Empire of Avarice (8 page)

Read Empire of Avarice Online

Authors: Tony Roberts

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Historical, #Historical Fiction, #Fantasy

BOOK: Empire of Avarice
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“Not to mention upsetting hordes of people,” Isbel said

Astiras grinned lop-sidedly. “Yes, that didn’t help.”

“So who else is involved?”

Astiras ticked off the names on his fingers. “The
temple, the merchants, the Thieves‘ Guild, the palace guard, the Fokis family,
the Duras family, possibly the Palanges and the Kanzet families too.”

“All of them?” Isbel was aghast. “That’s just about

“As I said, it shouldn’t be a surprise. Everyone who has
benefitted in the last few years. They’ve become rich; the empire has become
enfeebled and poor. Now I’m trying to bring them to heel and they’re screaming
in outrage; no matter they’ve raped the empire and robbed everyone blind; they
think they’re entitled. They’re a bunch of traitors.”

“Traitors or not, you’ve got to do something to stop
them, Astiras! Our children are in danger.”

“I’m well aware of that, Isbel. From what I understand
the Thieves’ Guild has sent an agent out to kill Jorqel. I’ve sent a warning
letter to him. He’ll have to take whatever appropriate action he can.”

“But – can’t you do something with the guild?”

“Such as? They’re totally independent. Having a guild
makes them visible. If I take any action against them they’ll go underground
and start a campaign of murder against us. I’ve no idea who their agents are or
where they are.”

Isbel sat down on a chair. Her heart was beating hard. “Then
nobody is safe!”

“We’re as safe as we can be, given our position. Teduskis
is going to be a busy man this sevenday; he’s taken Mercos to the city dungeon
under the garrison quarters, and I think there’s a few inhabitants in there who
can be freed. They’ll be invaluable to our regime; they were imprisoned for
opposing the previous emperor. Teduskis is going to meet the guild leader later
today to thrash out an agreement. That’s all we can do.”

Isbel drew in a deep breath. “What about our little
boys? They’re so vulnerable! And the new tutors – how do we know they’re
reliable and loyal?”

“We don’t,” Astiras conceded, “but we can’t stop doing
everything or we might as well quit. The only good thing is that these tutors
were appointed yesterday before this clandestine meeting last night and nobody
there has any connection with the tutors.”

“I’m surprised at Teduskis; I thought he was your personal
bodyguard, that’s all.”

Astiras laughed and stood up. “Not at all; he’s a damned
important man. If anything needs doing unpleasant, he’s your man.”

“But he seems such a nice man!”

“He is; but he’s utterly dedicated to us. You can’t get
anyone better than he.”

“What did that war in Bragal do to you both? You’ve both
become – cold hearted.”

Astiras’ eyes became unfocussed and he saw in his memory
people impaled on trees, of burning villages, of rows upon rows of people
hanging from poles erected on roadsides, of sudden ambush, of children suddenly
throwing off their cloaks to reveal swords to cut the throats of unsuspecting
soldiers. Corpses, burning, death. He sucked in a deep breath. “I’m glad to be
out of it,” he said harshly. “But I’ll have to return there soon if we are to
keep Bragal in the empire. In the meantime I have to build a foundation here.”

Isbel put her hands to her face and wept. “It’s too much
to take in!”

Astiras stood above her for a moment, torn with
uncertainty, then pulled her up and embraced her. “As long as we have each
other and the family, then everything will be fine.”

Isbel nodded into his chest, still weeping.


Amne sat at a table, looking at a sea of parchments and
maps. It was bewildering. Theros Pognon was seated opposite her. “Yes, it’s a
little challenging,” he smiled, “ma’am. But I must give you an overview of the
political scene before we do anything else, so that you can understand why
things happen the way they do, and why some people hate us so much.”

“Why do people hate Kastania so much?” Amne asked. “We’re
cultured, educated, have such a long history and heritage.”

