Enslaved in Shadows (19 page)

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Authors: Tigris Eden

BOOK: Enslaved in Shadows
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Her hoarse cry of his name and the clamping of her walls signaled her release as she milked his cock. There was no stopping the river of fire as it ra
ced from his balls into his cock
filling her up, he couldn’t stop thrusting.
He tried, but his animal side had taken over and his head swelled inside releasing more of his seed.
She was wringing every drop from man and beast
Fuck, it felt good. Glorious.
He didn’t have time to dwell on his unmanly conduct in the use of frilly tu
tu words. He was with his woman that was good enough for him.
Sweat soaked bodies cooled from the air in the room and tremors shook them both. He still held her as his other hand reached for the blanket and pulled it over them both. This is what he had to look forward to.
his stuff right here.

“I told you you’d say my name.” He whispered into her shoulder, gently grazing her with his teeth.

“Shut up and let me sleep. I’m beat.”

Draven’s laughed filled the quiet of the room as he pulled her tighter and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


Chapter 12


A day and a half
they were pulling up the drive to Jesminda’s
The journey had been quiet and strained. Their shared night in the motel hadn’t been discussed and it didn’t look like it ever was going to be.
Jesminda had drawn into herself. She’d remained in the back seat the entire duration of the trip. Did she regret what happened between them? Draven wanted to talk things out, tell her everything was going to be
all right
. He knew she was embarrassed by her actions. That was the only thing that could explain her behavior. He hadn’t hurt her, and thought she would have stopped him if he did.
There were things that needed to be said, things that still needed to be done.
The strings of his wolf imprinting pulled him closer and closer to the edge.
There were still items on his plate, with his ex.
They weren’t together but she deserved to have the details of why their relationship wasn’t going to work. Not just because Jesminda was in the picture. She was part of it, but the bigger part of it was he felt complete in her presence. There was noth
ing lacking in his life when Jes
was around.
He’d imprinted,
a sure sign.
There wasn’t hope for him and Melissa. Ever.

He never expected his wolf to imprint on a female. Mate yes, imprint? No.
But it happened, and maybe because his wolf started to bond with her all those years back.
But because the coupling was so brief, it didn’t have time to do lasting damage. There was the situation with her child
. He didn’t really want to have pups. Not this soon in the game. It would make his mother and father happy.
Even if the child
human, his parents would just have to get over it, quickly.
He’d wanted to wait until he wasn’t taking dangerous assignments. It wouldn’t be fair to his mate or their child. Now he’d have to talk to Dravaggio once this was over. See about a desk job.
He would explain to Jes that although the little girl wasn’t his biologically she would be his in every other way possible.
Draven pulled the keys out of the ignition and Royce who’d been surprisingly quiet himself got out of the car first.

“Let me check this out. Then bring her in.”

Draven nodded and turned to the back seat to stare at her. She had her hands in her pockets and looked out the window trying to catch a glimpse of Royce.

“Hey,” he patted her knee and she looked up and smiled at him, it wasn’t a fake smile but it wasn’t warm and inviting either.
It was hesitant.
She didn’t know what to say and neither did he.
It’s not over between us.
She wouldn’t want to hear that at the moment. Didn’t want her to think she was next choice beef on the list, that wasn’t the case at all. She was everything and so much more.
She was the air that allowed him to breath. She was a fire in his blood. A bold strong flavor you’d never want to be without.
Words were hard to come by, but that would have to suffice for now. It wasn’t like he was Shakespeare and shit.

“We need to talk after this trip is

She nodded her head in agreement as well, she didn’t fight she didn’t argue.
A loud crash in the dark and Royce was cursing. They both rushed from the car at the same time to see a tall statuesque woman with violet eyes stand over a fallen Royce.

held his stomach in and laughed, s
erved him right.

“Who the fuck are you?

It was Bells.

“Damn, did you have to hit me in the face, it’s my best feature!” Royce stood and wiped the blood from his mouth. Blue blood, Draven still couldn’t get over that. No one else
to notice
, Royce was quick enough to catch it with his tongue.

Jesminda and the woman lo
cked eyes and ran to embrace each other
It was her friend he’d briefly saw five years ago. They’d never been formally introduced.

“How’s Faith?”

“Fine, she’s asleep in the bedroom. I heard the noise and came out to see el stupid coming through the front door.” She glanced over at Royce. “Boy, you are all kinds of stupid.”

Royce grunted as they entered her home.

“Bells, I would like you to meet, Agent Draven.
He’s the gentleman I was with five years ago in Belize
. A
nd Agent Royce.
They are the men who escorted me from The Shadow
Sorry we frightened you.”

“Shit, I wasn’t scared girl, you know me.” She graced them with a no nonsense grin.
“I got this on lock. I’m going to make us all some tea.
Make yourselves comfortable, not at home, but comfortable.
Act like you have home training.

