Elder (26 page)

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Authors: Raine Thomas

Tags: #FICTION / Fantasy / Paranormal

BOOK: Elder
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Daughters of Saraqael Trilogy

If you missed it, check out the beginning of the journey as Amber, Olivia, and Skye discover their Estilorian halves and save the Estilorian race. Now available as a complete trilogy from Iambe Books on your favorite eBook platform!


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, Book One of the Daughters of Saraqael Trilogy.



His lungs burned like hot coals in his chest as he ran. Although he would have preferred just about any other method of climbing to his destination, the thick surrounding trees prevented it. The terrain was treacherous, marked with jagged-edged rocks made wet and slick from a recent thunderstorm. The lack of moonlight on the hot night was a mixed blessing. He couldn’t see very well where he was going, but he hoped the cloak of darkness would offer him some camouflage from his pursuers.

He was eternally grateful that the bundle in his arms didn’t squall or otherwise make noise that would surely give away their position. It made his task at least mildly easier.

Before he had started this last leg of his journey, he had seen his two companions off safely. That was another blessing on this otherwise cursed day. Knowing they had achieved that much of their mission gave him hope that he could finish this.

As he leaped over another boulder, the baby he carried in a special harness across his chest made a small cooing sound. Compared to his booted footfalls, the noise was nearly inaudible. But panic soared through him nonetheless. If that coo was the predecessor to a fit of screaming or crying, he knew all would be lost.

Thankfully, there was no more noise from the baby. His gaze darted across the shadows as he plowed on, knowing that he couldn’t see nearly as well in this environment as his enemies. They were, after all, suited to shadows.

Finally, his goal came into sight. The light surrounding the location would not be visible to his pursuers, but it stood out to him like a beacon. It was a site used only in extreme emergencies because the results of using it varied so widely.

This certainly constituted an emergency.

His breath leaving him in sharp bursts, he ran straight for the light. And as he got to within feet of it, he nearly failed to notice the weapon aimed for his midsection.

For the baby.

He leaped. The weapon struck his leg, but missed its target. As he once again hit the ground, pain speared through his injured leg, bringing him to one knee. He did what he could to cradle the newborn as he fought to regain his footing.

But he wasn’t quick enough. This time, he felt the lance of pain sear through his lower back. He knew, out here in the wilderness as he was, it was a fatal blow.

He had failed. And as a result, it would be the child who suffered.

Pulling on every bit of experience and training he had, he staggered away from his enemy toward the light only he could see. Moving with as much speed as he could manage, he unsecured the baby from the harness. He heard the sound of the weapon singing through the night air as it targeted his neck. He brought forth his second power even as he made one final lurch and thrust the baby into the light with a brilliant flash.

As he died, he could only hope his final act was enough to protect the future of his kind.


About the Author:


Raine Thomas is the author of a series of young adult fantasy/romance novels about the Estilorians. She has a varied background including such professions as wedding planning and mental health…two fields that intersect more often than one would think. Residing in Orlando, Florida with her husband and daughter, Raine is hard at work on her next books.


You can get more info about Raine, her books, and her upcoming releases by visiting her at the following sites:






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