Enslave (13 page)

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Authors: Felicity Heaton

BOOK: Enslave
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Varya rested her head on his chest and listened to his heart beating steadily against her ear.

He was dangerous. She knew that now more than ever.

Because she was beginning to hope that the bastard didn’t find a way to free her.

Because she wanted to stay with Andreu.


arya sat on Andreu’s lap in the private box, her gaze on the performers rehearsing on stage below them. Three days had passed since Antoine had placed the collar on her and there was still no word from him or the bastard to say they had found a way to reverse the binding spell. She should be complaining but it was difficult when she had spent every waking minute, and every sleeping one, in Andreu’s company.

He had proposed a change of scenery this evening. The theatre was closed but the performers had to practice for the coming shows. Andreu had asked whether she could feed through watching others enjoy sexual intercourse and when she had said that she could, he had brought her to the private box where she had first seen him. The stalls and other boxes were empty, leaving them alone in the theatre with the two male and two female vampires on the stage. The four of them didn’t seem concerned that she was watching. The large shaven-headed male wasn’t present and the way the four were behaving led her to believe they were all very young and couldn’t sense that she was different, a succubus.

Varya wiggled on Andreu’s lap, her eyes wide, drinking in the sight of so much naked flesh as the couples stripped each other. Andreu groaned and held her hips, and she smiled as she felt the hard bulge in his trousers. He shouldn’t have proposed bringing her here if he wasn’t prepared to go along with her every whim. She wanted to sit on his lap and watch the performers. If it was too much for him, then she supposed she could sit elsewhere.

She went to move but his grip on her hips tightened, keeping her in place.

One of the males on the stage stepped up behind the other and slid his hands into the front of his underwear. Varya swallowed. Gods. She had never been one to watch same sex interaction but it was so hot as the one at the back pushed the other one’s black underwear down to reveal his long rigid cock and fisted his hand around it. The man tipped his head back and hissed in pleasure. Varya wriggled, devouring the sexual energy they were throwing off like flames from an inferno.

One of the women came to kneel in front of the man and joined the other male in pleasuring him. She sucked his cock in time with the man’s fisting and Varya bit her lip. Delicious. She wanted more. The second female kissed the man who was the centre of their combined pleasure, swallowing his moans. The man behind him pushed his own underwear down to reveal a thick hard rod and then grasped his hip and rubbed against the crack of his bottom.

Varya leaned forwards, eager to see where this was leading. She had presumed the presence of two females and two males had meant that it would be heterosexual engagement, not some sort of bisexual orgy.

“Enjoying yourself?” Andreu husked into her ear and then dropped a kiss on her shoulder.

Varya nodded and then bit her lip when he cupped her breasts. Too much. Sweet gods. She writhed on his lap, already slick with excitement.

“Stop,” she whispered, a plea that he ignored. He kept kissing her shoulder and neck, teasing the nape of it with his tongue, and palming her breasts.

One of the women on the stage led the males to the bed and crawled onto it. The one who had been behind the other male approached her and shoved her onto her front. He pulled her hips up and Varya moaned in time with him as he sank his cock into her. The woman grunted with each deep plunge of his erection and he leaned over her and pressed his hands into her shoulders, forcing them down onto the bed.

The second male stepped up onto the bed behind him and Varya stopped wriggling, frozen in place as she watched the second female slathering lubricant on his long cock. The first male leaned over the woman, pumping her with shallow thrusts, and then stopped when the man spread his buttocks and guided the head of his cock towards them.

Varya swallowed.

“I think that’s enough of that.” Andreu placed his palm against her cheek, brought her head around and kissed her. She whined, the grunts of the performers covering the sound, and shifted her bottom against the hard bulge in Andreu’s black trousers. He kissed over her cheek and she slowly turned back to watch the show. It was intoxicating to watch the male at the back driving into the other one, entering him hard and forcing his cock into the female. Their loud moans filled the empty theatre.

The second female prowled around them, watching their debauchery, her desire a shimmering red halo around her. Varya couldn’t blame her for wanting in on the action.

