DUBIOUS (39 page)

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Authors: Tina Brooks McKinney

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What’s up?” Jamie said.

I nodded my head in acknowledgement, but I didn’t trust myself to speak. He was wearing only his boxers. His chiseled chest was glistening as if it were dipped in butter. I fought to tear my eyes away, but they betrayed me. They traveled up and down his body. He wore a satisfied smirk on his face. It was difficult not to slap the shit out of him.

He said, “What are you doing up?”

I couldn’t sleep,” I replied with an even tone.

Aw, man, I hope we didn’t keep you up,” he said with a smile.

I played dumb trying to act like I didn’t even know he’d been fucking up a blue streak.

We?” I said. “Which we? You and Tim or you and the bitch who couldn’t keep her mouth shut?”

Yeah, I had a shorty roll through.”

Oh.” I wanted to walk pass him but his body was blocking the door. “Tim rolled out and shorty rolled in.”

He sidestepped my comments. “You having a drink?”

Yeah. I thought it might help me fall asleep faster.”

I think I’ll have one, too.” He licked his lips.

As if he needed some help going to sleep. His ass should have been out for the count. Instead he wanted to come in here and fuck with me. I waited for him to move, but he kept standing there looking at me. I stifled the urge to hit him. He made me so mad, but at the same time, he was looking sexy as hell. His eyes were drilling a hole through my heart.

Well, good night,” I said as I attempted to walk past him. I could feel the heat coming off his body. It took all the strength I had not to just grab him and—

You’re going to let me drink alone?”

You’re a big boy,” I said, trying to make it sound like a joke.

Come on, man, have a drink with me.”

What about your shorty?” I really wanted to call her a bitch again.

She out, man.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. With her out of the picture, at least I could enjoy the rest of my night. Suddenly having a drink with him didn’t seem like such a bad idea after all. “Go get the bottle.” I reached up in the cabinet and got a glass for him and filled it with ice and put a few cubes in my glass as well. The alcohol was already working on my brain, allowing me to forget some of the anguish I had been feeling just a few short minutes ago.

Jamie came up behind me and placed the bottle on the counter. His arm brushed against mine, and it was like being struck by lightning. I pulled my arm back, rubbing it.

What’s the matter?”

Uh, you shocked me.” I was lying, but I wasn’t ready to admit how he affected me.

You need to loosen up,” he said seductively as his hands ran down my shoulders, gently kneading my neck muscles.

My dick was on ready, set, go. Part of me didn’t want to be his third fuck of the night, but the better part of me wanted him to continue. My hands were shaking as I poured the liquor into our glasses. He kissed the back of my neck, and I practically jumped on the counter. I felt like a live wire was traveling down my spine as a soft moan escaped my lips. He took the glass out of my hands and all thoughts of conversation had left me.

If I couldn’t tell him how much I cared about him, I could damn sure show him. Up until that moment, I had allowed Jamie to be the aggressor. Now that his bitch was gone, I was ready to express my love in a way that I never dreamed of. I slowly turned to face him taking in every inch of his body.

His eyes traveled down my pajama bottoms to my erect penis and he chuckled. “Is that for me?”

Without saying a word, I dropped to my knees and pulled down his shorts. He gasped at my sudden motion. His dick was pointing at me. A drop of pre cum glistened at the tip.

Damn,” I managed to say before I wrapped my lips around the head of his dick. His legs began to tremble, and I pushed him back against the counter to keep him steady.

Oh God, man!” he moaned.

I stole a look at him. He had his head thrown back, shaking it from side to side. He pushed himself deeper in my mouth. The scent of pussy wafted up my nose, but it didn’t deter me from going deeper. I wanted all of him inside of me.

I might not have been the most experienced man at sucking a dick, but what I lacked in experience, I made up for in enthusiasm. I was hoping to show him through my actions that I was serious about him, and I was willing to do whatever it took to make him happy. I could tell by his moans that I was meeting my mark. The best part about it was that I was enjoying it. I loved the way his veins stood out against my tongue. I licked all around his knob, sucking it like it was a Tootsie Pop. He tasted that good.

We were caught up. His hands were guiding my head as he pounding against my throat. He was hard, and I could tell he was about to cum in my mouth. I never thought I would be willing to have another man shoot off in my mouth, but I was eagerly anticipating it. My dick swelled as I slobbered over his dick and stroked his nuts. They didn’t feel like mine and that excited me even more.

Jamie? Where you at, honey? I thought you was going to bring back some ice cream for this split.”

I was so busy slurping on his dick that the words didn’t register with me right away. In fact, it didn’t dawn on me that we weren’t alone until I realized that Jamie’s dick had deflated in my mouth.

What the hell?” I asked, looking up at him, but he wasn’t looking at me. I turned my head and almost passed out. If my shit wasn’t raggedy enough, it was about to get worse. I was looking into Kenya’s face, my ex-wife’s hairdresser.

She said, “Aw, hell no! It’s like






My plan was simple, and I was ready for the confrontations. In my briefcase, I had individual folders for each of the partners and several of the associates who had gotten caught up in Anita’s web. Each file had surveillance photographs and detailed reports from the detective following them. Sherman’s guy had managed to get copies of the documents, but he didn’t tell me how he had done it.

I had to hand it to Anita, she was a sneaky bitch, but there was no way in hell I would believe that she had contrived all of this single-handedly. She had to have help. The only person who could help her accomplish all that she had done was Gary Yeager. He signed the checks and knew where the money of the firm went. He had to be the one who had told Anita about the corporate apartments. Therefore, he had to be the first to go.

