Eye of the Abductor (21 page)

Read Eye of the Abductor Online

Authors: Elaine Meece

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Eye of the Abductor
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Knowing this would be her last night, she decided to be bolder.
She walked over to her son first.  She knelt beside him. “Nathan, hi. Remember

He glanced up and smiled. “Miss Allison!”

“I know your mother,” she whispered softly not wanting anyone
else to hear.

His eyes widened. “Memaw said she was bad and ran away.”

“She didn’t. When you were a little baby, she loved you and
wanted to be with you, but she had to go away for a few years. She still loves
you and wants to see you, but Memaw won’t let her.”

Mona was watching her, so she patted Nathan’s back and walked over
to the other children.

A short time later, another boy and Nathan fought over the toy
police car.

“Give me the car,” Mona insisted. “No one gets it.”

Tears sprang from Nathan’s eyes as his face puckered.

Allison couldn’t stop herself from rushing to her son. She opened
her arms to him, and he willingly walked into her embrace. She lifted him and
patted his back as he cried. “You can play with it Sunday morning. I bet you
have a bunch of cars at home.”

“I want that car.”

“I’m sorry, sweetheart. How about playing with something else


Her son’s warm tears soaked her shirt. With Nathan still in her
arms, she walked to the counter to grab a tissue. “Raise up and blow your

He did as she instructed. As she removed the tissue, he glanced
over her shoulder. “Memaw!”

When Allison turned around, Dorothy stood in the doorway. Allison
wasn’t sure how long her ex-mother-in-law had been watching, but her
hate-filled sneer said it all.

Chapter Twelve



“Nathan,” Allison said calmly. “Let’s get you bundled up.”

Despite the Medusa glower on Dorothy’s face, Allison lowered him
to the floor, then slipped Nathan’s coat and hat on. She lifted him in her arms
and crossed the room. “Dorothy. How are you?”

“How long have you been coming here?”

“A few weeks. I should’ve called, but I didn’t think you’d agree
to let me see him.”

“You’re right, and I will call the church office and make sure
they know you are to never step foot in here again.”

“Save the call.” Allison continued to rub her hand over Nathan’s
quivering back, knowing it might be her last time to touch him. “Tonight’s my
last night.”

Dorothy studied her carefully. “I’m not giving him up.”

Don’t cower down. Stand your ground.

“Nathan is my son.”

Nathan’s head rose from her shoulder, and he stared at her face.
“Yes, Nathan,” she whispered. “I’m your mommy, sweetheart. And I love you very

“You’re an unfit mother. No court will give him to you.”

Jo Anne walked up. “Is there a problem?”

“This woman is to never come near my grandson, or I’ll have you
both fired.”

“I’m his mother. I want my son.”

“Not while I’m alive. Now give me my grandson.”

“I want my Memaw,” Nathan squalled while reaching out for his

His rejection caused a sharp pang to rack her chest. She released
him, and he wrapped his arms around Dorothy’s neck. He hid his face against his
grandmother’s shoulder and cried.

“I will have a restraining order placed against you.”

Bill stepped up behind his wife. “What in the name of Sam Hill is
taking so long?” His questioning gaze landed on Allison. His face showed
recognition. “Paige?”

“Hello, Bill.”

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

“I work here.”

Dorothy eyed Jo Anne. “The church hired an ex-con.”

Jo Anne’s expression showed her shock. “Her references checked
out. We didn’t see the need to do a background check.”

“I gave you a picture of her, and you’re too stupid to recognize
her. I’m taking this to the minister.”

“Good,” Allison said. “And while you’re at it, tell him how you
plotted with your son to frame me so you could get custody of your grandson.
You were so afraid I’d move away and take Nathan that you decided to play God.
You knew if I went to jail, the courts would give you full custody.”

Bill appeared concerned as he studied his wife’s face. “You
didn’t, did you?”

“Now’s not the time to talk about it. Let’s go.”

“Nathan,” Allison called out.

His gaze met hers.

“Just remember I love you. Mommy loves you.” Allison waited until
they'd left before turning to Jo Anne and Mona. “I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t get
either of you in trouble. I hadn’t been with my son since he was a baby. I had
to be near him. Touch him. Hold him.”

