Exile of Lucifer (33 page)

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Authors: D. Brian Shafer

BOOK: Exile of Lucifer
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"I don't intend to start a war in Heaven--I intend to finish one."   257
"Ah, Michael," purred Rugio, who was now toying with
Michael's own sword. "It is already much later than you realize!"
"Morning Star! Morning Star!"
The crowd of angels was shouting the name in a chant which
all of Heaven could hear. Lucifer spoke to them from above,
perched on the Temple roof above the entry. He was so proud of the
angels who were turning out for him--the operation could not
have unfolded any better.
Next to him on the Temple were some of the most important
angels in Heaven representing the Academy, the Elders, the legions
and the Temple. Lucifer made quite sure that the Host saw a unit-
ed and encompassing movement within their body. Those mem-
bers of the Academy (like Crispin) or of the Elders (like Dabran and
the Chief Elder) who were not in accord with Lucifer were being
detained in other quarters of Heaven--just as Michael was held on
"Brothers!" Lucifer shouted, as the noise subsided. "Hear me out!"
"No! Throw him out!" came a voice, which was quickly stifled by
a group of warriors who were assigned to prevent such disturbances.
"Yes, throw me out!" he went on. "Throw me out of the King-
dom if what I have to say makes no sense. But first hear me out!"
"We'll hear you, Morning Star!" a voice shouted, which was
followed by a general consensus among the noisy crowd. Lucifer
waited for the noise to subside.
"I know most of you are wondering what has happened to
your Morning Star," Lucifer continued. "For some time now you
have all been hearing rumors, whispers in the great halls--stories
of subtle plots and sordid schemes. You have heard that I am a rebel
and an insurrectionist. But let me tell you who I am.
"I am one who seeks only what is best for the Host. I am one
who stands for the freedom of angels to reach their greatest destiny.
I have no argument with the Most High! He is wonderful and He is
God. Neither do I have an argument with Michael. And as you can
see by his absence, Michael has no argument with me. But I recog-
nize, as he does, that from time to time new eras of realization come
258          CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile             of Lucifer
into being. The Creation brought in the age of man. Now let man
bring in the age of angels!"
Lucifer's angels burst into uproarious cheers. The other
angels continued to watch cautiously. Some wondered where
Michael was. Others awaited the response of the Lord Himself to
such pride.
"Yes, I say the age of angels!" Lucifer continued. "You see next
to me some of the greatest angels in Heaven. We are not monsters--
we are liberators. We seek not to rebel in Heaven but to exercise
angelic destiny on earth! Can an angel be stewarded by a man of
mud--a beast? I say no! I say that angels must be allowed to fulfill
the destiny to which they are called!"
In the Academy classroom where Crispin was being detained
with some of the other teachers, the noise of the cheering mob
could be heard. Berenius was in charge of keeping order at the
Academy through what was becoming known among Lucifer's fol-
lowers as "the liberation." He looked at Crispin and the other
"Quite a bit of noise," he said. "Sounds as if Lucifer is making
one of his magnificent orations!"
"You are right about one thing," agreed Crispin. "He is making
a great deal of noise. I suspect it will get quiet when Michael appears."
"I don't believe the archangel will make it to this meeting,"
replied Berenius slyly. "At any rate, once Lucifer begins to lead
these angels in praises to the Most High to demonstrate his devo-
tion there will be no need for Michael. Worship is so moving, hmm?
Lucifer has said that angels are like the cattle of earth, easily
moved, easily led."
"It is only a matter of time," said Crispin, "before the Most
High responds to your master's nonsense. And then we will see
who is cattle and who is King."
Gabriel paced the hallway outside the Zoa's chamber restless-
ly. Like everyone else in Heaven, he could hear the great noise of
"I don't intend to start a war in Heaven--I intend to finish one."   259
Lucifer's mass demonstration going on. Why had he been ordered
to remain here during the most important and critical event to hap-
pen to the Kingdom? Should he not be with Michael and the oth-
ers? Instead, the Zoa had ordered him to remain until they were
ready to dispatch him. Perhaps it was pride, but Gabriel wanted to
play a part in this drama. He wondered what was happening in
Heaven. A voice called to him from the darkness.
