Dying Light (35 page)

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Authors: Kory M. Shrum

Tags: #urban fantasy, #espionage, #angel, #heroines, #contemporary fantasy, #superpowers, #secret agents, #lgbtq, #evil and good

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Nikki arches her eyebrows. “Yes.
Definitely, the bodies—”

No details, please,” Ally

Georgia killed Cindy.” My
heart aches.

Nikki sees my face. “I’m sorry for
your loss. I know she worked with you.”

I see Cindy in my mind the day she
came to tell me she’d started seeing her angel, Raphael. I can see
her huge wet eyes and the way she held herself protectively,
looking for answers I didn’t have. I told her we were going to be

And now she’s dead.

Ally squeezes my arm, and I see Nikki
stiffen. Normally, I’d enjoy it. I’d lean into Ally, let her hold
me, really play it up. But right now I feel numb. The only feeling
I can manage is relief that Winston dodged a bullet. My mind
doubles back and I turn to Maisie holding Winston. “Your power
doesn’t have a time limit or anything does it? I mean, he’s not
going to be alive for a day or something?”

Not that I know of,”
Maisie says. “But this is only the third time I’ve used it. And the
first time I used it twice in one day.”

You brought your mom
back,” I say, realizing just how smart it was for Caldwell to bring
the kid here and keep her close, but out of the way. They probably
intended to split the powers between them, using Maisie to make
them revive faster than ever before.

You have to come with
us,” Ally says to her. “We can’t leave you here.”

Maisie looks like she might object,
but after her eyes circle the destroyed room once, she agrees. “But
he’s going to come and get me again.”

We’ll see about that,” I
say. “I’ll carry Winston.” She obediently hands the dog over. “Go
get your backpack.”

Nikki looks to Jeremiah to give the

Jeremiah nods, looking half-dazed
himself. “We’re done here.”

Chapter 57




e find a second armored truck waiting on the
behind the
They begin with the
business of loading up the bodies—Cindy, Minli, and

Our attempt to load up is
interrupted by a siren and the shadow of a massive
blocking the

I’ll talk to them,”
Jeremiah says, stepping off the
toward the vehicle. Before he
reaches it, two familiar faces emerge from the smoke.

Gloria,” I call out,
relieved to see her alive.

It took us a minute to
find another ride,” Gideon says, companionably. “But we found this
beauty, unattended and waiting for us.” He pats the driver side
door of the fire truck.

How’s Jesse?” Gloria

Alive,” Jesse says,
stepping out from behind me.

Gloria grabs each of Jesse’s shoulders
and inspects her. Then she nods as if reaching a

Where’s Rachel?” Gideon

Dead,” I say.

The smile falls off his

They think she’ll wake
up,” Jesse says. “Her body was sort of crushed against the column,
but her head is okay. No reason to think she won’t wake

Gideon doesn’t look any happier
despite this news. “Put her in the truck.”

happy to transport her to our facility,” Jeremiah begins,
pushing the glasses up on his nose and moving toward us.

No, thank you. Please put
her in
Gideon says again, his gaze heavy on Jeremiah.

Nikki makes some motion beside me, and
the two men holding Rachel’s stretcher behind the armored truck,
carry Rachel toward the fire truck.

We need to get out of the
city,” Gloria says.

You’re leaving?” Nikki
asks, her hand soft on my arm.

There’s no need,”
Jeremiah says. “We have a medical facility, state of the art, in
the south of the city for this exact situation. The danger has

The danger has not
passed,” Gloria tells them, heading to the truck

Fighting is inevitable,”
Jeremiah says. “You cannot simply decide you won’t.”

Gideon laughs. “Oh sir, that is
exactly what we can do.”

With Rachel in the truck, Maisie and
Jesse hoist themselves up into the main cabin, pug in tow. Gideon
and Gloria climb in after, leaving me alone on the sidewalk with
Nikki and Jeremiah. Their own men wait in the armored trucks for
their next orders.

Jeremiah stops in front of me, his
hands on his hips. “You can’t go off alone, not with so few of

You say it like I make
the decisions,” I say, with a short laugh.

You influence

I laugh harder. “Do I?”

It’s not true. I can no more to
control Jesse than I can control the sun in the sky.

You don’t understand,”
Jeremiah says, nostrils flaring as he shoves his glasses up on his
nose with a finger.

Explain it to me,” I say.
“Please explain why you feel like you should manage Jesse. Have you
seen something horrible in these visions of yours?”

Jeremiah shoves his glasses up on his
nose. “The very first vision I had was of Caldwell, eleven years

This certainly gains my

I saw him take Henry
Chaplain’s gift. I’ve seen him take every gift he has, and I saw
Jesse take Jason’s gift too.”

How is that possible?” I
ask. He’s not talking about remote viewing.

Caldwell called me the
observer. The prophet. It is a good enough name for my role in
this. I am meant to

So what did you see that
makes Jesse seem like such a liability?”

She kills us

My breath catches in my throat.
“Excuse me?”

She becomes the apex and
instead of saving the world and recasting a new shield, she
destroys it. She can choose anything, but she chooses to destroy

I don’t understand. How
can Jesse decide the fate of the whole world? She’s one

I thought if she worked
with us, understood that there were good people here, people worth
saving, I could change that.”

