Extraordinary (23 page)

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Authors: Amanda McGee

BOOK: Extraordinary
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“That’s why she watched us,” Sadie added. “She was only expecting one.”

“I think Blaze really caught her off-guard,” I said. “Sadie, remember the vision I had after our walk? Nothing ever came of that. I’m thinking it was because Blaze showed up. She saw him and had to wait, not knowing he was one of us.”

“Ah, foiled again!” Sadie exclaimed.

“It appears that Katerina was in your world for several days,” Tristan said. “She was weakening and made a hasty decision.”

“And now here we are,” Blaze said. “This is all really starting to make me angry. Two decades ago this woman decided she didn’t like our mother so now she’s coming after us. For what? Power? She seems to have plenty.”

“Plenty isn’t enough for her,” Tristan said. “It’s not the having that she’s interested in, it’s the taking. She is so consumed by misery and jealousy that all she wants is suffering.”

“I almost feel bad for her,” Sadie said as we all looked on confused. “I’m just saying, she had a rough life and never found her way out of it. We all had someone to guide us, she didn’t.”

“Yeah, but she still wants us dead,” I said.

“The why really isn’t important,” Blaze said. “Tomorrow we are going to her and one way or the other we will end this.”

We had talked so much of a plan but how could we prepare for something we weren’t sure of, against a foe that was unpredictable? The answer: we couldn’t. So what was our big plan? Show up and fight.

“All right,
enough of this,” Sadie said. “Tonight is our last night here and Alex’s birthday; don’t ruin it with talk of strategy or what-if.”

An hour or two passed as Sadie tried to distract us with word games and Truth or Dare. We were all vehemently against that game. Someone always had to reveal too much and some things were meant to remain a secret. Not to mention, the dreaded dares.

Blaze decided to call it a night but, in reality, we had lost him the moment Sadie put the kibosh on tactical chatter.

“Happy Birthday, sis,” he said, giving me a pat on the head.

It would take some getting used to—being someone’s sister. There was a delay between hearing the word and recognizing that I was the one being spoken to.

Sadie’s eyes were heavy and she had dozed off several times, yet she refused to accept that the party was over. More than once she had awakened, still talking, without ever acknowledging that she had fallen asleep. She attempted to revive the conversation but more often than not, she made no sense at all.

“Come on, Sadie,” Blaze said from the doorway. “It’s time for bed.”

“No. I’m not ready yet.”

Geeze Sade, just go to bed already.

ine, I will, grumpy,” she responded.

I began to laugh, and then paused. Tristan and Blaze stared at Sadie, appearing thoroughly concerned that her sleepiness now bordered insanity.

“You didn’t say anything did you?” Sadie asked me in a confused, yet serious tone.

“I really didn’t.”








Chapter Eighteen


“But I heard you plain as day!”

“Sadie, I didn't say anything!”

“You said, ‘Geeze
Sade, just go to bed already!’”

Tristan and Blaze hung on every word, growing visibly puzzled and intrigued. At this point strange occurrences barely registered for me. My body had accelerated healing powers, I had tumbled through a portal into a supernatural land, and I was currently in love with a guy I had known for a few days. If you wanted to shock me it would have taken much more effort.

“How can you hear something I never said out loud?” I asked.

“I don’t know but I heard you!”

“What is happening exactly?” Tristan inquired. “I’m trying to follow but—wow.”

“In my head, I was telling Sadie to go to bed only she heard it somehow.”

“Think something else but direct it to Sadie,” he suggested.

This was like when someone said to “say the first thing that pops in your head” only the first thing was always stupid so you tried to smart it up a bit.

Ummm. Sadie, thanks for my party.

“You’re welcome,” she said. “Oh my gosh! Let me think of something and tell me if you can hear it.”

Sadie stared at me with extreme determination. Her face turned bright red and then she collapsed onto her chair with a deep exhale. I had heard nothing

“You don’t have to try so hard,” I said. “Just talk to me. Just to me.”

Alex, can you hear me?

The words reverberated in my brain as if Sadie was speaking aloud.

“I can hear you,” I answered.

Sadie’s mouth fell open and I did not have to wait long for the reaction I was expecting. She jumped from her seat and pranced around the patio. I decided not to wait for the end of her performance.

“How many abilities are we going to have?” I asked, knowing no one had an answer. “Does this mean we can read each others’ minds? I don’t want that.”

“I don’t think this is a case of complete telepathy,” Tristan said. “If it were you would have been able to do it all along. You all are simply capable of communicating with one another using your minds.”

“Simply,” I remarked. “There is nothing simple about any of this.”

I had once joked that maybe I would sprout wings and fly away. I no longer found that joke humorous. The magic power bit was intriguing but I drew the line at needing specially made clothes to accommodate my wings.

“Blaze, see if you can hear me,” Sadie said, rejoining the discussion.

His eyes widened, lips parted, and we knew he could hear her.

“Well, this is an interesting development,” Blaze said. “I thought we were done with this.”

“We’ve only been together a few days,” I said. “I guess it takes some time for the magic to show itself. Even after all we’ve been through, that still sounds silly.”

“But I think you’re right,” Tristan said. “It could have also been delayed a bit since you’re here and your bodies are fighting against the atmosphere.”

“I think it’s cool!” Sadie yelped. “I wonder what else we’ll get.”

“Hopefully nothing,” I said. “I don’t want any more. Visions, dreams, strength, quick healing, and absurd athleticism are enough for one lifetime!”

