Evolve Series Box Set (9 page)

BOOK: Evolve Series Box Set
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“So, do you ever see Evan?”

“Ya, I saw him at a party the other night. He said we should hang, but we’ve both been busy lately. What about you, have you seen him?”

“No, not in weeks now.” I don’t add how much it feels like I’ve lost one of my limbs.

“Ohhh, Laney, you okay? Maybe he and I could do a road trip to you.”

“Yeah, let’s plan it soon. I mean, college is supposed to be awesome, right? I’m so not feeling that way.”

Bennett walks in the room looking glamorous; she really can’t help it. Her little green dress accentuates her perfect figure (I’m guessing size two), auburn locks, and green eyes. She’s one of the most naturally beautiful girls I’ve ever seen. She’s real life Ariel.

“You ready?” she mouths.

“Listen Kait, I gotta go to some open dorm crawling thing. I’ll talk to you soon, okay?”

“I thought you said college wasn’t awesome? That sounds pretty awesome,” she laughs. “Have some fun for me!”

“Love you, Kait, talk soon.” I feel a little jealous as I hang up, she sounded happy and excited about life. I sounded like a depressive flop. She could literally go search him out and be near Evan in ten minutes if she tried hard enough. I haven’t been near him in what seems like forever.

Bennett looks ready to crawl out of her skin, hands on hips and top tapping, so I paste on a smile.

“Yup—let’s go,” I choke out, forcing my feet to move.

We head down to the student lobby to get checked in and some Elle Woods wannabe slaps a nametag on my chest. “Um, you spelled my name wrong. It’s L-a-n-e-y.”

“Oh well, close enough!” she chirps back at me.

Yeah, she’s really good at her job. Meet and greet people with the wrong name?

“Come on, Laney.” Bennett laughs and speaks too loudly as she pulls me along. “Let’s have some f-u-n.”

Couldn’t have come up with a better one myself.




The first room is occupied by Dumb and Dumber. I’m not a fan of the movie, either. They offer us beers and their snack is cheese in a can, no crackers. I sneeze like five times in a row and pull Bennett out; I have absolutely no tolerance tonight. As we walk down the hall, reviewing those ten minutes we’re never getting back, the RA announces it’s “switch” time. Way ahead of ya!

Room two belongs to what’s-his-name, a soccer player, and his roommate, who simply gives us a “sup” head nod. They, too, serve beer and no snack. Not that I’m hungry or thirsty, or even trying to feign interest in this whole extravaganza, but were the boys not told to even try? For God’s sake—if you know the parade starts tonight, at least kick your streaked underwear under the bed and switch the trash! How 90% of girls my age aren’t virgins is beyond me. The thought makes me miss perfect Evan, so I walk just outside the door, still with Bennett in view, and text him.


Laney: As if you didn’t b4, you’re looking even more like a Prince now

Evan: Why is that?

Laney: 2 rooms into this and I’ve been offered cheese in a can and spotted streaked underwear. You should be outside of your mind with jealousy.

Evan: Lol. So basically I’m a God, you finally realize it and r now ruined for all other men?

Laney: That was already the case b4 tonight.

Evan: I love it when you say things like that. I miss you.

Laney: Miss you too. Gotta go to hell #3, ttyl.


The RA again announces switch. Putting my phone away, Bennett appears and we head off down the yellow brick road. It won’t even slightly surprise me if the next two are representing the Lollipop Guild.

Try three isn’t a complete loss. Zach and Drew actually remind me a bit of Parker and Matt back home. Zach is a big, football-playing junior who seems nice enough. If I had to put money on it, I’d say he’s 6’4” and 240, but his size isn’t intimidating, the big brother vibe oozes off him. Drew is a huge flirt, but you can tell he’s harmless.

They have wine coolers “for the ladies” and a sweet but pathetic attempt at a spread of finger foods. I take a seat to talk with Zach comfortably; it’s like talking to Parker. He’s quite funny and even finds a marker and fixes my nametag when I tell him that story.

“Hey, blondie,” Drew says from the couch, where he’s sitting with Bennett, “what’s your story?”

So many options on what to do with this…”What, you mean besides the color of my hair? I mean, what more is there really?” I bat my eyelashes at him, cocking one shoulder up to my chin.

“Ya, like you got a boyfriend? Where you from? Whatever.”

“Um, actually, Bennett, my shoes are killing me. Let’s go so I can change them.”

“Smooth, uncomfortable flip flops?” Zach smirks, his green eyes teasing me.

