Dreams of Ivory

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Authors: Carrie Ann Ryan

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BOOK: Dreams of Ivory
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Dreams of Ivory


Carrie Ann Ryan



Copyright Fated Desires Publishing, LLC

Carrie Ann Ryan

July 2013


Cover by Scott Carpenter

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locals or organizations is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the author.


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Dreams of Ivory Summary

Jackson Cooper hates magic. Even though his brothers are falling prey to the seductive draw of the paranormal world, Jackson wants nothing to do with it. He also wants nothing to do with marriage, babies, and all that comes with it. He's content with being the stoic, but quiet Uncle Jacks. But when a woman from his past, one he's been dodging for years, comes back to town, Jackson might have to reevaluate his plans.

Honor Bridges is the tooth fairy. Well, not the tooth fairy, but at least one of them. For the past eight years she's been on her own, hiding from what she truly wants. Now she's back in Holiday and ready to take over her duties...as well as deal with Jackson once and for all. But there's another player in town who isn't happy with the decisions she made all those years ago and Jackson might be the one who takes the brunt of that anger.

Warning: Contains a wickedly spicy tooth fairy--complete with sparkly wings, the most tortured of all the Cooper brothers in all his broodiness, and dreams that are sure to make you never want to wake up in this final Cooper Brother’s installment of the Holiday, Montana series.


To Rebecca Royce. Thanks so much for believing in me.


Thank you Lia Davis. You always know when to kick me in the pants and get me moving. Thanks for loving Jackson as much as I do.

Thank you Devin. You totally knew how to make Honor find herself. You are the best editor ever.

Thanks Fatin and Lillie. You’re help and support means everything to me. 

Thank you Charity for loving the Cooper Brothers as much as I do.

And finally, thank you readers for picking this one up and the ones before it. I couldn’t do this without you.

Chapter 1

"Maybe if he got laid, he wouldn't be such an ass."

Jackson Cooper gritted his teeth as the words floated into the grocery store aisle. He gripped the handle on his cart then took a deep breath. He had two choices: either confront the woman who’d spoken or walk past her and act like the ass he knew he was.

The latter seemed like the best choice since he really didn’t give two cents about an opinion from a woman he’d turned down.


He put the box of pasta on the bottom of his cart and moved down the aisle, passing Jessica Turnip’s—the woman who’d spoken—and Claudia Sanders’ wide-eyed looks.

“Oh, J-Jackson…” Jessica stuttered, her too-painted cheeks blushing, her heavily shadowed-eyes wide with mocking and just a bit of fear. “It’s good to see you. Um...I wasn’t talking about you…no…it was…”

Her voice trailed off as she clutched her throat—as if he’d strangle her for her comments. 

Really? They’d been talking about another Jackson Cooper who happened to be a dentist?

The two gossips had been talking about how the single male pool had almost completely dried up in Holiday, Montana with the sudden marriages of the Cooper brothers. Well, at least four of the five brothers. It’d be a cold day in hell if he ever took that plunge. When they’d come to his name in the short list of available men, Claudia had giggled while Jessica had sighed. 

Apparently they wanted him, and he wanted nothing to do with them. 

Hence why they thought he was an ass.

Well, he was an ass, but he had good reasons—he didn’t particularly like people. 

He just didn’t care about being nice for the sake of making people feel better about their own jealousy and insecurities.

Instead of saying what was really on his mind though, he merely raised a cool brow then turned his back to them, walking toward the check-out lines. He heard their mumbled voices as he left, but he didn’t bother trying to figure out what they were saying. Either they were commenting on his ass or the fact that he
an ass.

Most likely both.

Hell, he missed having his brothers free to be able to take the brunt of the female population, but now they’d all married within a short time of each other. Matt and Jordan had married first, soon after they’d gotten back together. Then Justin, Tyler, and Brayden had married the loves of their lives in a triple ceremony on the Cooper property.

Though the whole town had tried to come, Jackson and the women were having none of that. No, everyone had wanted a small ceremony with only family and close friends. Even Jackson’s cousins had come into town, his cousin Caleb bringing his two girls to be flower girls along with Lacy, Brayden’s new daughter. Brayden’s two new sons, Cameron and Aiden, had been ring bearers while Jackson had stood awkwardly to the side acting like best man and maid of honor.

Apparently that had been the women’s wishes, so he’d done it, but he’d be damned if he let anyone other than his family mention the fact. It was either that, or let the women bring in another woman to take the job and match make.

Hell no. 

Everyone had wanted the ceremony to be fast yet peaceful, so they had done just that back in March. Brayden and Allison had been dating for little more than two weeks before they got married, but really; they’d been circling around each other for ten years, so it hadn’t seemed fast for any of them. Tyler and Abigail had been the same way with their fast courtship. The two had known each other for years and were perfect for each other. Seeing how Tyler was a cupid, it only made sense his brother would know his own mind.

Well, that was as long as Tyler didn’t have a curse on him, but that was a whole other story.

Justin and Rina had known each other the shortest amount of time, but it didn’t seem to bother them that they were now shackled to each other.

As long as they left Jackson’s personal life alone, he’d stay on the sidelines and watch the happy newlyweds gush and smile at each other for eternity. Yet, it was the odd gleams in their eyes when they looked at him that made him worry. They were either filled with pity that he was alone or were calculating how to make him join their wedded bliss.

