Embracing Ember (4 page)

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Authors: Astrid Cielo

BOOK: Embracing Ember
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When his touch never came she relaxed and opened her eyes. He looked down at her in confusion before saying, “Calm, Ember. I don’t wish to cause you harm, but to remove you from the medical scanner.” His voice was deep and soothing. She nodded up at him and he backed away from the entrance. “Be patient, Ember and I will retrieve Maria. She accompanied you here and I believe you will be more comfortable speaking with a female.” She sat up as he exited and took stock of her surroundings. Strange monitors covered one wall of the room. She was sitting in a metallic coffin looking thing that immediately creeped her out. She climbed out and used the sheet to wrap around herself. The walls were bare and she couldn’t locate a door. She walked over to the only table in the room and saw her name printed on a file. She read through briefly. She wasn’t someone who knew a lot about healthcare in general, but she knew enough from television to know that she had almost died. Her mind drifted to the deep, timbered voice of the male that described a female who was knocking at deaths doors, the wail of the sirens. At the time she had prayed that the girl had lived. She was certainly glad her prayers were answered.


The sound of something moving gained her attention and she turned to see the wall had parted revealing the male who had reached for her and a female. She pulled the sheet closer to herself, her nudity coming forefront in her mind as they both entered. “Maria, Ember has regained consciousness. Do not worry about Secundus. He is all bark and no bite as you would say on Earth. Silvius will not allow any harm to come your way. We do not hurt females on Salin and Cedwin will not tolerate it on his ship either. Worry about Ember and I will have Silvius speak with you later.” The girl he called Maria nodded. She looked over at Ember and smiled, though it looked forced. Ember tried to smile back at the short, Hispanic female. Her brown hair, so dark it was almost black was pulled into a ponytail and she wore scrubs of a flattering pastel green. The green caused her beautiful doe brown eyes to shine. She appeared pale and Ember wondered what caused her to seem as if she had seen a ghost.


“Hello, Ember. My name is Maria and I am a nurse at Trinity Heart. Do you remember what happened?” Maria asked her. Ember shook her head. She remembered some, but not all of what had happened. “You were brought into the Emergency Room by ambulance. You were beaten up pretty badly. We were trying to stabilize you, but Ceylon,” she said as she pointed to the baby-faced male that stood silently watching from the door, “He recommended your transfer to one of the Salinian ships for treatment. Dr. Langston, the Chief of Staff agreed and I accompanied you here. I know that what we did was not normal and probably unethical, but the truth is I am glad he decided to allow your transfer.”


“Why?” Ember asked her voice hoarse from disuse.


“To put it bluntly, you were dying. We couldn’t keep you stabilized long enough. After looking at the information from your medical scan, you were going down so fast because of damage to the brain stem. Ceylon’s intervention saved your life.” Maria answered.


Ember nodded and looked up at the man she had called Ceylon. She took in his very tall frame that boasted lean muscles that even his loose pants and shirt couldn’t hide. They stretched lovingly over his chest and thighs drawing her attention and causing her to be embarrassed at her line of thoughts. He wore the green scrubs that said ‘Trinity Heart Hospital’ on the front pocket. She smiled at him before saying, “Thank you.” He smiled back at her and it was like the sun had come out to shine. His whole face lit up with it. Ember looked back at Maria and said, “While I am grateful, I was wondering if I could get some clothes. I feel really vulnerable.” Maria looked at Ceylon in question and he seemed perplexed as if she had asked for the moon and the stars. Maria seemed to read his mind and answered for him, “You were transported to this ship and I came with you from the ER. I don’t have a spare set of clothing and this ship is full of males. I don’t think they have clothing for you.”


