Emissary (13 page)

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Authors: Fiona McIntosh

BOOK: Emissary
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‘He’s not an animal, Grand Master Eunuch. You make it sound as if you’d enjoy the chase. Would you beat him with a stick when you catch him?’

Salmeo sensibly remained quiet although it was obvious he seethed at the amusement sparking in the Vizier’s eyes at the Zar’s comment.

Boaz turned back to his Vizier. ‘Thank you, Tariq. If you can locate him easily, then I think the young ladies would benefit from his sense of fun today.’

‘And if not, my Zar?’

‘Inform him of my displeasure,’ came the curt reply.

The Grand Vizier bowed and took his leave. Salmeo remained, his bulk overwhelming the trim figure of the Zar. ‘I did not mean any insult, Highness,’ Salmeo said humbly.

Boaz turned to stare up into the eunuch’s hooded gaze, buried deeply amongst the folds of flesh. The man never failed to revolt him. ‘You have never found Pez amusing.’

‘But I know you do, Highness, and your father before you. I would not let anything bad happen to someone so important to our Crown.’

Boaz smelled the violets on the man’s breath and was again reminded of his slippery ways. His mother had warned him often enough and
he knew Salmeo was saying what he imagined the Zar wanted to hear. This didn’t stop him feeling a sense of anger drop like stone within him at the eunuch’s honeyed words, at odds with how he was feeling about Pez right now.

‘The dwarf is not my favourite person just at present, Salmeo. It is true he has displeased me but please don’t imagine that gives anyone the right to treat Pez in any way other than has always been demanded in this palace. That said, you would all do well to know that I will not tolerate any form of insubordination, not even from him.’

Salmeo blinked slowly, his tongue flicking out to lick his lips. He looked like a reptile when he went through this ritual. ‘Of course, Highness. I will remember this. Are you sure there is nothing I can do to help with the dwarf?’

‘Just find him,’ Boaz ordered, frustrated further now that he’d revealed to this cunning man his displeasure at Pez. He had not intended to but not sighting Ana and the disappointment of his run-in with Pez was ensuring he was feeling hollow on a day that was meant to be all about fun. New feelings were coursing through him as well. It’s not that he didn’t understand them—he accepted that he was maturing and new urges were shaping—but he felt as though he was no longer in control of his moods. The smallest things seemed to darken his humour. He needed Pez to talk to and now had banished him in anger
for the dwarf’s seeming secretiveness…and jealousy of Tariq, of all people. Boaz smirked inwardly at the irony—how odd that the Vizier seemed to suddenly be his closest companion and most useful servant. He noticed Salmeo was still regarding him intently and pulled himself sharply from his thoughts. ‘Where is Odalisque Ana, by the way?’ he demanded, hoping to throw the eunuch off the scent of his falling out with the dwarf.

He watched the eunuch’s expression rearrange itself from intrigue to a carefully contrived impression of sympathy. ‘Odalisque Ana will not be joining us today, Highness.’

Even though discontent was knifing through him at not spotting her easily, it had not yet occurred that she wouldn’t be present. The shock of the news showed how it wounded by his crestfallen face. Where Ana was concerned it seemed Boaz could not hide his feelings as easily as he did about everyone else. ‘Why ever not? Is she unwell?’

‘She is in fine health, Majesty.’

‘Then where is she?’ His tone was indignant now.

‘She is with the Valide today, Highness.’

Boaz frowned, totally confused. ‘My mother? What is this about, Salmeo?’

The huge man shrugged but kept it courteous. ‘She did not share this with me, Your Highness,’ he lied. ‘I was simply told that the Valide wished
Odalisque Ana to accompany her today on a trip into the city.’

‘To do what?’

‘I don’t know, Majesty. Womanly things, presumably.’ Now Salmeo smiled, showing the gap between his teeth. ‘The Valide is looking for new fabrics and she prefers to choose them herself. I imagine she sees taking Ana along with her as a special honour to confer on an odalisque.’

Boaz thought differently but this time he resisted sharing what was on his mind. ‘Are they still in the palace?’

‘Sadly, not,’ Salmeo lied again. ‘They left early.’

A new swell of fury was driving Boaz now and he voiced a snap decision he wasn’t sure he wanted to make just at this time. But his thinking was clouded by the sense that he was being manipulated. This would put everyone back on notice about who was in charge in the palace. ‘I see. Have Odalisque Ana fully prepared for me this evening.’

The word ‘prepared’ had special meaning to the keeper of the harem and its effect was immediate and dramatic. ‘Prepared, Highness? Do I understand you correctly?’ Salmeo blustered, clearly caught off guard.

Fortunately one of the new mutes, Salazin, rescued him by arriving and bowing low before the Zar.

