Electromagnetic Pulse (5 page)

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Authors: Bobby Akart

BOOK: Electromagnetic Pulse
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Chapter Three
What are the differences between a Nuclear EMP, a CME, and an RF Weapon?

As was mentioned above, an electromagnetic pulse comes in many forms, including lightning, geomagnetic disturbances from the Sun, and nuclear weapons EMP weapons.

Here, we will also introduce some of the newest technology in the form of
Radio Frequency Weapons—RFW

RF Weapons, also known as directed-energy weapons, use electromagnetic energy on specific frequencies to disable electronic systems. The principle is similar to that of high-power microwave (HPM) weapons. HPM systems tend to be much more sophisticated and are more likely to be in the control of technologically advanced nations. RF weapons, by contrast, are simple and low-voltage enough that they could be deployed by smaller, less technologically enhanced forces, including terrorists. In fact, they can be manufactured using parts purchased online, or at your local Radio Shack store. Instructions for assembling the components and how to use the RFW are available online as well.

In the electromagnetic spectrum, the range of frequencies for waves is from approximately 102 Hz to more than 1025 Hz. From the lowest frequencies to about 1010 Hertz is the range of long-wave radio, short-wave radio, and microwaves. These lower frequencies carry broadcast radio, television, mobile phone communications, radar, and even highly specific forms of transmission; such as those of baby monitors or garage-door openers.

Due to regulations by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), AM—
amplitude modulation
broadcasts, take place across a frequency range from 535 kHz to 1.7MHz. The FCC has assigned the range of 5.9 to 26.1 MHz to shortwave radio, and 26.96 to 27.41 MHz to citizens' band (CB) radio. Above these levels are microwave regions assigned to very high frequency (VHF) television stations 2 through 6, then FM—
frequency modulation
radio, which occupies the range from 88 to 108 MHz. Higher still are VHF—
very high-frequency
channels 7 to 13, and UHF—
ultra high-frequency
television broadcasts. At the highest microwave ranges—around 1010 Hz—is where you will find transmissions from spacecraft.

FCC regulation is necessary to maintain security, privacy, and safety on the airwaves. If a broadcaster or receiver strays outside of its assigned range, it can intercept private communications, or potentially disrupt highly sensitive transmissions. Among the most vulnerable from a safety perspective, are the communications between an aircraft cockpit and the control tower, which could result in grave consequences if disrupted, even for a few seconds.

Why is this important? High-power microwave weaponry produces a voltage and intensity capable of shutting off the computer systems of an aircraft long enough that a pilot would be unable to operate his navigational controls, potentially causing a crash. With an RF weapon, the intensity of the signal is smaller, but if properly directed, it could possibly disrupt aircraft communication systems long enough to bring down the plane. It could cause the computers to reset, or disrupt safety sensors, navigation systems, data recorders, or control systems. Enough errors in these sensitive flight components, particularly in the highly computerized aircraft of today, might be sufficient to force a plane out of the sky. This threat will be discussed in more depth, as it relates to RFW use by terrorists, namely ISIS.

Concerns over RF interference initially resulted in the prohibition against cell phone, radio, or computer operation aboard an aircraft, from the time of preparation for takeoff, until after it lands. Such relatively weak and harmless electronic devices could interfere with vital flight communications. Imagine the harm that could be done by terrorists operating a directed and more powerful system with malicious intent.

Adding to the dangers of RF weaponry is its portability, allowing it to be operated from the ground. A terrorist could attack a target and seek cover in the process, rendering the sacrifice of the terrorist's life unnecessary. Furthermore, RF weaponry, as a means of electromagnetic warfare, is
and virtually untraceable.

To summarize, RF Weapons operate as a high-frequency pulse, in the E1 range, similar to a nuclear EMP. The primary differences are that the RF Weapon is localized—directed at a particular target—while a high-altitude EMP is intended to have a broad impact, depending on its height of detonation.

On the other hand, a powerful
Coronal Mass Ejection, or CME,
is considered a low-frequency event—the equivalent of the E3 component of a nuclear EMP.

A CME originates in active regions on the Sun’s surface from groupings of sunspots associated with frequent solar flares. When a CME is emitted from the sun, enormous quantities of electromagnetic radiation are discharged through space. When the ejection is directed towards Earth, the shock wave of the traveling mass of solar energized particles causes a disruption in the Earth’s magnetosphere. This disruption is very similar to the detonation of a high-altitude nuclear EMP. These solar energized particles cause a geomagnetic storm within the Earth’s upper atmosphere, creating a beautiful aurora around the North and South poles. Known as the Northern Lights, or
aurora borealis
, in the northern hemisphere, and the Southern Lights, or
aurora australis
in the southern hemisphere, these geomagnetic storms can produce beautiful skies for observers as far south as the U.S. – Canadian border.



