Dystopia: The Beginning of the End

BOOK: Dystopia: The Beginning of the End
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          The Beginning of

                                The End





DJ Cooper






Copyright © 2014 D.J. Cooper


All rights reserved

ISBN-10: 1502441055


Copyright © All rights reserved worldwide.  No part of this document may be reproduced, stored, transmitted by any means, for profit or gain, without the expressed permission of the author.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously.  Any resemblance to actual events, organizations or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


This is a work of fiction. No techniques are recommended without proper safety measures and training.  The author nor publisher assumes no liability for your actions.






“The Beginning of the End”




DJ Cooper



There are quite a few people I would like to thank for their support and encouragement while I was writing this novel. 

I’d like to thank many friends and family who read and re-read portions of this over and over again helping me to iron out some kinks.

Thanks to Gloria Cooper (Mom) for assisting me with the cover photos.

Jamie Waylein for her help editing what sometimes looked like a jumble of words.  She made the words, sentences and thoughts readable.

For my children Chris and Jamie, all their support and encouragement when mommy couldn’t seem to get a word on the page keeps me going.  Never failing in their love and care, truly one of God’s greatest blessings, I’m so blessed and thankful for both of them.







“Knowledge is Power.  Information is liberating.  Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.

-Kofi Annan


In writing this book I realized that there were a lot of things that will make a person say, hummmmm…

I tried to share a story of things that currently weigh heavy on many people’s minds.  There is so much going on in the world today, which would make you wonder.  What ever happened to……

This book was written for not only its story, but to give the reader an idea of the many things that have been lost in our technological age of fast food and fast internet.  So many people I talk to think that chicken comes from the grocery store, when in reality somewhere, lurks a farm where all these little baby chicks grow to maturity, before being sent off to be neatly packaged for your convenience and selection.

At the end of the book I offer Resources from the internet and books where I learned so much about these things.  Knowledge is where the true preparedness comes from, and the power to control your own circumstances

                                          DJ Cooper

Table of Contents



“The Beginning of the End”



Chapter 1

“Breaking News”

Chapter 2

“The meeting”

Chapter 3


Chapter 4

“Trouble this way comes”

Chapter 5


Chapter 6

“Ready for anything?”

Chapter 7

“Bad Tidings”

Chapter 8

“Others Near and Far”

Chapter 9

“Power is Out”

Chapter 10

“Settling In”

Chapter 11

“Thief in the Midst”

Chapter 12

“Amanda Talks”

Chapter 13


Chapter 14

“Day by Day “

Chapter 15


Chapter 16


Chapter 17

“News from the North”

Chapter 18

“George is back”

Chapter 19


Chapter 20

“Time to Move”

Chapter 21

“Engagement “

Chapter 22

“New Home”

Chapter 23

“Arrival of loved ones”

Chapter 24


Note from the Author


More from  DJ Cooper


Rain Water

Solar Hot Water

Wood Fired Hot Water

Solar Panels


Solar Window Heaters


Chapter 1

“Time is short”

Thank you for reading




                                                             The Beginning of

                                                                         the End





DJ Cooper

Chapter 1

“Breaking News”



“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

Benjamin Franklin


September 6


Dez was awakened by a loud beeping sound, so loud it could be heard from the other room. It was that sound emitted by the TV informing a person that there was an emergency broadcast announcement. It woke her with a start, she grumbled to herself how she could never understand why Matt so often managed to fall asleep with that dull noise of the TV droning on in the background.  He was always forgetting to shut it off. 

This day, it was to be her alarm it seemed.  Still groggy as she crawled out of bed, feeling as though she had only just fallen asleep.

Getting up she complained about it while searching for her slippers in a heap of rumpled clothing on the floor.  A small half smile upon her face, she headed toward the kitchen.  Remembering she was still grumpy about the TV, shuffling her feet and mumbling as she walked,

“Since I’m not getting any sleep, I might as well make the coffee.”

Trying to remain in a foul mood, because she really wanted to sleep in; just seemed pointless after the wonderful evening they had the night before.  She started filling the coffee maker, not even really paying attention.  Basically just going through the motions, mindlessly doing this morning task without even bothering to check the TV. 

She already knew that when the beeping of the emergency broadcast system sounded, it was usually to warn of severe storms lurking on the horizon.  Remembering last night’s weather forecast predicted a cool front and with it came the possibility of severe storms she assumed it was a weather announcement.

She stood with a blank stare looking into the coffee can, almost as if she could not remember how to make it.   She went about making the coffee the best she could, her thoughts wandering somewhere into the day's adventures. She always enjoyed fixing the coffee just as Matt was getting up and liked the dramatic show of gratitude, feigning he was about to die until he had coffee in hand.  

