Evolve Series Box Set (62 page)

BOOK: Evolve Series Box Set
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This man, broken but stronger than anyone I know, he’s the epitome of life value. I don’t deserve his forgiveness, but thank God I appear to have it.

“What can I do for you, Andy? Really, anything, just name it. Please tell me, it would mean the world to me to help you in any way I can.”

“Jesus, but you’re hardheaded. I’ll tell ya what. I’ll take your marker, and if I ever think of something, I’ll let you know. Now let’s go see if Sawyer’s still alive.”



I should have known, between her and Sawyer, they’d find me, force my hand, and see me through. Those two together—hell on wheels.

Somehow, when we made it inside the house, Laney had found a moment to talk with Sam, calm her down and hear the story from someone affected more so than me. You can imagine all of our shock when the girls stayed in the kitchen for a while, alone, and we heard no signs of things breaking or fists flying. And I still haven’t decided if I imagined it or not, but I think they may have hugged when we left.

There’s just something about Laney; she draws them in like bees to honey.

When we got on the plane for home, Laney was full of questions and wouldn’t let me hide any longer. The minute we were in the air, she was in my lap, which was a very clever way of holding me captive in one spot.

“So, Andy, a grown ass guy, decides to go skydiving with his best friend, you, and unfortunately—tragically—he pulls too late, hitting the ground with enough force that he’s now paralyzed from the waist down. Am I right so far?


“I understand the anger; it’s a shitty, unfair thing. But what I don’t understand is, how is that your fault?”

“I talked him in to going, badgered him to death…may have even called him a pussy until he agreed.” God but I did. “When my parents died, I was alone, young, suddenly very rich and mad at the damn world. I blew through 70k in mere months, Laney. Booze, rec drugs, cruises, women, parties; it was a total path of self-destructive, fuck the world bullshit. Andy was a good guy with whole world ahead of him, in love with Sam, young, free—my don’t-give-a-shit daredevil ass landed him in a wheelchair for the rest of his goddamned life! Meanwhile, the guy who didn’t value life walked away!”

“Did you hold a gun to his head and make him do it?”

“No.” I frown at her question, knowing where she’s going with this.

She simply kisses the frown line on my forehead. “Oh, so you pushed him out of the plane?”

“You know I didn’t.” I close my eyes, rubbing my nose behind her ear, burying my face in her silky, fragrant hair…where no one can find me.

“You see where I’m going with this, right?”

“I see where you’re going, Laney!” Sawyer and his super hearing yell from the front of the plane. Not the very front, like cockpit, God help us, but he’s at the front so we can have privacy in the back.

“It wasn’t fair. My idea, my path, my wild life-loathing…his payment. I can’t forgive myself and I was so afraid you’d see the damage I’ve done and leave me. I was a terrible person, but I swear, Laney, I will do nothing but keep you safe, always.”

“Stop.” She quiets me with two fingers on my lips. “Believe in me. Trust me to love you no matter what, like I trust you. I gave it all to you, everything I am and will be, leaving behind what I was. I’m asking you to do the same.”

“You have no idea how much I love you, Laney.” She lifts her fingers, my words now clear. “You are the best thing about me. The only thing in the whole world more beautiful than you is my love for you.”

She melts in my arms, boneless, and her tiny hands begin to roam. I know she can feel what she’s doing to me, which encourages her more, her ass swirling and bearing down as her fingers explore.

“Baby,” I groan, jerking when her hand finds my bare stomach under my shirt. “We have to stop. I’m about to fill you up, gorgeous, gonna have to, and I really don’t want Sawyer to watch.”

Her giggle into my neck does not help matters. “We can be quiet.” She feathers kisses along my pulse point now, testing my every resolve.

“I would never,” nip on her earlobe, “ever, let another man take any part in your pleasure. “All mine,” I growl in her ear, tonguing it like I want to her body.

“Then stop doing that.” Her throaty plea almost changes my mind, almost.

“Want you so bad, baby, but not here, not now.”

“Fine,” she pouts, “Let’s talk then,” she moves back into her own seat, sparing us from voyeurism at its finest. She knew as well as I did that Sawyer would have run back here… His sixth sense would have picked up on the first button popping open.

“Tell me about visiting your mom, what brought that on?”

