Read Every Second Counts Online

Authors: Sophie McKenzie

Every Second Counts (6 page)

BOOK: Every Second Counts
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It was the middle of the night and raining hard as I jogged along the dark road. I’d had to put the SIM card back in my phone for a few minutes in order to use the maps
app to locate the wood near the ops base and the skin on the back of my neck prickled as I ran. Was somebody tracking me? I glanced around. Was I being watched? I couldn’t see anyone.

My phone beeped several times in quick succession. Hoping the texts were from Charlie I took a speedy glance, only to find a series of increasingly angry messages from Aaron, sent several hours

Ignoring these, I checked the map one last time. If it was accurate, then the woodland I was looking for should be just around the corner. I switched off my phone and removed the SIM card again
so that Aaron couldn’t trace me. I didn’t have a proper address for the operations base – which was basically a derelict farmhouse set in acres of field – but I was certain
if I could just find the wooded area that surrounded it, I’d be able to track down the building itself no problem.

The road was deserted as I ran around the corner. To my great relief the trees came immediately into view. I darted under the cover of their branches and took stock of where I was –
we’d run through these woods several times during our training weekend here months ago. Even though it was dark, I was fairly confident that the farmhouse was through the trees and slightly
to the east.

I ran on, ducking under the wet branches, the bushes I passed damp against my legs. It felt different in here. I wasn’t spooked by the dark – the moon overhead gave off plenty of
light – but the sound of the wind in the branches was like someone whispering the words ‘leave, leave’.

I told myself not to let my imagination get the better of me. But the feeling someone was watching me persisted, not helped by the memories of the last time I ran through these woods, trying to
escape from Riley and his soldiers, with Charlie and Aaron at my side. The thought of Charlie sent a new anxiety spiralling through me. Where was she, I wondered? Had she reached Riley’s
house? Was she speaking with him right now? Was she okay?

Of all the people I’d ever met, Charlie was probably the most truly confident. And yet, though she was careful to hide it, I knew she was vulnerable too. All that rubbish about her not
caring what Riley had said about her dad still being alive. Of
she cared. Anyone would.

And I cared about her. More, far more, than I wanted to admit even to myself.

It took about fifteen minutes to reach the edge of the trees. I stopped and peered out across the empty field beyond. Rain pattered loudly on the leaves above my head. The sound was strangely
soothing, calming my raw nerves. I could just make out a light in the distance: that had to be coming from the ops base. The two sleeping bags – one tied on either side of the rucksack
– made my bundle cumbersome. I took my knife, a torch and a length of rope and left the rest in the shelter of a tree. Now I was actually on the verge of approaching the farmhouse and finding
Jas: I was so nervous I felt sick. If Riley’s men found me, they would kill me, just as they tried to kill me before.

Part of me wanted to turn around and run away, back through the trees. But Jas was here, my twin sister, to whom I’d been closer, all my life, than anyone else in the world. I would never
forgive myself if I didn’t at least try to save her.

And then the sound of breaking twigs and rustling leaves filtered towards me. I froze, moving closer to the nearest tree. Was that an animal wandering through the wood? No, surely no woodland
animal could possibly make that much noise. The sounds slowed. The distinct tread of footsteps echoed through the air. It was a person. An EFA soldier? That was most likely, considering how close
the ops base was. Except I’d never met a soldier who crashed through the undergrowth so loudly.

Still hiding behind my tree, I peered into the dark wood. A second later he lumbered into view, panting for breath and with a huge scowl on his face.

Aaron. With a gun in his hand.


It was the middle of the night and I was wide awake. I got out of bed and checked the bedroom door was still securely locked. It was, so I crept back into bed and closed my

Sleep refused to come.

It was surreal – not just being in Riley’s house, but being indoors at all. Yesterday evening in the unheated safe house, with its bare lights and cold water, already felt like
several years ago. Riley had insisted I ate, washed and slept before we talked properly in the morning. Martina had run me a bath frothing with bubbles and left me shampoo, towels and a huge
bathrobe to put on afterwards. I accepted all this hospitality feeling deeply unsettled. Riley seemed to have accepted my curiosity about my father at face value. He had asked no further questions,
not about Nat or the resistance – which he surely knew existed – nor what I’d been doing since I last saw him. I didn’t get it. Riley must know that I hated him, for
goodness’ sake. He had told me to my face that he organised the Canal St Market bomb which killed Mum. He was too smart to think I’d have forgiven him for that, to trust that my motives
were as straightforward as I said they were – and yet here I was, treated like an honoured guest.