The coffee was very much a part of their morning ritual.  She would usually get coffee going before waking Matt.  Savoring a few moments each morning where they would watch a little news and share with each other the day’s plans. It was what she saw as their ‘Alone’ time, and often mused, it was the highlight of her day.

Suddenly, she was sucked from her thoughts, she jumped from the sound of the emergency broadcast system again; nearly flinging coffee all over the kitchen. Racing for the TV, realizing she didn’t turn it off yet she exclaimed,

“Shit, it’s going to wake Matt.” 

Then mumbled, something about it being “The stupid TV” as she rushed over to turn it down. 

Today, however, the news was not about the weather as she expected.  The words in the ticker like a slap had made her feel shaken.  She stood staring at the news line scrolling across the TV. 
“Ebola virus has been confirmed at hospitals in the following six U.S. cities.  New York, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Denver, Sacramento and Detroit… Please stay tuned for an official announcement.”
  It then began to repeat the same scrolled message.  It took a moment for it to sink in, and suddenly she snapped out of her trance.   Turning quickly, she ran to the bedroom, forgetting their coffee entirely. 

Bursting into the bedroom, she urged him. 

“Matt, Matt… Wake up!”

Continuing her way through the room and heading for the bathroom, she peeked back through the doorway to see if he had heard her.   He stirred a bit and rolled over, looking at her, blinking and smiling he said,

“It’s Saturday baby, come back to bed and cuddle.”  

He winked at her, patting the bed with that come hither look.  She often stated how it was beyond her that this man could always wake up with a smile. That some days it even bugged her, talking to herself in the mirror and making a big show,

“He always wakes up with that damn sunny disposition.”

She looked at him from the bathroom doorway again and sighed,

“No, you need to get up, there is an alert on the TV, and they are going to make an official announcement shortly.”

Matt winced, because he said she always took things so seriously.

“What now?” he groaned flopping on the bed pretending to be shocked. 

“Did the president misplace his golf clubs and it is now a national emergency?” 

“No, ” she almost spat out, sighing as she turned back into the bathroom, muttering to no one in particular,

“This man never takes anything seriously.”

With a sound like a growl she looked out the door at him,

“It’s Ebola, it has been confirmed here in the U.S.  Come on baby, get up and let’s have some coffee.  We can check out what kind of new false flag issue there is to distract the American public today.” 

Saying all this as she smiled and winked at him, she knew which buttons to push.  She knew that even though he was always making jokes and taking things too lightly, he was passionate about the constitution and the corruption within the government.  By saying it was surely a false flag, she was pretty certain it would do the trick. 

Gesturing to him to get up, she purposely sauntered out of the bedroom toward the kitchen.  She tossed her long brown hair behind her as she glanced over her shoulder at him, giving him that sly little grin that said, “I win!”

Getting up Matt made his way to the bathroom his thoughts began to drift to just a few years ago when they had met.  He knew she was older, but neither of them realized at first how large the age difference was. She looked young and fit for her age and he looked much older and more mature than he was.  It made it a shock for both of them when they found out their true age difference. 

He had been immediately attracted to her and it was funny how Dez later revealed she had also immediately taken notice of him.  She told him how she watched him as he pulled into his parent’s driveway on the motorcycle.  She admitted she had noticed him those few times before they had actually even met.  He remembered how she smiled when she told him that she thought he was very attractive and liked the way he moved as he got off the bike. 

Dez brought him out of his reminiscing by shouting from the kitchen,

“Coffee darling.”  

Matt lazily strolled into the kitchen and saw his coffee waiting for him.  He smiled and picked it up, taking in the aroma thinking “The first cup of the day is the best.”

He stood in the kitchen a moment, looking at her across the counter with a tiny smile.  She was sitting there in her sweats and a tee, hair disheveled.  He loved this look and his thoughts again went back to when they had first met. 

She had moved in next door to his parents, and he recalled seeing her sitting on the porch mumbling at nothing. It was on that day, butterflies in his stomach, he marched right up to her and intended to introduce himself.  Smiling as he approached and watching her as she was cursing at the instructions to a surround sound. 

Laughing, he stepped onto the porch and asked her if she needed help.   It startled her and she scowled as she looked up at him from the instructions, saying,

“How can anyone understand these?” 

He was good at home theater things and volunteered to help her with it, honestly thinking he might be able to impress her. After that day they would often hang out watching movies together.  They both liked each other and there was a tension between them, but she would not date him when she found out she was quite a bit older than he was.

Initially, she thought he was at least ten years older than he was.  He started going bald at a very young age and most of the hair on top of his head was already gone so he kept his head shaved.  By his late twenties, he got false teeth and was often insecure about his looks.

