Evan Arden 01 Otherwise Alone (6 page)

Read Evan Arden 01 Otherwise Alone Online

Authors: Shay Savage

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult

BOOK: Evan Arden 01 Otherwise Alone
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“That was…incredible,” she says through panting breaths.

I chuckle.

“I know.”

She laughs out loud.

“What do you mean,
you know

I stare at her intently, silently debating just how straightforward I want to be with a woman who literally stumbled into my life
a few hours ago. 
If I tell her, it will reveal quite a bit about me – an aspect I tend to keep to myself – to an almost perfect stranger.

A stranger who just had
cock inside her…


Still, there
people I have known for years who don’t know about how much detail my mind seems to pick up and categorize in a sho
t amount of time. 
Deductive reasoning
, Mother Superior had called it. 
She even made me read Arthur Conan Doyle books. 
Eventually I used it
against her
to get emancipated
at the age of sixteen,
she was
nearly ousted
from the church altogether

I realize
is still watching me and waiting for an answer, and I decide to throw a little caution to the wind.

“You like getting fucked hard,” I sa
with a small shrug

“How do you know that?” she ask

“What? Aside from the massive orgasm you had?”

“Yes,” she replie
, her
still soft.
  “I mean, how did you know before?  Before you…um…started?”

I shut my eyes for a moment and tr
not to sigh too loudly.

“You really want to hear this?”

She hesitate
s but answers
in the affirmative.

I to argue?

“Aside from the obvious bullshit nature of the story you gave me when you got here,” I start, “t
he ring finger of your left hand still has the indent of a ring you wore for a long time – either engagement or wedding – whatever it was.  You were too tight to have been having sex regularly, which means even though you were still wearing your ring
, you weren’t getting it on with
fiancé or husband.  You’re a little timid, which means he was abusive to you – maybe not physically because I don’t see any evidence of that – but at least mentally or emotionally.  Guys that are shits to their women tend to feel bad about it, so when he tried to make up for whatever shit he did to you, he’d make slow love to you as a way of apology.  You probably grew to associate that kind of sex with the shitty apologies he never really meant, so as sweet as he wanted it to be, it left you feeling emotionally empty inside.  That’s why all you want now is to be fucked.”

I open my eyes and look into her shocked expression.

“Hard,” I add.


’s breath comes in quick, short pants as she drops back down on my chest.  With one arm wrapped around her back and my softening cock still buried inside of her, I gently run my hand over the top of her head before kissing the same spot.

I’m ex
hausted, and I feel fantastic.

I haven’t fucked the same chick twice in a row since college
and never in the same night.  At three in the morning, we
on the fourth round.
like my cock couldn’t get enough of her pussy and her luscious ass.  I still ha
ven’t fucked it, but that

s okay, too.  Maybe in the morning…

I wrap my other arm around her shoulders and hold her close to me.  I close my eyes and slow down my breathing – trying to match hers as our heartbeats seem to flow into one.  Her head rests under my chin
her hair
tickles my neck.

I like it, and it bring deep, restful sleep.

I wake, feeling the difference in our positions immediately.  I’ve shifted lower in my sleep, and instead of holding her against my chest, my head is cradled against her body.  One of her arms is around my shoulders
and the other is slowly stroking through my hair.  It’s still fucking hot, and if I tr
to move I w
likely find ou
r skin stuck together.

And I really, really don’t
give a shit.

Of the times I have woken up with a woman in my bed – and I c
probably count those on one hand – I ha
never woken up quite like this.  It
unsettling, but when I turn my head to look up into her eyes, the next set of feelings that course through me are far more unsettling.

She smiles at me, and it feels like I’ve been turned inside out.

She is unusually beautiful.  Not text-book, air-brushed
model beautiful, natural and clear and…
beautiful.  It
if I have just looked into the face of the mother of God, and my Catholic days are far, far behind me.  It is more than that, though.  My muscles relax into her, and I feel safe.  I feel comforted.  I feel strangely
to her – like there isn’t anything within my power I would
do for her.

“Hi,” she says.  The sound is quiet and unassuming.

I want to respond in kind.  I want to be nonchalant.  I want to ignore the churning of my guts inside of me as she looks down at me.

“Hey,” I finally sputter.  Her hand keeps running through my hair, and I almost want to shake my leg the way
does w
hen I hit the
right spot.

Get a hold of yourself,

I close my eyes briefly and take a deep
breath.  It doesn’t help at all
because now her scent is all around me.  It smells like me and her and sex all mixed up together, and I want to make good use of my morning wood.

“You okay?” she asks, and I nod reflexively.

