Escape Velocity (55 page)

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Authors: Mark Dery

Tags: #Computers, #Computer Science, #Social Aspects, #General, #Computers and civilization, #Internet, #Internet (Red de computadoras), #Computacao (aspectos socio-economicos e politicos), #Sociale aspecten, #Ordinateurs et civilisation, #Cybersexe, #Cyberespace, #Cyberspace, #Kultur, #Sozialer Wandel

BOOK: Escape Velocity
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128,154-55 Shivers (aka They Came from Within), 111

Mark Dery

Shoot, 157

Short, Robert, 188

Shrader, Charles R., 236

Silicon Man, The {?\m), 317

Sihcon Valley Guy Handbook, 221

Sim, Hannah, 135

Simons, Geoff, 220

Sinatra, Pat, 281-82,283

Sinistrari, Ludovico Maria, 174

Sirius, R. U. (aka Ken Goffman), 22, 31,

34-38, 39-41, 47, 305-06, 314-15 SittingAwaying EventJor Rock Suspension, 157 Sitwell, Edith, 280 Six Million Dollar Man, The, 282-83 Sixties, see 1960s Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage, The

(Gitlin), 29 Sixties People (Stern and Stern), 2 5 Ws Reader, The, 26 Skal, David, 247-48, 308-09 Slusser, George, 103 Smart drugs, 24, 33, 57, 293, 302 Smart weapons, 121-25 Smith, Jack, 271 Smithsonian World, 256 Snow, C. P., 23 Snyder, David R, 288 Snyder, Gary, 2 5

Sobchack, Vivian, 35, 37, 310-11, 312, 315 Social constructionism, 63 Socioeconomic and political problems,

indifference to, 10-11, 17, 41, 49, 70,

304, 305, 306-07 Solotaroff, Paul, 261 Sorayama, Hajime, 193 Soul of a New Machine, The (Kidder), 66,

219-20 South Atlantic Quarterly, 201 Space Coast Software, 209 Space migration, 298, 313 Spare, Austin Osman, 52 Spin, 51

Spinrad, Norman, 36, 55, 86, 104-05,

106-07, 255, 302-03, 306 "Spider Rose," 234

Springer, Claudia, 126, 166, 243, 269-70 Stapleton-Gray, Ross, 13 ^tarlrei^, 216,260, 309 "Steel Madam," 193 Steger, Mark, 13 5 Stelarc (ne Stelios Arcadiou), 153-57,

159-69,170,296,303,313 "Stelarc, Performance and Masochism," 167 Stepjord Wives, The, 194 Sterling, Bruce, 6, 13, 22-23, 24-25, 64,

86, 92-95, 99-100, 105, 128, 153,

162, 209, 234, 292, 296-97 Stern, Jane, 25 Stern, Michael, 25 Stevens, Matt, 210 Stone, AUucquere Rosanne, 310 Street Suspension, 157 Sunderwirth, Stanley, 221-22 Surgical simulation, 285 Surveillance, 146, 147, 174-75, 253 Survival Research Laboratories, 111, 116,

118-22,126-31,137,143,155 Sussman, Gerald Jay, 293-94 Sutter, Eric, 289, 290 Synners (Cadigan), 213, 252-56, 319

Tactical Neural Implant, 81-82

Taguchi, Tomoroh, 272

Talk of the Nation, 207

Tao of Physics, The (Capra), 57

Tatsumi, Takayuki, 95

Tattoo Flash, 274

Tattoos, 246, 274-85

biomechanical, 280-85 Taylor, Bruce, 207 Taylorism, 141, 146

"Techgnosis: Magic, Memory, and the Angels of Information," 56

Escape Velocity


Techno-evolution, see Posthumanism

(posthuman evolution) Techno-literacy, 147, 149 "Technological Self-Transformation:

Expanding Personal Extropy," 304 "Technology and the Irrational," 148 "Techno-onanism," 202 Technopaganism and technopagans, 22, 41,

49, 50-72 defined, 50 Techno-surrealism, 271 Techno-transcendentalism, 9, 45, 48-49,

161 Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 9, 45-46,

47-48, 57, 59 Telecommuting, 245 Teledildonics,215, 217 Teleoperation, 120-21, 124, 134, 163, 201 Television, 175, 176, 224-25, 234, 278,

279, 294 Terminator, The, 125, 262, 263-64 Terminator 2: Judgment Day, 216, 229, 231,

