Empty Net (11 page)

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Authors: Toni Aleo

BOOK: Empty Net
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The screen door shut and Audrey glanced back to see Aiden running through the yard
with his hockey stick. He had gotten good the past couple of months, and she loved watching him play and couldn’t wait to leave for his game that night. With hockey season in full swing, Lucas was gone a lot, and with Fallon the workaholic she was, it meant that she was the one who took Aiden to his practices and most of his games. Fallon would join them after closing her wine cellar, but she was always a little late. Audrey loved helping her sister, but didn’t do it as much once Lucas came along. Not that it bothered her; it gave her more time to focus on herself.

Audrey turned back to the sink, going through her list of things she needed to do before they left for Aiden’s game at Centennial. The Sportsplex was only seconds away, so they didn’t have to rush, but she needed to get all his equipment ready. She prayed that he knew what he needed, because she sure didn’t. Lucas would usually have everything packed and in her car the day before, but since he had left right after the wedding, Audrey wasn’t sure if the bag would be there. She told herself she should probably check that.

As she made her way to the front door, she pulled her hair up in a messy bun, admiring her new couch set. It was beautiful, and better than the last set. Grabbing her keys, she pushed the door open and went out, colliding with a rock-hard chest. Strong hands took hold of her arms as she stumbled to a halt. She looked up into a pair of ocean blue eyes that had been starring in her dreams for the last couple of nights.

“A.A.! Tate’s home!”

Audrey smiled, her eyes still locked with Tate’s as his own mouth formed into a wide grin. His jaw was clean-shaved and his lips were full. His teeth were a pearl white and he pushed his tongue against the back of his teeth, revealing his pink front gap.

An unexpected need to press her lips against his came quick, taking her breath away.

“I see,” she said breathlessly as Tate continued to smile.

“Hey, Audrey,” Tate said in a throaty, sexy way.

She blinked twice, swallowing loudly. “Hey.”

“Aren’t you gonna give him his cupcakes?” Aiden asked.

Tate’s grin grew as he continued to stare down at her. They were only inches apart and she had the urge to touch him. What was up with him? How could she be this attracted to someone? He was a baby! Knowing she couldn’t touch him because the last time she did she ravished him, Audrey took a step back. Tate continued to watch her as he tucked his hands into his pockets.

“Cupcakes?” he asked.

Audrey nodded as Aiden said, “Yup! She made yummy gummy bear ones! She’s the best cupcake maker ever! Aren’t you A.A.?”

Audrey’s cheek dusted as she smiled. “Maybe, punkin’.” She glanced back up at Tate and said, “Let me check my car for his bag and then I’ll get those for you.”

“A.A., Dad put my bag in your car before he left.”

“All right, then let’s give Tate his cupcakes. Come on in,” she said to Tate as she turned to go back inside. As she walked through her house to the kitchen, she hoped that he liked her new couch set. It was an amazing sectional that had a black base and beautiful gray cushions. She had bought some bright yellow pillows to go with it, which seemed to bring the room together. It made her happy.

“Nice couch.”

Yay! He likes it!

Why did that matter?

Audrey threw Tate a grin over her shoulder as she reached the island. She picked up the
cupcake tin and turned back, smiling at him.

“Thanks, you should see the bed.”

Once the words left her mouth, she turned deep red as her whole body flushed with desire. For goodness sakes, could she sound any more like a slut?

Tate’s chuckles ran up her spine and his grin couldn’t have gotten any bigger. His eyes were darker and, Lord help her, the way he was looking at her, she was sure she would spontaneously combust.

“I would love to see the new bed, Audrey,” he said in a husky, manly way that made her clothes want to fly off. She was pretty sure he didn’t care about the new bedroom set, but rather, laying her down on it. The more she was around this man, the more she forgave herself for having gone home with him so quickly. He was basically sex on legs! But how, at such a young age? Poor little girls, they would have no chance with him! Lord knew, she didn’t!

He had to be a lady killer. A man whore. He was just too damn sexy.

“Ugh, yeah, here’s your cupcakes,” she said, basically throwing the tin to him.

He laughed as he looked down at them. “Wow, gummy bears, I love them.”

When he glanced up at her through half-lidded eyes, his pupils boring into hers and his lips curving into a sexy little smirk, Audrey knew he had to leave. “Thanks for being there the other morning.”

Tate nodded. “My pleasure.”

The way he said
sounded way more intimate than he probably meant it, and it had her body tingling. Or maybe he did mean it that way?

He needed to go.


“Thanks again,” she said quickly, looking around him to see Aiden dancing by the door trying to put his shoes on. “Ready, bud? Aiden’s got a game,” she said, still not looking in Tate’s eyes. She could get lost in them, and since that was a horrible idea, she kept her eyes on the ground.

“Yeah, he told me.”

His voice was so husky, and dirty sounding. He honestly had the kind of voice that could talk a girl out of her panties … Oh wait, he had.
Bad Audrey, bad
. With a shake of her head, she looked up to see that he was still staring at her. Damn it! With the voice and the eyes and the gap, how was she supposed to stay on a Guy Break?

Audrey looked away, gathering her things. As long as she didn’t make him talk or look in his eyes, she wouldn’t be tempted to hump his leg.

“Tate, wanna come to my game?”

Oh, come on!

Aiden was hanging off Tate’s arm, laughing while Tate grinned and lifted him off his feet.

“I would love to,” he said, laughing.

Audrey couldn’t stop the smile that came across her face. Levi didn’t like kids at all. He never played with Aiden, which was probably the reason Aiden didn’t like Levi at all. The kid was one smart cookie, another person she should have listened to.

“Cool! Let’s go, A.A.,” Aiden exclaimed between giggles.