“Just need to pee,” I tell her.

When I push up and away from her, our skin makes a ridiculous sound as it separates.  She giggles, and I make the mistake of looking at her again.

I smile down at her, afraid to open my mouth, and then turn quickly to the little toilet in the corner.  There’s no door – only a shower curtain attached to the door frame, which I don’t even bother to pull around as I
relieve myself
  I grab my toothbrush for a
ver before I head back to bed.

She slips out of the bed when I’m done and heads for the bathroom area as well, first blushing and asking if she can borrow a toothbrush.  I watch her ass as she walks away from me, and my fingers tense up a bit, wanting to grab a hold of it again.

I’m not done with her.

As soon as she gets close to the bed, I’m on her again.  I sit up and pull her into my lap, grabbing both her ankles and wrapping them around my hips.  Holding tight to her
, I raise her up over my cock and lower her onto me.  She rises up on her knees and moves slowly over me a few times, but it’s not enough, and I can’t see her ass.

I really like her ass.

Pushing her up and off of me, I position myself on my back
straddles me.  I shake my head at her.

“Turn around,” I say.  “Face away from me.  I want to see your ass while you ride me.”

She blushes.  My cock is glistening with her juices
and she’s blushing at me. 
Holy shit
, why do I find that so hot?
  She slowly lifts her leg over my hips and settles
her knee
down on the mattress.  She shifts and moves down a little until she’s in the right spot, and I grip the base of my cock to help guide it back inside of her.  She groans as she lowers herself, and after she’s adjusted to the
position, I grab her hips and pull her down onto me.

Tilting my hips upward each time I pull her down onto me makes for maximum depth, and I feel practically high, though I’ve never smoked weed
in my life
.  I imagine this is what
might feel like as she slides up and down my cock, faster and faster as she moans and tosses back her head.

I let go of one hip long enough to grab one of her hands and hold it in front of her, down by her clit.

,” I
.  “Make yourself come on me.”

The sight of her back and ass as she rides me and brings herself to orgasm is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in my
life.  Not that I’ve really seen
a lot of beautiful stuff because my life
d towards that kind of shit, but she is truly phenomenal.  The curves on her…the way her hair moves…the tiny droplet of sweat cascading between her shoulder blades…

I g
rowl and cry out as I push inside
once more, holding her hips against me as I fill her.
  My head drops to the mattress as I angle my hips a couple more times to milk the feeling a bit.  I sit up and wrap my arms around her, letting her fall back against my chest as I roll us to our sides, almost dropping us both off the small bed in the process.

She giggles through her rapid breaths, and the motion makes my softening cock fall out of her.  She twists around to face me, and I push the hair from her forehead.

“What do you do for a living?” she suddenly asks
as she props herself up on one elbow with her head resting on her hand

“I’m retired military,” I respond automatically.  It’s the truth, easily validate
  I roll onto my back and try to catch my breath as she begins to pepper me with questions, and I continue to answer in the vaguest way possible.

“That explains a lot,” she mumbles under her breath as her fingers trace over my bicep.  “I like your muscles.”

“The better to hold you down and fuck you with, my dear.”

as I roll o
ver her and ta
her nipple between my teeth. 
I nibble, but only lightly.  Between last night

s numerous escapades, the lack of sleep, and the earlier morning romp, my stamina hasn’t quite returned yet.  I prop myself up on my hands and lean in to kiss her a couple of times before I lay back on my side facing her.

Her hand runs over my bicep again
then down my arm.  Her head cocks quizzically to one side as her fingers trace over the slight dip at my waist right before they creep around to my ass.  She gives it a bit of a squeeze before looking up at me with humor in her eyes.

“I like this part best,” she admits as she blushes.

Birds of a feather or whatever the fuck the saying is.

I grab her butt, too, and bring us closer together.

“I like this one better.”

She giggles, blushes, and then stares at me again.

“What?” I ask.

“Nothing,” she mumbles back.

“Tell me.”

hesitates before speaking again.

“Can I try something?”

I narrow my eyes and release her ass.

“Depends on what it is.”

over a minute.”


“On your stomach,”

I glare at her a minute as she offers more encouragement.  Finally I acquiesce and lay on my stomach in the center of the bed, watching her warily as she goes to the bag she has by the front door.  I tense, watching her movements closely, and for the first time I feel agitated – sure for the briefest of moments I
have been duped – she knows who I am and she’s here to kill me.  I am a second from jump
out of the bed and maybe wrestling her to the ground when she turns and holds up a small, round, shiny coin.

It’s a

the fuck?” I ask. 
giggles as she skips the fifteen feet back to the bed.

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