Enticing Their Mate (28 page)

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Authors: Vella Day

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Military, #Paranormal, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Paranormal Menage (MFM), #Paranormal Werewolf Romance, #Paranormal Erotica

BOOK: Enticing Their Mate
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She thought Riley might get upset, but instead he nipped her ass then unscrewed the top to the lube, filling the air with a citrusy aroma.

“Hurry up and get on Jay,” Riley said as he dragged a finger-full of lube across her back hole.

Rising to her knees, she grabbed Jay’s dick and placed it at her entrance. She had intended to slide down slowly and deliberately—enough to make Jay beg—but he planted his hands on her hips, held her still, and drove up into her, fully seating himself.

Oh. My. God. Her eyes widened and then watered. “He’s grown.”

Jay winked. “You do that to him.”

Sarah was trying to recover from the slight pain of being stretched when Riley threaded two fingers into her butt, causing ribbons of pleasure to bounce down her tight passageway. Sparks flew as lust swamped her. Holding her hips still, Jay withdrew and drove straight back in, sending her too close to the climactic edge.

“Lean a little forward,” he said, his eyes swirling with gold flecks.

She thought he wanted her to do that to give Riley better access, but when she obliged, Jay lifted his head and nabbed a nipple between his teeth and pulled it taut. Stars swam in front of her eyes, and she closed her lids to help stay focused. Pulses of need speared her as Jay taunted her with his licks, twists, and pulls.

As he eased his cock out and then edged back in, her climax continued to build. The divine friction was heating her up and she wanted to drop down on him, but he held her still. Riley’s hands replaced Jay’s as he pressed his lubed cock against her anus. He pushed but wasn’t able to enter.

“Relax and let me love you.” Riley’s voice came out dreamy as he rubbed her rear. She finally let go, and his big cock slid in, taking up all of the space.

She was so full she was about to burst. Sarah was tempted to say it was too much, but then Jay pinched her nipples hard, taking her mind away from the slight discomfort in her rear.

“Sarah, look at me,” Jay said. She opened her eyes and was mesmerized by the depth of his desire. “I love you more than you’ll ever know. You are my life, my love, my reason for living.”

Those words melted each muscle in her body. She leaned over and kissed him with every ounce of passion she possessed. The change in angle allowed Riley to slip out easily and plow right back in. Together, her men possessed her, worshipped her, and showered her with love.

Riley finally let go of her hips and dragged his hands to her chest. Free to move, she lifted up and down, back and forth, in perfect unison with the men. Their speed increased with the ease of entry, and her thoughts blurred. With so many sensations, she wasn’t sure she could last.

Riley planted his chest against her back, and as he massaged her breasts, he ran his lips along her shoulder, distracting her from the amazing pulses beating against her inner walls.

Jay broke their kiss and nibbled on her other shoulder. They both stopped, and she inhaled, wondering what was happening. On her next exhale, they drove in so far she was sure their cocks would come out the other end. Waves of pleasure and undeniable bliss crashed down on her and she could no longer contain her orgasm. As she screamed, they both sank their fangs into her neck, uniting them once and for all. A huge white light surrounded her as their love washed over her, and the edges of her vision turned black. For a moment, it was as if she were floating above them.

Her last thought before she collapsed was how much she wanted and needed them forever.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

hen Sarah awoke, sunlight was streaming through the window. She jerked up to a sitting position, and while she recognized she was in her apartment, something was very different. The sheets were tangled and the scent of arousal clung to the air. Her dreams last night had been intense, filled with big cocks and lots of sex. Wait a minute—that hadn’t been a dream. Last night, she’d really had a marathon with two of the most amazing men.

Pots clanked and chatter sounded in the kitchen. Sarah stretched and rose. Grabbing a bathrobe from her closet, along with some slippers, she quickly dressed, and padded out.

“Good morning,” she said.

Both men were dressed in different clothes than what they’d had on last night, yet she didn’t remember them having suitcases. They must have waited to bring them in case she booted them out.