Audrey leaned against the island, taking a deep breath. Part of her was excited, while the other part was nervous. Exhaling a long breath, her shoulders slumped while she watched Aiden and Tate rush out the door.

This was going to be a long game.

“Centennial, right?”

Tate watched as Audrey nodded, walking with Aiden’s hand in hers. “Yup.”

“All right, I’ll meet you guys there.”

“Okay,” she said as they reached the car.

Tate watched as Audrey made sure Aiden was buckled in before she got into the car and started it up. He waited until they were driving away before he made his way to his truck.

Like always, his pulse kicked up with every step he took. He reached for the handle of the truck three times before he actually took hold of it and opened the door. He stood for another couple of minutes staring at the driver’s seat before he took a step toward it, then ran a hand nervously through his hair before finally climbing in. Tate let out a long breath as he laid the cupcakes Audrey had made for him on the seat beside him. His knee bounced uncontrollably as his nerves and fear of driving kicked in. He reached in his pocket for the keys, then stabbed at the ignition, trying to put in the key until he finally got it right. It was always like this when he drove. Ever since the accident that took his family from him, driving was like facing down his worst fear every time. It never seemed to get any easier.

After another long breath, he turned the ignition key and the engine roared to life. Sweat trickled down his neck and he felt like his chest was closing in. Even though a big part of his brain begged him to shut the truck off and run inside the house where he would be safe, the other part was eager to see Audrey.

Tate was sure the only reason he put the truck in reverse and drove off was because of
her. He often found himself looking for reasons to go over to her condo, but found none. Today, when he saw Aiden outside as he pulled up after an afternoon skate, he became overly excited. And when Aiden asked him to go to his game, he couldn’t say yes fast enough.

Tate’s heart picked up at the thought of getting the chance to pick Audrey’s brain and find out what made her tick. It also encouraged him to get over his anxiety, so that he could get to the arena.

So he could get to Audrey.

The drive was quick, thankfully. After parking and taking a few deep breaths, he made his way inside. He carried his cupcakes in his hand while tucking his phone and keys in his pocket. Entering, he spotted Audrey instantly, though the arena was full of parents of the kids who were playing. She sat alone at the very top, watching Aiden and his teammates warm up. She looked beautiful as he made his way toward her. Every time he saw her she was always so glossed up and polished, except for the time she was burning things and when he woke up beside her. Usually he liked it better when his women were natural, but with Audrey, he found he liked her both ways.

She just did it for him.

Like today, she was wearing an expensive-looking blazer that came to the top of her extremely tight jeans. The jeans curved with her amazing body and ended at heels that gave her an extra five inches in height. She had put a knitted teal cap on her head and tied a bright yellow scarf tight around her neck. Her cheeks were rosy from the chill in the arena. She looked so classy and so beautiful that Tate found himself walking faster, just to get to her.

When he got to her section, he made his way up the stairs, taking three at a time. Audrey glanced up at him just as he reached her, dropping his large body next to hers. She glanced down
at the cupcakes and then back up at him, a grin tugging at her lips.

“I see you brought game food.”

Tate smiled. “Yup. I have a feeling they will be the best cupcakes ever.”

She giggled as she looked down at the arena, ran her hands up and down her legs before tucking them in her lap. Since his hand started to itch from the need to touch her, Tate opened the box of cupcakes and took one out. He held it out for Audrey, who took it with a grin. They both were silent while unwrapping their delectable treats, watching Aiden skate around the rink, taking shots at the goal. The boy was Lucas Brooks made over. He skated and shot just like his dad. It sure was a sight to see. He could be watching a future NHL-leading forward in the making, he thought.

With a grin, Tate took a huge bite out of his cupcake and moaned when the flavors exploded in his mouth. He had an unhealthy obsession with sweets. Thankfully, he was extremely active, or he might be nine hundred pounds.

When he took the gummy bear off the top, popping it in his mouth before returning to the cupcake, Audrey chuckled. He glanced over to see her grinning at him.

“So I guess you like them?”

Tate nodded, swallowing the mouthful he had before he said, “Oh yeah, they are fantastic.”

When he reached for another, Audrey laughed again. “I hoped you would.”

He shot her a wide grin before taking a bite out of another cupcake. After swallowing, he said, “I love sweets. I’m not hard to please, but you hit the gold mine with these. As you know, gummy bears are my favorite.”

Audrey looked pleased as she wrapped her arms around her legs, leaning her head on her
knees while watching him eat.

“Why is that?” she asked.

Tate’s face broke into a grin at thoughts of his mom moving around their kitchen back home. She baked constantly, having him and Matilda try everything she made. He never minded, but Matilda would get mad, saying she was trying to make her fat. His favorite thing she used to make was a gelatin-based candy that was very much like a gummy bear. When he came to America and found gummy bears, he became obsessed with them. They reminded him of her.

With Audrey waiting for an answer, he swallowed and said, “My mom was a baker. She could bake anything and everything. She used to make these things that were like gummy bears. They were my favorite.”

“Aw, that’s awesome!”

“Yeah,” Tate agreed, taking another bite.

“You know, Lucas used to say your English was horrible, but I understand you just fine.”

Tate nodded as he looked over at her, wiping the icing off his lips. “I had a really good speech therapist. Plus I wanted to learn the language.”

“Oh, that’s good.”

“Yeah, she was an amazing teacher.”

In and out of bed, Tate’s relationship with his speech therapist had been short lived, but fun while it lasted.

“You can tell; your speech is really good.”

He nodded as he continued to stuff his face. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome,” she said. Sitting up, she stretched her arms out in front of her before turning her attention to the rink. The game had started and Aiden was a starter. They watched as
he skated around, dekeing and juking kids left and right. Tate shook his head, his lips curving into a grin.

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