The momentary panic that enveloped Ember at the thought of being around so many males was quickly doused with the logical thought that they’d had ample time to hurt her. Tamping down her panic, Ember pointed to Ceylon and said, “Would it be possible to borrow one of your shirts? I think I’d feel a little better if I had something a little less risqué than this sheet.” Ceylon nodded and left the room. Ember turned her attention back to Maria whose face was still pale even though she moved with the efficiency born of competence in her job. “Did they catch him?” Ember asked quietly. Maria looked at her questioningly. Ember sighed wishing she didn’t have to tell the sordid tale or any part of it, “My husband. Did they catch him for what he did?”


Maria’s eyes widened for a brief moment before stating, “I really don’t know. I’d have to contact Trinity Heart and see if they know. Like I said you were in bad shape so I focused on you. As soon as Ceylon comes back I will ask them if I can contact the police or Trinity Heart and find out.” Maria said grabbing Ember’s hand and taking her pulse rate. Ember took stock of her situation. She was in a ship with aliens who had saved her life from her masochistic husband. She didn’t know if said masochistic husband had been taken into custody. She was back to where she first started a battered wife whom people looked upon with pity. She wasn’t going back this time. She almost didn’t survive this time. As hard as it would be to leave him, not because she loved him anymore. She knew he wouldn’t let her go so easily. She had been in this position before, without the near death experience.


Ember screamed when a hand fell on her shoulder. She turned her breathing erratic to find Ceylon holding his hands out in surrender with a shirt in one hand. She calmed her panic and reminded herself that Landon wasn’t here. She smiled shyly at Ceylon and grasped the shirt from his hold. “Thank you.” She stated. He looked at her for a few seconds as if struggling to decide what to say before giving up and looking over at Maria. “I will contact Dr. Langston and have the arrangements made for you to return in two days’ time.” Ceylon stated.


“Two days? Why? Ember is well now.” Maria stated panic creeping into her tone.


“I believe you will find it necessary after what transpired this morning. We will arrange for clothing to be brought for each of you. Take a couple of hours to care for Ember and if she requires any other type of care do not hesitate to ask. I am confident your people will willingly send someone to aid what you cannot do.” Ceylon said giving Maria a meaningful look. Maria chewed on her bottom lip and nodded. Ceylon turned and left Ember with Maria. Ember looked at Maria who looked even more troubled than when she first walked in.


“Is there something wrong?” Ember asked. Maria shook her head and looked up at Ember and smiled. Ember got the feeling that Maria would be evasive about what was really going on, and while that made her nervous a part of her she hated trusted Ceylon. She didn’t know why she trusted him and she had every reason to never trust a male again. She had spent the last five years under the abuse of a man she had once trusted. When Maria finally spoke Ember knew she wouldn’t get the entire truth from her at this point, if ever.


“I just was under the impression that we would be going home today. You recovery was excellent. I will show you to the quarters that they have allowed me and you can bathe. While you are healed you still have the bloody evidence all over you. I think you will feel better after a shower.” Maria.


Ember sighed resigned to the knowledge that she would probably have to be sneaky in finding out about what was going on. She followed Maria from the small room that was considered a medical bay to the hallway. The hallway was long and had panels that seemed to open into rooms. The hallway ended on both ends with a doorway. Maria took her two doors and to the right into a small utilitarian room. The bed was twin size with white sheets and blankets. It was bracketed to the wall. Only a small walkway into another room was allotted. The wall seemed to have drawers that pulled out. Upon closer inspection she realized they were actually the room’s version of a dresser. Maria took her into an even smaller room with a small shower stall and toilet. Ember was relieved that everything seemed to work in the same way as it did on Earth. Then again if the stories in the newspapers and magazines could be believed, the aliens from the planet they called Salin, were human in every genetic way. The aliens had told Earth that the only difference was their coloring which they attributed to the plant life on their planet. Ember guessed that if too many carrots could tint someone’s skin orange then maybe the red tinted skin due to their diet wasn’t too far-fetched. She couldn’t deny her own curiosity of them, even so much as they had become the subject of many of her sketches. Unfortunately, they were secretive about their planet in most other ways, though. Ember could understand the need to maintain some secrecy, but what was so bad about their planet they couldn’t let Earth know?


