Enraptured (6 page)

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Authors: Shoshanna Evers

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Enraptured
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Jessica could only nod dumbly. He was going to watch her get spanked? The idea gave her a little thrill. But if she could pick one man to watch, it wouldn’t be him. It would be Roman Chase.

Something about him turned her on even as it scared her. Or maybe it was the fact that he scared her a bit that turned her on. She glanced around, but didn’t see Roman anywhere.

“Second thoughts?” Lauren asked. “It’s okay, either way. No big deal.”

“No, I’m not looking for an escape or anything,” Jessica laughed as Marc strolled over, his shorts hanging low on his hips. Wow. “I was just wondering where our host went.”

“Roman’s probably inside, hiding. He always does that during his parties,” Marc said. “Not exactly a people person.”

Jessica could relate to the need to get away when things got overwhelming.

“Can we go inside, too?” she asked.

“Do you want Roman to join us?” Lauren asked. “I’m sure he’d love to.”

Oh my goodness. Would he? The idea of Roman standing over Lauren while she spanked her made her breathless with anticipation. “I wouldn’t mind,” she whispered. “I mean, it is his house and all.”

“What’s your safeword, Jess?” Marc asked.

“I don’t have an official safeword,” she said. “I’ve never . . . played . . . before.”

“But you’ve thought about it,” Lauren replied. “How could you not, working at WhipperSnapper?”

Jessica blushed. “Yes. I always imagined that if I ever did need to pick a safeword, I’d pick ‘margarita.’ It’s my favorite drink.”

Marc and Lauren spoke at the exact same time, surprising her. “You’re too young to drink.” They burst out laughing, and Lauren smacked Marc’s arm.

“Jinx!” she said. “Margarita it is. You won’t need to use it, though, I promise. Let’s go find Roman.”

“We’ll get his house all wet,” Jessica said, staring up at the intimidating mansion.

“Then Mistress Lauren will have something to spank you for,” Marc said, and gave Lauren a smack on her wet bottom. The sound was loud, like it stung, but Lauren just yelped then blew him a kiss.

Marc walked through the front door without knocking, clearly knowing his way around. It was cool and dark inside, and Jessica shivered, feeling very undressed in her tiny string bikini.

“I don’t think we should be in here,” Jessica whispered. “It’s so dark. Are you sure he’s even inside?”

“It’s always like this,” Lauren said, rolling her eyes. “Roman’s house is as moody and chilly as he is.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Roman said from somewhere above them.

Jessica gasped, then laughed. “You are always sneaking up on me.”

Roman smiled down at them from the second floor, which looked down over the stairway and grand foyer. “To be fair, I think this time you guys sneaked up on me.”

“Can we use your dungeon?” Lauren asked, and Jessica shook her head instinctively.

She’d thought she wanted to see Roman’s dungeon, but now that she was there, in his house, wearing what amounted to four small triangles of clothing held together by strings, it all seemed like too much, too soon.

Lauren must have noticed the expression on her face. As Roman came down the stairs, Lauren said to him, “Actually, we don’t need the dungeon for just a little spanking. Where would be a good place for that, do you think?”

Roman looked at Jessica. “Do you want to be spanked by Mistress Lauren?”

Did she?

Yes. Or maybe she just wanted to be spanked, to try it out in real life, instead of just imagining it in her mind. Jessica nodded.

“It’s a very exciting moment, witnessing a woman’s first spanking. I’d love to oversee, if I have your consent, Jessica.” Roman didn’t smile as he spoke, but she could feel the testosterone coming off of him in waves, making her giddy with the feeling of being desired.

“Yes, sir,” she whispered. “If you want to.”

Roman cocked his head to the side, and put his finger under her chin so she had to look him in the eyes. “I want to, of course. I’m asking if
want me to.”

“I do, sir. Please.” She licked her lips.

He nodded, seemingly content with her answer. “In the kitchen, where there’s no fabric. You girls are dripping water everywhere.”

Jessica’s stomach dropped, as if she’d just been scolded. “Sorry, sir.”

