Ethan (Blackbeary Creek 1) (7 page)

Read Ethan (Blackbeary Creek 1) Online

Authors: Ruby Shae

Tags: #BBW, #Paranormal, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #Forever Love, #Adult, #Erotic, #Black Bear Shifter, #Mate, #Suspense, #Violence, #Supernatural, #Protection, #Bachelor, #Single Woman, #Romantic Suspense, #Fantasy, #Hearts Desire, #Blackbeary Creek, #Series, #Outcast, #Small Clan, #Brother's Best Friend

BOOK: Ethan (Blackbeary Creek 1)
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“Oh my god,” she said, counting all of the plates. “What did you order?”

“Everything on the breakfast menu,” he said, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. “We’ve got to keep up our strength.”

The cryptic comment made her pause, but she forgot everything when he handed her a plate piled high with scrambled eggs, sausage, pancakes, and fruit. She attacked the plate like a wild animal, and finished before he even had a chance to sit down with his own.

“More?” he asked, watching her shove the last piece of bacon into her mouth.

Normally, she wouldn’t want him to see her eat so much, but right now she didn’t care. It had nearly been a day since she’d last seen food, and the fuel quickly pushed the migraine away, and dulled the ache on her cheek and forehead.

“Yes, please,” she nodded.

“Good girl,” he said, taking her empty plate and handing her his full one.

His praise made her smile, and after all she’d been through in the last day, she refused to allow herself to feel guilty for eating so much.

They ate in comfortable silence, and her eyes grew heavy as she watched Ethan fill his plate a third time. She’d grown up watching him eat, especially as a teen, so the fact that they finished nearly all of the food he’d ordered didn’t surprise her. Bear shifters ate a lot.

“I’m tired,” she said, when he got up to put his tray on the cart. “I’m going to use the restroom and go back to sleep.”

“That’s a good idea,” he said. “Let me get this cart out of the way, and I’ll help you.”

“No, I feel better,” she said, honestly. “I think I can make it on my own.”

“Okay,” he nodded, “I’ll be in the other room if you need me. I need to call Tristian and give him an update.”

Of course he did.


She slowly walked to the bathroom, and gasped when she saw her reflection in the mirror. Her cheek and eye were covered in a dark purple bruise, and the bandage taped to her forehead on the opposite side had a hint of red seeping through. She knew head wounds bled a lot, but she hadn’t expected to see anything there, especially since Ethan had just changed the dressing.  

As if those things weren’t enough, her long, layered, brown hair was ratted and poked out in all directions. It looked like she had a bird’s nest hidden between the strands.

For some reason, the generous, fuzzy hotel robe was gone and she wore one of the sleep shirts from her suitcase instead. The thought of Ethan seeing her naked left her mortified, but there was no other explanation. He had to have been the one to change her clothes.

She tried to comb out her hair with her fingers, but after realizing Ethan knew exactly what she looked like without clothes on, her hair seemed insignificant.

He’d seen her at her worst, and there was no way to hide from that.

She exited the bathroom, and started back toward the bed, but Ethan’s words to Tristian made her pause.

“No, I haven’t told her yet…these things take time, and she needs more rest…tomorrow for sure…okay, I’ll keep you posted.”

What the hell was going on?

If Ethan and her brother thought she was going back home because of one little incident, they had another thing coming. She sat on the edge of the bed, and waited for Ethan to return to the bedroom.

“Everything okay?” he asked, moving toward her side of the bed.

“I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me? What were you and Tristian talking about?”

“Nothing bad, baby, I promise,” Ethan said, grabbing two of the pillows, and tossing them into the nearby chair, “but it’s nearly five in the morning. I’d rather talk tomorrow when we’re both not exhausted, and your body has had some time to heal.”

He tossed a third pillow to the opposite side of the bed, held open the covers, and waited patiently for her to give in and lay down.

Tegan didn’t want to sleep, but her eyelids refused to stay open.

