Execution Style (15 page)

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Authors: Lani Lynn Vale

BOOK: Execution Style
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Miller nodded. “So, who’s going to do it
One of you or me?”

I stiffened. “What do you mean, who’s going to do it?”

He nodded towards the stage. “He’s going to get one of us up here, because he just can’t help himself. I’m just wondering who he wants, because he’s hated us all since before I could count.”

“Maybe that pretty little lady right there wants to come on up here and try a real man on for size,” Faris said.

I looked around, trying to figure out who he was talking about when I finally realized he was speaking about me. Only because I saw my face on the huge big screen in the middle of the arena.

Miller stiffened at my side. “I guess that would be me.”

Then, without any further hesitation, he hopped the fence that separated us from the stage, and walked up slowly to the ring.



My mind was
in a good place.

I was still reeling from the total cluster fuck of last night, and now this motherfucker was calling my girl out in front of fifteen thousand people.

There was no way in hell I’d let Faris fucking Blue pull the same thing he used to. We weren’t in high school anymore.

On the other hand, I didn’t really want Mercy to see that side of me.

I’d been trying so fucking hard not to show her my rough side. Not to show her how easily she could be hurt by me.
Not to show her how easily I could lose my temper.

She was about to see it all, though, and this was the ultimate test.

I slid in the ring on my belly, standing to my feet almost before I was all the way on the mat.

Faris watched me with his little beady eyes as I walked towards him.

When I was within arm’s reach, he lowered the microphone and smiled. “Been a long time, Genuine.”

I gritted my teeth. I hated when he called me ‘

He always said it so facetiously that I wanted to fuck his face up every time he did.

“Try to keep up for the crowd’s sake, okay?” Faris said into the microphone.

I smiled painfully at him.
What a dick

Try to keep up with me, my ass.

He moved as if he was going in slow motion, and I knew instantly he was going to try to sweep my legs out from under me.

I backed up, putting room in between us, causing his leg sweep to make him look stupid instead of it being effective.

“Play along,” a man said from behind me.

I raised my brows and glanced to the side to see some man with a headset covering half of his head, in a black t-shirt that said, ‘stage manager.’

Dismissing him as less than nothing, I turned back to Faris to see him running towards me.

I moved, letting him run past me, stepping even further than I normally would so I could get a good swing in, and waited for him to bounce off the ropes.

Which he did, seconds later, bouncing off hard and coming back at me with twice the speed as his charge.

I raised my fist and swung.

My fist connected with his jaw with a snapping crack.

The crowd in the first eight rows all gasped as Faris went down hard.

Out fucking cold.

What surprised me the most was Mercy.

The moment Faris went down, Mercy started jumping in excitement, screaming my name and cheering me on.

After a full minute of him not moving, I exited the ring to the crowd’s stunned silence, bypassing the stage manager and his wide, speechless eyes.

That was when all hell broke loose.

Men started pouring out of the tunnel that the ‘contestants’ stayed when they weren’t on camera.

Men, every single one of them bigger than me, pounded down the walkway.

I turned my eyes to the commotion that I felt going on on the opposite side, and smiled wide when each and every man, sans Silas and Dixie, hopped over the fence and ran up to flank me.

Right about the time my brothers got to either side of me, ten of Faris’ former teammates stopped directly in front of us.

My adrenaline was pouring through my veins, and my hands twitched to fight.

I’d really had a long fucking day, and an even longer month and a half. I needed to let off some serious steam, and this was the exact way I would do it.

“Let’s see what you got, boys,” I said, gesturing them on with my fingers.

The front one smile, with his gold teeth and hot yellow, skin-tight bikini bottoms. Or whatever the fuck they were called.

He had on red boots, too.

“Are you supposed to be Hulk Hogan’s love child or something?” I asked, inciting the man further.

“No,” he hissed.

“Well then, what are you supposed to be?”
I quipped.

He struck, throwing his weight at me like an ox.

He’d have hit me hard, too, had Trance not lifted his foot up when he got within reach and stopped him with a heel to the chest.

Hogan Junior fell to the ground, gasping in pain.

Then the rest were on us.

Chapter 15

The only ‘B’ word you should ever call a woman is beautiful. Why? Because bitches love to be called beautiful.



“Aren’t the point of the chairs to hit people with
?” Foster
asked a Las Vegas Police officer.

Tony rolled his eyes to me. “Please, for the love of all that’s holy, shut your brother up before I have to arrest him.”

Foster grinned and saluted him silently.

Tony and Foster were good friends.

We’d been stationed here when we were in the Navy, and Tony DeRoy had been a regular at the bar we used to hang out at during our free time.

He also used to work with Trance before Trance moved to Louisiana.

“Why was this even taking place?” Tony asked me.

I pointed at Faris, who had blood dried on his face. “That fucker right there.”

“Goddammit. How many times do we have to pull him off of one of you?” Tony shook his head in aggravation. “You need to get a restraining order.”

I shrugged. “No big deal.”

“Alright, well they can resume the show,” Tony directed at the stage manager. “Just don’t pull that shit anymore. The people watching this show, witnessing it, don’t understand that this wasn’t staged. You’re lucky they didn’t kill your people. Thank you for calling.”

With that, Tony knocked me on the shoulder and started to exit the building.

The entertainment that was happening in the ring, in the form of two women Jello wrestling, didn’t interest me in the least as I turned around and finally went back to my section.

I hopped back over the barrier that led to our seats, and barely had my feet on the ground when Mercy hit me.

She scaled my body, wrapping her arms around my neck and her feet around my waist.

“Holy shit, that was hot,” she gasped, giving me a kiss on the mouth.
“I could totally see myself surviving a zombie apocalypse with you. You’d totally be better than Daryl.”

