Enamored To A Fool (4 page)

Read Enamored To A Fool Online

Authors: Jackie Nacht

Tags: #GLBT, #Gay, #Fantasy, #Erotic Romance, #fae

BOOK: Enamored To A Fool
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Rounding a huge oak, he shouted in surprise. “How the hell did you get here?”

Foster was leaning against the great oak casually. Not a white-tipped green hair was out of place, and the man wasn’t even breathing hard.

Axle wished he looked that good when he ran. Instead, he looked like a sweaty, hot mess.

“You humans are so slow, especially you in particular. Your body is so toxic, I’m surprised you made it this far.”

Axle approached Foster. Maybe he would see reason. “I can’t stay there. Here, I might be okay but that place back there…” Axle wasn’t even sure how to explain it, but it almost physically hurt him to be on that beach.

Foster looked back at him in sympathy. “No. We can take it in small doses, but that is your court now.”

Axle uttered a word he never thought would pass his lips, and this is the second time in one day. “Please,” he asked. “That place back there, it’s not me. It’ll be like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. I know I fucked up before and I want to change, but…”

Scrubbing his hands over his face, he lifted his eyes to see Foster staring at him curiously. Whatever Foster was thinking, he must have come to a decision.

“C’mon, follow me.”

Axle followed as Foster led him deeper into fall. Axle wished he knew what the fae had been thinking, but as long as he was going in the opposite direction of the beach fiasco, he’d take it.

Chapter Five



Foster could not believe he was actually taking Axle deeper into fall. While he was allowed to come here along with his brother, Puck, this place was usually reserved for King Oberon and Queen Titania…only. He must be out of his ever-lovin mind to be taking Axle there, especially since Queen Titania didn’t seem to be impressed with the mortal. But he saw it in Axle’s eyes. The two of them belonged in the Seelie court about as much as Puck.

Axle was going to have a long journey ahead of him. Healing from his past, discovering a new avenue to his future, the least Foster could do was to try to make the path as easy as possible where he could. There wasn’t much he could do to help Axle. The man needed to change. The only thing he could do was hold his hand when needed, and when he was sinking, help him find another shore where he could regain his footing.

Foster wanted to help Axle. He had initially been an asshole, but Axle had been taken and now was in a world that he never knew existed. Foster thought he could at least try to gently acclimate the guy to their world. And the only way he could think to do that was to bring Axle here…the in-between that accepted both light and dark.

“Are you taking me back?” Axle followed behind him.

Turning, he looked at the man before him. Axle was truly a handsome man. Right now, Foster was at war with himself. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to bring the man closer to him or knock him on his ass. Being a loner, Foster wasn’t even used to having company, especially one that had so much baggage that it would take years to recover from.

That was a problem. Axle wasn’t going to be getting better in a day or even a month. The damage he had done to himself and his brother were going to take years to get over. Foster was going to have to dig deep to find a patience he wasn’t even sure he had. Staring at the young, handsome man, he knew he had to try. Hell, for the first time, he wanted to try and be around someone.

Foster was attracted to Axle, and the queen told him to take Axle under his wing. As hard as it was, he was going to do it.

“We’ll go back there for dinner, but I thought you’d like a little reprieve. I know our court can be…much to take in,” Foster murmured before sitting and resting his back against a tree. Foster soaked up the aromas of the forest, and a deep calm came over him. Maybe this would become a sanctuary for the both of them.

Axle sat next to him, picking up a red leaf and twirling it between his fingers. “I don’t know what to do.”

“That’s to be expected. You weren’t brought here by your own will.”

“Do you think…I belong over there?” Axle murmured.

Foster stared at Axle and followed his eyes to the dark castle of King Oberon.

Foster wanted to shout out a big hell no. If he was over there, he would be away from Foster…unattainable.
Is that what I want? Yes…no…fuck!

The tiny speck of light that was left in Axle would be smothered within the year. There would be no repair after that.

“No. Queen Titania doesn’t seem to think so, and she can see the soul of a human where I can’t…exactly.” Foster sighed. Foster could feel darkness and light in a person, but the core of a being…he wasn’t even close to that powerful. Queen Titania assured Foster that he was the one who could help Axle the most, so he better learn to play well with others. Glancing over at Axle, he hoped he picked up the game quickly. The man was too attractive for his own good.