Roman smirked. “No worries. I’ll let Mistress Lauren take it out on your ass. I happen to know that anything she does to a submissive, she gets in kind later from Marc. You can keep that in mind when it starts to hurt.”

“Will it hurt?” she asked, skipping to keep up with the trio as they walked down a corridor to the kitchen.

“Only if you want it to,” Lauren said, and squeezed her hand.

Was she really about to do this?


Chapter Four

oman knew it shouldn’t excite him so much, the thought of watching Jessica get spanked by Lauren. He’d seen it all before, a thousand times. Pretty much whenever he had a party, someone ended up spanking a pretty girl. No shocker there.

But this was Jessica. Sweet, demure, young . . . He frowned. Too young for him, most likely. She probably didn’t even realize he was attracted to her.

Marc sat on one of the kitchen counter stools at the granite island in the middle of the kitchen, his hand still wrapped around a cold beer.

“Go ahead,” he prompted Lauren.

“Yes, sir, Marc,” she smiled.

Lauren only ever called Marc “sir” when they were scening. And even though Lauren was the Domme here, it was only to Jessica. Roman liked how she and Marc worked together to keep her sexually satisfied.

He took in Jessica’s tan body, drops of water drying on her skin, and suppressed a smile. She probably didn’t realize that being wet would make her spanking sting more.

Well, she was about to find out.

“Come here, Jess.” Lauren sat in one of the kitchen chairs and smiled invitingly, patting her naked thighs. She held out her hand, ready for Jessica to lie over her lap.

“Yes, Mistress Lauren,” Jessica whispered, and stepped forward. “I don’t . . . I don’t know what to do.”

“You do nothing but what I say,” Lauren said, and carefully pulled Jessica’s lean body over her own voluptuous lap. “I know your safeword. You can use it if you need to. Okay?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Good girl.”

Roman shifted, his cock stiffening in his pants. What was it about Jessica? Perhaps it was her innocence. She looked so cute and vulnerable, like a naughty schoolgirl sent to the principal’s office for a paddling.

Well, it didn’t matter if he was attracted to her. The whole point of this was to find someone resistant to training for Lauren to Domme.

But Jessica had a pure submissive soul, Roman could tell. She instinctively fell in line, called him “sir,” and even rushed to serve him at the club.

He’d love to train a submissive like Jessica. She looked scared right now, which had the unfortunate effect of making him crazy with desire.

If they were alone together, fuck—the things he could do to her. Things she’d beg for. Beg him to stop even as she was begging for more.

“You have a beautiful, spankable ass,” Lauren said, running her hands over Jessica’s bottom. Her American flag bikini showed half of each ass-cheek.

“I’m going to spank you right over your bikini for your first time. It’ll sting, because you’re wet. Let’s warm you up.”

Lauren’s hand came down lightly with a quick spank on each cheek, and Jessica gasped.

“Now, now. Don’t be silly. I barely touched you.”

“Sorry, Mistress Lauren. I’m fine.”

Jessica looked behind her, or tried to, but lying over someone’s lap is always an awkward position to be in. It was one of the reasons he liked it so much.

“Keep going,” Marc said, and Roman looked over at him, having almost forgotten that he was there. Marc had the same look of lust in his eyes that Roman knew he had himself, except Marc’s desire was aimed squarely on his curvy fiancée rather than the petite girl over her lap.

Lauren spanked Jessica again, a little harder this time, from the sound of it. “How’s that feel, pretty girl?” she asked, continuing her pace.

“I don’t know,” Jessica said, putting her face against her arm.

“You’re supposed to address me as ma’am,” Lauren reminded her, and to emphasize the point, she switched directions and landed a swat right on her sit-spot.

“Ow,” Jessica gasped. “I’m sorry, ma’am, I won’t forget again.”

“Do you remember your safeword?” Lauren paused, her hand held up in the air. Roman wished he could take a photograph so he could look at it later, savor it. But he’d have to be content with remembering the moment instead. Remembering Jessica’s face, pink, her lips, parted, her eyes squeezed shut at each stinging slap.

He had to have her.

“I remember, Mistress Lauren,” Jessica said. “I’m fine, I’m not safewording.”

