Eternal Prey (16 page)

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Authors: Nina Bangs

BOOK: Eternal Prey
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She waved her hand in the raptor’s face. Then without giving herself time to worry about whether he’d rip her apart to get to his victim, she leaned down and emptied the syringe into the dazed vampire’s neck.

Lia felt the raptor’s hot breath on her neck and shuddered. She straightened and stared into the beast’s eyes. So
bloodlust. “Back the hell off, Utah. We need at least one of them alive to question.”

Since she wasn’t suicidal, she crept slowly backward, keeping her eyes fixed on the raptor.

So she didn’t see the woman who appeared beside her.

“You wanted to know why none of the vampires attacked you. Okay, one did, but he paid for not obeying instructions. I told everyone to ignore any humans and concentrate on the Eleven.”

“What?” Lia spun to face her.

“This was a costly raiding party. I arrived too late to save any of my people. But that’s an acceptable trade, because I’ll have you as well as one of the Eleven to take home.”

Lia had an impression of long dark hair and a pale face before she felt a light touch on her cheek, and then everything went black.

Utah’s beast forgot about the vampire at his feet. A woman was standing beside Lia. The woman touched her, and Lia just disappeared. He leaped for the bitch. She met his gaze and suddenly, he was flung back into human form. That didn’t slow him down, though.

But even Utah’s rage couldn’t keep Fin out of his head.
“Back off. I’m coming.”

The hell with that. Nothing mattered but getting to the woman and making her return Lia.

“Utah. No!” Fin appeared about twenty feet away from him.

Utah didn’t listen. He reached the woman and grabbed for her. Instead of doing the expected and either running from him or attacking, she simply touched his hand.

Fin was the last thing Utah saw. His hood had fallen off and his silver hair whipped around his face. But his eyes weren’t fixed on Utah. He stared at the woman.

Utah carried the image of Fin’s shocked recognition into the darkness.

“Such a fierce and beautiful animal.”

The soft croon was accompanied by the cool slide of fingers along Utah’s jaw. Female. Unfamiliar. He lay still, absorbing the feel of his surroundings, the woman next to him. What the hell had happened? He reached for Fin with his mind. Nothing.

The memories came—the vampires, a woman beside Lia, Fin’s face, and then blackness.

She’d disappeared. Utah opened his eyes.

The woman leaning over him smiled. “So aggressive. So

As opposed to dead like her? Utah controlled his instinct to attack. That hadn’t worked well the first time he’d tried it.

He held completely still, not even breathing, as she trailed one finger down his throat. She paused where his pulse beat so hard she had to hear it.

Where was Lia? He didn’t dare take his eyes from the woman to look around.

“I have a lust for living things, my gorgeous one. I just drink them up.”

“Then they’re dead.” Way to go, Captain Obvious.

The woman’s eyes widened for a second and then she laughed—husky and warm. He could see her fangs.

“I keep my favorites alive. I sip from them and savor their unique flavors.” She leaned down and trailed her tongue over his pounding pulse. “It would be a sin to gulp someone as wonderful as you.”

So he wouldn’t die right now. That was something. He tried to move his arms. Restrained. Figured.

“What happened to the woman you took?” He had to know.

“Lia?” She leaned back to study him. “She’s quite an exciting acquisition. A human leader of vampires. I think I’ll keep her too. But of course I’ve attached a few conditions in her case.”

What conditions?
At least she was still alive. Time to find out something about his captor. “Who’re you?”

She looked delighted that he’d asked. “I’m Christine. Which one of the Eleven are you?”

“Utah.” He narrowed his gaze. This must be Lia’s Chris. Her vampire hadn’t gotten the whole name out. If Christine weren’t a vampire bitch, he’d have to admit she was beautiful. There was nothing subtle about her. Long black hair, pale skin, almost black eyes, and full red lips. “How do you know about the Eleven?”

“Seir.” Amusement touched her eyes. “He explained all about 2012 and the immortals you’re hunting.” She shrugged. “I really don’t understand why you’re trying to protect humans. What have they really done for this planet? It’s time for another species to have a chance.”

“Did he mention why he was helping you?” Utah took stock of his surroundings. He was resting on some kind of cot. He tried to rock it. No luck. Must be bolted down. The room was tiny and bare except for one chair. Not large enough for his raptor.

“I got the impression he didn’t like your leader.” She pushed her hair away from her face. “Do you mind if I just take a little taste?”

Her smile promised he’d enjoy every sip she took. And if not for Rap, he probably would have.

“I can’t stop you.” But he was tempted to try. He clamped down on the impulse. Better to wait until he had space to free his beast.

Her laughter sounded wickedly delighted and as sexy as hell. He wasn’t tempted.

“You’re right, but I like to give those I treasure a feeling of empowerment.”

“Just do it.” He ground his teeth against his need to fight, to shout and curse at her. Memories of Rap’s death rolled over him. Still raw, still agonizing.

Christine didn’t need a second invite. With a small purr of pleasure, she grabbed his hair and tilted his head back, baring his throat.

And when he felt the sharp prick of her fangs, he tensed; refusing to give in to the pleasure her feeding offered him, focusing only on the pain, on his hate, on

When she finally released him and leaned back, he watched her. She licked his blood from her lips. His beast didn’t find that revolting. In fact, his beast thought he should return the favor by breaking his bindings and tearing out her throat. His beast was into primitive payback, no higher-level thinking skills needed.

That’s why he needed to keep his soul safely tucked in its cave. Teeth and claws alone wouldn’t get Lia and him out of here. He’d bet Christine had lots more like her on the other side of that door. He’d choose his moment. “Why not free my hands and feet? I’m not going anywhere.”

She raised one brow.

