Eternal Breath of Darkness (13 page)

Read Eternal Breath of Darkness Online

Authors: Candice Stauffer

BOOK: Eternal Breath of Darkness
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Whimpering, she bowed her

“Look at me!”

Looking up at him, she
raised her hands to shield herself from another blow.

“Phillip intends to announce
your engagement in the next few weeks. You will stay away from Mia, do you
understand?” Taking a step backward, he lowered his head and scowled at her.

Nodding, she slowly stood
up. He stepped nearer.

“Answer me!” Saliva spewed
from his mouth and splattered onto her face.

“Yes.” She wiped the
moisture from her face. “I understand.”

He shoved her to the floor
and walked past her. Then, swearing beneath his breath, he stomped down the
hall in the direction of his room. She stared at the front door, hot tears
streaming down her face. Luckily, she had been able to keep her mind closed to
Haden. He hadn’t seen the attack—if he had, he would’ve barged in to protect
her. But if he discovered the truth he would despise her. She stood up, secured
the lock on the door, turned the lights off throughout the house, and then fled
to the solitude of her room.

* * *

While searching for Paul, Haden started to get distracted by a
feeling of uneasiness. It didn’t help that every time he reached for Caylee’s
mind, he was blocked. He had an overwhelming feeling she was in danger. Fearing
he’d missed something and Paul had managed to get to her, he decided to go to
her immediately.

As a vapor, he entered
Caylee’s house and immediately felt the negative energy of violence. He
couldn’t identify the origins of it, but he was certain it had something to do
with her uncle. She was clever enough to hide it, knowing he would respond and
fearing when he did he would learn too much about her past. How could he prove
to her she was wrong? He didn’t blame her for the past. Did he really need to
prove anything to her? He could force her to leave with him. In time, she would
learn to trust him, knowing he loved her unconditionally.

He entered her bedroom,
walked over to the bed, and looked down at her, sleeping soundly. He couldn’t
force her to come with him. It would be a terrible mistake. She would fear him
rather than trust him. Somehow, he needed to find the strength to wait for a
little while longer. He knelt next to the bed and kissed her brow.
I love

She opened her eyes and
started to breathe heavily. Shivering, she pulled her blanket up to her chin.
Eyes opened wide, she blindly glanced around the dark room. Trembling, she sat
up and turned the bedside lamp on; then, leaving the warmth of her bed, she
searched every corner of the room. The entire time she felt the sensation of
being watched.

I told you to stay merged
with me. Blocking me was a very naughty thing to do.

I don’t always do as I’m
She took a deep breath and then slowly released a sigh.
late. I’m tired. Leave me alone.
She didn’t wait for an answer, figuring it
would be best to ignore him. The moment the thought entered her mind, she heard
his soft laughter in her mind. Irritated, she climbed into the bed, turned off
the light, pulled the blankets over her, and closed her eyes.

In spirit form, Haden
stretched out next to her, listening to distant cries for help. Paul was on a
killing spree. Haden knew he should go out to stop the vampire. For the
majority of his existence, he would’ve done it without thought; it was his duty
to stop the carnage. But, since Caylee was able to break their mental
connection at will, he needed to be near her. The world would have to go on
without his help. He was a guardian and protector to no one except for Caylee.
She was his only concern now. Nothing else mattered. He couldn’t leave her even
if he wanted to. She was weak, vulnerable to death.

She slept soundly, embraced
by peace for no longer than an hour, and then she started to thrash around and
whimper. Regaining physical form, Haden pulled her nearer. Molding her body
against his, he wrapped his arm around her, her body fitting perfectly against
his. He whispered soothingly in her ear until he’d chased away every last
remnant of the night terror from her dream.




Nine ~


CAYLEE WOKE UP slowly, Haden’s enticing, masculine scent filling
lungs. She stirred restlessly, her body curiously achy and remarkably warm with
his arm wrapped around her and his body so snugly pressed against her backside.
“What are you doing!”

She threw her blankets
aside, turning to look at him, but he wasn’t beside her. It was just a dream.
She should’ve been relieved, but she wasn’t, not really. Resting her head on
the pillow, curling her body up in a tight ball, she frowned.

Good morning, little love.
voice was a deep, warm, seductive whisper in her ear, a tantalizing caress that
spread over her flesh.
There’s no need to be disappointed, I was here with
you in your bed all night, loving you, holding you in my arms.

All night? What if my uncle
had seen you?
She shook her head.
You’re making me crazy. Stay out of my
Setting her teeth on edge, she heard his laughter mocking her.
serious, Haden!
Nibbling on her bottom lip, she frowned.
You need to
find another diversion to entertain yourself.
Silently cursing the sliver
of sunlight peeking through her curtains, she sat on the edge of her bed.

You’re all the entertainment
I can handle.
Feeling the heat of his breath on her neck as he whispered, she
shivered. Stomach fluttering, her womb clenched. It was all an illusion. He
wasn’t even really with her. And he sure as hell wasn’t making her panties
damp. He was in her mind, tormenting her. She really hated him. She hated the
power he had over her. She was a wreck. Her flesh hurt. Her breasts were way
too sensitive and achy.