“Good girl,” Roman murmured, barely aware he’d spoken out loud.

Lauren looked up at him and winked. “I’ve been going so easy on you, Jess,” she said. “You’d never be able to handle one of Roman’s spankings.”

Jessica gasped. “Oh my God, you’re right—please don’t let him spank me, ma’am.”

“I don’t know, my hand’s getting tired, and that tiny ass of yours is barely even pink.” Lauren grinned, though Jessica couldn’t see it.

Roman appreciated Lauren’s unique brand of domination. She liked to play mind games with her subs. One thing a woman could always have over a sub, even if he was a man twice her size, was psychological domination, if not physical.

Jessica arched her back and looked up at Roman, her eyes wide. “I’ve been trying to be good, am I not doing this right?”

Roman laughed. “You look like you’re doing wonderfully, to me. What do you think, Mistress Lauren?”

“Oh,” Lauren said, rubbing Jessica’s bottom through her bikini. “I think she’s doing pretty well. She’s just too sensitive.”

“Do you like it?” Roman asked. He felt since Lauren had drawn him into the scene he could talk to Jessica more intimately. He got down on one knee, so his face was near hers as she hung over Lauren’s lap. “Do you like getting spanked?”

“It hurts,” Jessica whispered.

“I didn’t ask if it hurts,” he said. “I asked if you like it.”

And then, Jessica nodded, her blonde hair falling over her face. “I think I do. But you’re so much stronger than she is. I’m afraid of getting spanked by you.”

Was Roman imagining it, or was there a glint of desire in the girl’s eyes when she said that?

Lauren gave her another smack, on the back of her thigh, making Jessica kick her leg up in the air in surprise. “I don’t know you yet, sweetie, so I can’t tell if you’re playing or not. Do you consent to Roman spanking you? It’s okay if you don’t.”

Jessica moaned as if in confusion before looking back up. She sat up, maneuvering herself off Lauren’s lap, then stood with her head down, her hands clasped in front of her chest.

“I’m so sorry,” she said. “I think I’ve had enough for my first time. I know I’m totally wimping out. But . . .” She glanced at Roman under her long lashes. “It’s nothing personal. I just don’t know if my ass can take a real sadist right now.” She laughed nervously and looked at the tile floor.

Roman smiled to ease her discomfort. “Not much of a masochist, huh?”

Jessica wouldn’t look at him. “I don’t know, sir.”

“Why don’t you check?” Lauren suggested, grinning. “I’m curious, myself.”

Marc shifted on the stool, and Roman knew he was doing the change-position-because-of-the-bulge move, like Roman had done earlier.

“Check?” Jessica asked. “What do you mean? Ma’am. Sorry. Ma’am.”

Lauren laughed. “Well, at least we know spanking helps you remember rules. But you only have to call me ma’am or Mistress during a scene, not after. You sort of ended it.”

“I’m sorry,” Jessica said, and glanced at Marc, as if to apologize to him as well.

“It’s fine, we want you to enjoy yourself,” Marc said. “That’s why Lauren was wondering if you wanted to take a little feel and see if your body became aroused during the spanking.”

essica flushed, feeling stupid for not understanding sooner. “Finger myself, you mean?”

Marc nodded, and looked at Lauren, who shrugged. “You don’t have to, honey. It was just a thought.”

Before she could overthink it, Jessica put her hand in her bikini bottom, running her middle finger over her pussy.

“I’m so wet.” Jessica said in surprise. How confusing, to be aroused by something painful. The spanking had been a little overwhelming, probably because there were two super-hot Doms watching her every move. She had felt their gazes burning into her skin as intensely as she felt Mistress Lauren’s hard hand.

Or maybe it was just Roman’s eyes she felt. When Lauren had suggested she let Roman spank her, Jessica wanted it. Needed it. But her motormouth kept her from letting it happen. Sure, she’d been afraid, but she never should have let her one chance at making her naughty dream come true pass her by.

It had happened mere moments ago, but she could already forget the heat of the spanking and wonder why she’d let it stop so soon after all.

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