When the man was at eye level, Boaz fixed an angry enquiry on his face, irritated hugely to be interrupted.

One of the Elim spoke up. ‘He needs to run back to your chambers, Majesty. We have forgotten—’

‘Yes, yes, don’t trouble me with these trivialities!’ Boaz admonished. The Elim and the mute retreated, Salazin running at full speed to retrieve whatever had been left behind.

‘Apologies,’ Salmeo said, ‘I believe the Grand Vizier has instructed the mutes never to leave your side without royal sanction.’

More irritation flickered in the Zar’s darkening eyes. He ignored the man’s explanation and returned to their original conversation. ‘You asked whether you understand me. We both speak Percherese perfectly well, Grand Master Eunuch. I think my plain wording should make it precisely clear for you. Tell me what you understand by my order,’ he demanded, deliberately keeping his voice low but the threat was still there.

Salmeo actually took a step back. Boaz liked that he’d shocked the fat eunuch.

‘My understanding, Highness, is that you wish Odalisque Ana to be readied for bedding by her Zar. That you choose to claim her virginity this night.’

The Zar beamed, not prepared to show even a slight clue of how much that statement petrified him. ‘Good, I’m glad I made myself perfectly
plain,’ Boaz replied as condescendingly as one could when staring up at someone. ‘Don’t make any excuses for disappointing my wishes, this time, Grand Master Eunuch. I shall expect to see her.’ He added as a vicious parting shot: ‘After my supper, which I’m taking with the Grand Vizier.’

He turned and stalked away to the boats, leaving the keeper of the harem to think on his Zar’s unspoken threat.


Salmeo knew he had to catch the Valide before she left the palace for her private outing with the odalisque. It appeared as though their crafty plan was to be outwitted by the Zar and his helpless infatuation for the girl Ana. Herezah needed to learn of this sudden and unexpected turn in events. He found her draping herself with the dark veil that would cover her tight silks from head to toe for her excursion.

She looked at him, surprised. ‘I permitted you only because my servants said you were breathless. So presumably this is important?’ she sneered at him.

‘Highly,’ he said, sucking in air.

‘Zarab save us! That run has cost you, eunuch. More than important then…dangerous even?’

‘Very,’ he managed to say in between bending over slightly to help himself breathe.

‘Well, get on with it, Salmeo. I’m about to depart the palace. The karaks have arrived and I don’t want to linger long enough for the sun to warm them too much.’

‘Valide,’ he began, wondering how best to
deliver this news. She regarded him, her irritation evident in her glower as she fought to remain still long enough to hear whatever this news was. ‘It’s about Odalisque Ana.’

‘What of her?’ she demanded, irritated.

‘The Zar has chosen her. Just now,’ he said, not sure how to read the mask that was her expression.

Silence seemed to have engulfed Herezah and he watched her complexion blanch as she struggled to absorb his words.

He decided it was easier for him to fill the dread silence. He couldn’t even enjoy her shock because Ana being chosen had implications for him as much as the Valide. ‘I have just been ordered by the Zar to prepare her for tonight.’

‘Already? Are you absolutely sure?’ she croaked, her full attention given to him now.

He nodded grimly. ‘There is no mistake. Your son made it embarrassingly clear what he intends for the girl. We are too late, Valide.’

‘Nonsense!’ Herezah admonished, rapidly gathering up her wits and regaining her composure. ‘We just have to put our plan into action faster.’

‘It’s impossible,’ Salmeo said, shaking his head in surprise. ‘The Zar means this night.’

‘And she will be gone by tonight!’ Herezah snarled at him in a low, angry voice. ‘See to it. Make all the preparations that we’ve discussed. The girls will return tired but happy, presumably
—we might as well keep that mood going with a little surprise of our own. Not only Boaz can offer them treats.’

Salmeo looked thoughtful now. ‘Perhaps it can be achieved,’ he said, nodding, thinking it through.

‘It will be, Grand Master Eunuch. Make it happen. I am going out now with Ana. We will not be long. Her taste of freedom will be brief and I’m sure will put her into the right frame of mind…especially after I allude to what’s in store for her sooner than she could have ever imagined.’

The slyness of Salmeo’s grin spread across his face until it danced in his dark eyes. ‘Clever, my Valide. Oh, and I have more news that will please.’

‘Oh yes?’

‘The dwarf has done something to displease your son. In fact he is so deep into his displeasure that I did not have to find this out by clandestine means. Zar Boaz actually admitted it to me in a state of high temper.’

She had suspected as much from Boaz’s behaviour but couldn’t imagine he would admit it to Salmeo. ‘You jest.’

The huge black man shook his head. ‘Told me himself that the dwarf had displeased and that he would not tolerate such insubordination from his servants. He tried to steer it into more general terms but he was clearly referring to Pez.’

