Authors: Denise Grover Swank
Tags: #Romance, #A CHOSEN Short Story, #Paranormal
The glow of the fire lit up the parking lot.
What should she do? Should she stay? Should she flee?
There was movement in the fire and a figure appeared, walking from the flames toward her.
Her blood turned to sludge.
“They’re gone,” Jake said behind her.
Startled, she accidently honked the horn as she turned to face Jake then swung back to the man. “But that… he just… he can’t…”
He stopped halfway between the burning car and the van, watching her. He’d walked out of the fire, yet his clothes weren’t burnt.
“We’re safe now,” Jake’s small voice floated to the front.
The man’s face was turned, allowing her to only see his silhouette, but his mouth lifted into a grin.
Terror stood every hair follicle on end as her gaze locked with the man’s. A feeling rushed through her, like an electrical current. She broke contact, more certain than she’d ever been of anything in her entire life.
They would never be safe.
Read what happens to Emma and Jake three years later in
(The Chosen #1).
Middle Ground
(The Chosen Short #2) Coming July 1, 2012
Will’s story
About the Autho
Denise Grover Swank lives in Lee’s Summit, Missouri. She has six children, three dogs, and an overactive imagination. She can be found dancing in her kitchen with her children, reading or writing her next book. You will rarely find her cleaning.
You can find out more about Denise and her other books at
or email her at [email protected]
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