Duke Herheart Final (4 page)

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Authors: Olivia Ritch

BOOK: Duke Herheart Final
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Once the Blue Bell’s door had banged shut and Michaels’ footfalls
retreated from the porch, a gentleman slipped from the shadows of a
corner alcove where he had witnessed the exchange with the barkeep
from behind his half-empty pint and a discarded newssheet. He strode to
the window and watched Stafford’s departing back. He was fascinated to
learn of Michael’s interesting quest. He had always been so stuffy and
staid, completely too righteous for his own good. Surely now that he was
the Duke-presumptive, Michael was not involved in anything
scandalous? But if he was, life would be so much sweeter. If
found the
woman first, what fun that would be. His plan suddenly taking shape, the
gentleman quit the tap and made for his horse, a satisfied smile curving
his lips.


Duke of Her Dreams – Olivia Ritch

Chapter Three

Kathryn’s feet were no match for the dirt road pocked with stones.

The fields had seemed better for running, but soon it was clear that she had to constantly keep watch for the greater dangers of horse droppings, cow patties, and sheep pooh. Coupled with the occasional small shrub, pricker bush, or hole, the excrement made running on the grass just as difficult as running on the road. She finally resolved to walk and realized just how far away from her destination she was. She would not cry though. She would

The innkeeper had said London was a two-day trip by coach. And she was on foot. Would that make it a ten-day trip? It had seemed like the only thing to do to just to start out and go forward since she didn’t have any money, anyway, or friends or food. What would a small town do for her when she couldn’t very well show her face? She couldn’t get caught in the gentleman’s bedroom and she certainly didn’t like hanging out in the bar with the way the men had ogled her as she passed by. She shuddered to think about that group.

She was, she thought, usually better at planning than this little exercise suggested. Kathryn needed to think through where she would spend the night, how she would get food, how she might make a little money and possibly even how to get a horse. The most logical solution was to get a waitress job at an inn where she might stay in a staff room and eat and be given a real dress.

Her chest tightened at the thought that she would not see the gentleman Asterleigh from the inn again. It would have been nice to get to know him. Kathryn was sure those dark eyes would twinkle with mischief. His voice had been commanding and soothing at the same time. And he had been funny. There was something about him, something familiar and welcoming and tempting. Asterleigh had been terribly appealing.

Now she was walking all alone on a road with who knows what dangers. If Kathryn had just figured out how to become inconspicuous, she could have waited on the man and learned whether or not he had indeed acquired a dress. She could only imagine how aggravated he must be having gone to the trouble for nothing. Or would he be just as glad to be
of the aggravation of dealing with her?

Lost in thought, Kathryn had walked quite a distance without paying 21

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any attention to the countryside. So for the first time since she had started down the road, Kathryn took in her surroundings and realized just how absolutely breathtaking the land was. Having been distracted by the hard dusty roads and animal droppings, she had missed the sheer beauty of it all. Now she looked, she saw the lushest, greenest grass she had ever seen for as far as the eye could see, dotted by white blobs that upon inspection were sheep lolling on the distant gently rolling hills.

She also passed a group of lazy cows that looked familiar, like ones she remembered from a farm near her home. Big brown cows with white heads. Had they come to America from this region?

Kathryn had just passed a cottage but had paid little heed. Now that she was paying attention Kathryn noticed heaving window boxes, a gray stacked stone foundation and low white picket fence dipping in spots where earth and time had given way. The house reminded her of the Tudor style homes near her own with gables and heavy wood doors, sinking foundations, bracketed shutters, ancient plantings, and beveled glass windows. Truly, if this was not such a wrong century and she was not penniless, shoeless, in constant discomfort from rubbing ill-fitting clothes, carrying a bag of odd assorted personal possessions, and without a passport or any transportation, Kathryn would surely have thought this to be one of the most amazing and glorious places she had ever been.