‘Was Pez present?’ she asked enthusiastically, hungry for the details.

‘He’s gone missing,’ Salmeo replied, fuelling her hunger more. ‘But no-one knows where or why.’

Herezah clapped her hands. ‘Excellent,’ she purred. ‘This could be a special day for us. Where is the Vizier?’

‘He is remaining at the palace, says he is very busy with work.’

Herezah made a disparaging sound at this. ‘Busy spying perhaps. I will go now and you will put into action all that is necessary. Keep an eye on the Vizier; I’m interested to know what he does when he is not answerable to the Zar.’

Salmeo nodded that it would be done. ‘Enjoy your shopping expedition.’

She smiled cruelly. ‘You know I will.’

Ana was veiled, flanked by two Elim and patiently awaiting her high-ranking companion for the day. She smiled from beneath the veil at Herezah when she appeared, also escorted by her own Elim and trailed by the Grand Master Eunuch. Ana hoped the Valide would see the smile touch her eyes so that Herezah would know how much this meant to her.

She bowed. ‘Valide,’ then turned to the eunuch, ‘Grand Master Salmeo.’

‘Valide, I shall see to your instructions,’ Salmeo said, bowing to Herezah. ‘Enjoy your morning, sisters,’ he added as he straightened. He
gave some whispered orders to his senior Elim and watched the women as they were guided out of the shadows of the cool palace’s interior and into the sharp sunlight of the day.

Ana squinted. ‘This is very exciting for me, Valide,’ she gushed helplessly, allowing one of the Elim to assist her into a karak.

Herezah was being given similar assistance into her karak. ‘I hope you have a wonderful time, Ana. This freedom is my gift to you,’ she said, smirking beneath her veil.

Herezah gave the signal and the bearers lifted the two karaks and easily bore them down the palace pathways towards the main gates. Ana had been told it took some time to clear the palace grounds; she remembered how long it took just to get to the main gate on that terrible day a year ago when she had had to witness her Uncle Horz being impaled. He died so bravely. She hoped she could show the same courage with all that was ahead. But right now all she could think about was a day’s freedom; she settled back and savoured the reckless sense of being on a grand adventure.

In her own karak, Herezah plotted precisely what she was going to say to her naive companion that would provoke her into making the biggest mistake of her short life.

Pez arrived back at his small chamber to find a note. He recognised instantly that it was from
Razeen and its hastily scribbled scrawl clearly reflected the urgency of the contents.

Pez gathered he was in further trouble with the Zar. Apparently he hadn’t presented himself for the boating trip, and cursed himself for it—he’d forgotten in his rush to warn Zafira. Razeen had told him he was to be included during their recent clandestine meeting and although he gathered it had been brought forward, no-one had told him it was leaving this morning. He shook away his irritation. There was nothing to be done until the Zar returned and summoned him. More frightening was the news that Boaz had chosen Ana and instructed the Grand Master Eunuch to prepare her for tonight.

Unsure of what to do but knowing he had to do something, Pez changed into more formal dress for the court and waddled out of his room, only to be assailed by two massive Elim.

He began to dance and gabbled a stream of gibberish. They guided him, gently but equally firmly, beyond the halls of the harem and into the palace proper.

‘Where go we?’ he sang.

This made sense so one answered. ‘Pez, we have orders to bring you to the Grand Vizier.’

Pez felt as though his throat was being clamped and he knew it was fear.

‘Vizier, Vizier,’ he sang, thinking fast.

‘The Zar asked him to find you,’ the other Elim said, knowing it was hopeless but trying to get some sense into the dwarf.

The Elim found Pez strange, irritating at times, but also held him in high affection. The loyalty of their two Zars to this curious individual meant plenty to the Elim who held loyalty as the single most important quality in anyone. And so they were loyal to Pez, no matter how much he frustrated them on occasion.

‘I don’t want to see a snake,’ Pez whinged, childlike.

‘But you must,’ the first said softly, smiling. Pez’s madness was making odd sense. ‘It is what Zar Boaz wishes,’ he added, hoping that would soothe the dwarf.

It had the opposite effect. Pez was disturbed that Boaz might have given the Vizier permission to do more than simply find the court jester—perhaps police him, or even punish him? Of course Boaz could not know who lurked beneath that surface. It was a terrifying prospect that he would have to face this man, knowing now who he truly was.

He took the last remaining moments he had, no longer struggling, but bringing all of his Lore skills to the fore. He forced all that was Iridor deep within himself. It must be hidden from Maliz, buried so far away that the demon could not find it even if he looked for magic. He wondered if Maliz already suspected him to be
Iridor and he knew he would be lying to himself if he didn’t accept that Maliz was not just suspicious but now searching for evidence. He prayed to Lyana to guide him in this confrontation.

