Driven to Ink

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Authors: Karen E. Olson

BOOK: Driven to Ink
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Table of Contents
Praise for the Novels of Karen E. Olson
The Tattoo Shop Mysteries
The Missing Ink
“Karen E. Olson has launched a delightful new series with
The Missing Ink
, featuring tattooist Brett Kavanaugh. Brett is proud that she makes grown men cry. She also makes grown women laugh. I look forward to more adventures for this Las Vegas needle artist.”
—Elaine Viets, author of the Dead-End Job Mysteries
The Missing Ink
, Karen E. Olson has penned a winner, full of crisp dialogue, a red-hot setting, and a smart, sassy, tattooed protagonist. Viva Las Vegas!”
—Susan McBride, author of the Debutante
Dropout Mysteries
“[A] pleasantly jargon-free themed mystery. . . . Readers need not be conversant with ‘street flash’ or other industry terms to enjoy the setting and follow Brett down a trail of needles and gloves to the dramatic finale.”

Publishers Weekly
“A fun read. . . . The characters are as quirky as Las Vegas itself. . . . [Brett] is both likable and down-to-earth, and will have readers returning for more.”
—The Mystery Reader
“Olson uses the fresh setting of an upscale Las Vegas tattoo shop . . . for a fast-moving tale with quirky but affectionately portrayed characters. Although stubborn, Brett never becomes too stupid to live in her determination to solve the mystery. The tension is kept at a high pitch.”

Romantic Times
“Fun. . . . The setup is pure, the setting is flashy . . . and I expect that Brett Kavanaugh will find a devoted following.”
“This one has it all with edgy characters and a tight plot.”

Mystery Scene
“Ms. Olson walks readers through a multiple-murder mystery, supplying clues at a steady pace.
The Missing Ink
is suspenseful, entertaining from the start, and has a touch of romance that nicely rounds out the story.”
—Darque Reviews
“Features the same smooth writing, insightful character development, and complex plotting as the Annie Seymour books. Brett’s team at the Painted Lady is delightful, an eclectic mix of characters that adds to the fun.”
—Cozy Library
“A winner. . . . Brett is a likable, albeit unusual heroine. I’m looking forward to seeing more of her and her zany cohorts in future books.”
—Fresh Fiction
“An extremely fast, extremely entertaining read. Brett is highly likable . . . the supporting characters, especially those who work in the Painted Lady, are diverse and interesting; the plotline is completely unique and unexpected. . . . The potential for romance in future tales is sure to keep the series fresh in novels yet to come. . . . Brett’s work is just getting started in Las Vegas, and I can’t wait to find out what happens in her next adventure.”
—The Romance Readers Connection
The Annie Seymour Mysteries
Shot Girl
“Olson excels at plotting—with liberal doses of humor—and Annie grows more fascinating, and more human, with each novel. This one’s a winner from page one.”

Richmond Times-Dispatch
“Easily the best one. . . . [Olson] step[s] up to a new storytelling level.”

The Baltimore Sun
“Features the same clever plotting, great local color, and terrific personal touches that have been a hallmark of the series since it began.”

Connecticut Post
Dead of the Day
“Karen E. Olson knows this beat like the back of her hand. I really enjoyed
Dead of the Day

New York Times
bestselling author Michael Connelly

Dead of the Day
takes the Annie Seymour series to truly impressive territory. Absolutely everything a first-rate crime novel should be.”

New York Times
bestselling author Lee Child
“Karen E. Olson draws on her experiences as a journalist to write an excellent series about Annie Seymour, a salty police reporter in New Haven, Connecticut.
Dead of the Day
is a fun mystery with just enough edge to make it sparkle.”

Chicago Sun-Times
“Like an alchemist, Karen E. Olson blends together wildly disparate elements into pure gold.
Dead of the Day
is a delightful dance with the devil—dangerous, dark, and romantic.”
—Reed Farrel Coleman, Shamus Award-winning author of
Soul Patch
Secondhand Smoke
“Annie Seymour, a New Haven journalist who’s not quite as cynical as she thinks she is, is the real thing, an engaging and memorable character with the kind of complicated loyalties that make a series worth reading. Karen E. Olson is the real thing, too, a natural storyteller with a lucid style and a wonderful sense of place.”

New York Times
bestselling author Laura Lippman
“Authentic urban atmosphere, generous wit, and winning characters lift Olson’s second outing for Annie Seymour. . . . Readers are sure to look forward to Annie’s further adventures.”

Publishers Weekly
“Annie is a believable heroine whose sassy exploits and muddled love life should make for more exciting adventures.”

Kirkus Reviews
“[Olson’s] fast-paced plot and great ending make it a perfect read for patrons who like a bit of humor in their mysteries.”

Library Journal
“Olson knows exactly how to blend an appealing heroine, an intricate plot, and inventive humor. Annie’s is a story worth pursuing and a story well worth reading.”

Richmond Times-Dispatch
Sacred Cows
“A sharply written and beautifully plotted story.”

Chicago Tribune
“Olson writes with a light touch that is the perfect complement for this charming mystery.”

Chicago Sun-Times
“Karen E. Olson plunges readers into the salty-tongued world of cynical reporter sleuth Annie Seymour. . . . Spins from sinister to slapstick and back in the breadth of a page. Engaging.”
—Denise Hamilton, bestselling author of
Trials to Treasure
“A boilermaker of a first novel. . . . Olson writes with great good humor, but
Sacred Cows
is also a roughhouse tale. Her appealing and intrepid protagonist and well-constructed plot make this book one of the best debut novels of the year.”

The Cleveland Plain Dealer
Also by Karen E. Olson
Tattoo Shop Mysteries
Pretty in Ink
The Missing Ink
Annie Seymour Mysteries
Shot Girl
Dead of the Day
Secondhand Smoke
Sacred Cows
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First Printing, September 2010
eISBN : 978-1-101-44289-0
Copyright © Karen E. Olson, 2010
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To my sister, Sandy
I have to thank Clair Lamb and Cheryl Violante for their help with the manuscript and for not letting our friendship get in the way of a firm critique. The First Offenders (Alison Gaylin, Jeff Shelby, Lori Armstrong, and Anthony Neil Smith) are, as usual, a wonderful sounding board and great friends. Thanks to my favorite book bloggers (Wendy, Christina, Alice, and Iliana) for being so supportive, and to Ania, who helped me see beyond the tattoos. Special thanks to Molly Weston, who went above and beyond to make me, Julie Hyzy, and Hank Phillippi Ryan feel like celebrities. Thanks to Rachel Kristina Jones for her generosity and such a great name. My agent, Jack Scovil, continues to be enthusiastic and always puts things in perspective. My editor, Sandy Harding, and publicist, Megan Swartz, are a pleasure to work with. Thanks to all my readers who e-mail me to tell me they love Brett and her world. It keeps a writer going to know you’re out there. And a final shout out to my husband, Chris, and daughter, Julia, who are everything to me.

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