I look at him quizzically, he’s on to my BS excuse to leave.

“I have sisters.” He flashes me a beautiful smile, straight white teeth and a dimple. “It was very cool meeting you Laney with an e-y. Nice to meet you, too, Bennett. You girls have a nice night.”

Zach doesn’t seem bad at all. I could see being friends with him.

I’m past ready to “crawl” back to my bed with book, but B keeps begging me into another room, and another one. Bennett, of course, is enthralled with everyone she meets. “It’s about meeting new people, Laney, everyone is different and special.” I secretly think she’s just looking for material for her poems.

Next up, Room 114.

“Hello, ladies, come on in, please.”

We’re greeted by a guy who even I notice is attractive, which doesn’t even come close to what Bennett thinks, judging from her absolute and very uncharacteristic silence. I mean yeah, he’s got a preppy-meets-Adam Levine vibe going, but we’re not making me the spokesperson for damn sure.

Plan B. I guess we are. Bennett is literally a statue.

“Hi, I’m Laney, and this Chatty Cathy is my roommate, Bennett.” I shake his hand and then drag B in further.

“Nice to meet you both. I’m Tate Kendrick, and those two in front of Call of Duty are Sawyer, my roommate, and Dane, my little brother.” His voice drops to a whisper, “the blonde is Whitley, the shadow.”

Looking over I see two guys engrossed in a video game, and sure enough, a blonde girl sitting on the couch, watching them. It doesn’t appear that either of them acknowledge her existence, but, there she sits. I wonder which one she likes, both maybe? Hell, at least she does it openly.

She’s pretty with huge breasts that she clearly wants noticed, judging by her shirt. She purses her huge, blood red lips, catching my eye and giving me the once over.

“Make yourselves at home. I’ve got beer, vodka, soda, water…” Tate offers kindly.

“So you live three to this room?” I ask.

“No, Dane doesn’t technically live here, but I don’t think he knows it. Right, bro?”

“What’s that?” Dane has finally realized they have new company and breaks away to come over to us in the kitchenette area. Well, it’s more like space for a small table, mini fridge and a strip of countertop that folds up and down; UGA’s got nothin’ on Southern dorm rooms. Whitley is right behind him…guess that answers my question on which one she’s after.

“I was telling Laney and Bennett here that you can’t stand to be away from your big bro.”

Dane turns to us, and Good Lord…I hope their parents are breeding professionally because they’d make a fortune! If big brother is hot, then little brother is illegal, immortal, and too damn pretty not to be a girl. This guy seriously belongs on the cover of “World’s Sexiest Reasons to Drop Your Panties.”

WTF? Where did that come from? It may be the dirtiest thought I’ve ever had and I feel vulgar that it crossed my mind. But seriously, you’d have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to notice this guy…or a lesbian.

Nope, pretty sure a lesbian would at least do a double-take.

“Hey, I’m Dane. Nice to meet you both.” He’s looking at me when he says it; right at me.

“Laney…Walker, nice to meet you, Dane. This is Bennett.” I nudge her with my shoulder.

“B-B-Bennett Cole. Freshman. Drama. Single. Room 128.”

The boys both laugh while I cook her with my eyes. Seriously, blabber out bio and MY room number much?

“Really?” Whitley says in the nastiest voice I’ve ever heard. I don’t say anything, but this girl is pushing it. I won’t let her dog on Bennett again.

“Ok, well now you know Bennett,” I laugh. Awkward. What do I do? “Um, can I use your bathroom?”

“Sure, door’s right there.” Tate points.

“I’ll show her.” Ah, roommate Sawyer speaketh.

“Bennett, would you come with me, please?” It’s not really a request, as I’m dragging her zombie ass by the arm. Yes, boys, girls always have to go to the bathroom in pairs, that’s all, I’m not about to kill her.

“It’s right here. Laney, Bennett, I’m Sawyer Beckett. Sorry, didn’t mean to be rude, I just had to finish that game.”

Sawyer’s a big ole badass-looking dude and I don’t mean big like a teddy bear and I don’t mean badass like could hold his own. He’s all out intimidating as hell…until he smiles, which he just did or I’d be running from the room. His hair is dark brown, what he has, anyway, and cut pretty close to his head. I can’t tell right away if his eyes are really dark, deep blue or what, but that’s my guess. He has an eyebrow ring and the biggest muscles I’ve ever seen. Again, not talking Evan muscular, more like competition muscles.

