Driver, T. C. (23 page)

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Authors: The Great Ark

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My wife Patty and our friends the Janey’s got into a rental car on the dock next to the Great Ark, right on the
same spot where Patty had picked me up before. My friends all headed to the airport and to a flight home. I stood on the dock alone watching them drive away. Go with them stupid don’t let Patty leave, do something you fool but alas they were gone and I was too late. My old friend loneliness moved back into my heart. I looked up at the Great Ark towering over Pearl Harbor. Oh what a majestic shadow she cast. The ship makes quite an impression on “first timers” boarding I thought to myself. This was only the third time I had actually walked onto the Ark from shore. Many older passengers, most of them couples were boarding the Ark that day, their trip of a lifetime. None of these old people ever came to the ships Gospel Café I thought to myself. I should make a point of inviting them. Many of these folks could hardly get up the ramp. What are we running here an old folks home (ha-ha). We officers and pilots never saw passengers much, or most of the crew for that matter. The College also kept to themselves for the most part. We each had our own section of the big ship. We officers ate our meals in the officer’s mess, and had our own quarters. The ship was even bigger now than when the old military carrier had been when she was first built. Many college buildings and housing were built on parts of the old flight deck. She could hold a lot more people if needed.

In less than three days we would return to sea.
It was time for Ole’ Corny to put wings on once again.
There waiting for me up in my cabin, was a stack of mission orders, printed out by my own personal computer, it’s an old apple lap top with an added on larger key board. Yes, I like it that way, and on real paper. I’m old and have fat fingers and can’t always see or hit the numbers on these damn fancy little ship phones. Hey look! Some orders came in on paper in the pouch that is odd. I went to bed early. Paper work could wait till morning. I thought about calling Patty, but it was too early for that. I was getting as bad about phone calling wives as poor Arthur Hodge (ha-ha). Look where all that calling got Ole’ Doc!

With three fingers of red wine, I looked out over the harbor from my high cabin porch balcony. Pearl Harbor...... Those two words meant something when I was a boy. The greatest generation they were called. Men like my dad who gave God country and family their all. They bridged the span of time from horse and buggy to man in space. Has man ever made that leap before, I wonder. They put a man on the moon without real computers, and fought for the God given freedoms of men.

Now their rich spoiled kids and grandkids have voted into power voluntarily the same old tired ungodly, anti-Jewish, fascist evil that the greatest generation had fought so hard against. History is not hard to understand, it’s a record that repeats. America just like the ancient Israelites has gone “Hot–to cold” with God, now without God, from generation to generation. Could we not read? Could we not listen? These ungodly progressives started way back in the First World War, by the time of the greatest generation we were already sick.
Death was not instant. The seeds of our destruction were planted the war before. How could so many be fooled? How could so many men each fail their family duties and not teach the ways of God.

Was Katie on T.V. so sweet and pretty, her skirt so short that it didn’t matter the poison she spoke everyday. Osoma’s democratic socialist party platform was word for word a copy of Adolf Hitler’s platform in Germany. Osoma put out a book telling everyone he was a communist. Every
one knew that Rev Wrights church was not a true “Christian Church” not one that preached Jesus. Why didn’t Katie and her friends on T.V. tell us the truth? Why did no one sound the alarm or ring the Liberty Bell? The media was already dead to Gods word, his teaching, and the truth that’s why.

We fools gave up freedoms light without a fight, without a shot. We have gone from victory to defeat, from pride to shame, from riches to rags. Young fools hating their own inheritance, hating their own success, power, and glory. “It was not fair that Americans had so much” they would say, our fathers handed us too many blessing. You fool; know you not from where your blessings come?

Osoma hates God, Freedom and America, he wants to punish her. He is a bitter man, with an even more than bitter wife. No one can hear that bitter hate speech of the black separatist movement or those Jew hating speeches of the Islamic movement for twenty years if he was not one of them himself.
I have a question friend; does anyone ever shout out kill the Jews, or down with America, in your church. Wake up America! People who go to KKK meetings are members of the Klan. We have elected a monster. Osoma does not defend the constitution he openly wars against it and us. Government schools have taught the Progressive, Humanist, Communist line for many years in America. Now even racist teachings are openly used. This hatred for America has become anti-white anti-church, anti-rich and is always anti-Jewish. Sad to say most young students have been brainwashed, and agree with Osoma. Let us pick up the ways of the old world once again, they will say. A Godly Republic of free men is too heavy a burden to bear. Give us a czar, a king, let us be slaves as the rest of the world, and equal to them. Each of us to be a charge of the King and by doing so then each will be taken care of for life. My friends let us face the cruel truth! America has been lost!

