Exile in the Water Kingdom (The Elemental Phases Book 3) (27 page)

BOOK: Exile in the Water Kingdom (The Elemental Phases Book 3)
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took the page from her and stared at it.

not to die while I’m gone.  – G

write a lovely note.”  Ty teased.  “Very concise, but filled with provocative

shrugged.  “It seemed like a fair request.  I should have known that you’d find
it nearly impossible to comply, though.  I can’t take my eyes off of you for a
second.”  That statement was accompanied by a slow sweep of her body.

you should have asked me to come with you, then.  I would have.  I like the

set the letter back on her nightstand.  “I’ve noticed.  Especially that cop
grandson of Parson’s.”

my friend.”  Ty could tell from his face that Gion was pulling back from her
somehow.  “He’s very sweet under his grouchiness.”

he’s a prince of his species and ours.”  Gion’s tone went flat.  “All the women
seem to think so.”

tilted her head.  “Sullivan’s my
.  Not like you and I are
friends, of course.  Not
, if that’s what you’re thinking.”


he honestly jealous of
?  Ty blinked.  “Gion, if I was
interested in Sullivan, do you really think that I’d be here with you?”


your energy would be right with him.”  Gion finally suggested without
expression.  “We don’t know how Phazing with humans works, exactly.  He might
be able to offer you more.”

not how it is between Sullivan and me.”

snorted.  “The human would try Phazing with you, if you let him.  He’s not

let him.  And he doesn’t think of me that way.  I guarantee it.” 
Ty didn’t know how to reassure him, but she knew that it was imperative that Gion
understand.  He was very sensitive.  Ty went with the quickest method she could
think of to show Gion that
was the one that she wanted.  She found
Gion’s wrist and tugged it against her breast.  “You’re the only man I’ve ever
desired.  I think that would be obvious.”

would have been too embarrassed to do that with anyone else, not matter what
the circumstances.  But, with Gion, she was safe.  His desire and teasing
compliments gave her confidence.  Here, alone with Gion, she could be brave.

fingers threaded through his, holding him in place.  His hand was so much
bigger than hers and wonderfully strong.  The delicate skin of her fingers
rubbed between his, her nipple rasping against the callous of his palm.  This
seemed more intimate than their encounter in the music hall.  More deliberate
and meaningful.  There was something primal about the way Gion’s hand covered
her naked flesh.  Ty felt very vulnerable and still very protected.

kept his eyes locked on hers as he massaged her breast.


was the word for how he watched her.  How he kneaded her flesh.


elegant, musician’s hand squeezed with just the right pressure.  Tossing her
hair was completely involuntary this time.  Ty’s neck just went back as she gasped. 
“Do that again.”

waited so long.”  Gion sounded out of breath as he instantly complied.  “And, I
swear to
, I’ll have you if it’s the last thing I ever do in my
life.  But, you’re not well, yet.  We can’t.”

counts as going slow.  I promise.”

it doesn’t.”  But, the hand on her waist pulled her forward.  “Gaia, you’re
soft.  Come here.”

whimpered as his mouth found her other breast.  The man could do magical things
with his tongue.  Her body moved against his.  “Gion.”

make me insane.”  Gion’s voice got rougher.  “I’ll kill the human if he touches
you, again, Ty.  I wouldn’t be able to stand it.”  Catching her nipple between
his teeth, Gion bit down with gentle possession.

God.”  The Water energy swirled again, tingling everywhere as it hit against
the Air powers and Ty tried to think.  “No, don’t hurt Sullivan.  He never…” 
She broke off with a protesting moan as Gion stopped the attention to her
breast.  “Hey!”

won’t hurt the human, so long as he keeps his hands off of you.”  Gion held his
mouth away from her skin and frowned at her.  “But, I don’t ever want him
touching your hair, again.
Ty.  I can’t
you let
him do that.”

never touched my hair.”

he did!  I was standing right there and he put his hands on you in that jail
cell.  If I hadn’t been afraid to scare you even worse, I would’ve chopped off
both his arms.”

Matches were the only ones to say things like that.  Instead of informing Gion
that he had no say in who touched her, Ty found herself soothing him the same
way she would have if they were Matches and Gion was throwing a fit.  “Well, if
he touched me, I don’t remember it.  I swear.  I was having a panic attack.”

grunted, unappeased.

was insane, but she liked that maybe Gion experienced some of the same emotions
she did.  Ty felt so possessive of him. Maybe he felt that way about her, too.


is this just about Sullivan?”  She tested.  “Can
men touch me?”

if you want them to die.”

hummed with pleasure at that erotic threat.  She cupped her breast, pressing it
back to his lips.  “I don’t want anyone touching me, but you.”   She whispered. 
“Please, touch me, Gion.”

made an animalistic sound and the suction resumed on her nipple.  The strong
pulls sent heat racing through her whole system.

be with another woman, either, though.”  Ty got out.  “Just… don’t do that,
without telling me first.”

don’t want another woman, Ty.  I want you.  God, how I want you.”  His teeth
nipped in small punishment.

sighed dreamily.  She really, really liked this.  “If I’d known that you could
do these things to me, I would’ve seduced you long ago.”

