Erin's Unexpected Lover

Read Erin's Unexpected Lover Online

Authors: Kristianna Sawyer

Tags: #pregnancy, #older man, #younger woman, #first time, #breeding, #virgin, #maydecember, #firsttime, #creampie, #bareback, #bred, #unexpected sex, #impregnantion, #no condom, #boyfriends father

BOOK: Erin's Unexpected Lover
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Carnal Publishers and Kristianna Sawyer
reserve all rights to Erin’s Unexpected Lover. Any resemblance to
people or places is a coincidence. Please respect the copyright by
not sharing this work. Permission of the author or publisher is
required to copy any part of this work. All sexually active
characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or

© Kristianna Sawyer, 2013

Smashwords Edition

Cover Images:

On the night Erin decides to give in to her
boyfriend’s increasingly pressured demands for sex, she discovers
Chip has already moved on. Devastated by his cheating, she finds
sympathy in an unlikely person—Chip’s father. Jared comforts Erin,
but his soothing caresses change to something more. She will lose
her virginity as planned, but to an unexpected lover in an
all-consuming tide of passion that allows no room for thinking
about little things like condoms or consequences…

Chapter One

You’re just being selfish.”

No, I’m just not ready yet, Chip. I want
it to be special.”

He scoffed. “I’m not special enough for you?
It hurts my feelings, makes me think you don’t trust me, when you
tell me no all the time.”

She wrung her hands, frustrated and
overwhelmed. “I do trust you, Chip, but you can’t expect me to have
sex with you in the backseat of your car.”

Fine, then don’t.” He sat up and
clambered back over to the front seat, not waiting for her to right
her clothes or even sit up fully in the back and put on a seatbelt
before turning on the engine and peeling out of the lookout point’s
parking lot. A few minutes later, he dropped her off at her house.
“You can’t expect me to wait forever, Erin. A man has needs.” Then
he drove off with a squeal of tires against the road.

That had been two nights ago, and Erin
couldn’t help reliving the fight over and over in her mind as she
drove across town to the Maxwell residence, where Chip lived with
his father. She had done some hard thinking and finally decided she
was holding back on sex because she was afraid of it hurting. Chip
cared about her, and he would do his best to make it not hurt. She
might be a virgin at nineteen, but he was twenty and had already
had several girlfriends, so he would know how to be a tender

Erin hoped he wouldn’t still be angry with
her. She had gone to a lot of trouble to prepare for him tonight,
planning to surprise him with her surrender to his increasingly
urgent requests for lovemaking. After two months, she supposed it
was time, and it certainly wasn’t unreasonable of him to expect
their relationship to deepen. It was the next natural step, and
she’d been silly about holding off so long.

Chip’s dad owned the largest house in the
area. The three-story home sprawled across the edge of a bluff
overlooking the ocean. The place had tight security, and she used
the badge Chip had recently given her to let herself in through the
electronic gate. She drove her third-hand car up the winding drive,
parking near the circular loop that ran around the front of the

Erin took a moment to flip open the mirror on
her visor and assess her appearance. She’d curled her hair and left
it floating free in a cloud of amber-brown that framed her
heart-shaped face and offset her tawny eyes. Makeup had subtly
emphasized the shape of her lips and highlighted her cheekbones.
Thankfully, her older sister knew a lot about beauty, working at a
salon, and had assisted her with the evening’s preparations.

After adjusting her breasts to better hide
her nipples, she smoothed down the lime-green fabric as she got out
of the car. The dress and matching platform heels were loaners from
her sister, who was fully supportive of her decision to press ahead
with giving Chip her virginity.

The clear platforms were hard to walk in, but
she’d mostly mastered them by the time she climbed the marble
stairs and reached the front door. The butler opened it a moment
later, wearing a fierce frown.

That made Erin frown. She’d been to the house
several times, and Mr. Edwin had always maintained a neutral
expression, much like the sentinels at Buckingham Palace. To see
him displeased was disconcerting. “Um, hello, Mr. Edwin.”