The low rumble, a steady thudding coming from behind, triggered Kathryn’s survival instincts into high gear. She searched the landscape for a hiding place and though there was not much cover near the road, she opted for a low bush and flattened herself in the grass. The earth thrummed, her heart matching its beats to the pounding. With her gaze focused in the direction of the approaching horseman, she watched as a powerful beast came into view, ridden hard by a man hunched low over the horse’s neck, coattails flowing behind. The rider slowed his horse and she got a sudden sense that he was scanning the area looking for someone or something. Her heart now pounding faster than the hoof-beats that had slowed to a walk, she plastered herself to the ground and prayed he would start riding again. Otherwise, he would discover her and she would be out here in the middle of almost nowhere alone with a man on a horse.

As the horseman approached her position, Kathryn took a chance by tilting her head in his direction. From her view on the ground, Kathryn recognized a familiar blue coat, one she had studied at length while talking to the gentleman in the hall. Not quite ready to reveal herself until she was absolutely sure it was the man she had met at the inn whose clothes she had “borrowed,” Kathryn ducked once again behind the bush 22

Duke of Her Dreams – Olivia Ritch

to catch a clear view of his face.


His “aye” was comfortingly familiar. Scrambling from her hiding spot, Kathryn slapped at the litter on
his pants
she wore as he slowed to a halt in front of her.

“Well, what have we here?”

Kathryn stretched to her full diminutive height then hurriedly explained. “I was walking, then I was running, then walking again but when I heard you I hid behind that bush.”

“Do you find me frightening, then?”

“No, not you. But I didn’t know who it was.” Now that she could see his face, Asterleigh was wearing a broad grin and did indeed have the twinkle that she knew would be in his eyes when he was laughing.

“Ahh, so you had the sense to be frightened by an approaching rider, but yet you are walking down a public road dressed as a lad with no shoes on?”

“I guess I deserved that.” She half-smiled at him. “Are you on this road for a particular reason sir?”

“Indeed. I was riding to fetch you,” Asterleigh announced.

“Me?” Her experience with foreign, slightly-arrogant-sounding men was severely limited, but her woman’s intuition served her well enough.

She stayed quiet and just smiled at him beatifically.

“Yes, I realized you would have no shoes or ready funds and you would certainly not have the good sense to stay put and secure proper conveyance.” His smiled vanished during the little speech and she heard irritation in his tone and felt a little like she had just been scolded by a parent.

“Wow, you rode out here to what... sling me up onto your horse, which by the way is quite magnificent, scold me for disappearing, and carry me back to town?” She said that last with as much playful anticipation as she thought might pique him since he had just treated her like a kid.

“No, not exactly, but I am going to ‘sling you’ as you say onto my horse, and ride you to my home where you will be properly gowned,
and fed.”

“All of that sounds really nice of you. I
in trouble and I
need a ride. I’m just not quite sure that I should ride off with
. Is that even allowed here? You know, woman with man thing.”

The glint was back in the black orbs. “It is not typical, but I daresay your situation is not. We shall have to make do.”

“That’s an understatement. Have you ever encountered a woman 23

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wearing your clothes who needed rescuing?”

“Rescuing yes, wearing my clothes, definitely not. I will say you did a remarkable job of disguising yourself. The innkeeper
mistook you for a boy.”

“Almost?” She smiled at him impishly.

“Yes, he said that you were too feminine to get away with hiding your charms.”

Kathryn did not completely cover her pleased expression and could feel a blush rising on her cheeks. “You, my dear, are blushing and it makes your lovely peach skin a quite orangey hue.”

“That doesn’t sound pretty.” Kathryn knew she had always been an awkward blusher, pink and peach blending oddly to make her look frightening.

“I can assure you it is quite charming.”


“Now may we address the matter of your situation? My horse is growing restless standing here as we exchange pleasantries.”

“I’m sorry. You’ve been so nice to me. I don’t know why I’m hesitating.”