Utah swallowed his fury and said what needed saying. He couldn’t jeopardize Lia’s safety by indulging his temper. “Oh, come on. My raptor wouldn’t fit in here, so I won’t be turning my beast loose on you. And I can feel your power. I don’t think I’ll be much danger to you in my human form.” The truth. Her power almost suffocated him in this small space. If she was Adam’s competition, then he might as well pack his bags and leave town.

She thought about that for a moment and then released him. “Perhaps when we get to know each other a little better, you might see the advantage of working for me instead of Fin.”

“Could happen.” Utah forced thoughts of admiration, awe, and good old-fashioned fear to the forefront of his mind. With her power, he didn’t doubt for a moment that she was rooting around in his brain. He didn’t try to keep her out. That would just make her more suspicious and more determined to crack his code.

“What about Lia?” He didn’t want to sound like he was begging, but . . . he was begging.

Christine’s smile returned. “She’s fine. I’m not a complete barbarian. I’ll have her brought here after she’s had a chance to clean up.” Her smile widened. “Perhaps I’ll help you clean up”—she slid her gaze the length of his body—“after I’ve taken care of a few things.”

Utah watched her rise and move to the door. He locked his muscles to keep from leaping at her while he thought nonthreatening thoughts.

As soon as she left, he tested the door. Throwing himself at it and kicking had no effect. And since she hadn’t left a crowbar lying around, he was forced to give up the effort, at least for now.

A short time later, someone opened the door, pushed Lia inside, and relocked it. She just stood there staring at him.

Utah controlled his impulse to rush over and wrap his arms around her, to hold her close and absorb the warm realness of her.
He wanted to promise that she’d always be safe with him. But he didn’t know if he could keep that promise, didn’t know if she’d appreciate his insinuation that she couldn’t keep herself safe.

He didn’t move. Something about the way she looked stopped him. She seemed brittle, as though even a touch might shatter her. Not fear. Something else.

What had Christine done to her? Her coat and weapons were gone. “Come over and sit down.” He patted the seat beside him on the cot.

She seemed to shudder, but then she walked over and sat next to him. “You’re okay. I was afraid . . .” Her voice trailed off as she ran her finger over his throat. “She bit you.”

“Yeah. It’s nothing. The vampire bitch thinks I’m pretty awesome, so she decided to keep me in working order by just taking a few sips.” He was trying to make light of it, to show Lia it was no big deal, nothing for her to get upset about.

She didn’t react the way he’d expected. “Vampire bitch? Is that one word or two?”

Her tone warned him to tread carefully. There was something here he didn’t understand. He shrugged. “Do you want me to call her something else?”

“Christine. You can call her Christine.” She lowered her head and knuckled her eyes. “Oh hell. Call her vampire bitch if you want. It doesn’t matter.”

“What happened?” Utah couldn’t keep his hands from her. He put his arms around her and pulled her close. She’d shed her coat somewhere, and he could feel her shoulders tighten. She was so slight next to his bulk. But she fought big, so he tended to forget her size. He tried to ignore his surge of protectiveness.

For a moment, she remained stiff in his embrace, but then she relaxed against him with a sigh.

They sat that way for a while. Utah smoothed his fingers over her hair. The damp Portland air had turned it into a riot of curls. He waited. She’d tell him when she was ready.

While he waited, he thought. He hadn’t wanted to like her, and he sure as hell hadn’t wanted to admire her. Those kinds of feelings made things tougher in the end, because he’d bet anything that Adam had tagged her to kill him when his usefulness was over. It made sense. She’d be the one with the best chance of catching him off guard, and Utah figured Adam was the kind of guy who went with the odds. When she made her move, he’d have to . . .

Utah wouldn’t have hesitated over that word a week ago. Now? He’d have to find an alternative, because he couldn’t kill her.

Lia sighed, and his attention snapped back to her.

“She took me to another room something like this. Seemed like a storeroom of some kind with a bunch of gardening tools.” Lia didn’t look at him as she spoke. “Christine explained that she didn’t have any use for humans in her grand scheme of things, but that I fascinated her. A human leader of vampires. I was unique, and she liked unique. So she offered me a deal.”

Utah tightened his grip on her. He’d hate this deal, whatever it was.

“Christine has big plans. Portland won’t be able to hold her. She definitely wants Adam’s job. So she’ll need strong regional leaders she can count on.”

“She offered you a job?” That wasn’t bad. All they had to do was play along until Fin found them. And he
find them. Utah didn’t doubt that.

“Sort of.” Lia ran her hand absently along his thigh.

Utah sucked in his breath. Nothing like the danger of imminent death to trigger all kinds of appetites.

Lia stilled. She moved her hand from his thigh. He knew she sensed the need building in him. Was she afraid her touch would release his beast? Did she expect him to pounce on her? He smiled. Could happen. At least the pouncing part. She was safe from his soul, though. He’d bound it in chains forged from his will. At least the physical manifestation of his beast.

Utah felt his smile fade. She didn’t trust his control. Smart woman. Because his control was a tenuous thing at its best. At its worst? He thought back to the vampires he’d just destroyed. Not once had he considered letting them live until Lia got in his face.

He met her gaze. She didn’t look away.

“Make love to me, Utah.”

ia watched him, searching for a clue to his thoughts. His expression didn’t change, but his eyes swam with conflicting emotions: shock, desire, suspicion.

“Now? Here?” Utah’s voice gave away nothing of what he felt.

“Yes.” She wasn’t about to try to explain, because that would lead to a lie. Lia hoped he wouldn’t muddy things up with lots of talk.

“Why?” He got up to pace, back and forth from the door to her in two quick strides, each step almost crackling with suppressed energy.

Now things got tricky. “Maybe the last few hours reminded me of my mortality. Maybe I don’t want to pass over to the other side with unfinished business.”

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