Elohim III: The Return (6 page)

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Authors: Kerry Barger

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Because of this miracle, and because of the assault the French had launched at their rear, the Saxons became so frightened that they all turned and fled, and the French pursued them as far as the river Lippie, killing many of them in the chase."
Life of Charlemagne
(translated by Robert Levine) Garland Press, 1991



The French priest and an eyewitness of the First Crusade,
Raymond D'Aguilers
, chronicled the 1099
Siege of Jerusalem
. Writing about the Temple Mount area, where 10,000 were killed, Jews and Muslims fought side-by-side to defend the city. He wrote, "in the Temple and porch of Solomon men rode in blood up to their knees and bridle reins." Another eyewitness to the slaughter wrote, "When the pagans had been overcome, our men seized great numbers, both men and women, either killing them or keeping them captive, as they wished... [Our leaders] also ordered all the Saracen dead to be cast outside because of the great stench, since the whole city was filled with their corpses; and so the living Saracens dragged the dead before the exits of the gates and arranged them in heaps, as if they were houses. No one ever saw or heard of such slaughter of pagan people, for funeral pyres were formed from them like pyramids, and no one knows their number except God alone."
--Medieval Sourcebook
: Gesta Francorum



The Eastern Roman Empire became the Byzantine Empire and continued intact throughout this same Medieval period for a thousand years, until the fall of its capital, Constantinople, in 1453.



There is a greater river of blood predicted to appear upon on Earth soon. "Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me,
Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit,
that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them
--Revelation 14:12-13


5. The Renaissance

The Anunna have long celebrated four festival days on their home planet. The First Crossing Festival takes place on the day when Eris crosses the orbit of Pluto, while approaching the orbit of Neptune. The Second Crossing Festival is celebrated when Eris crosses the orbit of Pluto again, on its retreat from the Sun. The Summer Festival takes place at the mid-point between these crossing festivals, when the planet is closest to the Sun and Earth. The Winter Festival takes place every shar when Eris is furthest from the Sun. This celebration marks the beginning of the planet's new approach toward the sun. The summer and winter festivals are celebrated on one of its 26-hour days during each of its 558-year "shars", or solar cycles. Eris's moon, Dysnomia, orbits the planet every 16 days, giving the planet a 16-day month.


The four festival days effectively divide each Eridian shar into four seasons. Two take place during the warmer crossing season, which can be compared to our spring and summer. The other two seasons take place during the colder period, which correlate to our fall and winter.


The last festival that was celebrated on the surface of Eris was the Second Crossing Festival when Elohim was crowned king. This took place around 400 B.C., when the first of the Olympic games began in ancient Greece. During the following "winter" season on Eris, its atmosphere collapsed, as predicted. All of its citizens have since been living below the surface in the cities and refuges they built using Earth's silver, brass, and other precious metals.


Just like on Pluto, Mars, and our moon, the only surface life on Eris is now dead and frozen. Space suits are now required to venture thereon, and doing so is altogether too dangerous for most to attempt. There are few signs on the surface of Eris that a once vibrant civilization previously thrived there. Everything is covered in thick, ghostly, methane ice flows. All is a greyish-white.


The next Summer Festival on Eris will take place in the year 2257 A.D. The last one took place on the heels of the
Treaty of Karlowitz
in 1699 that marked the end of Ottoman control in much of Central Europe and established the
Hapsburg Monarchy
as the dominant power in central and southeastern Europe. The last Second Crossing Festival took place just prior to the American Revolution of the late 1700's. It is still wintertime on Eris. The last Winter Festival was held in 1978, and the planet is again on its approach toward the sun.


Although NASA's New Horizon mission team has ruled out any possibility of an Eris fly-by, the planet is now within our reach, should we decide to visit.
Mike Brown
, a Caltech professor of astronomy and the discoverer of Eris, reported on November 7, 2010 in his blog called
The Shadowy Hand of Eris
that "...something is going on in the outer solar system, and I don’t know what." A comment by
two days later on November 9th reads, "Maybe someone should send a cheap probe with the New Horizon sensory package to get some definite measurements... a Falcon 9 Heavy rocket with a pair of tandemly stacked Centaur upper stages along with an Ion propulsion module should send a smaller refined version of the New Horizon probe to Eris in about a decade with some gravity sling shot assist from the Jovian planets..."



Fall of Constantinople
, the capital of the Eastern Roman (or Byzantine) Empire, occurred after only a two-month siege. The event signaled the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the
in Europe. The city fell to the Ottomans during the last week of May in 1453, wielding a final blow and sudden death to the aging, splintered Roman Empire. Although some would later try to reclaim Rome's identity and former glory, they would do so in name only. The only remnant of Earth's great empires, which were represented in the statue with its head of gold in Nebuchadnezzar's dream (which took place around 603 B.C. during the second year of the king's reign) would be its feet made of iron mixed with clay.



"Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof was terrible. This image's head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, his legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay."
--Daniel 2:31-33



Roman Imperialism had lasted nearly 1,500 years, since the time of Julius Caesar. The Ottoman conquest of Constantinople dealt a massive blow to Christendom, as the Ottoman armies were then free to advance into Europe. Constantinople became the new capital of the Ottoman Empire as it continued to expand. The city's intellectuals fled. The majority of them migrated to Florence, Italy (where the Renaissance began) and opened ideological doors that would lead to the modern era.



