Eluding Nirvana (The Dark Evoke Series Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Eluding Nirvana (The Dark Evoke Series Book 2)
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My musing was cut short as I became aware of a car slowing beside me. “Hey,” a deep voice boomed through the window, and at that moment, I cu
rsed Liam DeLaney and his anger to the fifth Circle of Hell. “Hey,” the voice repeated again. Unenthusiastic, I stopped mid-stride and craned my head to come face-to-face with a black and silver pick-up; the man’s left arm rested across the steering wheel, a black flat-cap on top of his head had cast a shadow across his face. “Can I give you a lift, darlin’?”

A lift? Yeah
okay, I inwardly scoffed. I knew what ‘a lift’ meant, and realizing that I’d been approached by a random stranger, who boldly propositioned me, made me realize the degree of how shameful, and how much of an indecent person I was, especially with my clothing choices. God, no wonder Liam’s parents hated me.

It was in that moment, the mental fog lifted. I di
dn’t need a pole tattooed on me to indicate my profession. I blatantly had stripper/whore marked all over me, and men could smell it like a bitch in heat.

No thank you. I’m fine,” I replied with an enforced smile.

“You sure, darlin’? These streets can get a little rowdy after nightfall. It’s no place for a lady to be walking around without a chaperone.” I couldn’t see his face, but my God, he was a
smooth talker, and that accent…

I smiled. “No, honestly.
Thank you, but no.”

“Very well, darlin’,” he began to pull away. “You have a good night.” He beeped his horn, and then he too, was gone.

Parked in its designated space in the parking lot, was the BMW. Thank God, Liam was already home. I didn’t have my keys, and I didn’t relish the idea of being locked out in that weather much longer. My arms were like ice blocks attached to my torso, the painful tensing of every muscle in my body from shivering, made me feel nauseous, and I swore my lips were turning blue.

Stepping under the porch, the hallway light which beamed through the glass entranceway lit up the buzzers on the ri
ght-hand wall. I pressed for 8c and waited.


“It’s me. Can you let me in please?”

“That depends––”
he countered, totally unconcerned for the risk of me catching hypothermia.

“Liam,” I whined, tossing my head back with my hands concealing my face. “Please, this is no place to talk. Just let me in.”

His sniffling was rough and husky as it vibrated over the telecom. “Cold out there is it, Kady baby?” His lack of fellow feeling made everything clear. And it was driving me crazy because he never acted this way. Ever. How can you know someone for so long, wake up next to them every day for years, laugh with them, and cry with them, feel whole and content with them, and then out of the blue, they do something that strips a portion of that contentment and trust away?

That being said, if I
’d took more consideration to his feelings, if I didn’t push it with saying I’d quit, and then on my next breath, say that I had to go back for a few more days, none of what happened that night would have happened. I was the one at fault. I was responsible for his outburst. I made him do this with my sheer lack of empathy. I couldn’t blame him. I brought it on myself.

“Liam, please. You’ve made your point.
I understand now. I’m sorry. I’ll call Benny and Liv in the morning.”

“I want your word that you won’t go back there, Kady.”

My head dropped forward on an exasperated sigh, as my body continued with its incessant vibrating and my teeth chattered. “You have my word, Liam. Please,” I lifted a numb hand to hastily swipe a falling tear. And to think I used to laugh at Brittany for crying and hiding under the stairs when a thunderstorm hit. I was stood surrounded by darkness. The already cold air, cooling furthermore as the nightly temperature plummeted, and triggered the stabbing of knives all over my body. My tears weren’t only ones of remorse. I was crying because of the cold. I was crying because to prove a point, Liam had deliberately put me in pain. “Liam, I’m freezing. Please, let me come in.”

After a few excruciating moments, the welcomed sound of the loud buzzing echoed down the speaker,
the heavy glass door before me, unlocked.

That night, I was taught a

That night, a
lesson was learned.