I don’t know what to say. I open and
close my mouth more than once.

Jeremiah doesn’t wait for me to
process what he’s said. He climbs into the armored truck and turns
the key. He pulls away from the curb, driving off into the
half-destroyed city.

He’s just angry,” Nikki
says. “He doesn’t actually believe you’re responsible for Jesse’s

But he does
going to destroy the world?”

Nikki reaches out and takes my

And you knew?”

I didn’t want you to
worry. He thinks we can change it. He’s changed a vision

Jesse is already walking
toward the fire truck, Maisie in tow. Maisie likes her. Jesse will
never believe it
She believes everyone hates her as a rule. But Maisie has the
same look on her face that I often give my brother.

Nikki grabs on to me and pulls me into
a hug. Her lips are soft on my neck and for a moment, I think I
won’t be able to leave her.

Natalie?” I

Her hold falters. “She had NRD and was
killed. A bullet to the stomach and she bled out. Jeremiah
recruited me at the height of my depression. He gave me a purpose

I’m sorry.”

You knew about Minli. If
you hadn’t warned us about the light, we would all be

I nod, not sure what to say. “Jeremiah
has visions?”

She looks away, her eyes falling on
the fire truck. “It looks like we’ve both been keeping

I take her hands in mine. “We can’t do
this right now.”

She searches my face for

We’re both trying to work
right now. I have Jesse. You have Jeremiah and Natalie’s memory. We
can’t build a loving commitment under conditions like

Jesse stands in front of the truck,

Nikki gives my hands a squeeze. “I’m
still holding out for our happily ever after.”

We should focus on what
needs to be done and if someday things change—”

Nikki kisses me, cutting off my

A little embarrassed that everyone in
the fire truck is surely watching, I break the kiss.

Nikki gives me a sad little smile.
“Don’t let Jesse talk you into anything reckless. Be the voice of

I’ll try. And don’t let
Jeremiah take your loyalty for granted.”

Nikki pushes my hair back behind my
ears, her expression heartbroken. “If you need me, call. You know
I’ll come running.”

Chapter 58




weet Gee-
.” I’m going to throw up in my mouth if I have to watch
Sasquatch slobber on Ally for a second longer. “How long is this
going to take?”

Don’t enjoy a bit of
snogging?” Gideon says. “I do.”

I don’t know what
snogging is, but it sounds way dirtier than what they’re

It’s British for
kissing,” Maisie says, feeding Winston bits of beef

How the hell do you know
that?” I ask.

Harry Potter,
,” she says. “Haven’t
you read them? I have. Twice.”

I snort. “Do I look like I have time
to read books?”

My boy Kevin loves ‘dem
books,” a man says.

I jump in my seat, whirling toward the
sound. “Holy shit, where did you come from?”

Monroe blinks wide eyes at me. “I
didn’t mean to scare you, miss.”

He’s coming with us.”
Gloria’s face and tone definitely have an
fierceness about them.

I shrug. “Whatever. If he stabs me in
the brain with an ice pick, it’s your ass I’ll be

Do you really think we
should swear so much in front of a child?” Gideon asks.

Maisie gives him a
drop-dead stare. “I’m not a child. I’m

Gideon gives her a devilish grin. “My
apologies, madam.”

I glare at him. He looks

How old is your kid?”
Maisie asks, shoveling a piece of the jerky into her mouth, despite
Winston’s whining.

Thirteen,” Monroe says.
“He loves books and airplanes. They’s his two favorite

At long last, Ally climbs into the
truck, leaving Sasquatch on the sidewalk like a lost

I snort.

What’s so funny?” Maisie

I consider making a Sasquatch joke,
but Ally doesn’t look too happy herself.

I frown at her. “Are you

I’m fine,” Ally

I don’t believe her, but with Monroe
breathing over my shoulder and Maisie staring at me with half a
piece of jerky hanging from her mouth, it’s hardly the time to

I turn to Gideon, waiting for him to
fire this truck up. “Do you think we can fit this thing through a

We do not find a drive-through. Most
of Chicago is either shut down or in complete chaos. Also, it turns
out that taking a fire truck through a drive-thru is a bad idea,
since this truck is stolen.

Instead, we drive the truck an hour
southeast to Gary, Indiana. I have to say, this place looks more
apocalyptic than Chicago did, and Chicago was in flames. We pull
off the interstate into a desolate town with run-down,
not-at-all-white houses and crappy roads.

Gideon stops the truck at a junkyard.
A high fence topped with barbed wire runs along the perimeter.
Behind the fence, cars in various conditions stretch as far as the
eye can see.

Wait here.” Gideon slides
off the driver’s seat, hopping down to the gravel road. A man a
little darker than Gideon comes out of a squat brick building and
meets him halfway. They are laughing and talking in a language I
don’t understand.

This is shady,” Ally says
from her seat behind me. Maisie and Winston are sleeping upright on
the end of Rachel’s cot. I have to give the kid props. I’m not sure
I could have taken a nap by a dead body when I was sixteen. I don’t
think I was that desensitized to crazy by then.

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