Enduring Light (8 page)

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Authors: Alyssa Rose Ivy

BOOK: Enduring Light
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Kevin patted my arm. “Nope. That’s it for the day. You survived that part.”


“It is Talen I worry about.”


He was walking a little ways in front of us with Monty. From his gesturing, he was still upset about the incident. I did not blame him. I would have been outraged by the treatment.


Kevin nodded. “Yeah, he’s like a loose cannon.”


“He is part beast.”


“He should have been the one named Brutus.”


“You really have an aversion to that name.”


He shrugged. “Kind of.”


“Only kind of? So you would not mind if I called you that from now on?”


“Do you really want to tell people your boyfriend is named Brutus? Hey, it would probably keep other guys away.”


“Boyfriend?” I said the word slowly. I assumed it was akin to the girlfriend term Rachel had used.


“Oh, I was just joking.”


“Were you?” I pressed. I wanted to discover if his feelings ran further than the mere physical.


“Only halfway. I wouldn’t mind the position.”


“If I understand what it is, I would not mind if you had it.”


He grinned. “I’m going to assume you do understand, and I’m taking it. I kind of feel like I’m back in middle school with this conversation, but no complaints.”


“Middle school?”


“It’s where you go when you are around twelve.”


“Oh, so I sound juvenile?”


“No. No. It’s a joke. Forget it.”


“You really need to get better at expressing your humor, Kevin.”


“I’ll try.”


I decided to let him off the hook. “All right, tell me everything I need to know about this flight.”

He smiled. “You’re going to find out in a few minutes anyway.”

Chapter Ten




I stared straight ahead. It wasn’t as if there was anything better to look at. I sure as hell wasn’t turning around to look at that damn inn. I never liked Charlotte being with Calvin, but knowing what he was most likely doing with her made me want to punch something—or someone. He was the same age as I was, but he seemed so much older. Maybe it was because he was from Energo. Apparently, adolescence didn’t exist there.


I couldn’t stand around any longer. I was sick and tired of sitting back and letting things happen. So what if he was her Gerard? I’d known her so much longer, and I understood her so much better. I was the one she was supposed to be sleeping with. I’d thought about it enough. I kicked a rock into the desolate street. I played it down, but the ghost town was giving me the creeps, which only added to my bad mood.


Henry came out. “It is not the rock’s fault.”
He had to be there to relieve me. Had three hours really passed?


“Are you suggesting I kick Calvin instead?”


Henry laughed. “No. I would not suggest that at all.”


“I hate this.”


“I know you do, but you cannot change things.” Henry put a hand on my shoulder. “He is her Gerard. It is surprising they waited this long.”




“You can go back in.”


“Not a chance. You can sleep. I’m not going in there.” I knew I sounded like a whiny kid, but I didn’t trust myself not to do something stupid.


“They are sleeping. It is not like you are going to hear anything.”


I spun on him. “Damn it, Henry.”


He held up his hands. “What? I am just telling you the truth.”


“You’re just saying you heard them. I preferred pretending she said no.”


“What good would that do you? Pretending does not change the fact that she is completely off-limits. Get through this, and you can go home and find someone available.”


“Yeah, because there are a million girls as amazing as Charlotte out there.” Maybe at one time I would have considered it, but my feelings for Charlotte were only getting stronger. I wanted her so bad it hurt sometimes.


Henry dug his foot into the gravel road. “Maybe it is healthy that you are finally admitting it. James would pay to hear this.”


“For once, I wish he were around. He’d support me on this.”


“He would support you on what? Keeping the Essence away from her Gerard? Not a chance. It is like defying destiny. They belong together whether you like it or not.”


“So I’m supposed to spend the rest of my life—my ridiculously
life—watching the girl I love be with someone else?”


“Love? Wow, Liam. That is a big word.”


“It’s true. I’ve been in love with her since we were kids.” I found a new rock to kick. Once I started being honest, I couldn’t stop.


“Does she know? Did you ever tell her?”


“What does it matter? Wouldn’t it defy fate?”


“It would. I just wondered. I think she is in love with you, too, but it is not enough. You are not her Gerard. It is a feat in itself that you are on her Guard at all.”


“A feat?”


“A non-Energo man a Guardian? Unbelievable.”


I gave up on the rock. “She kissed me. Before she left for Alaska, she kissed me. I’m almost positive that’s what started it all.”


“I take it you have thought of that kiss often?”


“Way too much.” I’d stared at her stupidly afterward. By the time I could come up with the courage to talk to her about it, she’d already left.


“You sound like one of those men from Rachel’s books.”


“I didn’t realize you read romance books, Henry.”


He punched my arm. “I do not read them. She just talks about them. At least I am not losing my head over a girl.”


“No, you’re just missing one.”


“True. Very true.” He patted my back again. “Get some sleep, Liam.”


“I can’t.”


“You have to. You need your strength. Your job is to protect Charlotte, and you cannot do that job if you do not rest.”