Bells glared at him and Royce.
Royce leaned forward and whispered in

“Dude, I’m so getting her back for that punch. Enjoy the show.”
His grin was
and Draven could only guess at what he had planned.

Jesminda excused herself to the bathroom and went to wash up. When she left the
she had on a black tank top and dark blue jeans with sneakers.
Bells came out from the kitchen with a tray of tea and some toasted bread.
She eyed him briefly and sniffed in his friend’s direction.
Royce flashed her, his best grin and she snorted, not even giving Royce the time of day.
This of course stabbed his friend in the
stomach on a molecular level. Royce
stood and attempted to help her with the tray. He was such an arrogant bastard. He was the ultimate ladies man as Draven and the others liked to call him.
His ego was inflated on a galactic level. It would wrap around the entire galaxy at least a million times, and still there’d be some left over.

“I got this fool.”

Royce bowed low
. “My apologies,”
e tilted his head to the side and Draven could see the mischievous intent in his eye.
Jes had returned in time to see Royce at his best, or at his
as it would be. Bells was not interested in him in the slightest. Draven watched as she sat on the couch across from them.
He didn’t want the distance. He wanted her in his skin, right next to him.
Let her breathe.

Royce cleared his throat. “Okay Bells, I just need to say something to you. If you don’t like it you can just give it back but I am going to just lay it on you.”

Draven covered his face with his hands and groaned.
Was his friend really going to do
Draven sat forward waiting for Bells to say something. This was going to be good. Really good.

“Well, get on with it.” Bells sighed.

“I am not as stupid as I look dear lady. I’ll have you know I have an extensive library with mahogany wood and leather bound books that will have your head spinning in delight. Furthermore and pay attention, as this is most important. I know you want me.
I c
an feel it in my bones.” He bowed his head, looked up with a sincere expression.
wanna be on you.”

The room was silent, and Bells’ face held no emotion or expression.
For a minute, Draven thought she was going to melt right there in her chair.
Most women did. She did the complete opposite. She and Jesminda were both so distracted by his Ron Burgundy
speech, which
of course Royce added his flare to, neither of them saw him nick his palm with his pinky and drip a drop of his orgasmic blood into her
A few more seconds and they both looked
between each
other and died of laughter.
Bells was laughing so hard, Draven thought she was going to die.

“He’s got jokes.” She giggled to Jesminda and taking a deep breath.

“Apparently, I had no idea you had quite the sense of humor, it

s cute.”

“Laugh all you want ladies, but I got all the game, my moves are solid. Ladies love me. In
beg me for attention.
Beside my moves are impeccable.
All ladies cream in my presence”

huffed, rolled her eyes,
cracked a smile. There it went t
he smile that all ladies gave Royce. He almost felt bad for Bells. Almost. Draven watched as Bells poured the cups of tea in each cup and handed out napkins.
Royce sat up straighter and held his cup mid sip while watching Bells over the rim. She took a sip and sighed into her cup.
She l
ooked at it a couple of times and sat it down.
He thought maybe because it was diluted with the tea it would take a while to take effect.
And so him and Royce watched and waited.


* * * *


Jes looked over at the two men who were staring seriously at Bells.
It was like they were waiting for something.
What were those two up to?
She looked over at her friend who was drinking her tea and thought. What if they knew what she was?
Royce looked her over sharply and bowed his head. He was trying to figure
Bells out, but why? Her friend
got up and walked over to the sink. She followed.

“How’s Faith?”

“I thought I told you she was fast asleep,” Bells looked her over worriedly. “You sure
you okay honey? Did those two
do something to you? I will fucking wipe there asses out. Swear to the heavens.”

“No, I’m fine really.” Bells would definitely try if she had the slightest inkling Jes was lying.
There were other pressing matters that needed her attention far more. Draven was about to meet his daughter.

“Can’t believe you brought Faith’s father here. Does he even know?” Bells mouthed the words. The other men in the living room would be able to hear it clear as day if she hadn’t.

She shook her head no.
Royce had already read her mind, knew what Belinda was. He
r friend needed to know big mouth
could read minds.
She popped her head around the corner of the kitchen wall and both men had their heads together speaking silently. They were too engrained in their own conversation to be worried about her and Bells.

“Royce is a mind reader.”

“I figured one of them would be. Don
’t worry I got my game face on,
Chica.” Bells mouthed back. When they’d made it back to the living room Royce stood abruptly and headed for the door.
Before he reached for the
he looked over his shoulder in confusion and dread.
Bells grinned and gave him a pinky wave.
He always smiled, threw out snarky comebacks, something.
Instead he said he was going to check the perimeter of the house and if anyone needed him to call. The door slammed shut behind him as he left and Bells looked between her and Draven and politely excused herself to the bathroom.

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