Duncan (24 page)

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Authors: Teresa Gabelman

BOOK: Duncan
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“We’ll get a lot of money for her at auction.” Jeff’s grin was full of greed. “She said she wanted to be changed.”

“Well if you hadn’t killed the breed in there, you could have gotten a lot more.” Kenny pointed over his shoulder.

“Yeah, well, I just couldn’t help myself,” Jeff snorted. “The stupid bitch deserved it.”

Jill scooted back looking around frantically. She was way too weak to take on not only one, but two of them. Something caught her eye and she shimmied her way toward Tessa’s phone. Her own phone was in her bag in the kitchen. She stretched using her fingers to grab it, but could barely reach it. Clinching her teeth, she slid sideways finally able to grab it. Sliding the side button, she silenced the phone. Thank God, it was just like hers. Going to the messages, she saw Tessa’s message to Jared. Tessa hadn’t hit the send button.

Taking a quick glance at the door, she finished the message to Jared.


Jill hit send, hoping it made sense, and then cringed when she heard heavy footsteps.

“What the hell was that light?” Jeff walked in spotting Jill trying to get up. “Are you fucking serious?” He walked over grabbing her by her shirt, dragging her into the kitchen.

“I thought you killed her?” Kenny shook his head. “Damn, can’t you do anything right?”

“She texted someone.” Jeff looked up at Kenny. “You better get out of here. I’ll finish her off and then be there.”

Kenny tossed a paper with writing on the kitchen table before grabbing Tessa who tried to fight. He smacked her, almost knocking her out. “Don’t tempt me, bitch. I don’t need you alive that badly.”

As soon as Kenny was gone, Jeff pulled out his gun again, his grin spreading.

“What the hell are you doing with Kenny Lawrence, Jeff?” Jill had managed to get to her feet. “The Warriors were trying to help you, and you turn on them. Why?”

“Because he wants to bring the Warriors down and so do I. I never fit in there,” Jeff hissed, pointing the gun at her. “They all walk around like they’re perfect, even that fuck Adam. I’m sick of them looking at me like I’m a piece of shit. They even picked you over me. A fucking weak-ass girl.”

“Kenny just wants Pam and the baby. He doesn’t care about you.” Jill shook her head. “And he’s too much of a coward to face the Warriors, just like you. Kenny is using you, dumbass.”

“Shut up.” Jeff screamed shaking with rage.

“What? Are you going to shoot me again?” Jill knew she couldn’t take another bullet, especially at this close range, but her mouth wouldn’t stop; she was so mad and she needed to get him a little closer. “You afraid of me? You have to use a gun on a weak-ass girl?” She tossed his words back at him.

He reached out and backhanded her across the face. “I always hated you,” he spat.

Jill tried to block the pain. “Why? Because I beat you in arm wrestling? Grow up, you pussy.” She actually felt her face swell making it hard for her to talk. Remembering the lessons on gun defense, as quick as lightning, she used both hands in a slapping motion toward each other knocking the gun out of his hand. Then she punched his surprised face.

“Guess you missed that lesson, asshole.” Jill swung again, but he blocked hitting her in the stomach.

“I didn’t miss that one though, did I?” He went for the gun again.

As if one of the Warriors were standing right in front of her giving lessons, she saw her opportunity. Calm and determination spread through her body. Falling to one knee, she spun in a complete circle swinging her other leg out, hitting Jeff in the kneecap. A sickening crunch echoed in the room as both Jeff and Jill fell to the ground. As he screamed in pain, Jill tried to crawl her way out of the room, but her own pain made her slow.

Jeff caught her foot pulling her back. “You broke my fucking leg.”

Kicking out with her other foot, she heard another crunch and scream, the hold on her foot gone. As fast as she could, she crawled, trying to scramble to her feet. The click of a gun stopped her cold. This was it, and the only thing she could think of was she had never gotten to kiss Slade - how sad and messed up was that! Not going down like a coward, Jill stood and turned to face her fate.

“You can kill me, but your problems will double. The Warriors will hunt you down for killing one of their own.” Jill’s voice was strong and true.

“You’re not a Warrior.” Jeff aimed the gun straight at her heart. “You’re just a half-breed bitch nobody will remember.”

“I’m more of a Warrior than you could have ever been.” Jill stood straight, her chin tilted proudly. If she was going to die, she was going to die on her terms. “Pull the trigger,

The room erupted in total chaos as Warriors came through every opening. Jill was knocked off her feet as the sound of gunshots echoed throughout the house.