His logic made some sense. If I couldn’t be with her, I was still going to protect her. I wasn’t sure what part of me, the Guardian or the personal, realized that. “All right, thanks.”


“Anytime. See you in the morning.”


I nodded and headed back inside the house. There was no way I was going to actually sleep, but standing outside wasn’t helping either. I was so busy moping that I ran right into Charlotte on the stairs. “Char? What are you doing up?” She was walking around alone at night? Wasn’t Calvin supposed to be watching her?


“I… uh… need the bathroom, and there isn’t one.”


“Oh. Do you want me to walk with you somewhere?”


She made a disgusted face. “Umm, no.”


“I’m not going to watch you, but you can’t walk around alone.”


She rested a hand on the worn wooden railing. “I don’t get why they live like this. They have the technology for modern plumbing here.”


I forced myself to smile as I turned around to head back downstairs. “Maybe that can be your first act as ruler when we get rid of Blake. Modern plumbing in all residences.”


She laughed that light, carefree laugh she hardly ever used anymore. “That’s the best idea I’ve heard in ages.”


Really? Better than Calvin’s idea to spend the night together?
I kept my mouth shut. I held open the door for her, and we walked back outside.


“Charlotte? What are you doing out here?” Henry asked.


“She needs to use the bathroom.” I wasn’t going to make her say it again.


“Why did you not just use a chamber pot? There has to be one in your room.”


“Not a chance. I’d rather go in the woods.”


Henry picked up his lantern and walked over to us. “Does Calvin know you left your room?”


I glared at Henry. “She doesn’t have to alert Calvin of her every move.”


“She cannot be unprotected. Put your personal feelings aside.” Henry handed her the lantern.


“Does she look unprotected to you?”


“I knew one of you guys would be out here. I’m going to go. Listen for my screams.” She walked toward the woods, the lantern letting us know where she stopped.


Henry groaned. “Not funny, not funny at all.”


“Yes it is,” she yelled over her shoulder. At least she had her sense of humor. That was usually a good gauge of how she was doing.


Calvin ran out of the inn, buttoning his pants in the process. “Charlotte? Charlotte?” He hadn’t bothered with a shirt. Yeah, no more pretending.


I didn’t bother to look at him. I couldn’t look at him. “She’s peeing in the woods.”


“Why not just use a chamber pot? Or at least tell me?” Calvin asked.


“Because she’s Charlotte. Charlotte would always prefer the woods to something like that. Don’t you know her at all?” I stormed back toward the building. I was positive Calvin would make sure she made it back to their room.


Henry laughed. “Glad to know you are up on Charlotte’s bathroom habits.”


Even from the entryway, I heard Charlotte’s response. “What? What does Liam know about my bathroom habits?”


I smiled. At least she was still the same Charlotte.




Traveling to the swamps didn’t sound particularly appealing, but at least it meant Charlotte and Calvin wouldn’t get any more alone time for a while. There wasn’t a chance that Charlotte was letting Calvin touch her with Henry and me sleeping close by.


“Are you ready?” Calvin asked, helping Charlotte into the saddle of their horse.


She turned to smile at him, and it was a different smile from the one she usually gave him. It was intimate, and I hated it.


“Liam? Are you going to get on your horse?” Henry asked.


I had to shake my mood. Charlotte was going to notice, and my jealousy would only make things worse.


Calvin mounted the horse to sit behind Charlotte. “We will cut straight across the plains until we reach the Sutuni desert. We need to be prepared for a difficult crossing.”


“Why? At least this time Charlotte will be able to make us water.” Henry laughed, referring to when we’d entered Energo just weeks before.


Charlotte turned red. Her emotions were always so clear on her face. “Shut up, Henry.”


He grinned. “I wonder if this is what it is like to have a sister. I thought brothers were bad.”


“Brothers are bad.” She laughed. “Although, I kind of wish Kevin was here now.”


“Why? Would you feel safer?” Calvin asked.


Seriously? That’s what he asks? What about the fact that she misses her brother, the closest person to her in the world—or any world.


“I just miss him.”


“I’m going to tell him you said that,” I teased.


“Go ahead. He probably won’t believe you.” She ran her fingers through her hair. She struggled with it for a moment before giving up and tying it up in a ponytail.


I laughed. “Or he’ll think you lost your mind.”


Finally satisfied with her hair, she let her hands fall to her sides. “Doesn’t he already think that?”


Henry grinned. “We all do.”


“Aren’t you going to defend me, Calvin?” Charlotte gripped the reins. She looked pretty natural.


He pulled her back against him. “Not when I know you can defend yourself.”


When I put my revulsion at watching his hands roam all over her aside, I could admit that was a good answer. Charlotte didn’t say anything, but she smiled. She hated when people thought she couldn’t take care of herself. That probably came from being in a family of protective men. Between her father, Kevin, and Monty, she had plenty. As the Essence, she also had an entire Guard of protective guys in her life. I didn’t envy her. It would have driven me crazy.

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