Mona sighed. “Too bad Mrs. Wilson came in early to get him. Now
you’ll never be able to see Nathan.”

“I’m taking her to court for custody soon. This was going to be
my last time here. I'm sorry I brought all this trouble on you.”

Jo Anne placed a hand on her shoulder. “Trust me, she'll blow a
few flames our way. We'll survive. Just concentrate on getting Nathan.”

Allison hugged them both and left.

She had an urgent need to tell Brance about the incident with
Dorothy. Strange, but she had no desire to share it with Jill.

At the apartment, she climbed from her car and glanced toward
Brance's apartment. His lights were still on. She hurried upstairs and knocked.
As soon as he opened the door, she stepped inside and collapsed against him,
needing to feel his strength. “Dorothy caught me with Nathan.”

“Oh, hell. That’s not good.”

“I know. I shouldn’t have gone back. She said she was placing a
restraining order against me.”

He tightened his arms around her and kissed her cheek. “Calm
down. We’ll pay a visit to an attorney friend of mine.”

“Oh, Brance. You’re too good to be true. I don’t know what I’d do
without you.” She caught a glimpse of someone sitting on his sofa, causing her
to stiffen in Brance's arms. “I didn't know you had company.”

He released her. “Allison, this is my brother Colby. Colby,

“Nice to meet you,” she said. “I think. After meeting Dillon, I’m
not so sure.”

“Brance," Colby said ignoring her. "Of all the women
who’d jump at a chance to marry you, you had to choose one who’s more
complicated than a thousand piece jigsaw puzzle."

Allison had no desire to be persecuted by another one of his
brothers. "I'll be downstairs."

“Wait. I asked Colby to stop by. I inquired about Trey Marshall.”

“You think he’s involved because he used to date Jill?”

“Could be.” He motioned to a chair. “Sit down. Colby told me
something you should hear.”

She didn’t think her heart could take another jolt as it had
coming face to face with Dorothy. She sat down and clutched her purse. “What is

“For one thing, Jill is seeing Trey Marshall again. Has she
mentioned it?” Brance asked.

“No. She hasn’t, and she usually tells me everything.”

Colby cleared his throat. “I heard him say they were back
together the other day. The reason he dumped her before wasn’t for another
woman. Trey found her in bed with Rob Wilson.”

A lump lodged in Allison’s throat. “That can’t be true. Rob was
seeing Candy Mirkle.”

“Jill used to accompany him to Candy’s condo,” Colby stated.

“You mean...they...” Allison placed a hand on her stomach. “I
think I’m going to be sick.”

“Rob used to brag about it in the breakroom,” Colby remarked.

“She was involved with my husband while pretending to be my best
friend. I can't believe it.” Allison dropped her head and closed her eyes. A
sob caught in her throat. She forced it back and stood. “I need some time
alone. I'm going home.”

“Allison, stay here tonight,” Brance offered.

She shook her head. “No. I’ll be fine downstairs. It's not a
problem now that I have a sofa and mattress again.”

"Nice of that lady you work with to give them to you."

"Yes, it was. I'll see you tomorrow." Allison walked to
the door and left without saying a word to Colby.

If only her money hadn’t been stolen, she and Nathan would be
somewhere north of the Mississippi River. Now she was stuck here. She didn’t
know who to believe. How could she be sure about Brance? Hadn't she just said
he was too good to be true?

At first she thought he was in left field to suspect Jill’s
involvement in the break-in at her apartment, but now she wasn’t so sure.
Apparently that’s why he wanted her to know the truth about Jill and Rob.

Thursday morning, she called in sick to Malden Brother’s. The
last person she wanted to see was Jill. What she was about to do was ludicrous,
but she felt driven to do it.

She parked in her usual spot at the daycare. Though cold outside,
the December sun shined over the playground. Hopefully, the kids would still
play outside. Running her engine might draw more attention, so she sat in the
cold car, hoping for one more glimpse of her son before receiving a restraining

Five minutes later, the rear door leading to the playground
opened, and children filled the play area. Her spirits lifted until it became
clear Nathan wasn’t there. Allison’s state of euphoria quickly deflated.
Instead of driving home, she drove to the Wilsons' and pulled into their driveway.
She had to be demented. She wondered if straightjackets came in her size. She
rang the doorbell and waited for the witch to open the door.