After a second, his expression cleared,
resuming its accustomed blandness. “Good evening, Ms.

“I’m here to see Chip.”

“Of course.” With what appeared to be a deep
sigh, he escorted her inside and waved up the stairs. “Master
Maxwell is in his room, miss.”

Feeling bemused by the butler’s strange
reaction, she made her way up two of the three flights of stairs.
Chip’s room was on the second floor, so she’d never had reason to
venture to the top floor, where Jared Maxwell had his living
quarters. His dad was a little intimidating, so she tended to shy
away from his presence.

When she reached Chip’s door, Erin thought
about knocking, but hesitated. In her mind’s eye, she pictured
slipping inside, untying the two bows that kept the wrap-dress on,
and letting it fall to her feet. He would be shocked, and pleased,
to discover she wore nothing underneath.

Emboldened by his perceived reaction, Erin
twisted the knob and opened the door quietly. She stepped past the
doorjamb, hands on the bow at her side, but froze. A gasp escaped
her, followed by a choked cry. She shook her head, wanting to deny
what her eyes saw.

Chip was on his bed with a naked woman. His
bare ass jiggled rhythmically as he plowed into his partner, who
was cooing and calling his name in a squeaky voice that sounded a
bit like a pigeon.

“Chip?” Even as she said his name, begging
for some excuse, something to let her believe she wasn’t seeing
what she was, her heart shattered in her chest. The guilty way he
froze, and then jumped off his partner, broadcast his actions just
as clearly as the sight of him fucking her. “Oh, Chip.”

“Erin?” He frowned, looking disconcerted for
a moment, before his expression hardened. “What are you doing

“I…” No way was she going to reveal what her
plans had been. Plans that had withered and died in a second. “Oh,
never mind, you bastard.” Tears scalded her eyes, and she wanted to
turn and run from the room, but something kept her rooted to the

Without making any attempt to hide his
nudity, Chip shrugged, facing her fully with his still-hard cock
waggling around. “What’d you expect? If you don’t want to act like
a woman, it’s your fault I had to go elsewhere. I’m done playing
virginal games with you, Erin.”

“And I’m done with you.” Erin’s hands shook
as she ripped off the necklace he’d given her a couple of weeks
ago. It was the only thing she wore besides the dress and shoes. It
cut into her neck a bit, but she didn’t really notice the pain as
the metal broke. With all her strength, she hurled it at the boy
she had foolishly thought she loved and spun on her ridiculously
high shoes.

Tears scalded her cheeks, and a sob broke
free from her as she left his room, racing toward the stairwell.
Her damned shoes picked that moment to fail her, and she went
flying, landing hard on her butt. The pain of her tailbone
colliding with the hardwood floor made her cry out, and new tears
spilled from her. She wasn’t even entirely sure if she was crying
because of Chip’s betrayal, the pain in her ass, or both.

“Erin, what’s going on?”

She looked up at the sound of Jared’s
slightly stern voice above her. He loomed over her in a black silk
robe that gaped open to display a generous expanse of her
ex-boyfriend’s father’s chest. Erin averted her eyes and tried to
stand up. To her surprise, Jared bent down to lift her into his

She should protest and insist on walking, but
it was nice to have warm arms holding her, offering her comfort,
even if their owner didn’t realize he was doing so. Erin buried her
face against the silk of his robe, letting her tears soak into the
expensive material.

He carried her up the stairs, but she didn’t
pay much attention to their surroundings until he lowered her onto
a chaise lounge a few minutes later. As Jared sat beside her, she
swiped at her cheeks and looked around, startled to find herself in
what must be the older man’s room. It was luxurious, but tasteful,
and she briefly marveled that people lived like this every day.

He patted her back. “Tell me what’s wrong,

No, his voice wasn’t stern. That was just a
natural note of authority, she realized. Nodding, she whispered, “I
fell and hurt my bu…self.”

“Poor girl.” He frowned. “Surely not all this
is because of a fall? And why wasn’t Chip there to help you?”