“We made you breakfast,” Jay said.

“Aw, that’s so sweet.”

Riley walked over, brushed his lips against hers lightly, and handed her phone to her. “The General called while you were asleep. He wants you to call him back.”

She laughed. “At eight in the morning?” They were up to something. When she swiped her phone, a message appeared, and she listened to the recording. Sure enough, General Armand had called and had asked her to return his call as soon as possible. “What’s this about?”

Riley glanced over at Jay. “Call him and find out.”

From the glint in their eyes and the way Jay was fighting a smile, the news wouldn’t be bad. She pressed call and turned her back to the men. Sweat quickly beaded on her palms and her stomach was jumpier than a Jack Russell Terrier. “Sarah, thanks for getting back to me.”

“How can I help you, General?”

“Been thinking. We could really use someone with your talent down in Florida.” He went on to explain what her duties might entail.

She turned around and looked at the men, wondering how much they’d twisted the General’s arm. However, since this was her dream come true, she wouldn’t dig too hard. He mentioned a salary that was more than what she was earning.

“I’m definitely interested, but I need to speak with my boss.”

“Already have.”

She chuckled. Of course, he had. “Well then, when do you expect me?”

“The sooner the better.”

Her heart was now speeding and her mouth dry. “Sounds great. Thank you.”

“No, thank you.” He then disconnected.

“What did he say?” Jay asked in a voice so calm she almost believed he didn’t know.

“The General offered me a job.”

“That’s wonderful,” Jay said.

Both of their faces lit up and they stalked toward her. She held out her hands. “I need coffee first—and a bit of rest.”

As if she’d turned off all of the lights in the room, their faces dimmed. Riley cupped her cheeks. “Were we too rough last night?”

She smiled. “No, but it’s been almost a week. Let’s eat and we can discuss what happens next.”

*     *     *

Three weeks later

It had taken Sarah two days to fill out the reports her boss requested, and another to pack up her desk. While she was at work, her wonderful men had purchased boxes and packed for her. Fortunately, her apartment came furnished so only her clothes and some personal items needed to go, but because she still had a lot, the men decided to rent a car and drive back to Florida.

By the time they arrived on the Gulf Coast, Sarah was exhausted, which was why they insisted on renting a room at the beach for a few days before she started her new job. She couldn’t be happier with that decision. If they’d gone back to their house, they said she’d be tempted to spend all her time cleaning and unpacking and they wanted her to rest.

Riley brought out a pitcher of Sangria and three glasses onto their patio overlooking the Gulf of Mexico. After a day of lying on the beach, she welcomed the drink. “Thank you,” she said. “This is the life.”

“Whenever we’re between jobs, we like to come here and de-stress,” Riley said.

“Speaking of relaxing, the General is throwing a party tomorrow night, and everyone is invited,” Jay said.

Sarah was excited to meet the rest of the team. “Who’s going to be there?”

Jay stretched out on the lounge chair to her right while Riley took the seat to her left. “Trax and Dante, who you’ve met, and their wife, Liz.”

“Nice. And Bailey? She’ll be there, right?” She presumed Ford and Tyson lived in Gulfside, too.

“She will be, as will Clay and Dirk. Their wife Elena is really nice, too. You haven’t met MacKenzie, my cousin, or her men Sam and Brandon, but watch out for them. I suspect they’ll grill you on everything about Statler. I think Sam hated him more than I did.”

And she thought she’d be able to forget that man.

“Don’t forget, Chelsea.” Riley piped up. “She’s about to pop out a kid soon.”

“You do have a way with words,” Jay said laughing. “Chelsea is Drake and Kurt’s wife. They stayed here because of the possibility that Chelsea might go into labor, but also to hold down the fort when the General took off for Canada.”

“I can’t wait to meet them. Will there be any humans there?”

“All the women are human, except for Kenzie, who’s a Halfling. Her father, my uncle, was a werewolf.”

