Dropped Dead Stitch (6 page)

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Authors: Maggie Sefton

BOOK: Dropped Dead Stitch
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“That’s right. Jennifer’s therapist is leading a retreat for women who’ve been sexually assaulted like Jen. Lisa asked us to come up and teach the fiber classes. Lisa’s helping organize it because Dr. Norcross is her professor at the university.”
“Good for Lisa. I’ve talked to Jennifer about joining some of those support groups, but she always shied away. I swear by them. I wouldn’t be sober today without their help.”
Kelly stepped off the lodge porch and strolled through the barnyard toward the creek. It was almost lunchtime, so she might as well talk to Jayleen and enjoy the rushing waters at the same time.
“You’ll be pleased to hear that Jennifer actually started attending the workshop sessions, and she played a big role yesterday in helping the others start to share their stories. Nobody was talking until we started the yarn sessions, and once everyone started working on their projects, then they began opening up. But it wouldn’t have happened if Jennifer hadn’t started the ball rolling.”
“Well, I’ll be damned. Good for her.” Jayleen’s throaty chuckle sounded. “You tell her I’m proud of her.”
“I am, too, Jayleen,” Kelly said, noticing Donny and Marie setting up the tables on the deck behind the ranch house. They walked across the barnyard, arms laden with plates and cups, soft drinks, and a coffee urn. “And there was an unanticipated benefit in coming to the retreat, too. Have you ever met a ranch owner by the name of Cal Everett?”
“Nope, can’t say that I have. The name doesn’t ring a bell.”
“He opens his ranch to retreat groups, and we’re at his ranch in Poudre Canyon right now. Turns out, he’s the guy who assaulted Jennifer.”

” Jayleen shouted on the other end of the phone.
“Yeah, Jennifer never knew his full name, but she took one look at him and—”
Kelly didn’t finish her sentence because Jayleen exploded in a string of angry curses that rivaled Jane’s earlier diatribe. Kelly waited until her friend’s salty stream had finished.
“Yeah, you can imagine our shock.”
“Damnation, girl! How’d Jennifer take it?”
“Actually, it helped Jennifer open up, I think. She and Dr. Norcross took a walk before the session and Jen got to look Everett in the eye and not back down. Then Dr. Norcross gave him hell and told him to stay away from everyone.”
“I would’ve paid to see that, I swear I would. Wait’ll I tell Curt. He’ll be glad to know where we can find that no-good so-and-so.”
“Now, Jayleen, remember what Curt told Steve and Greg. No matter how much they want to put some hurt on Cal Everett, we can’t do it. He’d just charge us—”
“I know, I know, I know.”
Kelly spotted Everett emerging from the ranch house, looking both ways around the barnyard, then yanking his Stetson down over his eyes and heading toward the emerald green truck parked next to the barn.
“Listen, Jayleen, I’ve gotta hang up now. But tell Burt and the guys that I’m getting Everett’s truck license so Burt can ask the cops to run a check on him. See if there are any outstanding speeding tickets or something they can get him for.”
“Tell Jennifer we’re proud of her, and I’ll make another pot of chili for her this week.”
“Will do. See you after the weekend,” Kelly said before clicking off. Shoving the phone into her jeans pocket, Kelly set off on a different path across the barnyard.
Whether it was Greta’s proactive defensive techniques or the conversation with Jayleen or her own desire for confrontation—whatever it was—Kelly decided to intercept Cal Everett at his truck. Confront the bastard and see if she could spook him. Once Dr. Norcross had confronted Everett, he’d definitely kept a low profile. No one saw him around the ranch all day yesterday. Only the glow of his cigarette and the constant hacking smoker’s cough floating on the night breeze gave a clue as to his presence on the deck yesterday evening.
Kelly called out as Everett neared his truck, “Everett! I want a word with you.”
Cal Everett spun about, and to Kelly’s immense gratification, actually looked apprehensive as she strode up to him. She was almost as tall as he was, and Kelly pulled herself to her full height as she put her hands on her hips and glared at him.
“Yeah, what is it?” Everett said warily, glancing about the barnyard.
“I want to put you on notice that if you ever get anywhere near my friend Jennifer again, you’ll regret it. First, you’ll have to get past me. And the rest of her friends back in Fort Connor will be watching your every move, Everett. One of them is a retired cop, so you can be sure your license plate will be checked out. You’d better stay up here in the canyon and keep out of Fort Connor, if you know what’s good for you.”