Ethan was right, it wasn’t the time for talking. In fact, she didn’t see the need to talk at all. It didn’t matter what he said anyway, because she was never going back to Blackbeary Creek.

End of story.

With a plan in mind, she surrendered, and put her head on the pillow. Ethan pulled the covers over her, tucked her in, and kissed her on the non-damaged side of her forehead.

The kiss was innocent, the gesture of a long-time family friend, but the feel of his lips on her skin set her body on fire, and she desperately wanted to feel his lips everywhere. When she felt the mattress dip from his weight on the other side of the bed, she pushed the wayward thoughts out of her mind, and forced herself to sleep.

If she kept up the erotic line of thinking, she’d never get any sleep, and she needed sleep to follow through with her plan.

Chapter Six


Ethan heard the hotel room door room close, and checked the clock on the nightstand. Though it was a few minutes before noon, and he wanted to sleep longer, he knew he had to get moving.

He’d woken up the minute Tegan had inched out of bed, but though he'd had a good idea about her intentions, he’d feigned sleep and waited to see what she would do.

Unfortunately, he'd been right, and she’d left him.

Since they hadn’t had the mate talk yet, he guessed her leaving had more to do with Tristian, and home, but he wasn’t completely sure. He knew he didn’t deserve her trust, but watching her run without talking to him, or at least saying goodbye, hurt. Especially after what she’d been through the night before.

Normally, the distance between Blackbeary Creek and Maple Bear Falls was a four-hour drive, however, the night before, Ethan had done it in three.

A few minutes after he’d left home, Graham called and told him that Tegan hadn't answered her phone. Her best friend left a message, and when hours passed and she still hadn’t called back, her brother left her a message as well. She’d never had a chance to return either of their calls.

When Ethan finally arrived at the Locke Hotel, he’d thrown his keys at the valet and ran through the lobby like the hounds-of-hell were chasing him. The desk clerk wouldn't reveal Tegan's room number for security reasons, but Jasper told him where to find her. A second longer, and he might not have made it in time.

He closed his eyes and tried to forget the image of Tegan laying bloody and lifeless on the hotel room floor.

After he’d found out her location, he’d taken the stairs, and heard Tegan scream as soon as he reached her floor. When the hotel room door wouldn’t open on the first try, he’d kicked it in, and then he’d torn her attacker apart.

Luckily, Jasper Locke was a patient and understanding man, because the hotel room looked like someone had been attacked by a bear. The Locke brothers had put him and Tegan in another room, called the doctor, and cleaned up his mess.

While Ethan waited for the doctor, he’d removed the bloodied hotel robe, and slid one of Tegan’s nightshirts over her head. She’d seen him, and the rest of the clan, naked several times, but it was the first time he'd ever seen her completely uncovered.

He’d tried not to look, but in order to change her clothes, he’d had too. Her smooth, creamy skin was beautiful, and he longed to explore every inch of her curvy, luscious frame. The real thing was infinitely better than his imagination, and if she agreed to be his mate, he would be the luckiest man in the world.


Damn, he wanted her.

In an effort to deflate his growing erection, he grabbed his cell and punched in the number to call Tristian. His alpha answered on the first ring.

“Well?” Tristian asked. “What did she say?”

“She didn't say anything,” Ethan said. “She ran before I had a chance to tell her.”

“If you didn't tell her, why the hell did she run?”

“I don't know,” Ethan barked into the phone. “I'm not positive, but she overheard part of our last conversation, and I think she thought we were going to try and make her come home.”

“Crazy woman,” Tristian said. “So what’s the plan?”

“I'm going to call in a favor,” he explained. “And then I'm going to chase her.”

“You think she went to the cabin?” Tristian asked.

“She's head strong,” Ethan said, “but she's not stupid. I don't think she'll just go anywhere, and the cabin was her original destination. Now that that asshole can't follow her anymore, I think she’ll continue with the same plan.”

“Maybe, but she knows you’ll find her there,” Tristian said.

“Yeah, and I think that’s what she wants. I think she thinks it will be easier to stand her ground on her own turf.”