Why are you doing this? We
aren’t right for each other. We both know it’s true. Surely you have other
women you could go bother.
She waited, but he didn’t respond.

He wouldn’t. Her comment
didn’t deserve a response. Besides, at the moment he had his hands quite full
dealing with her uncle in the front yard. He’d never had so much trouble
gaining a guardian’s consent to allow him to date a woman. Not that he’d ever
cared to gain consent in the past. In fact, he didn’t really care if he got her
uncle’s consent. He was starting to view her uncle as an enemy. An enemy in
need of attention. An enemy he needed to know better.

After several moments, she
stood up and walked across the bedroom, and then stared at her reflection in
the mirror. Her eyes were red and swollen, and a small, barely noticeable
bruise was forming on her cheek. Reaching up, she ran her fingers through her
hair, but getting stuck in the snarled mess she was forced to yank them free.
She splashed cold water over her face and then brushed her hair until it was
free of knots and tied it back to avoid anymore. Her eyes were still a bit red
and swollen, but her hair managed to make a complete recovery. A little makeup
and she was good as new. Well, ready to start the day anyway.

Exiting her room, she
smelled something burning. She made her way to the kitchen and saw Emmett had
left a cast iron skillet on a hot burner. She grabbed the handle, and her flesh
sizzled. Gasping, she dropped it.

Standing at the end of the
driveway, Haden’s head snapped up, and his gaze locked onto the house.
happened, Caylee?

Using a cloth from the sink,
she knelt down, wrapped it around the handle, and picked the skillet up.
happened, Haden. I want you to leave me alone. I’m not kidding—I want you to
leave me alone. I never want to see you again.
Muttering a few curses
beneath her breath, she placed the pan in the sink and filled it with water.
I never want to hear your voice in my head again.

She searched the house,
including his room, but Emmett wasn’t there.

Hoping she was alone to go
about her day in peace, she decided to look outside. She stepped out onto the
porch and shut the door. “Ouch.” Glancing down at her blistered palm she took a
step and then looked up.

“No way.” Mouth gaped wide,
she went completely still, too startled to even breathe. Haden and Emmett were
standing toe to toe, a few hundred yards away. Emmett appeared angry, but Haden
appeared amused. Unable to look away, she reached behind her back and placed
her hand on the doorknob. Startled by an instant, sharp pain, she gasped

Haden lifted his head to
make eye contact with her.
Don’t lie to me. You’re in pain. What happened to
your hand?

How could you do this to me?
Wide-eyed, she stared at him for a moment; then, with barely
noticeable movement, she shook her head and narrowed her gaze on him. What was
he trying to do? Reaching behind with her uninjured hand, she tried to turn the
I told you to stay away.

Like you, I don’t always
follow orders.
With a thought, Haden held the door closed.
You’re not thinking
about going back inside, are you?

She continued to panic;
heart bounding too fast, she struggled with the doorknob.
Go away!

It’s not happening.
held up his hand to silence Emmett. “Wait.”

Emmett frowned. “Wait for
what? She’s not going anywhere with you.”

Haden pointed in her
direction. “I want to ask her.”

Adrenaline raced through her
bloodstream, causing her body to tremble.
What are you trying to do?
on her heel, she rattled the doorknob but was unable to get the door to open
up. “C’mon,” she said as she struggled with the knob, “just open.”

Rage welling up, Haden
tilted his head to the side. Her fearful state of mind was unacceptable. He
couldn’t stand the sight or the feel of it. His frustration grew quickly,
causing lightning to erupt and thunder to rumble in the distance. “She will
decide.” Voice elevated, he pointed in her direction.

A cold wind blasted past
Stop it!
She looked up at the darkening sky.
You’d better not
make it rain!
She continued to struggle with the door, but the door didn’t
budge an inch. She glanced over her shoulder at Haden and Emmett. Oh God, no.
They were both looking at her.
I know you’re holding the door shut. Let go
of it now!
Desperate, she looked at the door and tried to open it, but it
still didn’t budge. “This can’t be happening.” She continued to struggle with
the door. “Please, just open.”

“No.” Emmett grumbled. “You
need to leave.”

“Not until I ask her.”

“Forget it.” Emmett shook
his head.

“You want me to leave,
right?” Haden rolled his shoulders in a laid-back shrug. “I’m not leaving until
I ask her.”

“You’re leaving now.”

“Ask her to join us for a

“You aren’t going to talk to

The ground trembled beneath
Haden’s feet, as he walked toward Caylee. Blood pressure rising, Emmett lunged
and grabbed his arm. Eyes flickering from blue to black, Haden turned to face
Emmett. “Don’t touch me.” Lightning raced across the sky directly overhead, and
thunder echoed.

Emmett released Haden’s arm.
“Caylee, come here now!”

“No.” She stared at the
door. “No, no, no, oh God no.”

