Ecstasy (13 page)

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Authors: Lora Leigh

BOOK: Ecstasy
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I smell a big rodent here."

do you mean? Ok, just what the hell is going on here?" he said, quickly
sobering up. He regretted to loose both the buzz and the woman. 'Fuck', he
swore furiously to himself. He couldn't help noticing that despite their
conjecture, Jennifer was full of smiles. 'Is she not aware of what's going on,
or she just doesn't give a fuck?' he asked himself.

think Jenny should explain it. She looks as if she knows it all." Carl
muttered resignedly. Craig glanced at her face and realized Carl was right.

Jenny, you're in on this thing, aren't you?"

boys, how are ya?" she acted as if nothing was happening.

were ok until Lisa took off with our rags - and locked us here on the roof with
y... Wait! This is what you girls planned, isn't it?" Craig's face cleared
up as fast as his mind did.

see, Craig? This is why women like you! You are not just one hell of a one good
looking hunk of well-hung meat, but also smart!" Jennifer quipped happily
at him.

started laughing.

why in the hell would you girls want this?" he found it amusing enough to

tilted her head and smiled at him.

get what you guys won't give up otherwise. And
I will
get it!"

is all about you?" Craig tried to understand. "You must be

and no, but mostly yes for all that guys are concerned right now. And you
do what I ask y... no, what I tell you and you'll be all right! You'll

is that? What do you want, Jenny? And I am sure there were other ways for you
to get whatever you want without having us locked up here naked."

where you're wrong, Craig. No other way. Or perhaps there might have been. But
the best way," she said satisfied as she sipped on her

enough of this. What do you want?" asked Craig a little irritated.

your horses, big boy! Sloooowly!" she tried to calm him down.

kicked back in his seat and didn't seem to mind his conjecture one bit. The
only thing of importance at that time in his mind was her ass.

Craig, do you remember that conversation you and I had about a week ago?"
prodded Jennifer.

Somewhat. And I was right," he muttered.

I don't know about it now. We'll see. Thing is, a threesome is not bad. It's
actually good, no matter how much you may disagree with it."

stick to my guns."

you still believe that I can't bring you to an orgasm?"


still believe that a woman cannot tell the difference between two cocks, all
other things being given?"


see about it. You and Carl will disprove those thoughts in your mind," she
said smilingly.

how?" he inquired.

voice compelled attention and her mind was made up.

mention of his name gathered Carl's attention even more.

do you mean by 'two cocks'?"

says that a woman cannot tell the difference between two cocks fucking her,
unless she sees the men's faces. It's not true and we get to try his little
theory in practice tonight. And you're gonna help."

Craig shook his head in disbelief. "We're not going to do anything of the
sort." Carl was just as stunned as him.

yes we are, stud!
very much are."

don't think so," he objected vehemently and started walking to the door.

in case you haven't noticed the door is locked and Lisa's gone. Also, please
remember you're naked.
are naked. Where will you go? This is the CNN
building, after all," Jennifer brought him back to reality.

on, Jen. This is crazy - whatever this might be in your mind," seconded
Carl. The let-down he suffered at her lips was too unpleasant for him and Jennifer's
plan didn't sound all that appealing. 'I need more whiskey,' he convinced

walked back to the table and decided to put his foot down.

Jennifer, I don't know what you and Lisa concocted, but it's not going to

I see it otherwise! I see you boys complying with each and every one of my
wishes. In fact, you don't really have a choice, Craig. And Carl, I know you
care about him, so you too will do as I say!"

that?" inquired Carl.

let's just say there will be people around this pool by
9 am
Surely you wouldn't want them to find us naked here. Would you? I mean, this
the CNN building, after all. Certainly you wouldn't want a camera crew walking
here to take some 'raw footages' of you guys naked, with an equally naked
intern next to you, would you?"

words stopped Carl in his tracks and he paused with the drink in his hand.

wouldn't, you little tramp, would you?"

Carl, I love it when you speak sooooo dirty, baby! And yes, I would! In fact, I
do!" Jennifer's face seemed full of vitriolic sarcasm mixed in with a
diabolic desire for their bodies. It left no room to guess anything else about
her intentions and both men knew she'd get what she want it. It was only a
matter of time.

1 am
and I need a drink, boys. Please be so kind
to get me one, Carl," she said as she handed the empty glass to him. He
took the glass and filled it.

pour yourselves another one. You're both gonna needed it," she added

you do realize this is sexual blackmail, don't you?" protested Craig in

is sexual renaissance, baby! It is sexual discovery for you! You stand to learn
something about women and you both need the lesson!"

what makes you the qualified, not to mention
acceptable and accepted

seems to me that you boys are a captive audience, pun intended." She
laughed heartedly not so much at her words but at the men's sudden inability to
do as they pleased. She enjoyed it and was glad to see the fruits of her careful
planning in practice finally. They were both exactly where she wanted them.

how do you suppose we do this?" asked Carl incredulously.

be a sport and go by the door. There is a red scarf tied to the handle. Please
bring it here."

walked to the door and untied the scarf thinking of the whole affair. 'She must
be crazy if she thinks she can give me an orgasm. At most a hard on,' he
consoled himself.

on, Craig, you should know not to doubt a woman's instincts. Not only will I
give you an orgasm that you will never forget, not only that you'll like it,
but I'll even be able to tell the difference between your cum and Carl's,"
she whispered in his ear as he sat down, as if reading his mind. Her hand
reached for his right thigh and he reached for the drink.

here's how we're gonna do this, boys. First, we're gonna jump in the pool. All
three of us. All naked. So, get your balls in there. Now!"

swimming suit came off as she said it and grabbed both men by their hands on
her way to the pool. A few seconds later they were immersed in the water and
she hugged Carl.