I prayed myself to sleep that night, life brought so many questions. I studied up on the number 26 by taking fireball candy and making clusters of thirteen. One in the center with twelve around! Ok first I take seven fireballs.
One in center with six around it, then three on top, and then three on the bottom to make a sphere. The pyramids then got a little tricky. I kept the candy in a jar on my desk to play with later. I was very proud of myself, for finally understanding some of the math of Gods universe.

The next morning Professor Lou Goodliar and I again met outside of our cabins. This time Tommy Mute was outside “Loud” Lou’s cabin door with him. They invited me to hear a professor give a lecture (or preach) later that night. This man had been on the Big Island, and would be in Pearl tonight. Lou had tickets. At the lecture in a large auditorium in town many of the ships officers and crew had come to hear this professor, preacher, and author. I think Goodliar got some free tickets for bringing in so many. Lou loved Bible study he always knew more than anybody else and always got in the last word. Our auditorium was packed the seats were comfortable and the air-conditioning felt great. Many put coats and sweaters on. Our group settled in for the lecture. This professor had a long name and even a longer list of titles. He must be a very important man. He had written many history books most of them about the Civil war. Ok I know the War Between the States. He also wrote books about the Wild West. His wife Rosemary was very pretty, this man married very well. His Rosemary was a much younger, whiter, smaller, and taller version of my Rosie back in Saint Augustine. Professor Theodor Whitt (trying his hand at humor) introduced his wife as “Rose the Nose” which angered two old women in the crowd. Whitt was fond of doing Irish drinking jokes and side stories in an Irish accent. His lecture was very entertaining, and informative. His book was a run away best seller entitled “The Sons of God” by Nathaniel, Isaiah Theodor Whitt.