“You’re not athletic because of magic,” Blaze said. “Dad was a runner. The magic may help but mostly I’d say you got that from Dad.”

Sadie and I were speechless, unmoving, and afraid that any response would scare Blaze back into broody silence. He had never spoken about our father so freely. I smiled at him, not too big, even though my facial muscles were about to burst. It was a big deal for him to offer such information. It seemed Blaze was finally comfortable enough with us to speak without caution. At least, for the moment.

“Thanks Blaze,” I said, almost whispering.

Blaze offered me a nod then looked to Tristan. The two gave the impression that they too were trying to communicate without speaking. It was an epidemic. Blaze gave Tristan a subtle nod and moved toward Sadie.

“Sadie, bed time,” Blaze said.

Blaze once again shot a determined gaze; only this time his stare was directed at Sadie. She followed him inside with a sneaky grin plastered across her face and no further need to argue. Suspicious, I pursued them. Feeling a hand on mine as I reached the door, I turned to find Tristan standing behind me.

“Can you stay for a little while longer?” he asked, his voice shaky. “I have something to show you.”

“Sure,” I responded in the calmest voice I could muster.

Tristan led me a short distance into his backyard. We stopped under a cluster of trees that formed a large umbrella over his back lawn.

“Did you bring me out here to kill me?”

He let out a loud whistle and the trees lit up like Christmas. Every branch twinkled, winking down at us. My hands trembled at the utter romance of it all. I shoved them in my pockets, pleading for them to settle down.

“Oh, you and Blaze planned this! I was under the impression that you had the mind chat power, too.”

Feeling awkward, I laughed to try to conceal my anxiety at being alone with him. Crossing my arms did nothing to disguise my nerves; it merely transported the shivering to my knees. With my hands unoccupied, I could only fidget, so I shoved them back into my pockets.

“Unfortunately that is one ability I cannot pick up. Looks like that is just another special quality of the Ryan clan.”

“That’s probably a good thing.”

“Not with you. I expect reading your mind would be fascinating…and enlightening.”

“I think you’re enlightened enough!” I snorted.

“Will you dance with me?” he asked, taking one hand from my pocket and holding it gently in his.

I knew it had to be a dream. Magic and evil witches I could accept but this had to be imaginary.

Horrible dancer? I'm sore from practice? I'm allergic?

I searched through my list of excuses to present to Tristan. No excuse felt legitimate so I settled on the most polite response I could think of.

“There’s no music.”

Not the most solid diversion but it was too late to take it back. Tristan grinned, let out another whistle, and music began to play. I saw no speakers or stereo and I was certain there was no orchestra in the bushes.

“You have our music here?” I asked.

“Blaze’s iPod was his back pocket when he crash landed. What an interesting contraption! Turns out, his powers are more than just a light show, they can charge batteries.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. Only Blaze would ever think to try to charge an mP3 player with his magic powers.

Tristan was proud of himself. The nervousness I once found endearing in him had vanished. He stood before me confident and strong and I loved this version even more.

I may have been new at this kind of thing but I knew fairy tale when I saw it. My birthday wish played on a loop in my head. I was usually more cynical, but my heart had gained control of my thoughts and actions for once. I decided to enjoy it for what it was—an excruciatingly affectionate moment.

“I’ve never been a very good dancer,” I said. “Kate made me dance once at junior prom. It was a disaster. Toes were stepped on...”


He held my hand in his, placing my other hand on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. Any remaining rambles had become trapped behind the butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

We swayed beneath thousands of tiny sparkling lights in a moment reserved for classic love stories and what I often referred to as “sappy” movies. All resistance was erased and I accepted the beauty of this unexpected surprise.

I also reevaluated my previous stance on surprises.

“Was this a birthday to remember?” he asked.

“I will surely never forget it.”

I smiled a smile that every teenage girl has the first time a boy kisses her or holds her hand. I was beginning to understand those girls, but I was glad I didn’t waste this first-time feeling on some immature guy that would have only liked me for a week.

“That looks good on you,” he said, tilting my face towards his.


“A smile.”

Cheesy. I love it.

His lips grazed mine and sent shock waves through my body. But for reasons I wasn’t sure of, I turned away from him.

“I’m sorry,” he said.

“No, I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did that.”

I had already managed to forget my vow to enjoy moments as they came. I was my own worst enemy. I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted a kiss that would declare the feelings I was unable to say aloud.

Tristan released my hand and took a few steps back, ending the dance that had continued despite my rejection.

Tristan had a sense of youth without being immature and a face so boyishly handsome that it could only get better with age. He seemed to hold the weight of the world on his shoulders without ever breaking a sweat. Compassion and love shone through his deep brown eyes like neon signs showing you where to find a friend. His long fingers bore tiny calluses and his chestnut locks, always brushed haphazardly off his face, read of a man more concerned with an honest day’s work than vanity.

I could never amount to anything close to him. My loner personality and little to no life skills would never hold his attention. I was not proud of myself; it was ludicrous to expect any more from him.

But watching him walk away silenced all doubt. With him I believed that I was enough. His insightful, beautiful face was much more than a stunning creation by the heavens; it was my hope, my esteem, my salvation. Tristan had already saved me, even if neither of us knew it yet.

“Wait,” I said, reaching for him. “Tristan, I’m sorry.”

Unlike our first kiss, which turned me to mush, I was fully present in this kiss. I wanted to remember every breath, every taste, every emotion, and every sound. If it was going to hurt later I wanted it to be worth it.

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