I opened my lips in surprise and she took advantage of the moment, sweeping her tongue inside.

I kissed her back: hot, hard and nasty. My fingers threaded through her hair, and my arm wrapped around her waist, holding her to me.

All of the emotions I’d been holding back, by sheer force of will, broke through the wall I’d erected out of self-preservation.

I moaned into her mouth, relishing the way she felt surrounding me.

It was only when the hoots and hollers of the crowd penetrated my excited mind that I realized we were on the jumbo-screen.

“Shit,” I said
against her lips. “We’re drawing the attention of the crowd.”

She nipped my lip. “Does that bother you?”

I shook my head. “Nope.”

“Good, because right now I’d do just about anything to stay in your arms.”

“Anything?” I asked, leaning back slightly.

She nodded. “Anything.”

Those words were what I’d been waiting to hear.



Miller and I walked hand in hand from dinner, following behind our crowd.

It was an amazing thing to watch, these huge men. They walked so effortlessly and seamlessly.

Like they were a well-oiled machine.

They were also intimidating, because not once had we slowed our walk from the restaurant to our hotel. The entire time people moved out of our way, even if they had to turn sideways and back against buildings to do it.

Miller tightened his hand on mine, bringing my attention back to him.

“What?” I asked.

He looked at the two in front of us, Silas and Dixie, and then slowed minutely to put more distance in front of us before saying anything.

“I need to know something,” he said quietly.

I blinked, butterflies starting to swirl around in my tummy.

“What?” I asked.

He swallowed, making his Adam’s apple bob, before he said, “Do you want to take our relationship further?”

I paused, my stride faltering, as I took in what he said.

I knew that if I said no, he’d respect my wishes and never bring it back up again.

However, if I said yes, all of my dreams could come true.

I’d literally dreamt of him, and our first sexual encounter, on a daily basis since about twenty minutes after it’d happened.

It didn’t help that we’d slept in the same bed together nearly every night since the attack had happened.

It was pure torture to sleep up against his rather hot (and I mean hot literally and figuratively) body, and not want him.

“I want to say yes with everything in my body and soul,” I said quietly.

He let my hand go, and pulled me into his body, wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we walked.


I took a deep breath, and then let it out.

“I still have those dark tendencies. I still want it all.” I licked my suddenly dry lips. “I still want to be told what to do. I still want it to be rough. But I’m not sure I can handle it like that yet.”

My admission caused
him to squeeze my shoulder in understanding. “Then we’ll work up to that. Whatever you can handle, I’ll give you. And until that time comes, you’ll be in charge, okay?”

His acquiescence
of my fears left me feeling teary eyed. “Then yes, Miller. You’re what I want. You’ve been what I’ve wanted for a really long time, now. I just wished that other thing hadn’t had to happen in order to get you here.”

He kissed the top of my head before saying, “Me neither, honey. Me

Then we were back at our hotel, and saying goodbye to the others for the night.

It was when we were at our hotel room door that I started to get nervous.

If I was to ‘be in charge’ of all of our sexual encounters…was I the one to have to initiate it?

Miller must’ve sensed my unease, though, because he closed the door and flipped the lock before pulling me into his arms.

“Naturally, Mercy Me. Naturally. You just let it happen however you can, and I’ll take the hints, okay?”
He offered.

I nodded and started stripping out of my clothes.

I was nervous.

In the six weeks since he’d last seen me naked, my body had changed.

I was a little softer around the edges, less bony and fleshier.

My breasts, although not much bigger than before, now had darker areolas.

My exercise routine had definitely slackened, and now my thighs had a little more jiggle to them than muscle.

But as I stripped off my clothes, Miller watched as if I was the most beautiful woman in the world.

His eyes flared as, first, my shirt came off, followed shortly by my bra.

He licked his lips as I kicked my shoes off, then started unbuttoning and unzipping my pants.

When I finally got to my panties, I turned around and bent over as I slipped them off my hips.

They fell to the floor with a soft wisp of fabric, and I turned to look over my shoulder, finding Miller at the edge of the bed, hands fisted in the pocket of his jeans.

He rocked backwards as I turned around and started to walk towards him.

His eyes were what gave me strength.

Knowing I could do this, I walked toward him and stopped when my bare toes touched the tips of his boots.

“I’m okay,” I promised, seeing the slight concern in his eyes once I got closer.

He smiled, lifting his hands to cup the side of my face. “I know, Mercy Me.”

I grabbed a hold of the blue t-shirt he was wearing and lifted it up and over his shoulders.

He had to hunch forward for me to do it, but do it, I did.

After his shirt was off, I studied the tattoos that covered his chest.

“Why this one?” I asked, running the tip of my finger over the eagle just under his heart, lining his rib cage.

He shrugged. “I liked it.”

I smiled.

That was a good enough answer.

“This one?” I asked, working my way down his torso to the anchor.

“That was the day I graduated SEALS training,” he rasped.

“Mmmm,” I hummed, following the tendrils of a Celtic design down into his pants, barely dipping my finger in past the waistband before I pulled it back out.

He took a deep breath, then let it out slowly.

Trying to maintain his control, and keep his promise of letting me be in control, I was sure.

The man wasn’t made to be submissive, but he was giving it to me, making sure I was comfortable in what we were doing, and I was thankful.

Leaning forward, I ran my tongue over one of his nipples while I worked his belt loose.

I felt Miller move, and something hard hit on the bed behind him.

His belt popped free with a slap, slap, slap, as I unthreaded it from the loops of his pants, then tossed it to the floor with a loud clank.

Running my tongue around the outer edge of his nipple, and working my way inside, I slowly unbuttoned his pants, and pushed then down over his hips.

They fell heavily to the floor, keys and other things clacking against the floor as they dropped. My hands then went to work on his underwear, pulling them down.

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