Chapter Two

Upon reaching the summit of the steps, I turned to the apartment to see the door open with Liam resting his shoulder against the frame. He teased me with the sliver of hard flesh on display as his black shirt hung open. Had it been any other occasion, I would have run into his arms and finished the job he had begun with my teeth.

it wasn’t any other occasion. It was the night that I was made to feel utterly vulnerable. And that was how I felt.

He hung his head, focusing his gaze on the scuffing movements of his shoe against the hardwood surface of the hallway.
“I’m sorry, Kady,” his apology was barely above whisper. But, he had the decency to at least look contrite.

Shivering from head to toe, I fought to eject my words through the chattering of my teeth and quivering of numb lips. “Don’t worry about it, it’s alright
, Liam.” My gesture was mirrored as I took a fragile step toward him and before long, I was swathed by warm, burly arms.

The usual tickle of his chest hair was absent as I was scooped up and held against his chest. Still
, the iciness of my cheeks was thawed by his warmth, and for that I was grateful. Shuddering incessantly, I gasped when he pulled away, his soft hands framing my face as he tipped my head back to hold my gaze. “I didn’t want to do that, Kady. But you had to learn your lesson.”

I nodded
and licked my lips. The warmth of my tongue burned at the frozen flesh. “I understand,” I muttered simply.

“Do you?”

“Yes. I want to make you happy, Liam. I’ll do anything to make you happy.”

Lips slanted over mine, the heat of his breath collid
ed and eradicated the iciness in my mouth and on my face as he swept his tongue against me. However, the coldness of my body and mind, proved impossible for me to respond while matching his fervor. Lips were numb while my jaw continued to quiver, and I swore I almost bit him. “Kiss me properly, Kady.”

“I can’t. I’m so cold.”

Restrained once again by hard, demanding eyes, his hands made their way into my hair and fisted painfully. I winced and screwed my eyes as tightly as I could, scared to witness the expression which lingered before me. “Open your eyes.” When I failed to comply immediately, he hissed his command again, making me jolt and his hands fisted even tighter in my curled masses.

my long mascaraed lashes pulled away from the arch of my cheekbone slowly…hesitantly. His mouth was trembling, but unlike mine, I knew it wasn’t because he was cold. Held by a menacing stare, I saw the gradual bubbling of anger rising through his blood, his block jaw taut as he spoke through clenched teeth. “I already feel guilty enough; I will not have you making me feel worse.”

“I’m not trying to make you feel guilty. I’m really not, Liam. It was my own fault.”
That, I could actually understand. He was left with no other option. The tables were reversed, and because of that, I had a fundamental grasp of what it must be like to share your life with someone who lacked empathy.

His eyes unstiffened, along with
his jaw and hands “You said you want to make me happy. You have.” I offered him a tightlipped smile. “Now, let me make
happy. Come to bed with me, Kady.” And with his words, the chills and shuddering that had me at its mercy, and the blood which turned to ice in my veins, were thawed and purged, only to be replaced with a sensuous trembling of anticipation, and my blood was wildfire through every blood vessel.

He led me into our apartment, and started down the hallway to the left of the entryway. My heels clicked hollowly on the flooring, before he quickly
turned and pinned me against the wall. His hand caught me behind the knee and my leg was drawn up and hooked over his hip. Hard, masculine body pressed against the span of my slim form and resting between my legs, I groaned eagerly as his hips dug into me, circling and grinding against the most sensitive part of my body, while his adept tongue invaded my mouth with luscious sweeps.

I couldn’t feel the cold any longer, his touch alone left trails of
burning desire coating my flesh. He grasped me beneath my ass and hauled me up, the wall scraping my back as he did so. Locked around his hips were my legs, and I whimpered unreserved into his mouth before my head was lulling back, granting him access to take my neck and throat after pulling away from my lips.

“Liam, I need you,” I groaned, while his hips briskly grinded into me again, his hand clutching painfully at the back of my thighs.