“That makes sense,” Tristian agreed. “What do you need from me?”

“I'm going to pack everything into my SUV, and I need someone to pick it up.”

“I’ll send Aiden and Zach out today.”

“Sounds good,” Ethan replied.

“Good luck, man. I have a feeling you're going to need it.”

“Thanks a lot,” Ethan deadpanned, though he knew Tristian was right. 

“Anytime,” his alpha laughed. “Oh, and Ethan?”


“I’m sorry about yesterday. I've always thought of you as a brother, and it would be awesome for it to really be true.”

“Thanks,” Ethan said. “I'll let you know as soon as I know anything.”

Tristian ended the call, and Ethan stared at his phone, taking the time to register his alpha’s words. He’d known Tristian would forgive him all along, but hearing the words meant a lot more than he wanted to admit.

He scrolled his contacts for the other number he needed, and pressed the call button. Lance Middleton was a blue bear shifter, and forest ranger, in the remote town of Bluebeary Ridge. A two lane road went right through the mountainous area, and it was the only way to get to Ravenwood by vehicle.

“Ranger's office,” the man answered.

“Hey Lance,” he said, “this is Ethan Brooks.”

“Ethan! How are you?” Lance said. “It seems like it's been forever.”

“I’m good,” Ethan said, “but I need a favor.”

“Name it.”

“My mate is on the run, and I need a little time to catch up to her.”

Ethan explained his idea, and Lance laughed.

“Setting up roadblocks blocks for personal gain is against the law.”

“You are the law,” Ethan countered, good-naturedly.

“Yeah, you're right,” Lance conceded. “Why is she running?”

“It’s complicated,” Ethan said. “But she doesn’t actually know we’re mates yet, and I’d like to change that as soon as possible. There’s one other thing…she was attacked last night, and looks pretty beat up.”

“Attacked by who?” Lance growled, all humor gone.

Ethan wasn’t offended. He expected nothing less from the man.

“Some crazy asshole wanted for murder in three states. She went out with him once, and he followed her to Maple Bear Falls.” 

“Holy shit.” 

“Yeah, it was ugly,” Ethan said. “Luckily, I made it in time. I won’t give the details, but he's been neutralized.”

“Good,” Lance approved. “Text me the details, and we’ll keep her stranded for a couple of hours.”

“Thanks man,” Ethan said. “I owe you one.”




Tegan stopped her SUV in front of the large, secluded cabin at the top of the hill, and frowned when she saw the black bear waiting on her porch. The two-hour drive to Ravenwood had taken nearly four hours, and she knew Ethan was to blame.

When she got out of the vehicle, he shifted back into his human form, and waved wearing only a smile.

Why did he have to be so hot, anyway?

“Ugh” she said, walking toward the door. “I knew that roadblock was your fault.”

“I don't know what you’re talking about,” he laughed.

“Don't even try it,” she said. “Those freaking blue bears pretended to have a fight in the middle of the road and your
, Lance the Ranger, wouldn't let me pass for nearly two hours.”

“They fought for two hours?” he questioned. “That's crazy.”

“Yeah, crazy,” she said, rolling her eyes and opening the door. “Just remember, payback is hell, and I will get revenge one day.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” he said, following her inside.

“Right,” she said, deadpan. “Put some clothes on.”

“I think you like me without clothes on,” he teased.

She did, but she’d never admit it.

“Whatever,” she said, turning to face him. “What are you doing here Ethan?”

“You left before we had a chance to talk.”

“We didn’t need to talk,” she sighed. “I’m not going back to Blackbeary Creek, and nothing you can say will change my mind.”

“You’re my mate.”

Shock, followed by a myriad of emotions, washed over her. As much as she wanted his words to be true, she knew she wasn’t his mate, and anger roared to the surface.

“What are you talking about?” she snapped.

“You’re my mate, Tee,” he said. “We didn't need to talk about you moving back to Blackbeary Creek, we needed to talk about the fact that you’re my mate.”

“I'm your mate?” she seethed. “And you just suddenly decided this?”

