Ever, Sarah (9 page)

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Authors: C.E. Hansen

BOOK: Ever, Sarah
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Chapter Seven


My body tingled and my hip ached and my head pounded and I still wasn’t any closer to finding out who I was, or how to get my life back. But I
one thing for sure.

I needed that.

Afterwards, we lay together, our bodies molded tightly as one. I turned onto my good hip and Bradley curved his body along mine. I tensed for a moment as he put his arm over me and pulled me to him, but I quickly admonished myself as I settled myself against him, after all he was my fiancé. I fell asleep with his warmth permeating my body, encompassing me like a blanket.

I don’t know how long I was out for but I felt the bed dip and my eyes shot open.

“Sarah.” I heard Bradley whisper close to my ear.

I jumped.

“Hey babe, it’s only me.”

“Sorry, you startled me.”

“I apologize.”

Opening my eyes, I quickly adjusted to the semi darkness of the room.


“Yeeessssss!” I sat right up. “I am. I could definitely eat.”

He chuckled.

“Don’t you dare laugh or call me corny.”

“After that,” he rubbed his hand along my midsection and I quivered. I felt the heat rise in my face. I was blushing. At least I had the decency to blush after acting as wantonly as I had. “I will never call you corny again.”

“That’s so sweet.” I said as I smacked him playfully on his shoulder, suddenly shy. “I can always eat.”

I must have had a strange look on my face.


“What what?”

“Why do you look like that?”

“Because…well, because I…can’t really talk about it right now.” I didn’t know the words to use to describe what I was feeling and I could feel my face burning.

“Listen, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about what…about us. This situation.” He looked at me and pulled my chin up with his long fingers until our eyes met. “This is
room. I will be down the hall in the guest room. If you want
to happen again, I’m your man.” He smiled sheepishly, “but if you want to take your time until we get to know each other again…I’m fine with that too. Like I already told you…I want you to give me the opportunity to make you fall in love with me all over again.”

“Sounds so weird to me.”

“Not to me. I have the upper hand.”

“How so?”

“I did it once before. You are still Sarah…I’ve got the moves down. It’s a cakewalk.” He laughed.

“Mister cakewalk, how ‘bout you get me down those stairs for some Shepherd’s Pie?” It didn’t show, at least I hope it didn’t, but the relief I felt when he said what he just said was enormous. I grabbed the sweatpants and underwear and slid them both over my feet, pulling them up. Then I yanked the t-shirt that I discarded at the end of the bed over my head.

“As you wish.”


I remembered something about that…
as you wish…as you wish
. I shook my head and crawled to the edge of the large bed. I stood up and limped over to the closet where I opened a door, reached in and grabbed a sweater. As I walked back to where Bradley was standing I pulled it over my shoulders.

“I’m ready.” I announced.

“Did you…never mind, come here.” He held his arms out and I walked over to him and stopped just short of his reach. I turned and looked back at the closet, then back at Bradley.

“I did…I did. I remembered where this sweater was.” I must have had an odd look on my face, “It is
sweater isn’t it?”

“It is.”

I walked closer and he encircled his arm around my waist.

“Shall we?”

I nodded vigorously, “I’m hungry.”

We walked down the long hall and turned around the bend. I saw the great room below us. It was my first real look since I came
. I stopped at the railing and noticed the huge full-sized portrait hanging above the large stone fireplace.

It was a portrait of two people staring into each other’s eyes, obviously very much in love. The look on the woman’s face, as she looked into his eyes, took me by surprise and a flash went off in my head, way in the back, near my neck. He was looking directly back at her smiling the smile I’m finding I like more and more.

“Is that me…us…?”

“Yes.” He was standing directly behind me, and I could feel his heart beating inside his chest as he held me against his body. “You insisted on having our portrait done…you were so happy the way it turned out.” The depth of sadness in his voice was overwhelming and my eyes filled with warm tears.

“They…we…look beautiful. Is that what I really looked like?” I said my voice cracking.

“You look just as beautiful to me right now, as you looked that day, Sarah.” He squeezed my waist. “We just have to put some meat on these bones.” He laughed breaking the tension.

“Then let’s get to it.” I tried to break the spell that the portrait cast on me…us.

As we descended the long curving staircase, I felt my body tense. I held onto the railing as if my life depended on it. Bradley’s arm around me was somewhat comforting, but the overwhelming feeling of unease was almost debilitating. Like there was a monster hiding behind the next corner.

I couldn’t shake that feeling.





Veronica came to visit that evening, I tell you, if this is my mother, I’m a lucky girl. As I said earlier, she’s funny, caring, beautiful and so full of life. In fact, she is larger than life.

The bell rang and Bradley left his seat next to me to answer it.

“Where’s my girl?” Her tone a bit demanding, but I could hear the humor in it.

“Veronica, it’s nice to see you.” He bent over to kiss her proffered cheek.

“Of course it is.” She laughed.

She walked into the room like she was floating. She stopped a few feet from me and I could see the unshed tears threatening to run out of her eyes and down her perfectly made-up face.