“I agree, ma’am, but jealousy and avarice are terrible
things. People are happy until they are shown they can have something they
don’t have, then they become unhappy and strive to get that which they haven’t
got. If it’s something trivial, such as a nice pair of new boots, then that’s
one thing, but when it becomes land, or an ideal, then that is something
entirely different.”

“An ideal?”

Theros waved a hand at the biggest map on the table, one
of much of the known world. Kastania was a small area in the middle, drawn on
either side of the Aester Sea. “The ideal of owning Kastan, gaining the kudos
of possessing this city, a city that has endured for seven centuries, a
glittering gem of a prize. It is widely thought that possessing Kastan will
bestow upon the owner prominence over the nations of the world.”

“But we only want peace!”

“Peace is fleeting,” Theros said. “Peace is what happens
when nations tire of war and draw breath; then each nation must manoeuvre to
gain what advantage it can before the war resumes. Do not think that peace is
the natural way of nations; no, it is war.”

“So what is the purpose of diplomats like yourself?”

“Our purpose is to secure the most advantageous treaties
for our nation; to follow the foreign policy as determined by the emperor, or
by the king or council or whatever political regime holds power over whatever
particular nation it may be.”

“I see,” Amne peered at the map. “And I’m to secure a
treaty with Mazag, so my father says.”

“Indeed, ma’am,” Theros indicated a lump of territory to
the south of Kastan, the borders of which were coloured orange. “Mazag is a
relatively new kingdom, bursting with ambition and expansionist beliefs. It
grew out of a collection of nomadic tribes that found themselves in the plains
of Mazag about a hundred and fifty years ago. Their king is constantly looking
to expand their frontiers. However, because they are tied to the eastern Divinity
religion, they are not permitted to expand eastwards at the expense of fellow
Divinity believers.”

“Divinity,” Amne repeated slowly. “They believe in only
one god, yes?”

“Indeed. They took one of our gods – Sonos - and
elevated him above all others many many years ago, and eventually banished all
other gods as heretical. They seek to destroy our polygamous faith and impose
upon us their own religion.”

“But we have Sonos followers within our empire. Aren’t
they dangerous?”

“Not so I understand. We allow any faith here, provided
they also worship the emperor. The eastern Divinity kingdoms see this as a
blasphemy and have said on many occasions they intend stamping it out. But if
they hate our religion, then they hate the western faiths even more.”


“I’ll come to that later, your highness. First, back to
Mazag. Mazag sees Bragal as the next area to conquer, but the savagery of the
war we’ve waged there over the past five years has given them second thoughts. They’re
not likely to step into a hornets’ nest if there are easier pickings elsewhere,
and luckily for us, there are. Their attention is currently to their south and
east, away from us. So they’ll likely be attentive to an offer of peace and
trade while they take what land they wish elsewhere.” Theros tapped the area in
grey in between Kastan and Mazag. “And they’ll be happy for us to subdue


“Because if we subdue Bragal, when they turn on us, and
they will in time, then Bragal will be easier for them to take over.”

Amne gasped. “That’s awful!”

“Diplomacy is often duplicitous, your highness. Smile at
your enemy; nobody is fooled for a moment, but if you play the game by the
rules, you know how things will proceed.”

“And can plan accordingly”

Theros smiled. “I think you’ll make a wonderful
diplomat, ma’am. Now, we will be journeying through Bragal with your father’s
new army, so I’m led to believe. So the first part of our journey will be safe.
But after they stop at Zofela we must continue onwards to the south and east
until we get to the great river that forms the boundary between Bragal and
Mazag. It is this leg of our journey that will be the most dangerous and we
must be alert. I’m informed that Mazag patrols often ride in this border
country, so if we do come across one of those then we are safe. It’s the Bragal
bandits and brigands we must avoid.”

“Who will be with us?” Amne was nervous; she’d never
been away from her family before and this journey, a very long and hazardous
one, was frightening her.