In a daze, he stumbled through the corridor with our mouths sealed against one another. My frantic hands framed his face then fisted into his long, dark, slicked-back hair, as my legs naturally tightened around him. I refused to let him pull away when I was lowered onto the vast bed, which sent his body crashing down atop of me, pushing me further into the mattress. My neck was the first station for his hands caress. Once they began their torturous decent, and his hands journeyed down my body, a tiny whimper was torn from throat. Slowly dragging the wall of muscle from my writhing form, my panties were hooked by his thumbs and peeled down my legs and over my boots.

I watched enraptured
with a lustful throb striking between my legs as he unbuckled his belt. The sound of the leather whipping through the hoops of his pants ricocheted around the bedroom, sending a slight breeze in my direction once the belt cut with precision through the air. “I think you can keep those on,” he suggested, eyeing up my knee-high, black heeled boots, all the while, divesting himself of his pants and boxers. “Top and bra off,” he ordered.

I complied instantly, tossing both garments on
to the flooring beside the bed.

“Now the skirt,” he added, and that quickly meet the heap, too.

Eyes which betrayed the degree of his greed ignited my body. The distance between us may have been miles, instead of feet. His breathing caught during the moments he studied my naked body, with the exception of my boots, as I waited in anticipation, while he tantalized me with the vision of his cock growing before my very eyes.

to stroke his very substantial length at a leisurely pace, he rasped, “Touch yourself, baby.” An immediate smile spread across my face. I like that game. I didn’t know if it was a stripper thing or not, but I loved knowing that I could tease him just by having him watching me. So I did as I was told.

Shifting onto my knees, I cupped and hoisted my tits up to practically meet my throat
, giving my nipples a tiny squeeze between my thumb and middle finger. My lip found its way under my teeth as my hands dropped over my body, my hips thrust forward and circled briefly when my hand fell between my thighs. I was impelled by the growl which left the man at the foot of the bed as he watched the action of my finger stroking up the slick coating of my core.

echoed noise of him getting wet while dragging his fist back and forth at the same time as observing me, was making me even needier. I sighed and tossed my head back momentarily, releasing a wanton groan and circled my hips brazenly. “Look at me, Kady.” I did as I was told. We reflected each other’s obvious hunger as our eyes locked. And I was floored.

He’d freed his heavy cock of his grasp
and pulled out a foil packet from the unit. As soon as he rolled the condom over his length, he pounced on me. He licked his fingers and without warning, plunged them inside of me. My hips bucked as I bore down onto his assaulting hand, urging him deeper.

“God, you’re so
warm, Kady,” he breathed, his fingers circling me, opening me, readying me for his remarkably thick, steel length, while my own feverish hands worked over his body. It was like a chain reaction. Each muscle my hand skimmed and dipped over, whether it be his pecs or his six-pack, sent them tensing and rigid beneath my touch.

Only a hairsbreadth away from my goal,
I grazed through his pubic hair, only to have his untamed hand batter me away. “I want to touch you,” I pleaded, but the only answer I received was my own protesting feral growl as his fingers hastily left me high and, not so dry.

“Don’t you growl at me, woman,” he
ordered, and without warning, I was flipped onto my stomach. Potent hands firmly clutching my hips drew me back so my ass was in the air, ready an exposed just for him.

“I’m sorry.”

“Shut the fuck up, Kady,” he commanded, pulling my hips back farther, and I was instantly consumed by the wet heat of his mouth as it crashed down onto my pussy from behind. Hands fisted into the sheets, the side of my face was buried in the mattress as I called out his name on a pleasure enthused cry. His tongue orbited and flicked over and across my clit before sucking at my core. I pushed back onto his teasing mouth when his tongue traced my entrance before ruthlessly plunged into my void.

“Fucking Hell, Liam,”
I called, before being pulled back onto his mouth by the increasing forceful grip on my hips. Ending the shallow thrusts of his tongue, he resumed lapping up the sinuous juices he induced, from the warmth of my core.

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