Everett’s shifty blue gaze darted around. “Listen, I don’t want any trouble, you hear.”
Kelly advanced closer, her finger pointed close to his chest. “You stay away from Jennifer, or her friends will beat the snot out of you,” she warned, borrowing Jane’s colorful phrase.
Everett’s gaze hardened. “I don’t take to threats,” he snarled.
“Then stay away from Jennifer.” Kelly leaned closer and jabbed her finger into his chest before turning away.
Kelly was startled to see Donny and Marie right behind her, staring wide-eyed at the confrontation. Their expressions clearly revealed surprise at what they overheard. Kelly sped past both of the college student helpers as Cal Everett’s huge truck engine rumbled to life.
look at that,” Jane said, holding up the completed washcloth. “It doesn’t look half bad.”
“It looks better than that, Jane,” Lisa said. “You’ve done a great job. Anybody else finished a washcloth?”
“Working on it,” Sue said. “Maybe I’ll finish it this afternoon rather than go riding. Can we stay here on the deck?”
“Sure, I think we can stay until the kids set up for dinner.” Lisa picked up Jennifer’s pale pink afghan and draped it over the deck railing for all to see. “See how much Jennifer got done just sitting out here. Projects go pretty quickly with the larger needles.”
Kelly glanced at her watch. “Actually, Donny and Marie will be setting up for dinner pretty soon. Would you believe it’s nearly four thirty?”
“Isn’t it amazing how time flies by when you’re doing this fiber work. Does everyone notice, or is it just us?” Dr. Norcross asked as she stood up.
Dawn pushed back her chair. “Well, I certainly had forgotten how satisfying and relaxing this was.” She held up a pink and yellow eyelash scarf. “I’m going to keep this going. When did you say the shop gathers around the table?”
“Well, you can always find people around the table, no matter when you come,” Lisa said, gathering up the extra yarns and shoving them into a tote bag. “But there’s an evening session on Tuesday nights as well as morning and afternoon sessions. Just bring your work, and you’ll always find someone there.” Kelly and Jennifer joined her cleanup, collecting stray needles and hooks and scissors.
Donny and Marie appeared on the deck then, bright smiles in place. “Hey, folks, we’re going to set up for dinner now.”
The rest of the women took their yarn projects and began to leave, as the two helpers started rearranging tables.
“What’s for dinner?” Lisa asked as she followed behind the others leaving the deck.
“Spaghetti and meatballs,” Marie sang out cheerfully. “I’ll be ringing the bell in a half hour, so bring an appetite.”
“That’s never been a problem,” Jennifer said.
“Pasta, again?” Edie complained. “I’d better take another hike after dinner.”
“Not a bad idea,” Kelly said as the group crossed the barnyard.
The sound of roaring engines caught her attention as Cal Everett’s emerald green truck came speeding up the ranch driveway. Kelly spotted a dark blue pickup swerve into the driveway, too, following right behind. Kelly and the others ran to the lodge porch as the two trucks roared into the barnyard.
Everett stepped down from his truck as the blue pickup barrelled up behind him and jerked to a stop. A tall man wearing a flannel shirt and baseball cap leaped from his truck and charged toward Everett.
“You can’t run away, Cal,” he yelled. “That payment is past due, and you know it. I want my money, and I want it now!”
“Hold your horses, Bill. You’ll get your money in a couple of weeks, like usual. You know I’m good for it,” Everett said, ambling up to his irate visitor.
“Dammit, Cal. You’ve been late with every payment since January. I’ve had it. I’m going to give you till tomorrow to come up with that money, or I’m gonna put a lien on those river acres.”
“The hell you will!” Everett challenged, getting right in Bill’s face. “I’m paying that note off. You got no claim on that land!”
Kelly stood on the lodge porch with the other women, transfixed like everyone else by the heated argument taking place in the barnyard. The men were toe-to-toe, in each other’s faces.
“You backed up the note with that land. I never would have loaned you the money otherwise, and you know it. If you want to save the land, then pay the note in full. You’ve jerked me around for the last time.”
“I can’t come up with the money that fast, Bill,” Everett protested, backing off a bit.
“Then I’m going to put a lien on it, I swear to God, I will.”
Everett exploded in a string of curses, then stalked off.