I had Talisa personally deliver each of the folders to the other four partners. She also dropped off two folders to the senior associates who were involved. Attached to each package was a handwritten note:
Second-floor conference room at ten today
I wouldn’t be late if I were you.
I didn’t sign the note, but I assumed they would figure out who had called the meeting when Talisa made the drop off. I’d cautioned her to make sure each folder was personally handed off, thereby eliminating the chance of anyone else getting involved. I was eager to get things rolling, but I forced myself to work on my other cases up until it was time to call the meeting.

Part of me wanted to hold the meeting outside of the office, but it was difficult enough getting all the players in one place so I had no choice. I was relying on Talisa to keep Frick and Frack busy while we were meeting so we wouldn’t be disturbed.

You ready for this, baby?” It was just like Sherman to call in my hour of need.

Hey, you, I’m as ready as I’m going to be.”

You’ll do fine. Just remember I’m just a phone call away if you need me to come over there and whip some corporate ass.”

I think I can handle this.” I looked at my watch—it was time to go. “I’ve got to go, baby. I’ll call you when it’s over.”

Okay. Love you.” He hung up the phone.

Did he just say that he loved me?
I grabbed the phone to dial him back but I decided against it. I had the biggest shit-eating grin on my face as I practically skipped down the hallway. When the meeting was over, I was going to confess my love too.

* * *

I almost laughed at the stoic faces that filed into the conference room. Never had I seen such a fine group of intelligent people who had acted so stupid.

I’m going to try to make this quick so as to not waste any of your time. Each of you have been given a folder which contains information that you would rather be kept private. Let me assure you that I am not responsible for the gathering of this information, nor do I intend to exploit it. I believe Gary Yeager engineered this, and I know his niece Anita delivered.”

Niece? What the hell are you talking about?” Jermey Haywood said.

Everyone was talking at once and things started to spiral out of control.

I said, “Listen, you might want to keep your voices down. I can’t divulge my sources, but I promise you she is his niece, and she hasn’t passed the Bar.” I passed around the papers that I was holding in my hand.

What’s this?” Thomas, the oldest person in the room, said.

It’s a request for the resignation of Gary and Anita. I would like each of you to sign it.” I set a box of ink pens on the table.

And if we don’t?” Joyce said. She was the only other woman in the room.

I said, “Why wouldn’t you want this to happen? Every last one of you has paid a hefty price to keep your dirty little secrets. When is enough
? Are you all willing to risk your licenses to practice law because you knowingly participated in these unethical practices?”

Silence filled the room. I shook my head in disbelief. I could not believe the cowardice of my esteemed colleagues.

Everything you say is true, but why should we trust you? Aren’t we just changing one extorter for another?” Jermey said.

He was relatively new to the firm, so I was surprised he was the one to speak up. Outside of the fact that he was cheating on his wife, I didn’t know much about him. He was as country as all outdoors, but that didn’t stop me from wanting to knock the snot out of him.

Excuse you? I will not risk my practice for any of you fools. I want no part of your personal lives, so you can get that shit out of your heads right now. What I do want to do is be able to come to work and do what my clients pay me to do without running the risk of being entangled in some bullshit that has nothing to do with me. I am the only one in this room who can cast the first and last stone. So make up your minds because with or without you, I am going to demand the resignation of Gary and Anita. If he doesn’t step down, I won’t have any choice but to expose the whole lot of you.”

The only sound in the room was that of rustling papers as they were being signed and quickly handed back to me. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face as I anticipated round two. I sat down to gather my thoughts as my colleagues left without a backwards glance. After the dust settled, we’d have to decide who the new managing partner would be, but we would have to cross that bridge when we got to it.

* * *

Carrying the papers, I walked back to my office and stopped at Talisa’s desk. “Talisa, can you come in for a minute.”


I waited until she shut the door before I showed her the papers.

She came around my desk and gave me a high five. “Did anybody clown?”

Naw, it went pretty smoothly. Jermey was the only one that said something. He was concerned that I would use the information against them later on down the road.”

Dag, I thought that bitch Joyce would have been the one to put up a stink.”

Honey, please, the heifer was shitting bricks when she opened her file. She has a political agenda. If word got out that she was, pardon my French, a muff duster, it would ruin any chance she had to win over those staunch republicans that she is constantly trying to woo.” I swiveled my chair to face my skyline view.

I know that’s right. How can she hate on a group that she is a card-carrying member of.”

Exactly. It’s like I told them, I have no interest in their personal lives as long as it does not come back to bite me in my ass. You know, caught up in some guilt-by-association shit.”

I know, right? I ain’t even a lawyer yet, and I ain’t even trying to mess up my chances like that if any of this shit was exposed. I can see the headlines at six right now.” She shook her head.

That’s my point. We need to make this shit go away with the quickness. I want you to go to this next meeting.” I watched uncertainty creep across her face.

Me? Do you really think that’s such a good idea?”

I could sense her hesitation. If things didn’t go the way I’d planned, both of us could be out on the street looking for jobs. There was a slight risk of that, but I was betting that Gary was just as tired of his trifling-ass niece as I was. “If I didn’t have these signed statements, I probably wouldn’t let you go even if you had begged me. But since I do, I want you to be able to see their facial expressions when I drop the big one. After all, you helped me gather this information.”

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