Emergence (Awakening Series Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: Emergence (Awakening Series Book 2)
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Chapter 5



Lou Evans?

I reached over Eva and Caroline to shake Lou's hand, trying to keep the appearance of calm while my senses were on overload. I never expected to see her again, and yet my body was reacting as if she'd never left.

As soon as Caroline and Eva, who were headed for the dance floor, were out of earshot, I turned my attention to Lou.

God she was gorgeous. Just looking at her was causing my blood to heat.

"Carson... What are you doing here?"

What the fuck? What is
doing here?

"Caroline's my sister, she asked me out for a drink. What about you,

Her cheeks flushed and she pulled on her pony tail, laying it across her shoulder before meeting my eyes again.

"Caroline invited me tonight too. We work together... I got that job at Foster & Company, obviously. " She paused, seeming to contemplate what to say next. "I honestly didn't think I'd ever see you again. You said you were in town for one night."

"I was leaving the next day to go back to Athens," I said and shrugged, trying to appear indifferent. "I guess we both told some lies..."

She looked down at her hands in her lap and then straightened her shoulders, raising her eyes back to me. "I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye. I didn't want t-"

"It's cool, no harm, no foul," I interrupted her, feigning nonchalance.
What I really wanted to do was kiss her, interrogate her, spank her, hold her close and never let her out of my sight again. I couldn't believe she was sitting there in front of me. All those months I'd thought about her endlessly and now there she was, having drinks with my sister.

How could she share an experience like that with me, an immediate connection, and then just run off into the abyss? Didn't it mean anything to her?
She's fucking married, that's how.

"Is that how it's gonna be? You're going to pretend that night meant nothing to you?" she asked, narrowing her eyes at me.

I looked into their wide blue depths. "Well
, what did you expect? We had fun, you got what you wanted and went on back to your husband."

She swallowed hard, and looked down. Her shoulders slumped. I suddenly had the urge to comfort her, but I held back, waiting for her to answer.

"I guess I shouldn't have expected anything, but for what it's worth, I'm glad I ran into you again. I'd like a chance to explain, if you'll let me."

What the hell do I say to that?

"Hey Carson! Welcome home!" Anne Marie Taylor, Caroline's other best friend, launched herself into my arms as I peeled my gaze from Lou just in time to catch her. Then I looked back over at Lou, who fixed a fake smile on her face.

"Hey pretty girl!" I said to Anne Marie, kissing her on the cheek.

"This is Ben Underwood," Anne Marie said gesturing to the man I had just noticed she had by the hand. "He's been working on your grandmother's house. Ben, this is Carson Foster, Caroline's brother. He's just home from college."

Ben looked me up and down, seemingly considering whether or not I was competition for Anne Marie's attention. I stood up and put out my hand. "Hey man, nice to meet you, I'm Carson."

His eyes softened as he shook my hand firmly. "Ben, nice to meet you."

"Likewise," I said before turning to Anne Marie. "Here, have my seat Anne Marie. I'm taking off." I strode through the bar towards the entrance without a backward glance. I needed to get the hell away from Lou Evans. I didn't want to want her, but I did. And I'd been a lot of things in my life, but one thing I wasn't is a home wrecker, at least not intentionally.

"Carson?" I looked up at the sound of my name.

"Luke Johnson. Hey man!" I said, clapping him on the back. "Long time no see!"

Luke grew up in the house next to my grandmother's, and Caroline had made good friends with him and his brother, Mark, when they were all kids. I'd spent small bits of time with Luke over the years, but he was several years older than me so we never ran in the same circles.

"This is my business partner Nick Underwood. Nick, Carson Foster, Caroline's brother," Luke said, gesturing to the man standing next to him.

"Nice to meet you. Any relation to Ben?" I asked pointing in the direction of the bar while shaking Nick's hand.

"Brothers. Nice to meet you too," Nick said and I nodded.

"You heading out?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, I'm gonna hit the road. Caroline's on the dance floor with Eva." Luke and Nick exchanged glances, before looking back at me.

When I felt a warm hand slide into mine I looked around to find Lou standing next to me. My gut clenched as Luke raised an eyebrow.