It had been almost midnight by the time I left the bathroom wrapped in the fluffy bathrobe, my clothes clutched in my hand. Martina appeared as if by magic from a nearby room. She reached out
for my jeans and hoodie.

‘I’ll have them washed and aired by morning,’ she said in her crisp voice.

I hesitated, then handed the clothes over. Inside my robe pocket I was hiding a pair of nail scissor that I’d found in the bathroom cupboard. They were short-bladed, but sharp enough to do
some damage if anyone tried to attack me. I followed Martina into a large, elegantly furnished bedroom. I gazed around, taking in the polished wood of the dressing table and the four-poster bed.
Thick green and fawn curtains hung at the windows. There were matching cushions on the brown chaise-longue at the end of the bed. My feet sunk into the deep beige carpet. It was all so luxurious,
especially after my weeks on the run.

‘There’s a fresh bottle of water by the bed and a bell you can use to call me if you need anything.’ Martina indicated the wooden cabinet beside the four-poster, above which a
long, tasselled cord hung from a brass fitting on the wall. Okay?’

‘Er, yes, thank you.’

‘Goodnight then.’ Martina left the room, shutting the door behind her.

I locked it immediately, grateful there was a key, then went over to the bed. A pair of white silk pyjamas had been laid out on the pale green duvet. I was guessing they were Martina’s. I
checked the door was still properly locked, then scrambled into the pyjamas. They were soft and smelled of soap powder. I got into bed and rested my head on the pillow. Now my hair was cut so short
it dried more or less instantly. I liked the lack of fuss – though, if I was honest, sometimes I missed my long curly hair too. I put the sharp nail scissors in the bedside drawer right
beside me, then lay back.

I was still lying here now, hours later, listening out for the sound of anyone creeping about outside. The house was silent. I wondered where Nat was. Julius and Lennox had been due to leave the
safe house tomorrow. Would Nat go with them? With a pang I wondered how I would get in touch with him. I could have attempted to fish my mobile out of Riley’s pond, but there was no point; it
would be damaged beyond repair by now.

I could always use the draft email method to try and reach him, though there was no knowing when he would next have a chance to check for messages. I turned over on my side. There was a tight
feeling in my chest. It was a long time since I’d lain in a comfortable bed. I missed Mum suddenly. There were days now where I went for hours without thinking about her, then all of a sudden
grief would hit me like a wall, taking my breath away with an agonising smack.

I squeezed my eyes tight shut. I wanted Nat’s arms around me. Until we’d arrived at the safe house yesterday we’d been close.
close. In fact, despite Nat’s
reluctance to talk about his feelings, I’d even wondered if we were in love.
In love.
I rolled the words around my head. We’d admitted that we liked each other, but we
hadn’t said
words. Did Nat feel them? Lying there without him I knew that I did, though I hated to admit it. A sob rose from my chest, into my throat. I swallowed it down,
determined not to cry. Missing Mum and Nat did me no good. I had to focus on Riley and getting evidence against him. I lay, listening to the sound of my own breathing. I was never going to get to
sleep tonight.


There was no time to hide. Aaron had blundered into the small clearing so fast that he saw me straight away. It was dark in depths of the woodland, but here on the edge of the
trees the moonlight was bright.

We stared at each other. All the blood felt like it was draining from my face. Aaron was panting, trying to catch his breath. I glanced at the gun in his hand. I could only make out its outline,
the detail was hidden by the shadow of his body, but it didn’t look anything like the Glock semi-automatics we’d been trained on. In fact I couldn’t place it at all. How on earth
had Aaron got hold of it?

I couldn’t believe I had walked into his trap. I looked around, expecting to see masked men emerging from behind the trees. But no one came. The only sound was that whisper of the branches
in the wind:
leave, leave
and Aaron’s breathing, heavy and laboured.

‘Man, you have stamina,’ he said.