Dorothy answered, a harsh scowl already on her face. “What do you

“We need to talk.”

“No. I've nothing to say.”

“There’s something you should know.”

“Very well. Come in." She opened the door wider and stepped
aside. "You have five minutes.”

Allison entered the foyer. “Someone broke into my apartment. I’m
sure they were looking for the drug money they think Rob left behind.”

“How does that concern me?”

“Someone I trusted may have been involved. If so, I said
something that might make them think the money is here. Not intentionally. I’d
never put Nathan in harm’s way. But I’m afraid if this person thinks about what
I said, they’ll assume you know where the money is hidden.”

“If I had the money, I wouldn’t be going to work every day to a
job I hate.”

“I’m not sure Rob even had the money. Maybe there’s someone else
in the police department who took it.” Allison sighed. "You might want to
take a few more security measures incase.”

“We have an alarm system.”

As Allison was about to leave, Nathan entered the room, wearing
SpongeBob SquarePants pajamas and dragging a ragged teddy bear beside him. His
gaze landed on Allison, and tears sprang from his eyes. He wrapped his arms
around Dorothy’s legs. “Memaw, I don’t want to leave you.”

“You’ve made him afraid of me.”

“Don’t think it hasn’t occurred to me that you might try to
abduct him. I’ve told him to scream anytime you come near.”

Allison knelt beside her son, but he refused to look at her.
“Nathan, don’t be afraid of me. I love you, sweetie. Nathan, please look at

He cried louder and clung to Dorothy.

Allison swallowed the pain and tried to cap her anger for what
her ex-mother-in-law had done. She stood and walked from the house with
dignity, not looking back. She couldn’t bear to see the terror in Nathan’s eyes

Back at her apartment, she slid to the floor in one corner and
remained engulfed in a sea of depression and an emotional turmoil—sorrow,
anger, doubt, uncertainty, and despair.

God, it hurt.

Her son had been made to fear her, her best friend had betrayed
her, and she wasn’t so sure why Brance would risk everything to marry her.

The stress gnawed away at her, causing a hollow ache in her
chest. The sensation reminded her of her first night in prison. She’d been so
alone, so frightened and absolutely horrified over the outcome of her trial.            

Another wave of sadness overwhelmed her. She pushed the image of
her son from her mind only to have it replaced with doubts about Brance. Though
his intentions were honorable now, he'd change.

Sooner or later, he'd blame her for the friction between him and
his family. His career failure. Eventually, he'd leave her. Her insides twisted
more; inch by inch the dread moved into her stomach.

She’d take his offer but keep a distance between them, keep him
away from her heart. She couldn’t chance loving Brance only to be betrayed by
him later. Like Rob and now Jill.

Late that afternoon, someone knocked on her door, and she looked
through the peephole. Jill waited on the other side. Allison clenched her eyes
shut for a moment, dreading the confrontation. She opened the door. “I called
in sick this morning.”

“I heard. Hope you don’t have the flu bug.”

“No, I learned something disturbing.”

“About Brance?”

“No, about someone who pretended to be my friend while sleeping
with my husband. I even heard she participated in threesomes with him and his

Jill’s face paled. “Who told you?”


“It was just for kicks.”

“How could you do that and pretend to be my friend?”

“I wasn’t pretending. I was your friend...I'm still your friend.
It’s not like it meant anything to either of us.”

“Don’t come to my wedding Sunday. I don’t want you there.”

Jill’s face appeared grief stricken. “Allison, let me try to
explain. Sex to me is like an addiction. I can’t help myself. It’s not about

“Do you think I want you drooling over Brance? Honestly, can you
tell me you haven’t already thought about sleeping with him?”

“He’s hot. One hundred percent Grade A beef. Of course I’ve
thought of screwing him. But it wouldn’t be personal. Just sex.”

“I feel sorry for you. Get some help.” Allison closed the door on
Jill and pressed her hands on her temples, trying to suppress her headache. How
could she speak with the minister tonight after all she’d gone through?

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