Read Enjoying the Chase Online

Authors: Kirsty Moseley

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

Enjoying the Chase (24 page)

BOOK: Enjoying the Chase
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Two hours later Ashton and I were still
playing on the games console when Anna came storming back in, slamming the door
behind her, scowling murderously. One glance at her and I decided to keep my
comments to myself for once in case she turned that anger on me. She looked
ready to kill.


s up, Baby Girl?
” Ashton asked, as she plopped
down next to him.

“Ugh, Josh!” she scoffed, waving her hand
in a buzz off gesture.

Josh? Rosie

s ex-boyfriend?

“What about him?” I asked, interested now.

She frowned. “He turned up there while I
was there. God, I hate that guy!” she hissed angrily. “I left right after he
showed up; I can

t even stand to
be in the same room as him.”

Jealousy started to build in my chest, but
I quickly reminded myself that
this wasn’t about me; h

t there to see Rosie, he was
there to see his son.  

“He was there?” I inquired, trying not to
sound too bothered, when, in actual fact, my hand was itching to grab my cell
and call Rosie, just to say hi
and check she was okay


s nose scrunched up in distaste. “Yeah, he came to see DJ. He

s such an ass. He was pretending to be this
great guy like he usually does. Man, he sucks!”

I nodded. I had never even met the guy yet
I wanted to punch the crap out of him, so I wholeheartedly agreed with that
statement. “But at least he was there to see his kid,” I said, grudgingly
admitting that he was doing the right thing.

“Yeah, and trying to get back in your
girlfriends pants,” Anna rebutted angrily.

My body stiffened and this time I actually
did pull my cell from my pocket. “What does that mean?” I asked, scrolling
through for her number. I had no idea why, but I was doing it anyway.

She snorted. “Josh is the type of guy that
just can

t help himself. He wants
what he can

t have. When he had
her, he blew it big time. But as soon as she doesn

t want him any

s trying to win her back. He

s been the same for the last three years. You

t need to worry though, she

t ever go there again, even
if she wasn

t with you.” Anna
smiled reassuringly, patting my knee.

I frowned. I still didn

t like the thought of him being alone with
Rosie though, even if she w
asn’t interested in Josh any more
. “He sounds like a freaking jackass!”

“He is. Like I said, the guy can

t help himself. He

s like you, Nate, but on speed.”

” I muttered.

She grinned and snuggled into Ashton

s side, taking his controller out of his hand.

Let me have a go, I

m so annoyed I need to kill me some zombies to calm down,” she
stated, looking at the screen and shooting randomly into thin air.

I laughed wickedly. “Why don

t you just go make us some food instead? That

ll calm you down. You know you suck at this
game,” I teased, dodging the pillow that she threw at my face.


Standing outside Rosie’s apartment
door, I was so excited that I could barely stand still. To an outsider, I
probably looked like one of those jumpy perverts up to no good in the subway.

Finally, she opened the door. She was
wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a red V-neck top that just hinted at
what was underneath. She had her hair up, and a sexy little pair of
black-rimmed glasses rested on her nose. All I could think was: wow.

“Oh yeah, I have one hot little girlfriend,”
I observed, raking my eyes down her body.

She leant on the doorframe, crossing her
arms, making her breasts rise up and pull together. My mouth started to water.
“Really? Did you bring her with you?” she teased.

I laughed and stepped into her place
without waiting for her to invite me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and
pulled her to me, bending my head so my nose brushed against hers softly. Her
body melted against mine as she smiled up at me.


m loving these glasses,” I whispered, touching the frame gently.

She blushed and immediately took them off.
“I forgot I was still wearing them. I only wear them to read. I had a bit of a
headache earlier,” she said, obviously embarrassed.

I grinned at her wickedly. “I have a
headache right now, it

s probably
a little different to yours though,” I teased suggestively.

She laughed and pressed herself against me
tighter, her hip pressing against the hardness of my crotch. I

d never, ever been turned on by glasses before
– Rosie had talent on another level for how quickly she could get a rise from

“Hmm, you seem to get that a lot. Maybe you
should see someone about it,” she

“I am seeing someone about it. I

m seeing you.” I kissed her. She made a little
purring sound in the back of her throat, and I almost passed out with
excitement, all the blood seemed to flow right out of my head and straight down
south at the sound of it.

She pulled out of the kiss and I put my
forehead to hers, looking into her big brown eyes that I had gotten used to so
quickly. Taking the glasses from her hand, I eased them carefully back onto her
face and smiled. She looked like a sexy secretary from every guy

s fantasy. I sucked in a breath through my
teeth as I looked her over. She really was so beautiful and sexy all rolled
into one.

“I missed you today,” I admitted.

She smiled and nodded. “I knew I

d have you begging for me,” she replied.

“No doubt, but you

ll go first.” I tried to look confident when, in reality, I would
happily beg her right now if I thought it was something that wouldn

t ruin my chances.