“Don’t kill him!” Jared shouted.

“Jill!” Slade was leaning over her. “Talk to me.”

Jill’s eyes slit open. “I got shot.” She frowned. “And my face hurts.”

“Goddammit!” Slade ripped her shirt to find the bullet wound; it was already closing. Carefully, he lifted her up to see if there was an exit wound. There wasn’t.

“I have to talk to Jared,” Jill’s voice cracked as Slade laid her back down. “Jared!” she called out.

Jared was there kneeling beside her. “Is she going to be okay?”

“I have to get that bullet out.” Slade frowned looking around, his eyes narrowing as they fell on Jeff.

“Kenny has Tessa.” Jill grabbed the bottom of Jared’s jeans. He reached down and grabbed her hand. “I’m so sorry. I tried to stop him.”

“I know you did, honey.” Jared squeezed her hand. “Do you know where he took her or why?”

“No, but he threw that paper on the table.” As Jill’s eyes slid past Jared, her eyes met Jeff’s. “He knows.”

Jared hurried to the table; Sid knelt in his place. “You
right. You are more of a Warrior than he will ever be.” Sid nodded toward Jeff. “And who in the hell taught you to say, ‘pull the trigger, pussy’?”

“You did.” Jill grinned, but hissed at the pain it caused. “You heard that?”

“We had to wait to make our move, but then you broke badass, and we had to move a little faster.” Sid grinned down at her. “I’m having a proud moment here.”

Jill hissed again when Slade moved her upper body. “Stop moving me. That hurts.”

“My moving you isn’t what’s hurting you,” Slade growled, worry etched across his face. “You got shot. That’s what’s hurting you.”

Adam stood over Jill, anger making his golden eye black. Hearing Jeff running his mouth, he was over there in a flash. “Where’s my sister, asshole?” He grabbed the front of Jeff’s shirt, shaking him.

“Fuck you, Adam.” Jeff turned his head spitting blood. Slowly, his eyes rose to meet his. “Your sister isn’t who you should be worrying about.”

“Don’t let him get to you, Adam,” Sid warned.

Adam ignored Sid. He had always known Jeff hated him, but he didn’t realize just how much. “What are you talking about?”

“You sister is safe, well sort of, for now.” A wide, bloody grin spread across his face. “Angelina, on the other hand, well, let’s just say, she’s probably long gone by now.”

“What did you do to Angelina?” Adam’s voice was surprisingly calm.

“You know I’ve hated you since high school.” Jeff ignored his question. “Adam, the football star, always getting what he wants. Well this time, I got what I wanted.”

Adam lost it, grabbing Jeff, letting loose. Sid stood by watching for a few minutes, allowing Adam his release, before stepping in.

“If you kill him, you’ll never know what happened to her.” Sid pulled Adam off.

Jeff rolled around on the ground moaning. His eyes found Adam. “Oh, I’ll tell you what I did to her because I want to see you suffer.” Jeff rolled back up to a sitting position groaning in pain. “She’s heading to auction. It was a good payday for me. With her looks and body, she’s going to bring a good price.”

“Auction?” Adam’s face was blank, trying to grasp what Jeff was saying.

“Yeah, you stupid fuck,” Jeff hissed. “She will be sold to the highest bidder. By this time next week, she should be a half-breed, pregnant and someone’s whore.”

Adam roared as he charged toward Jeff, but Sid stopped him.

“Get him the fuck out of here.” Jared rushed over as Sid dragged Adam out. “What the fuck does this mean?” Jared shoved the paper in Jeff’s face.

“It means a switch.” Jeff’s laugh was demented. “Your precious Tessa for Pam.”

Jared stood still as stone, staring at Jeff. “Where?”

“Now that I don’t know, but Pam does.” Jeff tried to sit up, but cried out grabbing his leg. “Fucking bitch broke my leg.”

Damon, who had quietly stood watch over everything, kneeled down behind Jeff. “Are we finished with him?”

Jeff jumped, looking over his shoulder. He knew what Damon DeMasters was capable of and didn’t want any part of it. “Get the fuck away from me, you maniac.”

Damon grinned, standing back up when something caught his eye. Walking out onto the back porch, he reached down and picked up a phone. “Hey Jared.” When Jared looked his way, he tossed the phone. “Tessa’s phone.”

Jared caught it staring down at it. Clicking it on, he stared at her background pic of them both laughing, with her giving him rabbit ears.

The whites of Jared’s eyes turned black as he turned to look at Jeff. “If anything happens to her, I will make you suffer.”