?”  He switched to the other nipple.

course.”  As far as Ty could see that was obvious.  Left up to Gion, they’d
still be arguing.  “If you’d been just a little more pleasant to me years ago,
it would have happened sooner.  We would have met and wanted each other.  You
could’ve gotten through the Water House barriers right from the beginning,
couldn’t you?”

suckling paused.  “Yes, but I
took advantage of that.”  The words
were adamant.  “I never came inside your home uninvited.”

know.”  He was such a good man.  Ty pulled his head back to her breast.  “But,
you could have.  You
come into my room anytime you wanted.  Did
you think of that?”

He breathed the word against her nipple.  “Constantly.  Every night, even when
you were too young.”

was scandalously wrong.  Ty loved it.  “There were so many times I felt like I
needed something.  Like I was tight and waiting.  Even when I was younger, I
think that I felt you out there wanting me.  The connection.  You could have
come to me.”  Her imagination took over.  “One summer night, you show up and
just climbed into my bed.  I’m sleeping, naked and wanting.  Not knowing that
it was you who I was missing.  So restless.  My body aching and hot…”  She
hesitated as the Air powers twirled faster with every word.

lived most of her life in her own head and, as a result, she had an incredibly
vivid imagination.  That was why she liked hearing about how much Gion had
desired her in the past.  She could picture it all.  Revisit those moments and
fix them.  See how they could have gone differently and how she might have
found him sooner.

Ty had been spinning one of her fantasies out loud, not even thinking about it.

now she realized that Gion liked fantasies, too.  He liked listening to Ty talk
about them.

course, he would.  For all his biting sarcasm, Gion was as introverted as she
was.  He lived in his head, too, not sharing his thoughts with anyone. 
, he’d respond to stories.  He liked books and libraries and ideas as
much as Ty.  They had so much in common.

very bold, scary idea came into her head.

opened her mouth.  Closed it again.  Then, forced herself to ask, “Gion, would
you let me touch you… more?”

froze for a beat.  Then, he lifted his head.  “What?”

your turn.”  Ty pointed out.  “I can’t do what you did with your powers, but I
could,” she dropped her eyes, “I could use my hand.  Would you let me do that?”

God.”  The words were a prayer.

that as a “yes,” she began unbuttoning his shirt, pretending she knew what the
heck she was doing.  “Think of it as another test.  Let’s see what my energy
does when

whole body jerked like it had been hit with an electrical current.  “I don’t
think it’s safe for you.”

Ty stripped off his shirt.  “Experimentation is a key component of any research
plan.”  She ran a hand over his skin and smiled smugly when the Air energy got
heavier.  This was actually working.  “You have a very impressive chest.”

He cleared his throat.  Gion looked a little nervous.  “You don’t have to…”

I want to.  I’m new at it, is all.  Just help me and I’ll get it right.”  She
unzipped his pants and tugged them off, gathering her courage.  “You’re giving
consent, aren’t you?”  She asked, mainly just to stall for time.

answer was to grip her hand and slowly draw it down.  Ty’s eyes went wide as
she found the solid length of him.  He wrapped her fingers around his erection,
holding them in place for a beat, and then Gion let go.

all yours.”  He got out.

liked that.  Like being in control.

could overpower her so easily, but he let her take charge.  His fists clenched
against the mattress, but he allowed her do whatever she wanted to his body.  Ty
was nothing if not thorough.  Her fingers traced over every inch of him, exploring
his shape.  Learning him.

 His head fell back in surrender.

felt stupendously proud.  “It’s for
, Gion.”  She teased.

you’ve said.  Marie Curie would do the same thing, I’m sure.  But, are you
feeling…?  Oh
.”  The last of his resistance fell away like rain as
she tightened her grip on his manhood.  “Don’t stop.  Ty, don’t stop.”

said that you fantasized about me touching you.”  Ty went on instinct, stroking
him up and down.  “Tell me how.”

blue eyes met hers.  “I just want you to
me.  Touch me and just… see
.  That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”

looked right at him.  “I see you.”  Her gaze stayed locked on him.  “Am I doing
this right?”

yes.”  His hand reverently smoothed over her hair.  “You’re sure that you don’t
want the human?”  Gion sounded like he still wasn’t convinced.

very sure.  I only want you.”  Ty was interested in watching her hand move on
him, but she didn’t take her eyes off of Gion’s face.  She
could make this next part work.  She
she could make Gion want her
more than he’d ever wanted anyone.  Ty didn’t have a lot, but she’d always been
creative.  “Do know when I first knew that wanted you?  Honestly?”

mouth curved.  “Ten minutes ago, when I showed you that Air trick I invented?”

it was when the Reprisal attacked me in the police station… And you were just

You stood over me, so handsome and strong, and I wanted you.  It scared me, but
I wanted you.”

wanted you, too.  You wouldn’t even touch me when I tried to help you up, but I
wanted you so badly.”

touching you, now.”  Her grip got even tighter.

are.”  Gion slammed a hand against the mattress, his jaw clenched.  “Ty,
 Just like that.”

was really, really enjoying this.  “I think I’m gonna make that my new
fantasy.  You saved me from the Reprisal and then you backed me up against the
wall, remember?”

 The tendons stood out in his neck.

just going to pretend all the rest of people weren’t there and there wasn’t any
real danger.”  Ty’s love of racy novels took over.  “I’m going to pretend that
you pin against that wall and I let you.  I’m nervous, but I want you so much. 
I know you’re going to take me.  I know you’re going claim me right there.  You
fought for me and protected me and now I’m yours.”

stared into her eyes.  “I would fucking die for you.”

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