She sniffled. “He’s too busy with the girl in
his room.”

Jared’s handsome features conformed into an
expression of sympathy. “Oh, I’m so sorry.” He rubbed her back in
small circles. “My son is an idiot.”

Erin shook her head. “It’s my fault.” Tears
leaked from her eyes anew, and she bent forward, not hesitating to
accept the shoulder he offered.

“How could it be your fault?” he asked, his
voice rumbling through his chest against her ear.

“I wouldn’t…” She sniffed again, trying to
regain control. “I wasn’t ready to sleep with him, so he found
someone who would.”

Jared cursed. “That idiot.” He hugged her
tightly. “I’ve always tried to teach Chip to go for substance over
flash, but he has too much in common with his mother.”

His words were a nice balm to her shaky
self-esteem, but she was compelled to argue. Looking up, she met
his gaze, unable to help noticing how soft his gray eyes were. “I
shouldn’t have been such a baby about it.”

Jared frowned. “How old are you?”


He grimaced. “You have plenty of time yet,
and there’s no reason to rush into sex. Are you waiting for

She shook her head.

“Religious reasons?”

Again, Erin shook her head.

He tapped her chest very gently with one
finger, centered on her heart. “So, look in here and figure out why
you weren’t ready to have sex with Chip.”

She wrinkled her brows, really thinking about
it for a long time. “I guess I just didn’t quite trust Chip.” The
admission embarrassed her, and she looked away, breaking eye
contact with Jared. It was odd to admit she didn’t trust his son,
but that was the truth. In the back of her mind, she’d always
half-expected Chip to return to his player ways. Of course, she’d
been naïve enough to think he’d actually break up with her

A gentle hand on her chin forced her to look
back at him. “That’s good. You trusted your instincts.”

Erin wiped at her face, suddenly conscious of
just what a mess she must be. “I didn’t completely. Tonight, I was
going to sleep with him.” She whispered the confession, licking her
dry lips. Her gaze flew up when Jared moaned softly. “Are you

He nodded, but still looked a little pained.
“Wait here.” He got up, tightening the tie of his robe a bit, as he
walked out of the room through another door. When he returned with
a wet cloth, she assumed that room must be the bathroom.

Erin held out her hand for the washcloth, but
he ignored it. Instead, Jared sat down beside her again, as close
as before, and began cleaning her face with gentle strokes. After a
few minutes, he nodded, looking satisfied. “That’s much better,
honey. You don’t need all that junk anyway.” His perfectly shaped
lips formed a warm smile that made her stomach clench. “I
personally prefer you in your usual state.”

“Thank you, Mr. Maxwell.” For some reason,
his kindness triggered another round of tears, and she went back to
his arms willingly, actively seeking out the comfort his body
provided. His firm body. Jared was a warm, solid presence against
her. With a little start, she realized the man holding her was
quite muscular, and his skin was a welcome heat burning through the
thin robe covering him.

She was embarrassed when her nipples suddenly
tightened to hard little points. Erin lifted her head, searching
his expression. “I, I think I’m okay now, Mr. Maxwell.”

“Jared,” he said in a throaty whisper.

She nodded, but didn’t have the temerity to
use his proffered first name. “Um, I should go now.”

Jared cupped the back of her head, his thumb
gently caressing the line of her jaw. “Maybe you should wait a few
more minutes, to make sure you’re composed. I couldn’t bear it if
you were in an accident because you left too soon.”

“Okay.” She licked her lips, watching the way
his gaze followed the action. Her body tingled with the beginnings
of arousal. “Thank you for being so kind. He’s your son, so I’m
surprised you didn’t side with him.”

Jared arched a brow. “He may be my son, but
I’m well aware of his faults. My ex-wife has a taste for gaudy,
flashy, easy crap, and Chip is just like her.” His thumb continued
stroking her face, and it was both soothing and arousing. “To lose
a woman like you for some quick pussy is shortsighted, but he’s
young.” Jared sighed. “Young people seldom realize the value of
what they have.”

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