"Gabriel," said the voice of one of the Zoa. "We must tell you
what is to happen in Heaven."
Gabriel turned and once more entered the presence of those
who stood before the Lord in service to Him. The Zoa stood as they
had the first time they met with Gabriel. The lion-faced Zoa spoke
to Gabriel first.
"So many questions are in your mind, Gabriel," he said. "But
we have already told you that there is only one answer."
"And that is found only in the Lord Himself," continued the
Zoa with the face of a man. Gabriel could make out the thousands
of eyes that made up the bodies of these strange creatures, staring
at him in the darkness.
"Yes, I know this," said Gabriel. "I was wondering why I was
called here and not allowed to take part in the conflict itself."
"Yours is the greater part of the conflict, Gabriel," said the
eagle-faced Zoa. "For to you it has been given to know the events
which shortly must take place. After which you shall seal this
knowledge until the fullness of time when it shall be released."
With that the Zoa began to speak of incredible and frightening
things which would one day take place. Gabriel could hardly
believe what he was hearing, yet, with each word, understood
more and more the great depth of love of the Most High. It also
made him feel a sense of sadness for Lucifer, whose pride stood no
chance against the power of such love.
"And so it is with humble but resolved heart that I appear
before you today," Lucifer continued. "I am prepared now to voice
before the Most High Himself our urgent request that A'dam be
260         CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile         of Lucifer
guided back to his inferior position and that an angel be named
steward of the new world!"
Tremendous cheering went up among the crowd. Kara next
stood up to speak.
"Dear brothers," he began. "As you are well aware I am an
Elder, second in rank to the esteemed Chief Elder. It has always
been my heart and purpose to serve your best interests. This you
know. When we as a Council determined that an angel be named to
the stewardship we knew that we must be careful in our selection.
We knew that the angel who would serve God on earth must also
be a proven servant in Heaven. Among the Elders one name con-
tinually surfaced. We deliberated and prayed and sought wisdom.
Even the Zoa themselves brought word to us that a steward would
be named. And thus it happened that we arrived at the decision to
commend Lucifer, the Morning Star and Anointed Cherub to
become earth's steward!"
Wild cheering broke out in the assembly. Kara looked over at
Lucifer who gave him a knowing exchange. Even Pellecus was
acknowledging Kara's competence as a crowd-pleaser.
"Brothers!" he went on. "Join us in recommending to the Lord
the name of Lucifer as earth's steward!"
Lucifer stood once more, thanking Kara amidst the cheering,
noisy sea of angels. The commanders of legions loyal to Michael
were paralyzed, as they had standing orders never to take the
offensive against Lucifer unless Michael was directing them per-
sonally. The other angels, those of the wisdom and worship classes,
simply observed the carnival atmosphere in bewilderment.
"I thank you deeply for your confidence," said Lucifer. "But
confidence may not be enough." The crowd grew still, wondering
what Lucifer meant. "There are those who would oppose us on
this--even now. There are those who are so fixed upon the ancient
teachings that they are unaware of the prophetic nature of those
texts. So bent are these upon keeping the old ways preserved, they
have stifled the potential for creative destinies.
"You all witnessed or heard about the tension at the debate.
Angel against angel in shameful disarray! Yet such a conflict was
"I don't intend to start a war in Heaven--I intend to finish one."   261
not only inevitable but needful! It demonstrated that angels who
are resolved will fight for truth. I am prepared, brothers, to resolve
this situation without conflict. I am equally prepared, however, that
should it come to it, I will go to war for your freedoms. Are you
with me to the end?!"
The crowd suddenly burst forth in wild cheering as they
responded in dramatic affirmation to Lucifer's challenge. All of
Heaven seemed a tangled mass of angels flying here and there,
some scuffling with other angels, others demonstrating in unre-
strained merriment. Lucifer looked down at what he saw as "free-
dom unleashed" among the Host and encouraged it on--whipping
the angels into a greater and greater frenzy.
Lucifer turned to his Council.
"Appearances are everything--I told you that. Now do you
see why I said we don't need every angel--just an impressive show
of strength? The other angels don't even realize they have us out-
numbered by two-thirds."
"Quite impressive," agreed Kara. "But I suggest we end this
quickly before someone tells them."
