Embraced By Passion (14 page)

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Authors: Diana DeRicci

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Embraced By Passion
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By the time they rode the elevator to their suite, she was a trembling mass of nerves, liquid with need. Desire snaked through her, heating her blood. Her nipples had pebbled, rubbing mercilessly against the cups of her bra, shooting heat deeper into her bloodstream. The panties she wore were soaked with proof of her arousal.

She barely heard the lock in the door when the key was inserted. Slone opened it, but didn’t push it all the way in.

“Know this Brigit.”

She snapped up to find him studying her. Her pulse hadn’t slowed down at all. When she swallowed, there was little moisture. Her breathing had been sharp, short pants for the last twenty minutes. She ached. Her entire body felt sensitive. Alive.

“This was never about the sex. It is only one way we show our love for each other. We hope you can love us, the both of us,” he said, his tenor voice sinfully rich, more so than usual.

“All of us,”
she heard with a whisper of longing from Ja’Rol.

She hesitated when he swung the door inward. “What are you hiding, then?” She raked her teeth over her bottom lip once, trying to calm the demand of her body’s crying need. Little helped.

Slone glanced over her head and she knew they were talking. That vibration, she felt it, though she couldn’t hear them. Both looked at her, and it seemed they had come to an agreement.

“Tonight, pet. Give us tonight and when we are home tomorrow, we will tell you. It’s not fair to you to do it here, where you have nowhere to go if you…” Slone stopped and his eyes closed. He drew a breath. “It is something very important to all of us.”

“You have AIDS.” She almost squeaked trying to say it. No! They wouldn’t have done all of this, they wouldn’t have risked her, themselves, would they? Their immediate answer soothed the rush of fear and worry.

Both Ja’Rol and Slone shook their heads.

“No, we are incapable of contracting or sharing any human disease.”

Brigit tipped her head, unable to look away from those intense eyes. “Human?”
Why would he say something like that?

“Tomorrow. We promise,” Ja’Rol murmured. He placed his palms on her waist, his breath hot when he leaned over to nibble lightly on her neck. “Tonight, we need you. We
need you.” His voice dropped to a new rumble of delicious sound. He drew a breath right beneath her ear. “And I do think, you need us.”

Tenderly, he walked her into the room, passing Slone who closed the door with the Do Not Disturb sign displayed.

The room was dim, only two side lamps lit, spaced far apart, giving a sensual aura to the suite. The curtains were mostly closed, a thin line of light slicing the room down the middle. A crystal vase in the middle of the center table sparkled almost in defiance of the darkness, capturing any part of the light to send it back out into the room.

Brigit walked in front of Ja’Rol, his hands gentle on her waist as he guided them into the low-lit room. He suckled lightly on her pulse, sending shocks bouncing down her spine. The scrape of his teeth made her pussy clench, and she felt a moan building. Her eyes fluttered.

“That is so sexy,” Slone breathed. “Utter beauty. I could watch you forever, just like this.”

Brigit opened her eyes and found Slone standing in front of her, his bi-color gaze flowing over her, caressing her with absolute wonder and affection. With a light touch, he brought his fingers to her face, tracing the side of her cheek to sweep beneath her jaw. Ja’Rol never slowed, his tongue and lips worshipping her throat.

“You are a work of art, Brigit,” Slone intoned. Cupping her jaw, he leaned into her, molding his lips to hers in a gentle claiming of her mouth. The firm pressure released the moan she’d been holding, and he purred in answer.

She shook when he plied against her lips, hungrily opening and meeting his thrust. The zipper on the back of her gown slid with a sensuous pace, exposing bare skin. The fabric of Ja’Rol’s suit jacket brushed against her when either moved, adding more sensation to spiral through her body.

Her mind had crawled into bed, succumbing to the dual onslaught of their seduction. She couldn’t think beyond what they did, where they touched. With caressing hands, they slid the gown off of her shoulders. Ja’Rol inched it down her body, his lips following in its path, pressing warm kisses to her shoulders, then her spine as he knelt behind her to slip the dress free. She heard as he laid it with care on the nearest chair.

Slone slid both hands into her hair, holding her as his kiss deepened, devouring her in small increments of pleasure. Every drawn breath dragged her nipples against his chest, sending shocks of desire through her.

The rustle of clothing at her side turned her and Slone. Ja’Rol was sliding out of his jacket. Craving the feel of his body, she reached for him and spread her palm over his chest. A shudder rocked his frame, his eyes closing in answer. As if understanding her desire, he neared and dropped his arms. “Please,” he whispered.

Slone shrugged out of his jacket, dropping it on the center table. She knew by morning, clothes would be everywhere, but right that second, the only thing she wanted was them, naked.

One by one, she slipped buttons free, raking the shirt off his broad shoulders with forceful hands. “
I love this,”
she murmured, not even intending to speak at all as she leaned in and laved over his pierced nipple. His growl filled the room. Glancing up with devilment driving her, she added, “
You need them both done, so Slone can share.”
The groan that filled both their thick chests vibrated her pussy, making her slick with desire.