Sarah probably should ask how that worked. If she had kids, they’d be Halflings, too. “Why is she called a Halfling?”

“While my cousin has some talents, she can’t shift. No woman can.”

“Oh. That kind of sucks.”

“Wait until you meet her. You won’t feel sorry for her.”

“What about the women who’d been held captive?”

Jay set his drink down on the table on his side. “According to the General, all of the women have been returned to their families.”

“I’m glad. And Nancy?” Part of her wished she could see them again.

He smiled. “She received treatment and responded well. She, too, is home. The General said she wanted to thank you.”

“I’m happy for her.” Sarah sipped her drink and studied the sky. The pinks, oranges, and yellows of the Florida sunset were truly special. “Moving to Florida was a wonderful idea. Thank you.”

They both smiled. “Our pleasure.”

*     *     *

After a relaxing two days, Sarah was ready to get on with her life. Statler might be dead, but it was only a matter of time before some other evil Colter rose to the top and did despicable things.

A knock sounded on the bedroom door and Riley entered. “Wow. You look amazing,” he said, his eyes lightening.

She held up her hand. “No sex. We have a party to go to.”

Riley closed the gap between them. “Not even a quickie?” He drew her into a warm embrace.

“No. I spent twenty minutes putting on my makeup, and I don’t want you to mess it up.”

“Spoilsport. After the party, I’ll give you a proper Florida welcome.”

She stepped out of his grasp and slipped on her sandals. They’d spent last night welcoming her. “What about Jay? He’s not invited?”

Riley waved a hand. “I’ll get him drunk so I can have you to myself.”

She was still laughing when Jay stepped into the room and whistled. “I heard that by the way.” Riley huffed. “Sarah, you look beautiful, but there seems to be something missing.”

She clasped a hand over her throat thinking she’d forgotten the necklace they’d given her, but she had it on. “What’s that?”

They glanced at each other then both men dropped to their knees in front of her. Sarah’s pulse soared at the implication. Riley slipped her hand in his and kissed her knuckles. “If I tell you how much my life has changed for the better since you’ve come into it, I fear you’ll hold it over my head.”

Jay elbowed him. “Ignore him.” He slipped a hand in his pocket and withdrew a ring the size of Statler’s ego and slipped it onto her ring finger. Her hand shook and her heart pounded. “This ring signifies our commitment to you. Riley and I will do everything in our power to support you and protect you. Our greatest joy will be the day we walk down the aisle and say
we do
. Since I’m older than Riley by a few months, I get the honor of being your legal husband, but in our hearts it will be us three.” He held up a hand. “We know you haven’t had time to know us all that well, so take all the time you need. We just want everyone to know that you are our mate.”

She looked down at them and shook her head. “Silly men. I don’t need any more time. The answer is yes. I will marry you. When we actually tie the knot can be negotiated.” She winked. They jumped up and hugged her so tightly she thought she’d pop out of her dress. “Okay, okay. We have a party to get to.” If she spent another second in their arms, she would have to give in to her desires.

Riley and Jay high-fived each other and then led her out. All during the car ride to the hotel in Gulfside, Sarah kept glancing at her ring. “I love that there are three gems. I take it the diamond in the middle is me?”

“Yes,” Jay said. “Riley came up with the design.”

“Aw.” She twisted around to the back to face Riley. “It’s beautiful. Which one of you is the ruby and which one is the amethyst?”

Jay reached across the seat and squeezed her hand. “Once you know us better, I think you’ll be able to tell.”

She laughed. Life with them was going to be so much fun.

Ten minutes later, they arrived at the hotel. Once the valet took their car, they escorted her inside to a large ballroom.

“Wow.” Its beauty, both inside and out, stunned Sarah.

Floor to ceiling windows allowed her to enjoy the lights twinkling along the shore. The room was decorated with ice sculptures that sat on tables in the middle, while bowls of fruit and plates of food lined two walls. As she scanned the offerings, she spotted a familiar face.

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