"You two are coming to the party tomorrow, right?" Luke asked pointing between Lou and me.

Luke and Caroline were having a 4th of July celebration at Luke's house. Since the two of them had run into each other again recently, they'd gotten closer than they'd ever been.

"I'll be there," I said, purposefully leaving Lou out and making an attempt to pull my hand from hers.

Luke clapped me on the back. "Well then, okay, later man."

As Luke and Nick walked off, I turned to Lou.

Chapter 6

1 year ago



No matter how hard I scrubbed, the permanent marker just wouldn't come off the wall. I numbly picked up the bottle of spray cleaner and the sponge and walked into the kitchen putting both down on the counter and taking a deep breath, dumbfounded at what my marriage had become.

My bags were already by the front door, and I was going to be late for my flight if I stayed any longer trying to clean up this mess. After washing my hands, I slipped on my sandals, threw my bags in the trunk and pulled out of the driveway.

My old green Camry had seen better days. The paint was fading and tires were balding, but even with over 200,000 miles, it was still running. I was thankful for that much.

A few months after we got the results from Dr. Winters' tests, I caught Derek cheating on me with some girl from his office. When I confronted him he blamed me for not being there for him, for not being an active participant in our sex life, and while I knew it wasn't my fault, I forgave him when he promised it was a one-time thing and said he wanted to try harder

Close to a year later, after continued infidelity, name calling, blaming, more sexual and emotional abuse, I had had enough and was feeling mostly numb. After coming home to the literal writing on the wall last night, I couldn't wait to live the rest of my life without him. I wouldn't let him break me though, I just knew I needed to get away, so I was just biding my time until I could find a job and secure my new life.

I hit the Starbucks in the terminal for my daily dose of caffeine before heading to my gate. As I boarded the plane and found my seat, I said a quick prayer for a safe flight and a successful trip.

"Where're you headed?" The man in the seat next to me asked.

He was dressed in a business suit, and looked to be mid forties with thinning hair and the beginnings of a pot belly. Unfortunately I was stuck in the middle seat between him and an equally interesting looking older woman who smelled like moth balls.

"I'm going to Savannah, Georgia. What about you?"

"Jacksonville, Florida."

"Ah," I said, with a small smile. "Business or pleasure?"

"Always business. My wife says I work too much and don't play enough, but duty calls," he said and smiled warmly. "I hear Savannah is beautiful. Have you ever been?"

"Actually I lived there for a while when I was younger, but this is my first time as an adult; job interview."

"Oh great! What do you do?"

"I have about 9 months left before I get my Bachelor's in accounting. I'm hoping to land this job because I really need a fresh start."

"Well, good luck to you then," he said with a smile as he put his ear buds in and closed his eyes.

I closed my eyes too and rested my head against the seatback thinking of how much this opportunity meant to me. It was my chance to break free of Derek and live my own life.

After changing planes in Atlanta, and another quick flight, I finally made it to Savannah. I had to wait forever for my suitcase, and then even longer for my rental car. When I finally got checked into my hotel I was starving.

I changed out of my typical travel attire into something more presentable, a cute sweater dress and pair of peep toe pumps. I checked my bare face in the bathroom mirror, pulled my hair out of my trademark ponytail, letting it fall over my shoulders, and grabbed my oversized purse, heading out.

The spring air was slightly cool and the sun was fading fast. I pulled my jean jacket on as I walked, wanting to find something to eat. I had seen a pub on the way to the hotel, and since it was only a couple of blocks I figured I'd just walk. In the time it would have taken to get the car out of the garage and find another parking space I could have been there already anyway.

When I walked into Churchill's I headed straight for the bar. I preferred not to look like a total loser by sitting at a table for one. I slowed as I noticed the breathtaking man who was leaning on the only unclaimed stool.

Holy. Fucking. Hotness.

His strong jaw had a day's worth of stubble framing it. His hair was dark blonde and messy, but thick, and I had to clutch my bag tighter to avoid the urge to run my hands through it. My eyes drifted down over his broad chest, tight abs, and muscular thighs before moving upwards again. His snug white tee revealed the muscles in his upper body and I swallowed hard before landing on his piercing green eyes that were staring intently back at me.