“Don’t think you can walk away from this, Cal! I’m coming back, and we’re gonna have this out once and for all!” Bill threatened before heading to his truck. He roared off in a cloud of dust.
Kelly watched Bill’s blue truck disappear down the driveway.
What was up with Everett and Rancher Bill?
rested her chin on her knees, watching the campfire flicker in the dark. She snuggled into her jacket. Springtime in the Rockies was still cool during the days and downright cold at night.
The fire snapped, sending sparks and embers floating above. She was reminded of the camping trips she and Steve had taken last summer and fall. Curled up in sleeping bags—sometimes inside their tent, snug and safe, and sometimes outside gazing up at the stars. Carl on a leash beside them.
The murmur of women’s voices around the campfire rose and fell as private conversations and joint sharing that had begun this weekend continued in the dark. She looked over at Jennifer, who was staring almost mesmerized into the fire, while Dawn and Edie talked beside her. Lisa was speaking softly with Nancy, and Dr. Norcross and Greta were deep in conversation. Jane and Sue and Cassie were still roasting marshmallows on sticks. Kelly had had her fill of the sticky treat earlier.
Glancing up at the canopy of black above her head, Kelly found the familiar stars her father had first shown her as a child. The constellation of Orion. Sirius, the Dog Star. The Big Dipper and Little Dipper.
The low hoot of a nearby owl announced the night predators were out, whether taking flight or stalking through the grass. The hunt was on.
Detecting some movement on the deck behind the ranch house, Kelly thought she glimpsed Cal Everett pacing about the deck as he had been most of the night. The glow of his cigarette and that frequent smoker’s cough announced his presence. His voice carried on the breeze as he argued loudly with someone on the phone. Kelly figured he was trying to find ways to come up with the cash he owed his irate creditor. The man named Bill sounded like he had run out of patience long ago.
Lisa stood up and stretched. “I think I’m turning in, guys,” she said. “How about it, Jen? Want to go back to the cabin?”
Jennifer pulled herself off the ground and shoved her hands in her jacket pockets. “I’ll be there in a few minutes. I feel like walking for a little while. Don’t stay up.”
Kelly rose and stretched. Sleep sounded like a good idea. It was funny how you got sleepy earlier higher up in the mountains. “You want some company, Jen?”
“No,” she said, shaking her head. “I actually need to be alone for a little while. You guys go on back.”
“Okay, be careful,” Kelly warned as she and Lisa headed toward the lodge. “Don’t get too close to the trees. The varmints are out.”
Jennifer didn’t answer.
am I hungry this morning,” Lisa said as she swept up her blonde ponytail into a scrunchy band behind her head. “I hope there are pancakes.”
“Let’s hope
,” Jennifer said, tying her sneakers. “Hot breads are my downfall.”
“You know, if I was smart, I’d take a run before breakfast, then I could have those pancakes with a clear conscience,” Kelly said as she stood in the cabin doorway waiting for her friends.
Another gorgeous mountain spring morning beckoned. The early green leaves were almost translucent they were so pale—fragile and soft. Summer’s deep green had yet to come. But it was on its way. By the end of May, summer would be upon them all. Meanwhile in the mountains and in town, there was still a chance of mid-May snows. That’s why most gardeners waited to plant delicate annual flowers until after Mother’s Day.
Lisa and Jennifer joined Kelly, and they all headed across the barnyard, waving to some of the other women who’d become friends this weekend. Today, Sunday, all of them would return to their normal lives and routines.
“Ummm, I smell bacon,” Lisa said as she waved to Sue and Jane.
Kelly sniffed the delicious aroma, and her stomach rumbled.
What is it about mountain air that makes you hungrier?
She never could figure that out. She really would have to take a run this morning.
“When does the retreat wrap up today?” she asked Lisa, acknowledging Cassie’s wave as they approached the deck.
“There will be a session this morning, then Dr. Norcross hopes there’ll be time for a trail ride after that, right before we leave. I think everyone would enjoy it.”
The enticing aromas of breakfast grew stronger as Kelly and her friends joined the others on the deck. Like the other meals, buffet servers were set up inside the ranch house dining room through the glass patio doors. Kelly noticed that Jane, Dawn, Sue, and Nancy had already filled their plates and were settling at tables on the deck. Greta and Edie were seated at another table, hunched over bowls of oatmeal.

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