However, depending upon the intensity of the geomagnetic storm, damage to electronics can occur. Despite this fact, there has never been a solar storm recorded that released the energy equivalent to a nuclear EMP. An additional difference, is the requirement of an antenna for the CME to directly impact electronics. Once the charged particles of a CME enter the Earth’s atmosphere, they interact with power lines, electrical cords, USB cables, etc. to travel through electronics. A nuclear EMP does not require an antenna to impact electronic circuitry.

A CME is a random, relatively unpredictable event. Today’s advanced technology enables scientists to detect an incoming CME twelve to seventy-two hours in advance of an impact with Earth. However, magnetic field strength and orientation of incoming plasma – key ingredients in forecasting the effect of the impact on Earth, can only be accurately measured with a lead time of fifteen to thirty minutes.




Chapter Four
Significant Events in the History of EMP

Project Y, Los Alamos, New Mexico

The fact that an electromagnetic pulse is produced by a nuclear explosion was known in the earliest days of nuclear weapons testing. At 5:30 a.m. on July 16, 1945, Los Alamos scientists detonated a plutonium bomb at a test site located on the U.S. Air Force base at Alamogordo, New Mexico, approximately 120 miles south of Albuquerque. Project Y was led by famed physicist, Robert Oppenheimer. He chose the name
for the test site, inspired by the poetry of John Donne.

When the first atomic bomb finally detonated atop a steel tower, an intense light flash and a sudden wave of heat were followed by a great burst of sound that echoed across the valley. A ball of fire rose into the sky and then was surrounded by a giant mushroom-shaped cloud that stretched approximately thirty-eight thousand feet wide. With the power equivalent to around twenty-one thousand tons of TNT, the bomb completely obliterated the steel tower on which it rested. The nuclear age had begun.

Before the Trinity test, Enrico Fermi, known as the
architect of the nuclear age
, was persuaded by Dr. Oppenheimer to join Project Y at Los Alamos, New Mexico. Part of his responsibilities were to calculate the possible electromagnetic fields produced by the explosion. His calculations led to further testing in the next decade.

1950s: Operation Buffalo, British Testing in Australia

The first in a series of atomic explosions took place at Maralinga, South Australia by a team of British scientists.
Operation Buffalo
commenced on September 27, 1956. Operation Buffalo consisted of the testing of four nuclear devices, codenamed
One Tree, Marcoo, Kite,
, respectively.
One Tree
(12.9 kilotons of TNT) and
(10.8 kilotons of TNT) were exploded from steel towers.
(1.4 kilotons of TNT) was exploded at ground level. The last test,
(2.9 kilotons of TNT), was released by a Royal Air Force Vickers Valiant bomber from a height of thirty-five thousand feet. The
test was the first reported launching of a nuclear weapon from a British aircraft.

The Operation Buffalo atomic tests were the fourth in a series conducted in Australia. Throughout the 1950s, the British had fired atomic bombs on the deserted Monte Bello Islands, off the coast of Western Australia.

Before Operation Buffalo, instrumentation failures were observed during nuclear weapons testing between 1951 and 1953. Early testing by the UK, revealed a
heard on radio receivers when an atomic bomb was detonated. This
was often followed by a failure in the equipment. Later, in declassified military literature, the electronic breakdowns were attributed to radiated
became the term used in early reports on the phenomena, now more widely known as a nuclear electromagnetic pulse. It was later discovered that the phenomena was only one part of the more wide-ranging set of effects resulting from EMPs, after the detonation of nuclear weapons.

1958: Operation Hardtack, Pacific Proving Grounds, United States

Operation Hardtack was a series of thirty-five nuclear tests conducted by the United States in 1958 at the Pacific Proving Grounds, located in the Marshall Islands. Under growing political pressure from the international community to limit nuclear testing, the United States conducted a series of high altitude, multi-megaton tests, to study their usefulness for anti-ballistic missile warheads. In the process, the high-altitude electromagnetic pulse was discovered. After the U.S. had completed six of the high-altitude nuclear tests, the unexpected results that were associated with the EMP effect raised many new questions. The U.S. Government Project Officer's Interim Report on the Starfish Prime project read, in part:

"Previous high-altitude nuclear tests: YUCCA, TEAK, and ORANGE, plus the three ARGUS shots were poorly instrumented and hastily executed. Despite thorough studies of the meager data, present models of these bursts are sketchy and tentative. These models are too uncertain to permit extrapolation to other altitudes and yields with any confidence. Thus, there is a strong need, not only for better instrumentation but for further tests covering a range of altitudes and yields."

The EMP effect observations generated considerable interest within the nuclear science community, leading to additional testing into the 1960’s.

Following the testing by the British and the U.S. in the latter part of the 1950’s, the Soviet Union called for a ban on atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons and unilaterally halted its nuclear program. The U.S. paused testing for a short time. In late 1961, Nikita Khrushchev, Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, was forced to break the moratorium, under internal political pressures. The Soviets began testing once again. The nuclear arms race was on.

1962: Starfish Prime, Operation Fishbowl, United States


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