Again, not for him.


He’d made it to the checkout line when his phone rang. With a sigh, he checked the screen and answered Matt’s call.

“Yes?” he asked, his voice clipped. Not that he was angry with Matt, but if his brother was calling now, it was probably for an errand Jackson wasn’t in the particular mood to do.

“Hey, bro, we need a favor,” Matt said, his voice a little harried.


Ah yes, we. That either meant him and Jordan, or him and the rest of the Coopers. Jackson never knew anymore since they all congregated together far too often. Not that he didn’t love his brothers and new sisters-in-law. He just felt that being alone and at peace would be nice every once in a while.

“Yes?” he said again, ignoring the looks of Jessica and Claudia as they passed him again.

“We need peanut butter. A lot of peanut butter.”

Jackson blinked. “Uh, don’t you already have some at home?”

Matt let out a shaky laugh. “Yes, but it’s not the right brand and right now all four women are at the house picking wallpaper and craving peanut butter.”

Jackson let out another sigh. “What kind?”

“I knew you’d help. Thanks, Jacks. Okay, Jordan wants the extra crunchy kind. Rina wants smooth. Abby wants that New Age organic kind with honey inside, and Allison wants the kind with the jelly already added. You know those mini Coopers. They’re picky.”

Jackson blinked again, almost at a loss for words as he ignored the mini Cooper reference, a term the girls loved and had begun calling their offspring. Having four women all entering the second trimester of their pregnancy at the same time was just about killing the brothers. How the hell had he become part of this? He wasn’t married to any of them, and yet now he was the peanut butter bearer.


types of peanut butter?” Jackson asked.

“Yes. Four. I’m alone in the house with four pregnant women who all want peanut butter of their own choosing. For the love of God, help me.”

The panic in his brother’s voice made Jackson smile. Matt had the pre-daddy jitters. In fact,
his brothers did.

“Fine. I’ll get out of line and get your peanut butter, but there’s no way in hell I’m getting out of my car to drop them off. You’ll have to come out—sans women. I need to get to work since I took the morning off.”

Matt laughed. “I still can’t believe you did that. I called your office first to see if you’d pick some up on your way home, and your receptionist was there doing paperwork and told me you’d be in late. I thought hell had frozen over.”

Jackson gritted his teeth as he made his way to the peanut butter aisle. He still couldn’t believe there were so many types of it. He piled them into his cart and shook his head.

“I had a cracked bicuspid emergency last night and didn’t get home until late. I decided I could take off the morning since my appointments were easily moved.”

The perks of a small town was that he could afford to change things around if his loyal patients were on the books.

The downside was that he was the
dentist in town—as well as the county. He never got a break unless he inconvenienced someone.

“I’m not blaming you, Jacks, God no. It’s about time you take time for yourself.”

Jackson rolled his eyes and made his way back to the checkout lines—this time four jars of peanut butter heavier. “I’m fine with the way things are, Matt.”

“If you say so, Jacks. Okay, I’ll be on the lookout for your car and will run out to you so you can speed off before the women come out. I’ll make the excuse that you have to head to work. Which really isn’t a lie since it’s your favorite thing to do.”

Jackson grunted at his brother’s remark then hung up without saying goodbye. Matt would get the gist of it. He paid and made his way to his car, ignoring the looks of his townspeople. The Coopers were the most well known family in all of Holiday, so it wasn’t surprising he garnered a few looks.

Plus he was a single man in a town full of single women.

God, he needed a vacation away from Holiday.

When he got to Matt and Jordan’s place, he parked near the curb but didn’t go to the driveway. He needed a quick escape in case one of the women saw him. Considering one was a witch, another a magical elf, and one more like a harpy, he wasn’t taking any chances. Not to mention that Allison was raising three children with another on the way and was as fierce as any momma bear.

Yeah, he wasn’t too afraid to admit—to himself—that he’d steer clear of the new Coopers as long as possible.

The front door opened, and Matt ran out, his hair standing on end as though he’d been running his hands through it throughout the day. Considering he’d been in the house alone with four pregnant women all day, Jackson couldn’t blame him.

“Oh thank God,” Matt said as he took the bag from Jackson. “They’re all upstairs looking at more wallpaper for one of the guest rooms. Jordan is going crazy with finishing renovations on the house, but don’t tell her I said that.” His eyes widened as if he’d just noticed what he’d let slip.

Jackson let out a deep chuckle. “Your words are safe with me. Is everyone off work today?”

Matt raised a brow. “It’s Saturday, Jacks. They’re all off work and bugging me. Again, don’t tell them I said that. Brayden and Justin took the kids on a hike near your place, and Tyler is on duty today while he trains his new deputy, Hugh.”

Jackson ran a hand through his own hair. “Hell, I don’t even know what day it is anymore.”

Matt looked over his shoulder at the house then nodded. “Take time for yourself, Jacks. You’re only thirty-eight, yet you’re looking far too haggard for a thirty-eight-year-old man. I need to get back before they come out.”

Jackson glared but nodded. “After your charming words on my appearance, I don’t know how I’ll be able to leave your company.”

Matt laughed then walked backward toward the house. “Get some rest, though we both know you’ll ignore me. We have a guys’ night out soon, so don’t forget.”

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