I'd never been affected by a man like this before. I didn't understand the heat that was creeping into my cheeks or the urge to be near a perfect stranger. It was thrilling and intimidating at the same time and all I knew was I wanted more of it.

"Is this seat taken?" I asked, making my way to him.

"It is now," he replied, pulling it out for me, his smile stretching perfectly across his gorgeous face.

Talking to him was easy. He made me laugh, and I felt lighter than I had in years, like a new person actually. When I asked him to go to my hotel later, I don't know what I was thinking. All I wanted was a chance to get away from the disaster my life had become. To feel something good again, instead of frustration, aggravation, or hopelessness. And good lord, when he held me tight and thrust his body into mine, all I could do was feel. It was as if I had been blind and I could finally see.

The next day after the long flight home and sitting in evening rush hour traffic trying to get back to my house, the only thing I wanted was to crawl into my bed and pass out. My muscles were deliciously sore from the things Carson and I had done together but just thinking about them made the heat rush back to my core.

Deep down I had known for a long time that my marriage was over, but I had finally accepted it this morning as I watched Carson while he softly snored next to me, knowing that something better was waiting for me. I had never experienced anything like the connection I had with him and I knew I would never accept anything less again. That feeling of belonging is what I would strive to find. It was what I wanted for the rest of my life and all I could do was hope that I'd find it again someday.

When he began to stir, I pretended to sleep and then snuck out while he was in the shower knowing I couldn't bear to pretend that he didn't change everything I thought I knew in only one night. I didn't want to destroy my memories of how perfect our time had been together with an awkward goodbye.

My interview seemed to go well, but I wouldn't know anything for about six months, and I had school to concentrate on if I wanted any chance of landing the job at all.

Foster & Company Marketing had been the first place I had applied and I was counting my blessings that I was even considered for an interview before completing my education. 

It was a family owned business and one of their chief policies was to promote from within and build their employee base through recommendations of their current staff. Therefore, there were a lot of husbands and wives, fathers and sons, who worked for the company. It was like one big family and getting an interview was incredibly tough.

John Foster had opened the company back in the twenties and it had passed to his son and now his grandson, Jack Foster. Jack was young still, but his current board were all in their early to mid sixties, so they were determined to bring in a fresh, young set of minds to help propel the business to future success.

As I turned onto my street, I noticed all the lights were on in the house and there were several cars parked out front. I cringed at the idea of having to pretend with all of Derek's friends when all I wanted to do was crawl in bed.

When I opened the door, Derek was seated on the couch with some blonde bimbo in his lap. He looked over his shoulder at me and then unceremoniously dumped the blonde onto the floor.

"Babe, you're home!" he said to me as he tried to kiss me with the smell of beer on his breath.

"Yep, I'm home," I said, dully, as I dragged my bags to our bedroom, passing the freshly painted wall in our hallway.

"I painted the wall for you," Derek said, following me.

"You painted it for me? You mean, you painted it so your whore won't have to see how poorly you treat the women in your life, namely your wife?"

He walked over to me, sliding his arms around me and kissing my face. He was always overly affectionate when he was drinking. "Don't be like that, babe. I did something nice for you and I missed you so much. How's Charlie?"

I hadn't told him I had gone to Savannah. Instead I told him I went to visit my sister in Raleigh, which was about a three hour drive.

"She's good, Derek. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go to bed. It's been a long day," I said, unwrapping his arms from my waist.

"Want me to help you relieve some tension?" he asked, rubbing his semi hard dick on my hip.

I was instantly repulsed. "No, really. I'm not in the mood. I just want to get some sleep."

"Fine. You're such a cock tease," he slurred."But don't be surprised if I get it elsewhere."

Any woman in that situation would have probably raged at her husband, but I'd been treated so poorly for so long that I felt completely numb to his insults and actions. He wanted a reaction and I wasn't going to give him one.

I exhaled as he slammed the door behind him and went back to the living room to, no doubt, flirt with that bimbo again and probably fuck her in my house.

I slipped into the shower to wash off, and when my head finally hit the pillow, all I could think about was how Carson's hands felt on my body. I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face.


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