Axle let out a laugh that sounded harsh to his own ears. “I bet she found black tar for my soul.”

“She must have seen something to have you stay in the Seelie court.” Okay, that probably wasn’t helping. That sounded like he was really reaching there.

“Very tiny.” Axle murmured.

“Sometimes, that’s all you need to start the healing of one’s soul.”

“Hmm,” Axle murmured before lying down on the leaves beneath the tree.

Foster followed, and the two spent the afternoon listening to the sounds of various birds in the woods. They didn’t say much to each other, both lost in their own thoughts and what the future would bring the two of them now that they were to be intermingling their lives. Foster was used to the silence, and looking over at Axle, he discovered the man had found enough peace to be dozing under the colorful canopy.

There was something that was bothering him, though. Just by looking and hearing Axle’s words, Foster knew the man held guilt and hadn’t always been such a tarnished soul. Foster agreed with Axle that the man was not made for the Seelie court.
Hell, I’m not made for it either, but can it help Axle?

Feeling a soft touch to his arm, Foster turned his head to see Axle’s hand touching his skin. The connection seemed to shoot electricity through his entire body, making him hard and achy.

Axle glanced down at his hand brushing Foster’s skin. “Can I ask you something?” Axle murmured.

“Hmmm.” For some reason, Foster's mind turned to mush at such simple contact.

“Is it going to be a big problem for me to live with you?” Axle glanced up, bright blue eyes holding his.

Foster was so confused by the drop in snarkiness from the man.
Is that his defense mechanism to life, and is he already feeling comfortable enough around me to discontinue it already? Sheesh, I hope so.

“It’s not going to be a problem at all. I’m just used to being alone, and I don’t have a lot of room to make you feel welcome. I can work on expanding the hut.” Foster almost laughed at himself at the last part. Like Axle would want to stay with him that long. The thought of Axle leaving him set a deep loneliness inside him that was foreign.
What the hell is wrong with me?
He'd just met the guy, and Axle had been a wreck when he had. This constant inner battle was driving him crazy.

Axle leaned over him. “I…”

Hell, Foster knew the feeling. He was feeling a weird pull toward the man, and reason was flying away in the damn breeze.

He didn’t get time to think too much more because Axle leaned over and kissed him. The kiss started out gently. Axle's lips were full and soft. Foster’s body ignited, and he became ravenous for the man. Rolling over, he took control of the kiss, demanding entrance to that snarky mouth of Axle’s. Axle moaned and grabbed the back of Foster’s head, tugging on his hair. Foster growled, loving the sensation.

Foster could feel himself losing control as he pressed his hard cloth-covered cock against Axle’s. The man was just as ready for this as he was. They could do this. Throw caution to the wind. Tear each other clothes off and spend one hell of an afternoon in the woods.

Foster pulled back and scooted a few feet away from Axle.

Axle groaned. “What’s wrong?” Axle reached for Foster, and Foster pulled out of his reach.

“This. There’s something wrong. You’re trying to heal. I’m trying to help, and one touch and we can’t even think straight.” Foster was pointing between the two of them, trying to get his point across.

Axle shook his head like he was trying to dislodge the daze that had been clouding Foster as well. “I’m…I’m sorry.” Axle held his hands out in front of him. “Look, that was really wrong of me and—”

“It’s not just you. The feeling is mutual.” Foster cleared his throat.
Well, dammit, it was!

Axle glanced down at the forest floor before returning to look at him. The desire was all but gone, and sadness clouded him once more. Foster wanted to kick himself for stopping.

“I think I need time.”

Axle seemed so uncertain, and Foster wanted to go to him. But would they have the same physical reaction? And he wasn’t so sure he would be able to stop himself this time.

Axle went on. “I need to find out who I am before I can be good for anyone. From what I know of you, which isn’t much, but you seem like an honorable man…fae…whatever. I’ll get it right one day. You need someone solid, and I’m anything but that right now.”

While Foster was momentarily disappointed, he was also happy. Axle did want to change, and this was the start. “I can still be your friend and help you along the way.”