Make my madness my armour, oh Mother. Encase me in your love, protect me from evil, let my Lore confuse him and keep me safe,
he whispered, his lips barely moving.

He would need to give his best performance and somehow throw the Vizier off his scent.

There was still so much to achieve before Maliz killed him.

Ana sighed with a sense of restless wonder as the karak moved beyond the Moon Courtyard and through the palace gates. With the Stone Palace perched on a hill, she knew she must hold on for safety now as the Elim adjusted their grip and began the descent. The sense of freedom was so tangible she was sure the air smelled sweeter, the colours were brighter, and all the darkness that lived within dissipated to leave her lighthearted. She burst out laughing and then she wept. Her emotions were clashing into one another and Ana really didn’t know how to feel other than elated, and yet she felt teary. She considered her situation and knew that her tears were because she understood this was only temporary, and that sadness made the joy of being out amongst the people even more poignant.

The karak was no longer travelling at an angle; the road had begun to straighten out and Ana risked a peep through the curtains and wrapped her arms around herself with pleasure to see a mass of people going about their mid-morning business.

Women chatted to each other, children clasped tightly on their hips or holding their hands. Men rolled carts laden with goods and she even spotted a few of the soldiers mingling with the general population. They reminded her of Lazar and a fresh gust of grief swept through her mind. It was always there, always ready to poison her day, but she must not let Lazar’s shadow fall too fully across this day. This was one day she was keeping as shiny and free from darkness as she could, no matter how hard returning to the palace would be.

Voices intensified and Ana again peeped between the silks to see that they were entering narrow streets and she knew this led down to the bazaar. She heard the Elim giving orders, clearing the crowd from around the karaks, and she imagined the fascinated stares of people, curious to know who from the palace had come into their midst.

Suddenly Herezah was leaning into Ana’s karak. ‘Come, Ana,’ she said conversationally, and then the Elim were helping Ana to alight. She noticed more servants from the palace had trailed them—Elim—and they would remain with the transport until the women returned.

Flanked once again by her red-robed guards, but this time her arm encircled affectionately by Herezah’s, Ana stepped into the slow-moving stream of people and felt the lightness that had imbued her heart instantly turn to a weightlessness. She felt as though her sandals were no longer touching the ground.

‘I can hardly breathe for excitement,’ she whispered to her companion. ‘It’s been so long since I was amongst real people.’

Herezah gurgled with seductive laughter. She didn’t seem to take offence at Ana’s innocent jibe. ‘It always feels like that the first time,’ she replied. ‘Enjoy yourself. I cannot promise when we might do this again so make the very best of the short time we have.’

‘Oh, I will, Valide…and thank you. Thank you for spoiling me. I’m not sure I deserve your faith.’

‘I trust you, Ana,’ Herezah soothed. ‘Just don’t get too seduced by freedom,’ she cautioned and laughed again as they were swallowed up into the first dome of the great bazaar.

‘Ah, Pez,’ the Grand Vizier said, smiling, but Pez noted not even a tiny flicker of warmth touched those cold, dark eyes.

‘I was promised flowers,’ he stated angrily.

‘Oh, and you shall have them, Pez,’ the Vizier said, the smile not faltering.

‘And cherry juice.’

‘Of course.’

Pez burped and shook himself free from the hold of the Elim.

‘You may leave us,’ Maliz said to the men in red. Both hesitated. ‘Fret not, I shall not harm him.’

They had not forgotten Tariq’s behaviour at the flogging of Spur Lazar, when he had dared to kick at the dwarf who had, to all intents, accidentally rolled across the foot of the Vizier during one of his usual acrobatic manoeuvres. But the Elim offered Pez absolute protection by royal proclamation and they took this task very seriously. One bowed and stepped forward. ‘Grand Vizier, we are never permitted to leave the dwarf unattended in the palace in the company of someone outside of the harem.’

‘Is that so?’ Maliz replied, remembering now the frustration that Tariq experienced over the detestable dwarf. He had made an error, for the Vizier would know the palace etiquette, and so he deliberately pulled Tariq’s mouth into a sneer to let the Elim know he was being sarcastic. It made no difference. They were always grave in their duty, and either missed the nuance or treated it with disdain.

The man nodded solemnly. ‘He has the full protection of the harem and the Zar, as you know. Forgive us, but we are not allowed to let him out of our sight.’

Pez began to sing, covering the smile he felt
tugging at his mouth. Perhaps he would be safe. He wanted to kiss the Elim for being so rigid in adhering to their rules.

‘But he comes and goes as he chooses—or so I understand,’ Maliz replied, working to hide his irritation, Pez noted.

The man nodded again. ‘This is true, Grand Vizier. Pez is permitted complete freedom within the harem. Beyond its boundaries he is always escorted—as is anyone from the harem.’

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