Andreu swept the hair from her neck, kissed it and skated his hands down to her thighs. He drew her black pleated skirt up, skimmed his fingers up her inner thighs so lightly that it tickled and stroked her plush petals. She wriggled but he refused to touch her where she needed him most. Teasing. She didn’t want teasing. She hopped from his lap, catching a glimpse of the three vampires as they continued to fuck on stage, and flashed her bare bottom at Andreu.

Andreu’s eyes were dark with hunger when she turned to face him. He leaned back in the wide red velvet seat, wonderfully wicked looking, as though he could read her mind and knew what she wanted to do to him. She hastily undid his belt and came close to tearing his trousers open. His beautiful hard cock sprang free and she ran her hand over it, eliciting a deep rumbling groan from him.

Varya turned her back on him, placed each foot on the slither of seat either side of his thighs, and poised herself over his cock.

The two males on stage broke apart and each took one of the women, burying their faces between their legs.

Varya sighed as she sank down onto Andreu’s hard length, slowly taking him into her inch by inch, drawing out the pleasure of their initial coupling. He groaned again and held her waist, keeping her steady where she crouched over him. She settled her legs as best she could, squeezing them next to his thighs and not caring that there wasn’t much space. All she could focus on was the fantastic feel of him filling her up. She moaned as he moved her, raising her up the length of his cock, and then brought her down again. Her gaze stayed glued to the erotic performance on the stage, drinking in the pleasure of the four vampires as she sought her own with Andreu.

He clutched her waist, moving her steadily on his cock, his own breathy moans joining hers. She wanted to moan his name, wanted him to know the pleasure that he gave her and how much she needed him, but she couldn’t risk alerting the vampires on stage to her presence and what they were doing. She felt wicked as she rode Andreu in the box, on show to the vampires should they look in her direction. She had done some naughty things in her time but she had never done something like this, making love in a public place where those she was watching could easily see her.

Varya arched her back, moaning under her breath with each deep plunge of Andreu’s cock into her core. Sparks chased through her each time his balls brushed her clitoris and she slipped her hands into her top, tweaking her nipples as she watched the couples on stage. The second female had one man on the bed and was crawling astride him. Varya moaned as she sank down onto the man’s cock at the same time as Andreu thrust his into her and then she groaned when the second man came up behind the woman. He forced her forwards and thrust his cock into her anus, double-teaming her with the man. Varya’s head spun, high from the sexual energy flowing from the stage and the feel of Andreu taking her. His thrusts roughened, threatening to tear a groan from her throat. She leaned back into him and he kissed her shoulder and then her neck, licking it and sending more sparks skittering over her flesh. She rocked in time with him and dipped her hand down between her thighs.

Andreu groaned as she cupped his balls, rolling them in her hand and tugging them, and then moved lower. She rubbed the spot beneath them, the hard ridge that spanned the area between his anus and his balls, and he groaned into her throat. She gasped at the first scrape of fang over her shoulder and winced with the second. He wrapped his lips around the wound and she was going to tell him to stop but then bright explosions of colour detonated across her eyes and feelings flooded her, ones that weren’t her own.

Gods. So much power and strength. It was like a drug, taking her down and making her want to writhe in pleasure, forgetting whatever it was that she had been doing. It all paled into insignificance as Andreu drank from the cut and the colourful horizon in her mind expanded, revealing other emotions that left her reeling and gasping for air.

She could see beyond the veil of shadows.

These were Andreu’s feelings, somehow relayed to her through blood.

His lips left her throat and the feelings winked out of existence, gone as quickly as they had come, but she no longer felt the same. The feel of his cock moving inside her, plunging deep and slow, and his hands on her sides, and his mouth pressing kisses to the back of her neck, all of it was bliss running in her veins, pleasure so intense that she felt she would shatter.

Andreu lowered one hand to the front of her pussy, slid his fingers between her folds, and teased her clitoris.

Varya screamed out her climax, shuddering against Andreu and unable to do anything as it rocked her right down to her soul. He snarled into her ear and his cock exploded inside her, flooding her with his seed, his rough possessive thrusts adding to her ecstasy.

