Espino, Stacey - Corralling the City Girl [Ride 'em Hard 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (19 page)

BOOK: Espino, Stacey - Corralling the City Girl [Ride 'em Hard 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Ronald spat on the ground and stormed off to his waiting vehicle.

Jane cupped her mouth and nose with her hands. It was too much for her to take in. She really needed to be alone to cry, to scream, to sort through the myriad of emotions assaulting her. “My job? I don’t have to go back to my job, then? Ever?”

“You’re a wealthy woman now.” He held out the pen to her. She took in and absently signed the contracts giving her the estate.

“But I promised my hired hands ten thousand each. Brad was going to help his sister adopt a child. I have to find them.”

“For what? Let them go and keep your money. Even better.” Mr. Reznik closed his case and clicked the locks shut. “Shall I drive you back to your condo?”

“No. I have a perfectly good horse.” She expertly mounted the animal, so different than two weeks ago when she had so many fears. “I’ll see you around.”

Jane clucked her tongue and prodded the horse with her heels, and she was gone. Alone on the open prairie, the wind whipping her face and hair, she cried. She cried loud, without holding back—for losing her uncle, for the wonderful gift he gave her, for the years she wasted being filled with hate, and for the loss of the three cowboys who taught her that ginger wasn’t just for tea.

Chapter Eighteen

“There’s my old beast,” said Chase as he approached his pickup truck. He heaved his saddle into the back and then leaned against the side, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Heading back up north?” asked Brad.

“Sure thing. My brothers will be waiting. We have an immunization and branding to get done before the busy season.”

“You, Dawson?” Brad used his hat to swat the dust off his jeans. They were all speaking to each other like distant relatives. They used their manners, but didn’t dare delve into deeper topics other than weather and basics.

What was done was done. Jane had chosen to return to the city, without them. Chase would always wonder if she left out of guilt, not wanting them to be forced to choose between her and their families, or because she really couldn’t see a future in a ménage a quatre relationship. If it were the former he’d blame himself until the day he died for not admitting his true feelings when he had the chance, for not realizing that he was no spring chicken and needed to start his own life away from his parents’ rule. With Jane.

* * * *

Had it really been three weeks already? Jane felt as if it were just yesterday when she watched her cowboys walk away from her for the last time. Why hadn’t they fought for her, for them?

She had no one to blame but herself for her predicament. Whether or not their feelings for her were genuine, she should have been more open. Fuck, she should have fought for what she wanted rather than feeling sorry for herself.

“Hello?” There was someone in her living room, setting her heart racing. It was odd living in the big old country home. She was used to her matchbox condo, not two levels of empty rooms. Jane knew now that all the money in the world meant nothing when you had no one to love, no one to share life with. It was a blur of meaningless function, getting through one day to the next.

When she entered the other room, oversized hardcover novel in hand as a weapon, she noticed her cat had knocked over her coffee mug from last night. Coffee by the fire in the evenings had become a ritual for her, a time to reflect on her life and battle the regrets she knew would keep her up at night. The cat was one of four. Jane figured if she were to die an old spinster, she might as well do it in style.

She lowered the book and set it on the coffee table with a sigh.

“Take off all your clothes,” said the masculine voice behind her. She dare not more, her life flashing before her eyes, until she realized the voice was all too familiar. Jane attempted to turn around.

“Ah, ah, ah. Stay where you are. Be a good girl and take it all off.”
It was like one of her dreams, but she knew this was real. She dare not speak and have it all vanish. During the past three weeks she was able to wire the money she owed to Chase and Brad because she had their information from their previous emails when applying for her posting. Dawson wasn’t so easy to track. He’d used an internet café, so she couldn’t locate him.

Jane complied, slipping her sundress off her shoulders, leaving her in just her white bra and undies.

“Don’t stop there, baby doll.” Hearing his endearment for her made her heart swell. She knew she missed him, but hadn’t realized just how much. Emotions were washing through her at an alarming rate.

“She looks mighty tempting,” said Chase. Her breath caught in her throat.

“I’ve been dreaming of this day for nearly a month.” Brad was in her house, too. Why hadn’t the dogs barked? Three grown men had gained entrance to her house as silently as mice.

She couldn’t help herself. Jane spun around, drinking in the sight of the three rugged cowboys that invaded her waking thoughts. They had changed—looked healthier, had shaved, cut their hair, and wore clean Wranglers and crisp, long-sleeved shirts.

“What are you doing here?”

“Well, we couldn’t find you in the city. When you wired money to us, we knew something was up. My aunt Wendy was able to find out, through the grapevine, you were living here.”

“Why’d you come?”

“Do you think we give up that easily, little one?” Dawson scowled, crinkling the corners of his eyes in that irresistibly sexy way of his. “We all had to tie up some loose ends. But we had every intention of meeting up again so we could corral us a city girl.”

“So you didn’t run away?” A vulnerability she had never known surfaced. She needed them, wanted them, and had to get a little reassurance that their visit wasn’t casual. The thought of living without them after getting another taste would be unbearable.

Brad crossed his arms over his chest, a gesture not common for him. “You did the running, Jane. Nearly drove me to drink.”

“Maybe I should be punished then?” she whispered, hoping. Once she submitted to them, as she’d fantasized about time and time again, she’d owe them nothing. They’d be even, ready for a fresh start, a new beginning.

“Oh, you will be. No doubt about that,” said Dawson. “Now, lose the undergarments and show us to the bedroom.”

Jane dropped the remaining articles on the floor and made her way to the stairs. She felt so exposed, so self-conscious after they’d finally taught her to love her body. It would take plenty of lessons for them to bring her back to where they’d left her off. She looked forward to every beautiful moment of it.