“Get your fucking ass over

Taking a deep breath, she
held it as she slowly turned around. Releasing it, she glared at Haden. He
appeared far too pleased for her liking. She was so incredibly furious. She
actually considered marching right up to him and slapping the smug, satisfied
grin off his exceptionally handsome face. He was far too appealing in all the
right ways.

Smiling, he nodded.
nearly as appealing as you, little love.

She shook her head. Why did
he have to look so good? Glaring at him, she crossed her arms over her chest.
He was definitely in serious trouble.

“I told you to get your
fucking ass over here!”

Scowling, Haden glared at
Emmett. It took every ounce of his strength to restrain the rage building in
his soul. He hated hearing Emmett speak to her in such a disrespectful manner,
but he decided to hold his tongue for the moment. Besides, he was amused. Even
the atmosphere calmed. Besides being angry, she was actually shocked to see
You underestimate my resolve to be with you. You’ve yet to learn your
value to me. There is no chance I will ever lose interest in you.

You’re going to pay for
putting me through this.
She looked up at him from the corner of
her eyes.
I promise, Haden, you will be sorry.

If that was supposed to
frighten me away, I should warn you I find the thought of being disciplined by
you to be a thrilling adventure.
He laughed aloud. He
couldn’t help it.
I promise you I’ll happily receive and cherish any
retribution you deem necessary.

You won’t be laughing when I
get my hands on you.
Frowning, clenching her jaw, she shook her head.

I might not be laughing,
little love, but I will be enjoying it.

Looking ferocious, she
glared at him. Thoroughly aroused by her display of aggression, he fought to
control his body’s reaction. But how could he? Waves of lust and desire washed
over him, filling him. He tried, but was unable to stop himself from laughing
aloud once again.

Why do you keep laughing?
This isn’t funny. Unless you find torturing me amusing. You’re terrible, Haden.
You’re completely impossible.

Grinning, Haden arched his
brow at her.
And I suppose you’re much easier to deal with.

“Tell this idiot you won’t
go out with him. Do it now. The sooner he leaves the better.”

“A date?”

Trying to place her at ease,
Haden took a few casual strides in her direction, completely closing the gap
between them. “Yes.” With a breathtaking, hypnotic gaze he reached for her hand
and brought it to his lips.

“Ouch!” She jerked her hand
away from him and looked at the burn.

Taking her hand, Haden
turned it to see what was wrong.
Damn it, Caylee. I knew you injured it, but
I didn’t know it was this bad. You’re too damn good at hiding things from me.
the burn, he imparted healing energy into it.
It will feel better in few

“You son of a bitch!” Emmett
shouted. “Get your hands off of her!”

“How did you burn it?” Haden
asked, attempting to merge his mind with hers, but she was blocking him.

“On a skillet.” She paused.
“It’s nothing.” She felt the warmth of his healing energy. The pain quickly
started to subside and was replaced by a strange, tingling sensation until it
felt as if a cool, damp cloth was wrapped around her hand.

“It’s a bad burn.” Ignoring
Emmett, Haden continued to hold her injured hand and send healing energy to it
as he reached for her other hand and gently kissed it.
I do not like the way
you block me from your mind. It’s unacceptable. It’s dangerous. I should’ve
known before it happened. I could’ve prevented it.

For a moment, nothing else
mattered to Caylee. They were alone, and the world ceased to exist. It was a
moment of sweet madness. She was so powerfully seduced by the warm sensation of
his lips on her hand. Her body tingled with unbelievably glorious sensations.
Her eyes widened as she stared up at him. Her breasts felt so very achy as her
nipples hardened and peaked. Her flesh was suddenly far too sensitive, her
clothing uncomfortable, rubbing against it.

Spotting the bruise on her
cheek, Haden frowned.
What happened?
From out of nowhere, an unnatural,
icy breeze swept past her. Terrified, she started to tremble. Never breaking eye
contact, Haden reached up and placed his fingertips on the bruise. “Who did
this to you?” Unable to speak, think or move she stared up at him. “Who hit
you?” The sky darkened, black clouds billowing. “Caylee, who hit you?”

It wasn’t a question asked
to satisfy curiosity. It was a demand for knowledge that would lead to
bloodshed. The ground rumbled. She felt unremitting violence and power coming
from him in waves. She felt his dark, untamable rage and knew she was standing
before the demon feared by so many. The dragon. And, he loved her. Only her.
Fully. Completely. Forever. He loved her. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for
her. He would, without hesitation or regret, shed the blood of any man for her.
And what frightened her the most was that he was capable of it.

She jerked her hand away
from him. “No one hit me.” She sent Haden a mental picture of Emmett without
intending to do it. Realizing her mistake, she instinctively placed her hand
over her cheek, as if to hide the evidence of abuse.

Haden turned away from her,
prepared to rip Emmett apart. He took a step in Emmett’s direction. “You
attacked her.” Struck by a powerful gust of wind, Emmett stumbled backward.

“No!” Caylee was so
terrified her entire body trembled. Haden could very easily kill Emmett.

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