“We will be given an escort of a dozen soldiers under
the command of a captain. There will be two handmaidens to attend your needs
and a personal bodyguard, and I will have a small number of minor scribes and
attendants to perform the necessary paperwork.”

“Not a lot to hold off any bandit,” Amne commented.

“If your father thinks it too dangerous, then we won’t
be allowed to proceed.”

Amne nodded, then looked at the map. Beyond the river
the country broke up into a mountain chain, and a symbol of a fortress stood
just on the other side with a flag pointing out of the top. “Where’s that?”

“That is our destination, the fortress of Branak. It’s
always governed by the heir to the throne, who is currently a Prince Lamak. He
will be sent a letter informing him of our intended visit and the purpose
shortly before we set off from here. Hopefully he’ll make sure patrols from
Branak will be looking out for us. You will negotiate directly with Prince

“What’s he like, this Prince?”

“Like? You mean is he handsome?”

“Yes,” Amne smiled self-consciously.

“I don’t know, ma’am. He’s young, a few years older than
you; I’m told he’s tough and brave, but I really don’t know if he’s handsome or


Theros thought for a moment. “Just one word of advice
ma’am. Don’t judge your opponent through looks; it could hide someone very
dangerous indeed. He will be seeking an advantage to his kingdom at our
expense, and he may well believe as you’re young and inexperienced he can take
advantage of you.”

“He wouldn’t!”

“He would, if it meant his kingdom would benefit. After
all, he is due to inherit Mazag when his father dies.”

Amne kept silent. She had to digest what her tutor had
just told her. It was a very different world to that which she had been used
to. Theros examined the papers on the table. His office had served the empire
over the years but nothing had been as difficult as it was now. He’d begun a
life in the diplomatic service almost as soon as his tutoring had finished, and
in those days there’d been many regions to be assigned to, far flung places to
visit and his profession had been very highly regarded both at home and abroad.
But now they were looked upon in an entirely different manner; now they were
the poor relations, who would maybe be given scraps or dismissed without a
moment’s thought. Theros had been thinking of looking elsewhere for a job until
this assignment had been offered him. His professional pride demanded he take
it and see it through. If he taught the girl well, then maybe she’d succeed and
perhaps the reputation of the Empire abroad may rise once more. However, if she
failed, then maybe Theros could ask to serve in the Mazag court. He was after
all fairly experienced.

“What of the other eastern realms?” Amne suddenly asked.

“Oh. Venn.” He pointed to a red-bordered area to the
south east, surrounding the coastlines further from Kastan. “Probably the most
distrustful and deceitful of our neighbours. Ruthless, greedy, without morals
or conscience. They are a republic.”

“I know what that is, Theros,” Amne said sharply. “I
have been educated, you know.”

Theros smiled. “No offence, ma’am. I have no idea how
much you know about our world, that’s all.”

“I know what a republic is,” Amne said, “but not what
each realm is. They don’t teach women about the outside world,” she added bitterly.
“Venn will be someone to watch, then?”

“Absolutely. It grew out of former imperial territory
when the east collapsed all those centuries ago, but they’ve only relatively
recently grown powerful. They rely on sea power to expand their domain. That’s
how they took Cratia,” he pointed to a large island to the north of Kastan. “A
long time possession of the empire, it was lost nine years ago when the
garrison was withdrawn to fight in the civil wars closer to home. With nobody
to defend it, Venn practically walked in and took it. They’re likely to do the
same with Drazino over here,” and Theros indicated a town on the coast to the
east. “The province of Epros has declared for one of the old emperor’s
predecessor’s family and refuses to acknowledge imperial rule. With no army to
speak of there’s not much we can do.”

“My brother’s with the army in the west,” Amne said

“Again, I meant no offence, but your brother can’t be in
two places at once. Ten years ago we had a large central army and provincial
armies capable of defending their assigned territory. Alas,” he sighed, “such
is not the case any longer.”

Amne looked across the map to the west. “And here – is
that the Tybar tribes?” she whispered, almost in fear.

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