers up and down my chest.

“Wait. Why me?”

“Because I know you so well, and you’re so
nice. Besides, don’t tell me that deep down inside, you didn’t want

“Well, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t. I
mean, you’re cute, nice, and fun to talk to.”

“Well then, just think back to how much you
wanted me. Now you got me. Want me to stop?”

I thought back. There was a time when I would
do anything to be with her. Even when she was seeing my friend.
Lately, we’d been real close friends. I didn’t want to risk our
friendship. Then I looked at her. Flowing jet black hair. Mocha
skin. Violet eyes. Her lacy bra. I thought to my past, or lack
thereof. In my mind, I flipped a coin. Heads, we stay just friends.
Tails, I give in. “No.” Tails.

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