Drone Wars 1: Day of the Drone

BOOK: Drone Wars 1: Day of the Drone
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of the






Drone Wars: Book 1


Revised & Edited Edition




A novel of technology


and international terrorism.






T.R. Harris


Published by


Copyright 2015 by T.R. Harris


ISBN: 978-0-9913465-7-9


All rights reserved, without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanically, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.




Special thanks to

Lee Burton at Ocean’s Edge Editing

for his incredible work on this newly revised and edited edition.


It always takes a second pair of eyes and an unbiased view to see

where a book can be made tighter and better.


His attention to detail is unsurpassed.


[email protected]


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Novels by T.R. Harris


         The Human Chronicles Saga


Book 1 –
The Fringe Worlds

Book 2 –
Alien Assassin

Book 3 –
The War of Pawns

Book 4 –
The Tactics of Revenge

Book 5 –
The Legend of Earth

Book 6 –
Cain’s Crusaders

Book 7 –
The Apex Predator

Book 8 –
A Galaxy to Conquer

Book 9 –
The Masters of War

Book 10 –
Prelude to War


         Jason King – Agent to the Stars Series


Book 1 –
The Enclaves of Sylox


         Drone Wars


Book 1 –
Day of the Drone


In collaboration with author George Wier


Captains Malicious
– Book One of the
Liberation Series


Pulled from the headlines…


this is the story of what could happen when drones become weaponized and used to threaten the very fabric of civilization. It’s a rollercoaster ride of action and adventure that will leave you asking …
“Is this fiction or is it reality?”




Here’s what others are saying about
Day of the Drone…



The future is now and T.R. Harris lays it out for us in this amazing account that is both fascinating and damned scary!
– Steven M. Thomas



Five Stars! Kept my interest and was hard to put down. Very interesting and timely topic.
– Fred J. Wassenaar



If you have an appointment and start this book you will be late. Only word to describes this story…Plausible.
–Tomas Nagy



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