“No,” he explained. “I knew you were different the moment you were born, but I didn't understand why until you turned eighteen. I wanted to tell you, but when you didn't seem to feel the same about me, I decided to keep quiet. I knew you’d feel obligated to mate me, and I couldn’t force that on you, so I ignored my feelings and hoped they would go away. Unfortunately, we both know it doesn’t work that way.”

“The other night, when you came home from that date with a bruised face and ripped purse, I…I went crazy. I couldn't handle it. I decided to tell you the next day, and damn the consequences. At least you would know, and maybe, somehow, you might consider me…”

“This is low,” she said, tears filling her eyes. “Even for you. I've been your mate for six years, and you decide to say something now? When I finally move away from the clan? I can't believe you would do this. I know you don't like me, but I can't believe that you would pull this prank, and sacrifice your happiness for a lie.”

“Tee,” he said, taking a step toward her, “it's not a—”

“Get away from me,” she shrieked, backing away from him.

When he didn't move, she screamed.

“Get away from me! Get out of here, and leave me alone! I hate you, and I hate what you've done!”

The look on his face made her want to take everything back, but she knew it was all part of his act. She wasn’t his mate—she couldn’t be—not after all this time.

He opened his mouth as if to say more, then closed it, turned away from her, and walked out of the cabin. A tiny thread of guilt suggested she allow him to put on clothes first, but she ignored it. He was a big, bad, black bear shifter, and he could shift and run all the way home for all she cared.

Tegan followed him to the door, locked it behind him, and then ran down the hall to the bedroom. She pulled the dust cover off the bed, and then collapsed on the bare mattress in tears.

She knew Ethan would defend Tristian with his last breath, but she never imagined he would do something so terrible for his alpha. Even though they’d drifted apart over the years, she’d always believed he was honorable.

She was an idiot.

Tegan covered her face with her arms, allowing the sleeves of her sweater to soak up most of her tears, and sobbed uncontrollably. She didn't know what hurt worse: Ethan's betrayal, or the fact that she wanted his declaration of love to be true.

A couple hours later, all the tears had dried, and Tegan laid silently on the bed, staring at the ceiling. She knew she should air out the cabin, and unpack the SUV, but she couldn’t bring herself to move.

Until her cell phone rang.

The normally happy ringtone broke the silence of the room, and added irritation to her already foul mood. She almost ignored the call, but if it was Tristian, she wanted to give him a piece of her mind.

She raced to the other room, grabbed her phone, and smiled when she saw the name on the caller ID. She knew Graham would be on her side. 

“Hey Graham,” she said.

“Hey! So,” he said, drawing out the O. “Is there any news?”

Graham's happiness was at odds with her prickly mood, in fact, he seemed almost too happy. If he knew about Tristian and Ethan's plan, and agreed with it, she didn't know if she could ever forgive him.

“Did you know?” she asked him, point blank.

“I'm the one that told him where you were,” Graham said. “He didn’t tell you?”

“How could you?” she ground out, fighting back more tears.

“Whoa,” Graham said. “He’s your mate, you love him, I thought it was the right thing to do. Why are you so sad?”

“I'm not his mate Graham,” she said, wiping her eyes. “He's just saying that so I'll come home.”

“What are you talking about? He told me specifically that you’re his mate.”

“I'm not,” she said. “He's just sacrificing himself for Tristian.”

“You don’t really believe that,” Graham said. “You know your brother, and you know Ethan almost as well. Hell, even I know neither one of them would ever do that. No bear shifter alive would take on a mate
just because
. Besides, when he told Tristian, your brother was pissed. He wanted blood, and Aiden, Zach, and I all watched him try to beat the shit out of the guy.”

Some of her anger dissipated as Graham spoke, and a tiny strand of hope sprouted in its place.

“They fought over me?”

“Well, Tristian fought,” Graham laughed, “and Ethan took it. Didn't you notice is cracked ribs?”

“Yeah,” she said, “but he told me it was from something else.”

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