“Nice lodgings, darlin’.” Brad entered the room after her, strolling around the perimeter. “Big bed.”

“Almost big enough for four, wouldn’t you say?” asked Chase.

Jane nodded. Dawson unbuttoned his checkered shirt, sinfully slow, revealing an inch of golden, chiseled chest at a time. Her nerves began to diminish, replaced by a heady lust. It had been three long weeks until she’d experienced any pleasures of the flesh. Even her trusty vibrator had been packed away.

“Sit on the bed.” Chase crouched between her legs once she was seated. He spread her thighs wider. Jane placed her hands on his strong shoulders for balance. “Your pussy looks mighty ripe, sweetheart.” He wet his lips as if savoring the meal to come. Chase tentatively licked her clit with the tip of his tongue. The simple contact shot through her body like an electric jolt. She let out the breath she held in a deep exhale.

“I think she likes that,” said Dawson, now unbuckling his belt. He slipped the length of leather free from the loops on his jeans and coiled in twice, slapping it against his palm.

She had a million questions for them she needed answered. Jane wanted to share her feelings of abandonment, of love, of sweet relief that they had come back. Would they stay? But she kept quiet, knowing the intimacy, the sex, had to come first. Once the sexual tension was eased, they could face the reality ahead of them.

Brad eased her to her back so Chase could tend to her pussy. He was ruthless, going hard and fast with his mouth and tongue with no prelude. Brad sat beside her, and he leaned over to suck her breast, kneading the other with his warm hand. She writhed and whined, which only earned her Dawson’s attention.

“Remember the ginger? Maybe you need more lessons on control.”

She forced herself to still, to accept Chase’s invading mouth, deepening her breaths instead of moaning. It worked somewhat. When she loosened her muscles, the pleasure increased, became easier to accept. Then he began to suckle her clit in a soft, consistent rhythm. Even being relaxed, it was too much to handle. She needed to come, but couldn’t focus on release when he was driving her mad. “No more!”

All the men froze. She looked to each of them, all eyeing her with wicked hunger. “Roll her over,” said Dawson, cracking his belt against his palm, the sound filling her with apprehension, but also making her clit tingle.

She tensed, awaiting the pain she knew was coming. “She’s clenching,” said Chase.

“You do need more lessons.” Dawson dragged the leather belt down her backbone and over the round mounds of her ass. She focused on breathing, relaxing, and not clenching. It was better than being fucked in the ass with the ginger and the burning essence it released when she tightened up. “Good girl.

“There’ll be no more running away, no more doubts, no more over analyzing every little detail. We’re here because we love you, and we’re determined to make this work.” The leather came down on the fleshiest part of her ass. A sharp sting followed.

“Look how red her little ass gets. So pretty,” said Brad, leaning over to kiss away the pain. Dawson repeated three times to each mound. She felt raw and ready. Every strike reverberated through her pelvis, heating her pussy and sensitizing her clit. The mixture of pain and pleasure was making her dizzy with desire. One fed the other until she was lost to Dawson’s ministrations.

Jane bit her lip, waiting for another blow, but nothing came. Instead she heard and spurt of lube. She turned her head to find Chase coated his cock with the clear, sticky substance. Dawson dropped the belt and sat on the edge of the bed. Her pussy pulsed, eager and never so alive with need. “Straddle me, baby doll. Sit on my cock and ride me hard.”

She couldn’t wait. His beautiful erection symbolized relief, bonding, and mind-numbing pleasure. Jane stood briefly, bracing a knee on each side of Dawson’s body. He assisted her in impaling her wet pussy over his dick. She slid down, savoring the fullness. His shoulders were so broad and toned. She pressed him down to his back so she could run her hands over his muscles and ripped abs. It had been so long since she’d felt them.

After a few minutes of working his erection, Chase’s hands were on her hips, directing her upper body forward against Dawson. She felt the cool jolt of his lube-covered cock prod her nether hole. It would feel uncomfortable since she hadn’t had anal for weeks, but once she adjusted, it would be incomparable.

“I’ve never had your ass, can you believe that, darlin’? I can’t wait to sink inside you.” His hands on her hips were tight enough to leave bruises. She knew he was trying to go slow to not hurt her, but being so pent up would make it a challenge.

She hissed through her teeth as he entered her. Dawson groaned as the other penis brushed his. She was so close to orgasm, just from the pressure, and the sight of the men. They ground into her, working as a team to bring her closer to her peak. She closed her eyes, her breasts jiggling as she supported her hands against Dawson’s chest.

“I’ve missed you.” Her cowboy drifter was too far gone now to worry about control, not tonight. He kissed her, his hands tangling in her hair. “What happened to the redhead?”

Jane chuckled softly. “This is the real me, cowboy. Take it or leave it.” She had stopped dying her hair fiery red, and did a temporary wash similar to her natural mousy brown. There was no more need to compensate with facades, not when she’d found herself on the cattle drive. Jane hoped they’d still want her when they found out her secret.

“You’re gorgeous. Perfect.”

She’s sighed contentedly, reveling in their love and attention. It had been a long, lonely few weeks, expecting never to see them again.

* * * *

Brad watched as the other two cowboys fucked Jane without mercy. Not just any cowboys, but men he’d proudly call friends. They had kept in contact after the cattle drive, even visited Chase’s home for dinner with his family. It felt natural helping each other, working together. Brad and Dawson helped Chase and his two brothers with their branding, and then they focused on getting their woman back. He knew, without a doubt, they’d be able to share a home, especially since their common denominator was Jane. They all wanted her happy, so they’d be sure to keep the peace between them.

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