“Sarah, I can’t tell you how seeing you sitting there makes my heart fly.” She put her hand over her breast, “when I think about almost losing you…” The little droplets began to fall, like little rivers down her cheeks. She swiped at them and came to stand right next to me. “I am not worried that you don’t remember me, as long as you know I love you. You do know that, don’t you?”

“Yes, mother.” I said dutifully, unsure of how to respond.

“Bradley, she looks and sounds just like my girl.”

your girl Ronnie.”

Now there’s another tidbit to remember, Mother…Ronnie and Bradley are close. It was a warm mutual relationship they shared, that was obvious, and it brought me solace in some way.

“Sarah, you are looking well. A few weeks here, with this one spoiling you rotten and you’ll get some much needed weight on. Are you eating darling?”

“She’s got a ravenous appetite. Eats like a locust.”

“That’s what I want to hear.”

“Stop talking about me like I’m not sitting here.” I said jokingly, but with an underlying serious tone in my voice.

They both turned to look at me.

“Oh Sarah, we…darling.” She sat next to me and took my hand in hers, “you have to understand, there were times when we thought you might never wake up. I am just beside myself with happiness.”

“I know; I’m sorry. It came out wrong.”

“In fact, I think it would be good for you to come visit me, see the house, your old room. Maybe something there will jolt some of those memories out into the open.”

“That’s a great idea Ronnie.” Bradley took a step closer to where we both sat. “As it turns out, I’ve got to go to the office tomorrow and I don’t like leaving Sarah here by herself. Even with Terry in the house. I’d just rather be here with her myself.”

I saw the knowing look pass between the two of them.

“I would like that I think.” I added in my two cents.

“Then it’s settled. I’ll send Peter for you tomorrow.”

My ‘mother’ was quite pleased with her idea.

“I’ve got a 9:00 meeting, so I should be leaving for the city about eight am.”

“I’ll have Peter here at, well what time would you like to come over Sarah. You’re typically an early riser.”

“Well, then have him come at nine. That gives me time to shower and get ready after Bradley leaves.”

“It’s so cute to hear her call you Bradley.” Veronica said to Bradley.

“Why, what did I used to call you?” I said curiously.

“Brad. You just called me Brad.”

“Well then I’ll call you Brad. What did you call me?”


I extended my hand, “pleased to meet ya Brad.” I said.

They both laughed, Brad shook his head as his eyes met mine and I knew at that moment he was thinking one thing…that I was corny.

Veronica, ‘mother’, stayed for an espresso
made her. When she rolled her eyes back in delight I asked if I drink them. He said no and explained how it would keep me up all night if I had one drop of caffeine after two in the afternoon.

“I’ll have a tea then, Earl Grey.” I was definitive.

“That is actually your favorite tea.”

There was another
in the back of the brain.

“I knew that. I knew that. Just think, if this keeps happening at this rate I’ll be myself in…oh, about five years.”

They both laughed. I guess that was funny.

“Well, I’m going to get going.” Veronica ‘mother’ stood up. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Sarah.” She leaned in and hugged me tight to her. I stood there holding my breath, my arms hanging down straight by my sides. There was something familiar about the way she smelled and without thinking I reached out and wrapped my arms around her midsection and squeezed her back. It just felt right.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” I smiled and looked at Brad.

“Why don’t you plan on coming for dinner Bradley? Trudy would love to see you.”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, I’ll be there.” Brad answered.

I just smiled. I definitely had some strong minded and opinionated people in my life and I had to admit, I liked it. I was beginning to feel like I belonged…whoever I am.

Chapter Eight



Opening my eyes, I saw Brad’s face close to mine. He’d just rubbed my cheek with the back of his hand, or it felt like that’s what it was. In any case he leaned in and planted a soft kiss on my forehead.

“You take care today, okay? Peter will be here in an hour. I’ve got to go, but I brought you up some breakfast.”

I sniffed the air as I sat up rubbing my eyes.

“I thought I was dreaming that smell.”

“You never cease to surprise me with what comes out of your mouth.”

“You never cease to surprise me…” I was going for a witty comeback but fell short, “well, actually, you always surprise me. I don’t know who you are and already I like you.” I smiled.

“After yesterday, I had hoped you’d more than like me…but I’m a patient man, and you are worth every minute.” Brad smiled, nearly causing my heart to stop, and stood up. He walked over to the door and lifted the tray from the table, bringing it to the nightstand next to where I was sitting. “Enjoy. I’ve taken the liberty of asking Terry to make you one of your favorites. She’s downstairs if you need her. Page her. Oh, you probably don’t remember…” his voice faded into the air. He picked up the phone and showed me which button to push when, and if, I ever needed help. It was simple enough to remember.

I told Terry to stick around until you leave to go to your mother’s. She was more than happy to do it. You have a lot of fans here.”

“And you?”

“Me what?”

“Do you have any fans here?”

“Sarah, this is
staff, they are good people. You picked each and every one of them yourself…except Terry. She has been my family’s cook since I was a boy.” He smiled roguishly and my heart nearly forgot how to beat.

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