“It was good, cool. She switches from third to first person and past to present tense when she talks, but she loves me. She has a bunch of pictures of me everywhere and a pretty cool scrapbook.”

“So you’re glad you went?” I lift her hand, kissing every finger and then her palm, softly.

“I am.” She nods resolutely. “I think I’ll go back. If they’ll let you, I’d like for you to come with me.”

“They’ll let me, and I’ll be there.” I wink, reassuring her she need not worry, I have ways and will be right by her side next time.

“I almost forgot,” she crawls back in my lap, which tells me undoubtedly she wants something. It’s pretty cute really, she has yet to figure out she need not persuade; she asks—it’s hers. “You’re paying for Samantha and Andy’s in vitro when they’re ready, okay? I really think that’s the deeper reason for Sam’s anger. She wants kids, and Andy can’t, well, and—”

“Done, baby. Nothing would please me more. I will pay for them to have a whole damn bunch.”

“I knew you would.” She smirks, as pleased with herself as she is with me. “You’re magnificent like that.” Satisfied, she burrows into my chest, her arms around my waist. “Big day; tired,” she says with a yawns.

“I got you, gorgeous,” my lips find her hair, my hand her back, “get some sleep.”

She sleeps against my chest, graceful, beautiful, and truly all mine. All this time I’ve lived with my guilt, hiding it from her, full of fear she’d find out and leave me. All that time wasted, shame I didn’t have to bear alone; she supported and loved me through it, despite it. She has my back no matter what, and I know, more so than ever now, that she always will.

Landed, lighter than I’ve felt in years, I carry my sleeping girl from plane to car, car to bed.





This Little Piggy…






“What song is that? I love it!”

“Yeah?” Yes, I may have snuck a ringtone for myself onto her phone, one of my “things” I’m willing to keep doing. Every guy has one—this is my special way of peeing on her leg.

“Oh my God! Yes, it’s beautiful. I wanna look it up and hear the rest of it, what is it?”

“‘Hey Pretty Girl’ by Kip Moore.”

“Ohhh,” she coos, the sweet sound pleasing me to no end.

  Yup, perfect ringtone. Gonna have to call her more instead of text to make sure she hears it and thinks of me…lots.

“What are you doing today?”

“I have Larks practice in a little while, but after that I’m free, why?”

“I was thinking of heading to see Parker later. I’m done with classes at one, and nothing tomorrow until weights at 11, so if you’ve got a block, I thought maybe you’d want to go with me?”

Parker needs to meet her. The introduction at the funeral had been short and probably didn’t register with him or Angie. It’s time to do it right. And if we happen to swing by and say hi to my parents, well, that’s just because we’re in town and it’s convenient and all.

“You want me to go home with you?”

“Yeah, Whit, I do.”

The pause is killing me; too much too soon? Shit! I could have sworn she’s feeling me like I am her. About the same second my heart decides to drop to my stomach, her breathy voice comes back.

“That’d be wonderful, Evan. You just wanna pick me up at the Amp after your class?”

No, I wanna pick you up right this damn minute.

“I’ll be there. You need me to load anything or grab your bag or whatever?’

“Are we spending the night?”

I hadn’t planned that far ahead. We could spend the night at my parent’s, where they’d make her sleep in a different room for sure, which is proper and exactly what I should be thinking…which isn’t even close to what I’m thinking. Parker would more than let us stay there, but how tacky is that? I know I’m in town, parents, but I’m gonna sleep at Jones’ instead cause he doesn’t cockblock. 

“Um, how about we pack for it and play it by ear?” Yes, this was the gentleman answer.

“K,” she exhales.

I’m pretty sure she was holding her breath, waiting for my answer, but I have no idea what she wanted the answer to be. Glad I went neutral.

“I’ll just bring my bag with me to practice then.”

“All right, so I’ll see ya at the Amp ‘bout 1:15. Sound good?”





We head to Parker’s first, since I figure it’s probably a good idea to ease her into meeting my hometown importants, aka let her get warmed up before taking her to my parents. My mom has a tendency to, well, mother.

Angie opens the door to us, looking more put together than the last time I saw her, but desolation is still lingering in her eyes that I think probably won’t ever totally disappear. “Evan, come on in!” She props the door open with her back to grab me in a hug. “And who is this beautiful young lady?” she asks affectionately when she spots Whitley waiting timidly behind me.