This isn't
hard, is it?"

guess not, but I don't know about the rest."

worry. I'll walk you through it and you'll like it."

lights by the pool were just enough to show her body through the clear water
and she made it a point to keep both men right next to her. She reached for
Craig's balls with surprising easiness and experience while kissing Carl on the
lips. She worked their cocks in the wavy ways of the water and when she felt
them getting hard, she walked them to the shallow end of the pool.

stopped when the water splashed against their balls and she used her ass to
make the waves their cocks welcomed soon.

she turned her back on Craig and rubbed her ass against his pelvic bone while
kissing Carl on the neck. Her hands worked his manhood for a few seconds and
then pushed him a little further from her, just enough so that she'd bent over
in front of Craig while reaching Carl's cock with her lips.

grab my ass and spank it.
Do it
!" she demanded of him and with her
divine ass in his hands already he submitted to her wishes. Her lips were
almost wrapped around Carl's meat, when she turned her head toward Craig.

it. Work my ass. Work my pussy with your meat. Come on, do it. I have what you
need and you possess what I own!"

he put both of his hands on her ass and felt the sun lotion from earlier on.
Craig may not have been sparked by her body as much as she wished, but he was
curious. He wanted to know what it felt like. He could see her asshole right
above the water line and with one swift move put his cock against that.

yet, buddy. You just wait. You
get some of it if you do as I tell

Carl hard as a diamond dildo and Craig working his way to the same shape, she
decided it was time to take them back to deeper waters. She straightened up her
slender body and with their hands in hers once more, she walked toward the
other end of the swimming pool.

Carl, you get to go down on me as I float on the water and Craig darling, you
get to hold my shoulders above the water. And just so to make sure that I don't
drown, you will kiss me until Carl works his tongue in my cunt so well that I

complied with her wishes easily and Carl was no problem; a few moments later
she was floating belly-up in the water and Carl's head was between her legs,
delivering her the pleasure she desired from his hungry tongue. Craig held her
shoulders and admired her beauty for a few seconds before kissing her. His
first kiss landed on her forehead and his lips soon met hers.

thighs felt Carl's lips playing loosely on her thighs and her pussy was wet
inside and out. She knew it would not take much and she bit her lower lip as
she looked at Carl. She couldn't see his face, but she didn't need to; his
tongue was deep inside her already and she moaned in Craig's face.

kissed her more and she returned the favor with a deep French kiss while
reaching with both arms over her head for his torso. She wanted to fill him, to
feel his chest, his abdomen and all his manhood.

body was floating in a pool of ecstatic pleasure mixed with the warm water
under her and she tensed up with anticipation of sexual relief. She wanted Carl
to go inside her as she felt his cock trialing the edges of her pussy almost
ready to go in, but denied herself the pleasure. She had her plan.

yet, Carl," she said as she straightened up. "Let's get out of the
pool and go to the table." Her orders were their commands.

wet and naked, the three walked over to the table and Jennifer could not help
to make a remark to herself. 'It's amazing what one woman can do with
two...perhaps even more men all at once.'

here's what we're going to do, guys. You will blindfold me with the scarf. Then
you each get to pick a chair, sit next to each other and spread your

two men looked at each other and Carl shrugged his shoulders.

long as that gets us off this roof at some point in time," he said as he
took another sip from his drink.

make yourselves comfortable," Jennifer added with a tad of sexual innuendo
in her voice. Craig blindfolded her and the two sat in the chairs next to each
other as she asked.

now that I no longer know which is which, please keep quiet," she said as
she felt her way to the men. She felt her way around and, squatting between
them her right hand found a knee and worked its way to his thigh, while she
reached for the other man on her left. She knew they were both well shaved
around their balls and she was pleased with that. Jennifer never liked a hairy
set of balls, no matter how great the cock that came with them.

"Ohhhh, that
is sooo nice! Two cocks! They are so....touchy and...addictive!" She
worked both men with a surprising ease and it didn't take long to get them
hard. She was a little taken aback that both men got hard so fast, but that
didn't matter. She enjoyed their stiff stuff and wished she could do that every
evening. But for then she had other plans.

closer together. And remember! Not a word from either one of you!"

men pushed their chairs closer and she was able to lean on her left to take a
cock between her lips while handling the other. Her mouth worked the head with
pleasure and, while her right hand busied itself with the other meat, she felt
the abdomen above her face. It was heavenly to her and that gave her even more
impetus to let her mouth do all the silent talking.

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