Daniel the prophet was shown the ultimate end to all of these governing systems: "Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing-floors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth."
--Daniel 2:34-35



The Book of Daniel makes even more references to this upcoming period of time, when all of these prophecies will have come to pass and a new age will begin: "Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom... and the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him."
--Daniel 7:22,27
. Such a global event hasn't happened yet, but each new day brings us closer. This "waiting" period, before the end of this age, began with the removal of the daily sacrifice in the Temple at Jerusalem, which took place in the year 66 A.D., according to Josephus in his chronicles called "The Jewish War". He did not record the exact date when it happened.



"Eleazar, the son of Ananias the high priest, a very bold youth, who was at that time governor of the Temple, persuaded those that officiated in the Divine service to receive no gift or sacrifice for any foreigner. And this was the true beginning of our war with the Romans [in 66 A.D.]; for they rejected the sacrifice of Caesar on this account; and when many of the chief priests and principal men besought them not to omit the sacrifice, which it was customary for them to offer for their princes, they would not be prevailed upon."
--The Jewish War
, Josephus, Whiston edition (W 2.17.2 408-410)



Daniel's prophecy was closed up and sealed until the end of time. The key to its understanding lies in the meaning of the phrases, "a time and times and the dividing of time" (in Daniel 7:25) and "a time, times, and an half" (in Daniel 12:7). Both refer to a three and a half year period following the time when the daily sacrifice was taken away in 66 A.D. The Roman siege of Jerusalem began in February of 67 A.D. and ended exactly three and one-half years later. The Temple was destroyed during the last week of July in 70 A.D. and the city was completely under Roman control by September 7th.



Elohim pleaded with the Anunna High Council to set up his kingdom on Earth at that time, but was overruled by the Ancient of Days, who insisted it was not yet time and that non-interference in human affairs must continue until the "fruition" of Man.



A 2009 calculation of the solar orbit of Eris (one shar) yielded a value of
557.4 years
. Using additional data collected since that time has yielded a more precise value of
558.04 years
. If one Eridian shar lasts 558 years, then three and one-half shars is 1,953 years. (558 x 3.5 = 1,953) Simply counting forward from 66 A.D., when the daily sacrifice was removed, leads to the year 2019. (1,953 + 66 = 2019)

We are still unable to calculate the precise orbit of Eris to the day and hour. However, Elohim, the Ancient of Days and all the members of the Anunna High Council know the established day of execution (or imprisonment) for Baalthazar and his Anunna rebels. Before that day arrives, Immanuel will return to Earth leading the Anunna fleet. Elohim alone knows the exact day and hour of his planned invasion. It could happen at any time.



Immanuel told his disciples, "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."
--Matthew 24:36



Apart from a few Renaissance paintings depicting strange flying craft in the skies and the occasional story, such as Christopher Columbus and a member of his crew having spotted strange lights in the sky while crossing the Atlantic during his first voyage to the new world in 1492, few reports of alien encounters can be substantiated during the time of the Renaissance. One such incident (noted as
America's First UFO Sighting
) was reported in a journal entry by
John Winthrop
, the governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1639. It reads:



"In this year one James Everell, a sober, discreet man, and two others, saw a great light in the night at Muddy River. When it stood still, it flamed up, and was about three yards square; when it ran, it was contracted into the figure of a swine: it ran as swift as an arrow towards Charlton [Charlestown], and so up and down [for] about two or three hours. They were come down in their lighter about a mile, and, when it was over, they found themselves carried quite back against the tide to the place they came from. Divers other credible persons saw the same light, after, about the same place."



In 1644, the sighting of
America's first USO
(Unidentified Submerged Object) took place over Boston Harbor. Another alleged UFO sighting followed in 1647 at New Haven, Connecticut. It was reported by
Cotton Mather
, in his book
Magnalia Christi Americana
. An excerpt reads: "In June next ensuing, a great thunder-storm arose out of the north-west; after which (the hemisphere being serene) about an hour before sun-set a Ship... appeared in the air coming up from our harbour's mouth, which lyes southward from the town... Many were drawn to behold this great work of God; yea, the very children cryed out, There's a brave ship!"



The Anunna had, in fact, become very careful in keeping to their agreement not to interfere in the affairs of men or even to reveal their existence, much less their covert activities on Planet Earth. Since the time of Jesus of Nazareth, few have witnessed their presence, except perhaps for Muhammad, who was reportedly visited by the angel
in the year 610 A.D., while he was praying alone in a mountain cave near Mecca. Gabriel reportedly commanded him to recite verses which would later be included in the Quran.


During the time of Muhammad, the apostate church in Rome was expanding its power base. By the time Islam was well underway, Christendom was already suffering under the
Great Apostasy
of the Roman Catholic Church and the
. Widespread corruption of
the faith which was once delivered unto the saints
began during the time of the apostles and was noted by Paul in his second letter to the church in Thessalonica, the second-largest city in Greece at the time and the capital of Macedonia.

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