"Perhaps so," said Lucifer, looking around him. "The demon-
stration has made its point. I will speak to the Zoa at once and
demand, that is, make known our petition."
"My lord!" came the voice of a clearly troubled Tinius.
Lucifer turned to acknowledge him.
"Some of the angels have broken into the sanctuary of the
"What?!" Lucifer screamed. "Have we no order here? Who
was it?"
"Amman and most of his troop," continued Tinius. "They
were so emboldened by your words that they boasted they would
bring you the greatest trophy of all--one of the Most Holy
"My words were meant to encourage resolve, not idiocy," said
Lucifer. "They have sealed their fates. Let them pay for it!"
262          CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile          of Lucifer
"Serus!" Lucifer called out. "I will shortly become steward. As
soon as I have exited the Temple you may tell Rugio to set Michael
free. It is finished!"
Serus looked at Lucifer, flush with the coming victory.
"I will do as you command," Serus said, knowing Lucifer had
won after all.
Michael was weary of the struggle. From time to time in the
Heavenlies he could hear the great noise coming from Heaven.
Those angels around him who were holding him also cocked their
heads, listening to the great cheers and noises. Something impor-
tant was happening up there. Was Lucifer actually going to win this
battle? Or was something else going on? Michael was frustrated by
the angels who held him. He wanted desperately to get into the
"Sounds like the noise of war," said Rugio calmly, still hold-
ing Michael's sword. "War in Heaven. How did it ever come to
that?" He snickered.
"Because of the war in your own spirit, Rugio," said Michael.
"And Pellecus. And Lucifer. All of you have fought a war and lost.
You have lost to pride."
"Don't lecture me on pride, Archangel," said Rugio. "You and
your kind are the prideful ones. Lucifer is simply changing the
order of things. Your pride will not allow you to recognize this."
"I pity you, Rugio," said Michael.
"I don't want your pity, Archangel," said Rugio sarcastically.
"It is I who pity you. I will thoroughly enjoy seeing you come to
terms with the new order in the cosmos. You will simply have to
live with it. And who knows? Lucifer might even appoint me
archangel of earth!"
Nathan pointed toward the sky at a bluish streak moving rap-
idly toward them.
"I believe it is Serus, commander," he said.
"So soon he brings the news," Rugio responded, looking at
the sky. "I would have thought that the Lord would have held out
"I don't intend to start a war in Heaven--I intend to finish one."   263
a little longer than that! Looks as if it's over, Michael. Your deliver-
ance draws near!" He smiled.
The bluish streak of light crashed violently into Rugio, knock-
ing him down. Michael's sword went flying and Serus grabbed it
and drove into the angels immediately around Michael. The sight
of the sword of the Archangel manifesting its powerful aura pan-
icked enough of the warriors that Michael was able to break free.
Rugio quickly recovered and tried to stop the panic. He
ordered Vel to bring his angels back into ranks. Nathan and Prian
grabbed their swords and looked menacingly at Serus, rushing
towards the smaller angel.
"Michael!" Serus screamed.
He tossed the sword to the Archangel. Michael caught his
sword and broke free from the remaining angels who were holding
him. He lunged toward Nathan and Prian who turned at the last
moment from their pursuit of Serus. The powerful sword smashed
into the two warriors, knocking them far into the Heavenlies. Serus
grabbed a loose sword and continued the fight.
The other warriors were thrown into confusion as swords and
red light flashed in a ferocious melee. Many of the confused angels
fought among themselves, thinking they had been attacked by a
large group of Michael's warriors. About half of the contingent had
scattered at the sight of the avenging angel. Some returned to
Heaven while others hid among the desolate mountains nearby.
Rugio gave up stemming the panic and took out after Serus,
cursing him. Michael intercepted Rugio and the enemies stared
coldly at one another.
"So your little friend rescues you," said Rugio. "But it won't
do you any good, Michael. By now Lucifer has already won the
concession he demanded."
"The Lord will never give in to the demands of angels or any
other creature," said Michael, keeping an eye out for surprise attacks
from the many angels watching them. "You are totally deceived,
Rugio. You fight for a wicked kingdom with no authority."
"It is you who is deceived," answered Rugio. "Let my sword
represent my kingdom and my authority!"

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