Ember assured Maria that she felt well enough to take a shower by herself, though Maria was reluctant to leave for whatever reason. Ember was sure it was so she wouldn’t have to face whatever she was keeping from her. All her thoughts drifted away with the hot water that sluiced over her body. The water seemed to run crimson for ages until it became clear once again. Ember let out a breath that she hadn’t realized she was holding and vowed that as the blood had run clean, so would her break with Landon. That was if he didn’t find her and kill her first.




Ceylon took a deep breath as he walked back into the mess hall. All eyes flew to him as he took his seat. Silvius looked at him expectantly. “I have explained to Maria that she will be our guest for the next couple of days. We may have to extend that stay to other medical personnel for Ember. She is healed physically, but Dr. Langston and Maria have led me to believe that she may need emotional help. Maria will let me know if she requires anything. As for what Maria heard, we will take these two days to discover what she is exactly. We knew the Earth’s governments would be suspicious of us. Serenity had prepared us for that. Therefore, I cannot fault her for what she did for her country. Cedwin and Silvius are in agreement that we discuss with her our plight and the reasoning for keeping it secret. Silvius will take her under his care for the duration of the two days to ensure that she understands. Are there any more questions or concerns that need to be addressed in that time?”


Silvius looked relieved where Secundus looked ready to explode, thankfully he didn’t voice any negative opinions. Ceylon had every intention of questioning Maria himself, mainly because Silvius looked at Maria as if she could do no wrong, and Ceylon was curious as to what role Maria played in the greater scheme of things. Merrcum’s dismissal pulled Ceylon from his musings. Maria was waiting for him in the hallway. Her color was still pale. He knew she was frightened of her situation, especially since Secundus’ outbreak. “Maria how is Ember?” he asked.


“She is taking a shower and for all intents and purposes she seems fine. I need to speak with Dr. Langston and a couple other people at Trinity Heart. Other than clothing the only thing that I think Ember may need is a counselor.” Maria said.


“Counselor?” Ceylon said.


“Yes. She went through a traumatic experience and though I don’t know her story I can only guess the abuse that led up to this. She needs someone to help her deal with the mental and emotional aspects of this trauma.” Maria stated in response to Ceylon’s question. Ceylon nodded and motioned for her to walk with him. Silvius attempted to intercept them and walk with Maria, but Ceylon shook his head at him. Silvius nodded and walked toward his quarters.


“So, how did you end up with one of the translation implants?” Ceylon asked. Maria tensed beside him. She took a deep breath and began to speak. He was impressed with her bravery.


“I wasn’t always a nurse in a hospital. I was a part of the Army. I trained to be a nurse while in service. I was one of many that were chosen to get the implant so that if our jobs brought us close to you we could possibly understand what you said to each other. I am essentially a spy; however it was purely coincidental that I was chosen to come aboard.” Maria finally stated. Ceylon nodded but refrained from telling Maria that it was not a coincidence that she was the nurse that Dr. Langston had ensured came onboard with Ember. He could tell that Maria truly believed it was coincidence. Dr. Langston had already confessed his part in his roundabout way of allowing Ember to be treated aboard the ship. His leaving Maria wasn’t coincidental. If she hadn’t been invited to come aboard, Ceylon knew that Dr. Langston would have made it a point to stay.


“I realize that you were only doing your job, but you must understand that we keep certain things secret for a reason. I must be your shadow for this communication with Earth. Silvius has agreed to speak with you to explain what you over heard earlier after this call. We hope that with knowledge you will greater understand our need for secrets at this time.” Ceylon stated. Maria nodded though Ceylon still felt her fear. “I must also stress that you have nothing to fear, Maria. We wouldn’t harm you. Anything you learn will be explained in full to your government in due time. As you know, we need your people. Please, calm yourself and make the most of this experience. Think of all the information you can share with your superiors when you return to Earth.” Ceylon smiled at Maria and she smiled the first smile of hers that he had seen.

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