“Gentlemen,” He bellowed. “The Holy Scriptures of God does not hide riddles for cunning men to figure out or reprocess in any way. Scripture is plain spoken and easy to understand words for life. These words come straight from almighty God. Scripture does not need a lot of long drawn out interpretation or explanation by wise professor types like me. Read it for yourself. Find your own salvation with fear and trembling. All scripture is given for and is good for both study and reproof. Jesus Christ is Lord! Say it with me again. Jesus Christ is Lord! He is the way to truth and life. No one comes to the father except through him. His word and our study tonight of it is an important thing to do. But knowing him and his will for your life and being obedient to his will is even more important than the knowing of his word. I believe in, and on the Holy Trinity and the necessity to test every spirit. Every spirit that proclaims that our Lord Jesus Christ came in the flesh, was born of a virgin, was crucified dead and buried and on that third day rose from the dead, defeated hell and the grave and that old serpent is of God. He redeemed men from sin, and all that who so ever calls upon his name, comes to him as a child, and who has a soul that is born again will be heirs with him in his mighty riches and glory. I have salvation from death, and eternal life with Christ Jesus! Do You? My friends I bring to you a history lesson tonight, a history lesson and my own theories based on ancient sand script writings and scripture. But my only obligation to you is to preach Jesus and he crucified. I love history, but studying history will not get you to heaven, but it can deepen and enrich your faith. I pray that I point you to Jesus, he is the way. Getting on your knees right now is a good start. Seek his power and knowledge in your life. Lord Jesus be glorified not myself here tonight, for the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. For years I’ve heard Bible scholars speak double talk about basic biblical truths. They like to bend the Bibles simple words to suit their own small minds and narrow point of view. Men would dare to say that Israel did not really mean Israel that Babylon did not really mean Babylon, that drunk on the blood of the saints was only figurative, or one can not take the Bible at face value. Friends I’ve found that God’s word is true, and every man is a liar! The Bible meanings are clear. God does not stutter or beat around the bush (sorry Moses). Friends I’ve been called a lot of things by many well meaning saints, simply because I stand on the simple word of God. I believe that when the Bible says Persia, it means Persia. When Holy Scriptures say “to the East” they mean “to the East”. When it says Israel it means Israel. And guess what! When the Bible says “Sons of God” It means “Sons of God” each and every time. The meaning of “Sons of God” does not change from this verse to that verse as many so called Bible
teachers pretend. Let me ask you a question brothers and sisters in Christ. What do you believe life on earth during the one thousand year Kingdom reign of Jesus on Earth will be like unto? During this time, before the New Jerusalem comes down, Lord Jesus will rule from Jerusalem. After one Thousand years, God will make everything new. Will there be honest work, trade, or justice in his court. Will there be any slavery or counterfeit money. Of course not! Jesus compared his coming again to the changing of the seasons. What do seasons do! They repeat! Will you have a job in the Lords Kingdom here on earth? Adam had a Job! Does God change his ways?
“No” Will we do anything for ourselves, or others. Is this a silly question? Many people believe that God will simply zap everything during his Kingdom reign. They believe that work is not of God. This simply is not true. God is attracted to weakness, he uses us or (lets us work for him) as a gift to us. We will be full heirs with him in Glory. Humanist ungodly foolish men claiming wisdom tell us that resources are in short supply. God told us to be fruitful and multiply, that the blessings of God are beyond our human understanding. Who do you believe might just be right, God or Al Gorey and Osoma. Look into the Heavens with what we call powerful telescopes and see your answer. We can not out build, or out multiply God! The old angel Lucifer was thrown down to earth. He tries to copy and imitate. He wants to be like God, Yes to be like the most high. The Angel with the help of men was trying to reach for God way back in the times of the tower of Babel, just like the spaceport leaders say’s in their brochure today. “As in the days of Noah, so shall it be. Look at our space station compared to the New Jerusalem in the Holy Bible. It’s very hard to beat God when it comes to a space station isn’t it? We mortals can not imagine all the wonders, the gifts and the power of almighty God. For years I’ve been told that the phrase “sons of God at the beginning of the Bible and the “sons of God at the end of the Bible (that we become) and the ones in the book of Job each mean different things .Why would anyone of sound mind believe or make up such nonsense. God is not given to double talk. I believe simply that when God says, “sons of God,” he means “sons of God,” each time he speaks it. Unless the book plainly states something different, why not believe the Book? I stand on the fact that God knows what he’s talking about, even if I don’t understand it all. Just who are these “sons of God?” They are clearly men of flesh and blood like you and I, who have and can mate with humans here on earth. Angels are not given in marriage we are told, and sons of God are spoken of separately from the angels in scripture.
In the Bible “Sons of God” work for God and report directly to God. They are governed directly by God just as we will be in the kingdom of God here on earth. In fact we become or will be called “sons of God” ourselves. We saints become men who are in the condition of being full heirs with Christ Jesus. We will be with Christ during his thousand year reign from Jerusalem and then in the New Jerusalem when the Earth will be made new. Is the New Jerusalem heaven? Or will saints be in “the heavens” long before that during the earthly reign of Jesus. What might we be able to get done in a thousand years on earth with Jesus himself teaching and showing the way? Will Jesus be concerned, or worried about population control, or global warming? I think not! We will be living in new glorified bodies like King Jesus. Can we pretend to even imagine? Jesus stated plainly that he has many flocks; (plural) that we do not know of. Men have questioned this. I don’t question the Lord. Who are we to do so? Are these unknown flocks in the same zone, or even in the same realm, are they on earth? Truth is only that they exist and we “don’t know” of them. Our holy Bible states plainly that God created everything, also that the days since Adam started is about six thousand years ago, and that one day soon everything will be “made new” again. That every mountain will be moved and there will be no more sea. This New World starts and we go with Jesus all after the one thousand year reign of Jesus here on earth.
Saints live in the New Jerusalem not needing the sun or the moon or stars. Is this world our first, second, or third time around, would we know? Modern science claims they have found very old bones, and fossils in the earth. Jesus speaks knowing the end of this age as the knowing of the coming of the seasons. What do seasons do? We know of course that they cycle, that they repeat. We know that the angel tries his best to imitate God. To take God’s place and that he wants to go “to the heavens” as of the most high. Maybe that’s what God does, this appears so. We also know that God uses his “son of God” who report back to him as they did in the book of Job. We also know that “sons of God” are of flesh, and are something other than angels. Maybe if Moses said that something flew before them that shinned like burnished brass
, maybe it did. When Abraham said he talked to “three men” who ate with him, who were of God, and talked to him about God! Maybe Abraham was not a nut, and told the simple truth. Moses told us that no man could see God’s face and live. Jesus said that God the father is a spirit to worship him we must do so in spirit and truth. Jesus was and is God made flesh. Who were these men Abraham talked to? Jesus said his kingdom was not of this world, that he came from heaven.

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