263-70 Tesla, Nikola, 124 Tetsuo: The Iron Man, 270-74 Text sex, 199-206, 207-08, 217, 219 Therrien, D. A., 169-80 Theweleit, Klaus, 266, 267 Third Wave, The (Toffler), 36 Thompson, Hunter, 265 "Thoracobrachial Pterygoplasty Powered by

Muscle Transposition Flaps," 286-87 Thorpe, Marc, 114 Throbbing Gristle, 81, 91, 283 Ticket That Exploded, The (Burroughs), 126 Tierney, John, 217-18 rime, 4, 5, 24, 207, 211 TinySex, 205 Tipler, Frank J., 9 Toffler,Alvin, 36, 231 Tolonen, Pekka, 214

Tomorrow Makers: A Brave New World of Living-Brain Machines, The (Fjermedal), 293-94

Toolsjor Exploration, 57-58, 59

TOPY (Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth), 51-52,55,56,61

Transhumanism, 302-05

Transmaniacon (Shirley), 95-96

Trayle, Mark, 78

Trees Are Walking, The, 134, 136

Tri-City Labor Review, 141, 146

Trigram, 135

Triumph ofthe Will (Riefenstahl), 103

True Names (Vinge), 298

Tsukamoto, Shinya, 270-74

Tucker, Ken, 97-98

2001: A Space Odyssey, 45, 192, 252, 297

Ultimate Masterpiece: The Reincarnation of

Saint Orlan, The, 239 Useless Machine Activity, 148 UseNet, 5, 51, 207

Vale, v., 275

Van Der Leun, Gerard, 201, 218 Vaporware, 7

Vaucanson, Jacques de, 114, 141 Vaughan, Henry, 11 VCR, pornography and, 217-18 Velvet Underground &J^ico, 91, 92 Victory through Air Rower, 123 Videodrome, 248, 294-95, 296 "Video Killed the Radio Star," 99 "Video Star," 279-80 Village Voice, 54, 261 Villiers de I'Isle-Adams, Jean, 196-97 Vinge, Vernor, 8-9, 298, 309, 312, 315 Violence, 224-25 see also Weapons Virtual Community: Homesteading on the

Electronic Frontier, The (Rheingold), 205 Virtual instruments, 77-79

Mark Dery

Virtual Light (Gibson), 280-81 "Virtual Nintendo," 33 Virtual reality, 8-9, 23, 43, 49, 83, 121, 292, 299 sex in, see Cybersex Virtual Valerie, 209, 210, 217 "Vitruvian Man," 178 VR.S,7

Walking in an Exaggerated Manner around the

Perimeter of a Square, 158 Ward, Darrell E., 290 Warhol, Andy, 34 Washington Post, 35, 75 Weapons, 236

mechanical spectacle as critique of high-tech, 119-22, 126-27

sex, technology, and death, 223-24

smart weapons, 121-25 Weber, Max, 278 Weizenbaum, Joseph, 214 WELL (Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link), 5, 13, 35, 41, 52, 70,185, 198, 202, 203-04, 205,206,210,213,216,225 Werner, Eric, 118

Westmoreland, General William C., 124 Westworld, 125, 193, 198 "What Are Muds and Muses?," 205 "Where All the Flowers Went," 98 White Album (Didion), 15 Whiteway, Erika, 198, 199 Whiting, Jim, 113 Whittaker, Lloyd, 171 Whole Earth Catalogue, 22,27 Whole Earth Review, 313 Wiener, Norbert, 309 Williams, Bob, 145-46

Williams, Walter Jon, 279-80 Willis, Ellen, 39

"Will the Real Body Please Stand Up? Boundary Stories about Virtual Cultures," 310 Wilson, Edward O., 313-14 Wilson, Peter Lamborn, 93 "Winter Market, The," 84 Winthrop, John, 10 Wired, 36, 185, 201, 205, 287 "Wireheads," 287

Wolf, Naomi, 237, 241-42, 247, 259 Wolfe,Tom, 28-29, 45 Wolpaw, Dr. Jonathan R., 290 "Woman's Home Companion," 198-99 Wonderwoman and Superman: The Ethics of

Biotechnology (Harris), 2 30 Workplace:

automation of, 141, 145-46, 150

inability to escape work life, 12

robots in, 145-46, 150 surveillance, 146 see also Labor World Wide Web, 6

Yablonsky, Lewis, 129 Young, Liz, 171 Young, Toby, 23 YRTSI, 214

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

(Pirsig), 72 Zerzan, John, 16 Zey, Michael G., 314-15, 316 "Zippie" ("Zen-inspired pagan professional"),

23 Zukav, Gary, 57

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