“No problem, nice to meet you. We’ll be out in a minute,” I say as nonchalantly as possible while I shove Bennett in and lock the door.

“Ok, you have three minutes to snap out of it or we’re leaving. You’re the one who wanted to do this thing, Bennett. What the hell is wrong with you?”

“I don’t know. I’m so sorry, Laney. I swear to God, this has never happened to me, ever. That Tate, he literally just short-circuited my brain.”

“Do you want to leave?”

“NO! I want to stay, and lick him…well, maybe not really, but I want to stay. Please help me; cover the odd for me. Please kick in and be my wing girl! I know you can do it, for meeeee?”

If I’m her only hope for wing girl, she’s obviously desperate, so pity for that alone takes over. Debating internally for a minute, I give her a confident nod. “Yup, I got this. I’m Laney Walker, all grown up and all alone. Well except for you, B, but you’re not really here right now. I got your back; let’s go!”

I have no idea what I’m saying, but even I’m getting sick of feeling sorry for myself and acting all “sheltered bitch” with everyone, so what the hell. Bennett needs me! And for different reasons altogether, I need her. She’s upbeat, jovial, loving life…the way I was when I was little, before I second guessed everyone’s motives and intentions. I remember it being fun. I know how to hang out with people; I’m not a leper or shut-in…and these people seem cool, right?

I walk out of the bathroom determined; I’ll be damned if I give these guys any reason to suspect I’m not a pro at this. The boys appear to be bartending, and Stars of Track & Field is playing, heck ya—I love this song. Sawyer’s glance screams “You two freaky chicks gonna make it?!”

“Hey, guys, sorry. Soooo love this song.” Oh hell, I am so bad at this.

“Oh yeah, what’s it called?” Dane smirks.

“‘End of All Time.’” I shoot him a know-it-all grin. Don’t even try it, boy, music is my thing.

“Very nice.” He winks. He’s a winker. I know someone else who does that, smiling to myself at the thought.

“This is a great song. I’m Whitley Thompson, by the way,” she puts her hand out to me, long red nails coming at me like daggers.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Laney.”

“Are you a freshman here, Laney?” The way she just sneered freshman and my name lets me know she’s not trying to be friendly. So why even introduce yourself? I so don’t do catty, and am unclear exactly what the hell her instant problem with me is, but I’ll sure solve it for her if need be.

“Sure am.”

“Well, welcome. I’m a junior, captain of the Lovely Larks.” What the heck is a Lovely Lark? She must read my expression because she continues. “It’s the award-winning girls’ acapella performance group.”

That is pretty cool. “That’s awesome. I actually watched The Sing Off and Pitch Perfect and really liked them both.”

“Really, are you a singer?”

She doesn’t care, why is she asking? Why am I still tolerating this conversation? “Oh, God no, I’m a terrible singer,” I laugh. “I’m on the softball team here.”

“Ohhhhh, you’re a softball player?”

So snide…and I’m officially done.

“I am, wanna see my bat?” I step closer to her, dead calm in my eyes.

Dane doubles over laughing and Sawyer spews beer all over the place while Whitley turns the color of her lipstick.

She opens her mouth to say something else, but Bennett cuts in. “Come on, Laney, let’s go.”

I move to go with her, but Dane speaks up. “Oh no, you guys aren’t leaving, she is. Take off, Whitley. Now.”

Whitley’s mouth falls open but Dane’s cold stare silences her and she moves to the door. He walks her to it with no words spoken between them. He turns around to us, slightly red-faced, and offers a weak smile.

The tension in the room is thick, so I try to break it. “I’m really sorry about that. I wouldn’t really take a bat to her. I could always just tie her up and force her to listen to me sing.”

Dane’s head falls back and he laughs with his whole body, Tate and Sawyer joining him.

“Damn, Laney, you’re my new favorite person,” Sawyer chuckles.

“Well, I’m glad I’m somebody’s favorite. I’m sure as hell not Whitley’s…and I’m all torn up about it,” I say, sticking out my bottom lip in my best fake pout. “Enough about me, though.” I change the subject. “So, boys, wanna tell us about yourselves? I mean, maybe not as much as Bennett chose to share.” This gets laughs all around, even Bennett. I’m seriously doing a really good job running this show. Bennett needs to make me a wing girl badge or something.

“Shut up, bitch. I was nervous.”

And now I know we’re really friends.

“What were you nervous about, Bennett?” Tate flashes a beaming smile. He knows the answer. “Very cool name, by the way.”

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