Dez didn’t care about any of that, she always looked inside.  His friends would tease him saying things about how she must be blind, and sometimes he wondered if she was.  He often thought it odd she agreed to date him finally.  She was a beautiful woman who would turn down men with money, good looks and what people would consider a good catch.

Matt had no money and often struggled with his debts, but she was completely devoted to him.  She owned the house they lived in and another hundred plus acres, she was fairly successful and well off.

He felt proud of himself at how he had been persistent, and that it had surely paid off.  She caught his eye the first time he saw her, and there is something to be said for persistence he would say. 

Dez giggled when she saw him just standing in the kitchen with his cup and a silly little smile. She said,

“Earth to Matt you with us?  What is running through that mind of yours so early?” 

“Oh, nothing… just thinking.”

She playfully rolled her eyes at him, which made him laugh, conjuring up his skills as a quick thinker he blurted out,


That was his default response when he did not want to get into a discussion on something.  He refilled his coffee and proceeded over to where she was.  Making a grand exhibition of plopping down next to her he grinned at her a wide smile.  She laughed, feeling his job was done, he sat contentedly sipping on his fresh cup of what he called ‘the elixir of life’.  He was in a good mood as he sat waiting to see what all the fuss was on the news. 

They sat chatting about the day ahead while they waited, both blindly staring at the screen. It soon became apparent that they would not have to wait long.  The ticker began to scroll announcing that an official news conference would begin precisely at seven.

Matt, glanced at the clock and saw it would still be another fifteen minutes.  He began to send out some texts as a heads up to a few people; telling them to watch the news conference. 

Dez had been already busy texting Tawny, her best friend who technically lived in Chicago.  She recently accepted a long term job in their area, and to save money on housing she rented Dez’s small cabin that was behind the main house.  It was a good fit for her and her son to stay in for the duration of the job she was on. 

Dez relished the opportunity to hang out with her friend and enjoyed their company when Matt was off doing what she called “Guy stuff.”

They both rather quickly went through the list of those to contact.  Matt first sent texts to his parents, who lived just outside Worchester, Massachusetts and his friend John who lived about five miles from them. 

Dez was busy texting Charleigh, her daughter, who lived up in Cincinnati and her son who was on a job out in Pittsburg. Dez had been often curious about someone named Morgan that Matt had also texted.  He was not particularly forthcoming with whom this person was, she seemed to accept she did not need know everyone he communicated with.  Dez never really pushed the question so he just didn’t say anything when she asked.

They both finished sending all the texts they wanted to get sent.  Matt looked at Dez and said,

“Wow, everyone is sure spread out, I’m not sure that is such a good thing right now.”

Dez agreed, with a troubled look in her eye, she rose getting up to refresh both their coffees.  They sat on the sofa waiting and watching the news.  

A few minutes before the news conference was to begin, Tawny came inside with her young son Dylan.  Tawny, with her usual “I’m home” demeanor, headed right for the coffee pot and poured herself a cup.   She made her way over to the sofa and sat down to wait with them for this big news story.   She immediately began to ask,

“Ok, ok which cities have…”

Before she could finish her sentence the emergency signal interrupted her, signaling it was about to begin. It fell silent as all eyes went to the screen to see what the official spin on this would be.

A spokesperson from the Centers for Disease control in Atlanta, appears for the camera and approached the podium.

The announcer begins to speak. Holding out his hand in the direction of a man sitting off to the side he began,

“Ladies and Gentlemen, Dr. Ralph Sorenson, incident manager for the CDC Ebola response.”  

A rather nervous looking and visibly uncomfortable man walked into view.  A tiny little man, with a comb over and what looked like glasses from the fifty’s took the podium and he began to speak.

“Health officials have confirmed cases of Ebola within the U.S. Patients are being treated at undisclosed hospitals in the following cities, New York, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Denver, Sacramento and Detroit.” 

There was a long pause as the weary spokesperson continued,

“Understand, we know how to stop Ebola.  It won’t be easy or fast, but working together with our U.S. government and international partners, we are doing it in Africa and can do so here, but it will take time.” 

He pauses for the murmuring to quiet and continues.

“Ebola is a deadly virus. It is spread through direct contact with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of those who are already infected.  This is not an airborne virus, I repeat, it is not airborne, you cannot catch it from casual contact. Symptoms, which can begin between anywhere from two to twenty-one days after infection, include fever, muscle pain, headache and a sore throat.  Followed by vomiting, diarrhea and rash. If anyone in these cities has been experiencing these symptoms, please report to the nearest health care facility as soon as possible.” 

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