Axle wrapped his arms around his legs, staring down between them while he nodded, choking out, “That sounds good. I think I could use a friend to help me get my head on straight right now.”

Getting up, Foster held out his hand. “C’mon, let’s go get something to eat.”

Axle grabbed his hand, and electricity shot through Foster’s body. Trying to shut down the desire, he pushed Axle’s dark hair from his forehead.

The man glanced back with a worried expression. “Do we have to go back there?” Axle murmured.

“You haven’t eaten since you were taken. Aren’t you hungry?” If Foster was going to be a friend to Axle, he was going to make sure he took good care of him while the man sorted out the darkness in his head.

Axle shrugged. “I haven’t had time to think of my stomach. Just trying to catch up with what the hell was happening and what was going to happen to me and my brother.”

“You need to start taking care of yourself.”

Axle nodded in response while Foster pulled him on the dirt trail that would lead them back to the beach.


The place was even more chaotic when they returned. It seemed that a party had begun, and many of the Seelie were dancing in their bikinis while drinking. Shit, this was no place for Axle to be right now, and Foster was pretty damn sure that Axle had a problem with alcohol. Why was he even putting Axle near the hands of temptation when he was trying to straighten out?

Plus, could they have come at a worse time? Why couldn’t they have come back when they were having some downtime? Foster was trying to soothe Axle into their world, and he practically walked him into the damn confetti being thrown in his face.

Desperately glancing around, Foster tried to search out some sane corner.
Brokk, the tiny male sprite, was off to himself eating a hot dog, a glob of ketchup falling onto his lap. Foster knew this was the best place for Axle to be and led him over.

“Brokk, this is Axle. I’m going to go get something to eat. Would you like something?”

Axle's appeared repulsed as he watched Brokk start in on his second hot dog.

“Ugh…why do you have hot dogs here?” Axle asked, looking completely baffled.

“Right now, we are in the gathering, but there is a time when we go over to the mortal realm. Our queen has spent a lot of time over there and enjoys bringing back some of your…more interesting foods for the Seelie. We have an emissary go back and forth for the queen.”

“You don’t go?” Axle sat down in the sand next to Brokk.

How did Foster answer this one? He didn’t like to talk about himself and was actually shocked that Axle asked.

By definition, his very name was forest guardian, and that’s all he had done in his immortal life. That’s all he felt comfortable doing. Sure, he’d been over to the mortal realm, but it just didn’t feel like home to him. The forest was his home, and that was the only thing he took comfort in.

Foster didn’t even like to eat the stuff from over there and preferred to eat the fruits from his world and hunt.

“I don’t go over to the mortal realm much,” Foster mumbled.

He turned and went in search of food for him and Axle. There was a table that held a wide array of food. He tried to figure out what Axle would want to eat and ended up stacking a huge plate with various foods from his world and Axle’s.

Once back, he found Axle sifting the sand through his fingers as he stared out at the water, still seated next to Brokk.

“Here,” Foster handed him the overflowing plate.

Axle’s eyes widened. “I’m hungry, but I don’t think I’ll be able to eat all that. Thank you.”

Foster sat next to him with his much smaller plate.

“I wasn’t sure what you would like so just eat what you want.” Foster picked up a berry and popped it into his mouth.

Foster glanced over at Brokk and noticed a smudge of ketchup at the corner of his mouth. Leaning over, Foster wiped it off with a napkin. The younger man needed a keeper. Unfortunately, the Seelie had a little too much play in them and not a whole lot of seriousness. Foster had seen the sprite, on more than one occasion, heartbroken and sitting near the edge of the woods. He tried to ask a time or two if the man wanted to live near the forest, but the timid man ran faster than some of the prey he hunted.

“Did you like your hot dog?” Foster asked Brokk.

“Mmm, I love those things.” Brokk smiled tentatively.

Foster wasn’t sure why Brokk was always so scared of him. Maybe, it was because he could see the mix of Unseelie within him. While others voiced their hatred, Brokk was too sweet to say cruel words.

Axle fished around his plate for a moment before he popped the same berry Foster just had in his mouth. “Damn, that’s really good.” Axle moaned before popping another berry in his mouth. Foster got so damn lost watching the human's mouth work that berry over, he ended up getting an elbow to his gut.

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