Slone stood at his side, and she did the same, stripping his shirt to nip and lick at the points of his nipples, hard now between her lips. Shivers rolled across his body as she did.

When she reached for their belts, they shook their heads. “Not yet, pet,” Slone told her.

Scooping her into his strong arms, Slone walked across the suite and sat her on the large dining table.

“What?” she asked, breathlessly. No one had ever done that! These two men made her feel feminine and so wanted.

“Utterly divine,” Slone said, his fingers trailing down her body to stop at her knee. “Ja’Rol and I are ready for dessert now.” The look he gave her through his dark lashes popped with meaning. “You were a witch tonight, teasing us with your spoon over that chocolate sin you called cake.”

“I was?”

Almost by plan, they both ran hands up her legs, from her calves to her inner thigh, widening her limbs. With a little urging, she leaned back on her elbows.

“You were,” Ja’Rol confirmed. He reached behind her and unhooked the strap to her bra. Gliding it free, he tossed it over a shoulder and she giggled, their intensity incredible, but their playfulness seemed to be just as high.

They wanted her, and were going to enjoy every minute of having their ‘dessert’.

Together, they lapped at her nipples. Brigit became lost in sensation as lightning struck with each lash of a tongue.

She gasped when they purred, moaned when they nipped. Trembles shook her entire length until she wasn’t sure she would be able to breathe through the pleasure.

“I want to see my dessert,”
Ja’Rol whispered, tugging at her thigh. “
Show me your creamy pussy.”

Brigit floated to the table, unable to hold herself up any longer. For just a second, she was held as they stripped her panties. Then, as if she were the last course, they held her legs wide, exposing her dripping sex, and devoured her in turns.



Chapter Eleven


Brigit didn’t remember much of the flight home. She’d slept through most of it. Slone and Ja’Rol had kept her up half the night, loving her, spoiling her. It seemed to be an unspoken agreement that she would return with them until… Until today was decided. They had promised her a place to stay, a way to support herself regardless of her choice, simply because they loved her and didn’t want her walking aimlessly with her family elsewhere. She’d never known anyone as unselfish as these two men. Their decision wasn’t based to encourage her, or to sway her. She knew that deep inside, where she knew she felt their intentions.

It was a matter of fact.

The only problem they hadn’t expected was to find her father, Marion
, waiting for them in the building lobby when they entered to return to their penthouse.

“Dad!” Brigit held back, shocked and unsure.

A stout man with short, buzzed, blond hair stood. “Brigit,” he greeted her. Hesitating, she knew that tone. As well as she knew this man, and she knew what was coming.

“It will be all right, pet,”
Slone whispered with comfort. Both of her guys paused right behind her, flanking her. Supporting her.

“Your mother told me you would be coming back, and she guessed here first. I expected you to be in California after your tantrum.” As if she were some child in need of a keeper.

She crossed her arms. “Expected? And that was no tantrum. That was me saying enough.”

Her father gave her hardly a dismissal of opinion. “Gather your things.” He eyed the suitcases with disdain. “You’re coming back to stay with me until you find work.” He stalked forward, brusque, and as usual expecting little argument, expecting her to follow him right back out the door. There was
arguing with her father. He had made sure of that.
No wonder Mom left him. I would, too.

“She has work,” Ja’Rol stated easily. “She’s our Senior Administrator.”

“Impossible. She hardly knows how to file.” Her father sneered.

“Quick thinking,”
she answered, “
but it won’t be enough. And for the record, I can too file.”

She felt their gentle chuckles, soothing her miffed sense of self at the insult.

“Watch us, pet,”
Slone purred.

Slone stepped forward, partially hiding Brigit behind his shoulder. “I must ask politely that you leave these premises. Your antagonizing is not welcome. Your attitude toward Brigit is not welcome, either,” he said with a definite warning undertone. “I recommend the next time you address this woman, you do so with great care.”

“Who the fuck are you?”

Brigit’s eyes widened at the none-too-quiet challenge. “Dad! Stop it. This isn’t the place.”

Ja’Rol stepped forward and Slone met him shoulder to shoulder, completely blocking her behind them. Refusing to let him see her at all.

They leaned in, lowering their voices, but she heard them clearly.

“We are the men who will see you staked and baked in the desert if you ever hurt Brigit again. We know about your abuse. We
you’re controlling, and how much it has affected her. It stops here, now.” Slone didn’t raise his voice. In truth, he didn’t have to.

“She lies. You can’t trust her.” He tried to push Slone and Ja’Rol, but neither budged. “Now, get out of my way. I have a plane to catch. Get your bags, Brigit.”

Brigit gasped. Those words hit her like a knife, slicing through her. “Is this what Mom had to live with?” Reality hit her like a three-ton wrecking ball. Her father despised her. At this moment, it didn’t even matter why. The shock left her reeling.

“Your mother left because she couldn’t take direction. Women belong where they’ve always belonged. In the house. Nothing but breeding whores.”

She gasped, feeling her face blanch of warmth.

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