The sounds from the stage died.

Varya peeked down at the performers and found them staring with stunned wide eyes in her direction.

She giggled, held onto Andreu and teleported.

Andreu was laughing as she landed on top of him on the four-poster bed in his room. He pulled out of her and dragged her into his arms, her front against his.

“I think we just got a reputation for ourselves.” He grinned and peppered her face with kisses.

Varya’s laughter died.

We. Our.

Andreu’s feelings came flooding back.

He couldn’t. Not that.

He couldn’t be falling for her.

Because she could never love him.


ndreu reluctantly left the bed, slipping his arm out from underneath Varya and creeping to the edge of the king-sized mattress. She moaned, rolled onto her side, and curled up beneath the crimson silk covers. He paused, tempted to sweep the straight lengths of her black hair from her face so he could see her. He needed to see her beauty one last time before he went to join the others and discovered whether or not Antoine had found a method of freeing her.

If he had, would Varya leave him?

The past week with her had been interesting to say the very least. She had a voracious appetite and he had happily indulged it, spending more time tangled in her arms than he had on his work, or even sleeping. After the first few days, the pace between them had changed and Varya’s hunger had lessened. She hadn’t taken as much energy from him during their lovemaking sessions, and had instead given him the impression that she had been sleeping with him out of desire rather than a need to feed. He had enjoyed feeding her, had loved her roughness and the way she drove him to be wicked with her, but it was the times when they had come close to making love rather than having sex that stayed with him. There were times when he had sworn he could see right down to her soul. Poetic rubbish but he swore it had happened.

There were other times when he hadn’t needed to look into her eyes to know the feelings she had locked deep in her heart too.

She had given him blood on several occasions, each one an intoxicating experience that had left them connected for hours afterwards. In those hours, he had felt her feelings in his own blood, relayed to him through hers. He had bitten women in the past and felt a connection to them while he had been feeding, but it had never lasted more than an hour after he stopped. The longest the link between him and Varya had lasted was close to six hours, and he had only taken barely a few sips of blood from a cut on her chest.

The link was different in other ways too. Normally a connection just opened his mind to the one he had taken blood from, allowing them to feel each other’s emotions and experience shared pleasure. The connection that formed between him and Varya whenever he took her blood ran deeper than that. He could feel things in her but it wasn’t just emotions. It was her hopes and her fears, her memories in a way. Whenever his mind opened to hers and they joined, he learned something new about her, and the more he knew, the more he wanted to connect with her and the deeper he wanted to delve.

Andreu felt certain that if she were aware that she was sharing her innermost feelings, her essence and what made her Varya, she would stop him from tasting her blood. She was a private person, one who had secrets that even he couldn’t unlock, and she would see his infiltrating her mind as intrusive.

He liked the link though. It had given him insight into her feelings and thoughts that could prove invaluable in the days ahead. If Antoine had found a way to undo the spell, she would leave.

Andreu didn’t want that to happen. He wanted her to stay.

He hadn’t been looking for a romantic entanglement, had wanted to keep his time at Vampirerotique as purely business, but meeting Varya had changed all of that. It had changed him. He was a fool like his brother. Varya had unlocked the barriers, torn down his defences, and stolen his heart. She had given him a taste of her and now he was addicted, and just a taste was no longer enough.

He needed her.

A selfish part of him wanted to keep her chained to the theatre so she could never leave him. He had been fighting that part of himself for the past few days and had come close to mastering it a few times.

Andreu brushed the backs of his fingers across her cheek. It would be wrong of him to force her to stay when she valued freedom as highly as he did. He had to find a way to release her and he wasn’t going to fool himself into believing that when that happened she would stay with him. Vampirerotique was no place for her. She had made it clear several times over the past week with him that her kind never associated with vampires because his kind were dangerous, able to sense them even when they used a spell to hide themselves, and that she didn’t like the theatre. She was on edge here, uncomfortable, and Antoine had only made things worse by shackling her to the building.

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