“Angie Jones, this is Whitley Thompson, my girlfriend.” I beam, grasping Whitley’s hand and pulling her forward. “Whitley, this is Parker’s mama, Angie.”

“It’s a pleasure,” Whitley offers her dainty hand, “thank you for having us. This is for you.” She presents Angie with a red box.

Where had that come from?

“Look at the manners on you!” Angie pats her cheek. “You make sure to rub off on my Parker. He’s not near as sweet as Evan here.” She laughs. “Y’all come in now. Parker and Hayden just went to check cattle, they should be back soon.”

I step back and let Whitley go first, my hand at her back. We take a seat in the living room and Angie remembers the gift in her hand. “Now what in the world could this be, Miss Whitley? Bringing me a present,” she says, then playfully tsks at her.

I’m anxious to see what it is too and can’t possibly restrain my chuckle when Angie lifts the lid to reveal a large, wrapped circle of cheese, complete with crackers along the edges and a fancy little silver knife thing with a bow on it. “Well, my goodness!” Angie exclaims, as delighted as she is shocked, I’m sure. “Whitley, you shouldn’t have, really.”

“It was the least I could do, having us in your home, especially on short notice. I hope you enjoy it.”

“Oh, Evan, honey,” Angie smirks at me, “she’s gonna whip you right into shape, isn’t she? Unless, of course, you get her over to the country side first.”

“I was thinking we’d meet somewhere in the middle.” I wink at Whitley, thinking how precious she is.

Only Whitley brings a gourmet cheese circle to a farmer’s wife on her first visit. And speaking of short notice—where the hell does Whitley spring these gifts from, one for any and every occasion? She must have a secret closet in her house filled with “just in case” presents.

“That’s usually the best place.” Angie smiles. “So Whitley, have you ever been on a farm?”

“No, ma’am.”

“Evan! Go grab one of the four wheelers and show this girl around. Something tells me she’ll love it.”

“You wanna go check it out?” I ask her, hopeful brows raised.

She nods eagerly, eyes shining with excitement.

“Well, come on then.” I give her my hand. “If Parker beats us back, tell him we won’t be long.”

“Will do. You kids have fun. Oh, and Evan?” she calls, and I turn back. “Show her Dale’s favorite oak tree, why don’t ya?”

With that comment, I know Whitley has a true fan in Angie.

Whitley skips beside me to the barn, so full of life, so accepting of new things. Her naïve innocence and carefree zest is contagious, spurring me to run up behind her and haul her up in my arms.

“You’re awful excited,” I comment, smiling down at her.

“I’ve kinda been floating since you called me your girlfriend. There’s not much that wouldn’t make me happy right now.”

“You caught that, huh?”

“Uh huh.” Her teeth grip her bottom lip with nervous excitement.

“You good with that?”

“Very.” Now she adds the tip of her tongue, wetting said lip.

I bounce her up, catching her around the hips and she knows just what to do, wrapping her legs around my waist and arms around my neck with a squeal.

“You make me happy, Whit,” I sigh, resting my forehead on hers, “more than I thought would be possible again. Better even.”

It’s true what they say—if you look for the really freaking amazing in people, that’s what you’ll find.

Found it.

Her lips crash to mine, ravenous and greedy…she did not learn how to kiss in her mother’s refining classes. I try to keep up, lick for lick and nip for nip, simultaneously keeping my balance and tilting my hips back so I don’t poke send the wrong message. Luckily, I could walk this barn in my sleep, so I’m able to navigate us, joined and hungry, to one of the bays, setting her down on top of the half door.

“Uh,” she whines into my mouth, clenching onto me tighter.

“Let me, ahhh,” okay just a little more, “get us out of here,” one more taste, “killing me.” Fuck it, so what if we get caught?

Sebastian must feel the electricity in the air, letting out a loud whinny.

“Ahh!” Whitley startles and shrieks, “what was that?”

“Oh, Whit,” I snort, keeling over in painful laughter but keeping one hand on her so she doesn’t fall. “It was a horse,” still hee-hawing at her, I try to catch my breath, “down there.” I point down the row. “Woman, you crack me up.”

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