“I will ease your suspicions with a proper introduction. I am Captain Michael Stafford or was until recently. My family’s estate is Hawthorne in Wilton, Herefordshire. Our lands begin at the split in the road just past the inn. I stayed the night in town in order to arrive in the daylight hours and not stir the staff after dark. They would have wanted to provide me a proper greeting as I am also Lord of the house now that I have recently returned. They are now as we speak, expecting me to arrive with a guest.”

Kathryn did not have much choice. There was the matter of not having any money…and being virtually starved. And she was sure her feet were not going to take much more walking. “Lord Stafford, your offer is very generous. I’ll agree to come with you if you will agree to allow me to repay your kindness.” She would not be beholden to an English Lord for anything, certainly not for basic necessities—clothes, food or shelter. Accepting charity seemed a little too cozy for her.

“That arrangement is acceptable.” With that, her rescuer reached for Kathryn’s hand and hoisted her effortlessly into the saddle at his pommel. Lord Michael Stafford turned the horse and Kathryn found herself heading back in the direction from which she had come.

* * * *

Hallthorpe dispatched the footman to retrieve Eleanor Primble from the village upon Michael’s orders. The girl would make an excellent 24

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ladies maid for an unconventional Duchess-to-be. As the young woman entered through the kitchen, Hallthorpe congratulated himself on his selection. He gestured for her to follow him out of the way of so many interested ears into the servant’s hallway that was currently deserted. “I have asked you to join the staff as ladies maid to a most special guest.”

Eyes wide as saucers, Eleanor just listened and nodded.

“She is arriving with the master but will not be expecting to find you in attendance. She will most likely be dressed as a lad, so do not gawk. I know you have spent many years running your father’s house and caring for your sisters. This lady will likely need that same kind of attention.

You are to talk to her, soothe her, and help ease her into the household.

Do you understand?”

“Oh yes, sir.” Miss Primble, Ellie as she had asked to be called, had apparently gathered her wits by this time and was able to comprehend what Hallthorpe was telling her. He imagined that indeed, standing in the hall of this great house, she had dreamed for years of a position such as

this. Ladies maids traveled with their mistresses all over the country to house parties in elegant country homes and he suspected she thrilled at the prospect of coach rides, shopping and the sights of London.

“One more thing Eleanor?”

“Yes sir?”

“We want her to catch the master’s eye. I am counting on your expertise. Of course, she will not want to know we…” his words trailed as Eleanor nodded her head enthusiastically. He did not need to explain further. Hallthorpe had chosen well.

* * * *

“This ride is relaxing…it’s making me sleepy. Do you find yourself relaxing, Lord Stafford?”

Having her on his saddle had the opposite effect on him. Every nerve prickled, his senses were all fully engaged. Indeed, they had been from the moment he had laid eyes on her in that gauzy chemise she thought she had been hiding from him. He ached for a closer look at the dark strip of lace she had worn under it to conceal the apex of her thighs.

No, he was definitely not sleepy.

Now, with every one of the horse’s steps, her bottom pressed firmly to his groin, Michael was aching. He hoped she could not feel his arousal since he had barely just convinced her to trust him. He didn’t want her to fear being ravished on this road. “No, I am not sleepy,” he ground out.

“I was thinking about the rocking. It’s comforting…almost lulling me...”

“I don’t find myself desiring to fall asleep on my mount. I fear it’s 25

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the surest way to find yourself falling somewhere else.”

“I guess you really can’t get sleepy since you’re …what do you call it when you’re riding with a passenger?”

He rolled his eyes. “Riding.” Being out of her line of vision did have some advantages. “You may leave the managing of the horse to me but you must maintain your position. It becomes difficult to manage a limp or lifeless ‘passenger.’”

“I can imagine. But it’s still very hard for me to not be drawn into the motion.”

Ahhh…if she did not stop talking about rocking and motion and
lulling she might find herself learning just how useful the rocking of a
horse’s gait could be!
Michael tried to shake off the unnerving notion but it planted itself in his head and he imagined all methods of showing her.

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