“What are you going to do? Make the maniac decapitate me?” Jeff rolled his eyes trying to appear tough.

Jared took two steps to stand in front of him. “No.” He kneeled down getting in his face. “
will keep you alive, and every day,
will make you suffer in ways unimaginable.”

“You can’t do that,” Jeff snorted, doubt flashing through his eyes. “I have rights. And you have to follow the law.”

Jared stood back up. “Damon, did you see that Jeff kid anywhere near Tessa’s?”

“No, sure didn’t,” Damon replied, looking bored as hell. “I don’t think he was involved. Last I heard, he met some girl and took off to start a family. Nice kid.”

“How about you, Slade? You seen Jeff?” Jared stared down at Jeff, his voice not matching the anger on his face. “We sure could use him around here. He was a great asset.”

“I think Damon’s right. Last I heard, he went to Florida or was it California?” Slade didn’t even look away from working on Jill. “I got some connections in California; I can make some calls and see if we can talk him into coming back.”

“But you’re a doctor,” Jeff shouted, terror evident on his face. “You can’t do that.”

Slade didn’t answer him.

Jeff’s eyes shot to Jill’s. “This is all your fucking fault. I swear I’ll make you pay, bitch.” He pointed his finger at her. “You’re all lying.”

“Yes, we are, and very well I might add,” Jared growled. Sid walked in without Adam. “Hey Sid, you seen that kid Jeff?”

Sid stopped and thought for a minute. “Nope, as a matter of fact I haven’t.” Sid’s eyes swung to Jeff. “Last I heard, he up and married some ugly-ass chick he knocked up after a heavy night of drinking. Heard they moved out west to raise them a litter of rug rats. Think he took up ranching since the little lady didn’t want him being a Warrior. You know with all the danger and killing. Sure hope he sends a Christmas card this year.”

“I fucking hate you,” Jeff spat, his eyes narrowed. “I hate you all. And will make you all pay.”

“Shut up, you little bitch.” Sid glared at him. “You know, I’ve been so fucking bored lately I think I might pay Jared so I can torture your ass. That’s the plan, isn’t it?” He asked Jared, but looked directly at Jeff, his eyes unwavering.

“You can have a few days no charge. I’ll need a few days rest,” Jared replied, heading toward the door. “Sloan’s here. Let’s go.”

Jeff’s eyes landed on Jill, who even though in pain, had a knowing half grin on her face. “You think this is funny, cunt?” Jeff growled. “Next time I will shoot you in the fucking head.”

Before anyone could stop him, Slade was up, his gun already pulled from the waistband of his jeans. Picking Jeff up, like he was nothing but a child, he placed the barrel of the gun against his forehead. “You just don’t know when to stop do you, Badass?” He removed the barrel from Jeff’s forehead and jammed it under his chin sneering into his face. “If I ever hear you threaten her again, I will blow your fucking brains out. I don’t care what information they think they can get out of you. I won’t torture, but I
kill you, and remember I’m a doctor. I know how to do it painfully.”

Jeff didn’t say a word, but he did piss himself.

Slade tossed him to the floor then walked back to Jill. Everyone just stood watching Slade walk away. “I’m impressed.” Sid’s eyebrows rose, looking back at Jeff who lay on the floor moaning. “Anyone who can make someone piss themselves that quick is okay in my book.”

Sloan walked in looking around. “Where is the little fucker?” His eyes found Jeff on the floor.

“I want him alive.” Jared walked out the door with Sid and Damon following.

“Watch yourself boss.” Sid nodded toward Jeff. “Slade literally scared the piss out of the bastard.”

“Shit!” Sloan walked over grabbing Jeff by the shirt, picking him up to his face level. “You really fucked up this time. Traitors are treated a lot differently from the other scum bastards we catch.”


Chapter 26

Pam was walking downstairs with Daniel when someone pounded on the front door. Duncan came out of the kitchen spotting her on the steps.

“Stay there,” he ordered as he made his way across the floor.

Nodding, Pam turned ready to run upstairs if she needed to. Hearing Nicole’s frantic voice, Pam made her way quickly down the rest of the steps.

Seeing Duncan and Nicole’s face, Pam stopped. “What’s wrong?”

“Kenny has Tessa.” Nicole’s voice sounded panicked. “Jeff is involved, and they sold Angelina, and…”

“Oh my God.” Pam felt light headed and quickly sat down for fear of falling with Daniel. “When?”

“Nicole, calm down,” Duncan ordered, grabbing his phone.

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