Eternally 21: A Mrs. Frugalicious Shopping Mystery (27 page)

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Authors: Linda Joffe Hull

Tags: #mystery, #mystery fiction, #cozy, #shopping, #coupon, #couponing, #extreme couponing, #fashion, #woman sleuth, #amateur sleuth

BOOK: Eternally 21: A Mrs. Frugalicious Shopping Mystery
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about the author

Linda is a native of Saint Louis, Missouri, but she currently resides in Denver with her husband and three children. She is a longtime member of Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers, a Director-at-Large on the national board of Mystery Writers of America, and is a RMFW Writer of the Year nominee.

The Big Bang
, from Tyrus Books, is her debut novel. She is at work on a second novel as well as the Mrs. Frugalicious mystery series.


To Terri Bischoff, for not only believing in me before I did but making this happen. You’re a joy to work with and a truly great friend.

To Nicole Nugent, Courtney Colton, and all the members of the Midnight Ink team, for helping to transform Mrs. Frugalicious from a figment of my imagination into real, live fiction.

To Josh Getzler and Dana Kaye, for your ongoing support, guidance, enthusiasm, and great ideas.

To Margie Moskowitz, awesome cheerleader and even better critic, and the extended Hull, Joffe, and Moskowitz clans for everything you do. Love you guys!

To Cary Cazzanigi, Becky Stevens, Carleen Evanoff, Kay Bergstrom, Chris Jorgenson, Mari Stevens, Julie Goldsmith, Wendy Kelly, Mark Stevens, and Joel Reiff—all of whom helped make this book possible in a variety of ways.

To Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers, the Hand Hotel Gang, the Rocky Mountain chapter of Mystery Writers of America, and my fellow Midnight Inkers, for the incredible ongoing support.

To Andrew, Evan and Eliza—seriously, you’re the best, coolest kids ever.

To Brandon—thank you for showing me how it’s supposed to be done every day and graciously accepting that I’ll never be able to do it as well.

And finally, to my dear friend Ben LeRoy. Remember that one book idea we came up with on the way to the airport …?

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