‘Stamina. I’ve been following you since you reached the wood. I’m fast but you were running for nearly half an hour without stopping. I thought I’d lost you

I frowned. What was going on? I looked around again. Still no sign of any EFA soldiers. Was Aaron here on his own? I stared at him.

‘How did you know where I was?’

Aaron pointed to my phone. ‘I knew you’d come to this area, and I’d already got the money, so I took a cab.’

‘All the way here?’ I stared at him.

He shrugged. ‘Your phone gave me your exact location when you switched it on for two minutes. I took my cab to the edge of the wood, then—’

‘You tracked my phone?’ My voice was an indignant whisper.

‘I used my dad’s secret GPS stuff. I told you already, he’s been giving a whole load of high-tech equipment just like it to the resistance.’

‘So why are you here?’ I demanded.

‘Helping you get Jas,’ Aaron said. ‘Like I told you I would.’

I shook my head. This was a rescue that Aaron was spectacularly untrained and unprepared for.

‘I see.’ I pointed to the gun in his hand, still hidden in the shadow of the nearest tree. ‘And what about that?’

Aaron grinned and a dimple appeared in the centre of his flushed cheek. ‘This is just an old toy of mine,’ he chuckled. ‘Thought it might come in handy.’

For goodness’ sake.
‘This isn’t a game you know,’ I spat. ‘The last time I was here I nearly died.’

‘I know.’ The smile fell from Aaron’s face. ‘I know how serious it is. I came all the way here from London. I stole money. My parents will be furious. But I want to

‘I don’t need your help,’ I said, feeling deeply unnerved. I’d been totally on track before, thinking through how I would sneak into the ops base as I’d done before
and search for Charlie. Aaron was just getting in the way. ‘I’ll be faster and quieter on my own.’

‘I can be fast and quiet.’

‘Really? You sounded like a bear on a ramble just now.’

Aaron looked crestfallen.

‘And that gun won’t help either,’ I persisted.

‘Why not?’ Aaron held it up. ‘It fooled you.’

‘Only because it was dark. Indoors it won’t fool an EFA soldier worth his salt for more than a few seconds.’

‘A few seconds could make all the difference,’ Aaron argued.

‘Oh yeah?’ I said. ‘Show me how you use it, then.’

Aaron obediently held out the gun in front of him like it was a baton. ‘Hands up!’ he said.

‘Stop pratting about,’ I snapped. ‘Here, if you have to hold it, hold it like this.’ I rearranged his fingers so that his grip looked more convincing. Then I took the gun
off him and shoved it down the back of my trousers.

‘What are you—?’

‘If you want to come with me, you have to do exactly what I say. Deal?’

‘Deal.’ Aaron paused. ‘Jas said you were grumpy.’

‘Shut up,’ I said.

‘Okay, boss.’ Aaron mimed zipping his lips. ‘What do we do next?’

I peered through the trees again. Desperate though I was to find Jas, it was just too risky to attempt a move on the ops base right now. ‘We’re going to have to wait until daylight,
just another couple of hours, then assess how many people are in the house.’

‘We’re going to
?’ Aaron sounded seriously disappointed.

‘Yes,’ I said. ‘I’ll work out what to do when we know how many EFA soldiers we’re up against.’


I woke with a jolt. It was daylight, with bright sunshine seeping in around the curtains and someone was knocking on the door. I sat upright, taking a second to remember where
I was and why I was here.

‘Charlie?’ It was Martina, outside the bedroom door. ‘I have some juice and toast for you, I’ll leave it outside.’

‘Okay, thanks.’ I got up and padded across the room. I opened the curtains – my room looked over the back garden – then I went to the door and unlocked it. A tray of food
and my clothes, clean and neatly folded in a pile, lay on the carpet outside. I brought them inside, ate and drank and dressed, then ventured out on to the landing.

As before, Martina appeared seconds later, emerging from another room across the landing. She looked even more stylish and elegant than she had done last night, in a pale pink dress with a thin
belt and her blonde hair tied off her face in a sleek ponytail. She smiled at me, but it was hard to tell whether it was genuine.

‘Roman is waiting for you in the living room.’ She flicked the ponytail off her shoulder. ‘I’ll take the tray.’

BOOK: Every Second Counts
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