She grinned and kissed me again before
pulling back and out of my arms, taking the glasses back off and setting them
down on the side. “So, did you bring a DVD?” she asked, looking at me

I nodded, holding it so she couldn

t see it properly. “You said we could watch my
favourite movie, right?”

She shrugged. “Sure, whatever you want.”

“I can

t believe you really don

t mind watching porn with me. You

re gonna be the best girlfriend, I can sense it,” I joked.

The corner of her mouth twitched with a
smile. “As long as it

s not
homemade. I don

t want to watch
you and another girl,” she replied, waving her hand dismissively.

She obviously knew I was joking… unless she

t actually mind if it was
porn. Part of me was wishing I had brought some just in case she wasn

t joking, that would be seriously freaking hot
watching that with a girl.

I laughed as she took the DVD out of my
hands. “
? This
is your favourite movie?” She raised a sceptical eyebrow.

I nodded and slipped my arm around her
shoulder. “Yep. I like old movies.”

She smiled. “I do too actually. You can

t beat a good eighties movie.”

“Oh yeah? I love eighties stuff too. What

s your favourite then, Stripes?”

She pursed her lips and thought about it
for a couple of seconds. “Well, apart from retro porn, obviously…” she joked.


“I like
The Goonies
Indiana Jones
The Godfather
anything like that,” she replied, taking my hand and pulling me towards the

I grinned. Those were all my favourites
too. This girl seemed to get better and better. “What about
Stand by Me
You like that one?” I asked, as she put the DVD in the player.

“I love that movie! I had a huge crush on
River Phoenix when I was younger. Anything with Corey Feldman in it gets my
vote too. I love that
ampire movie he was in…” she
trailed off, frowning as she came to sit next to me, obviously trying to think
of what it was called.

The Lost Boys
?” I offered.

She grinned and pointed at me. “That

s it! I love that. Vampires are hot, and
Kiefer Sutherland is just edible in it. That

s what you have to live up to I

m afraid, Nate. A young, bloodsucking Kiefer Sutherland.
” She tapped my nose playfully, so I caught her hand, kissing her

“Oh, you think vampires are hot?” I teased,
pulling her closer to me, my eyes trapped in her excited gaze. “Is it the whole
biting thing?” I leant in and pressed my lips to the side of her neck.

Her hands tightened on my shoulders, her
fingers digging into me as I gently scraped my teeth across her skin. “Oh yeah,
I definitely like the biting,” she muttered breathlessly.

I kissed her neck and pulled away before I
took things too far. She wanted to take it slow, so I

d take it slow; I didn

want her to think I was just using her for her body or anything. In total
honesty, the girl just amazed me with her personality, and I wanted her to know


ll bite you later,” I joked, nodding back to the screen as the movie
started to play.

She jumped up off the sofa. “Pause it for
me, I want popcorn,” she called over her shoulder.

I smiled and paused the movie, settling
back on the sofa and making myself comfortable. It was a little weird how at
home I felt here; usually, if I went to a girl
’s place,
went straight to the bedroom, and afterwards I went straight out the way I came
. It was different here though, I felt entirely at ease just
sitting there on my own and waiting for her to come back. I smiled to myself.
If my mom could see me like this, she

d flip. She

d been
badgering me to ‘find a nice girl

forever, and here I was, sitting in Rosie

s lounge, contented and happy.

She came back a few minutes later, sitting
close to my side, munching on a piece of popcorn, snuggling against me.
Twisting slightly to the side, I wrapped one arm around her and set my hand on
her hip, watching the movie with her. 

When the credits rolled up, I knew it was
time to go before I completely lost all of my control and begged her to let me
make her moan my name. I kissed her softly, loving the feel of her lips against
mine. Her hands went to the back of my head, her fingers tangling in the back
of my hair. I made a mental note never to cut my hair too short so that she
would always be able to do that, because the feel of it was driving me wild.

She made that small purring sound in the
back of her throat again, and my body reacted of its own accord, I moved
forward making her lie back on the sofa as I kissed her deeply, settling myself
on top of her.

She kissed me back fiercely, pulling me
closer, making my whole body ache. I broke the kiss just as I was started to
get a little lightheaded. Her eyes locked on mine and a little smile graced her
lips that I couldn

t help but
return. I was suddenly struck by how flawless and radiant she was, her whole
face just lit up and her eyes sparkled with excitement.

Fuck, I have it bad already. What a
pussy. Flawless and radiant? I

m turning into a girl!

“So, can I see you tomorrow night too?” I
asked hopefully.

She bit her lip and nodded excitedly. I
secretly hoped that she liked me as much as I was starting to like her,
otherwise she was going to crush me. How had I let myself feel like this? How
had this happened so quickly? I knew it wasn

t just lust because I was just as happy listening to her talk as I
was laying on top of her. I was falling for her completely.

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